How true

Let's talk character..........

Trump raised great respectable kids.

Xiden raised drug addicts and perverts.

The left goes silent, how can this be? Because that's who you are leftists.
Interesting how the Deep State has never mentioned Hunter Biden's laptop.
You hear nothing from the MSM that is the real problem. Then, Bill is so fxxking useless that he could not gauge the issues. Are you telling us that hunter's laptop is as important as fxxking a porn star when your wife having your baby and you are a fxxking private citizen? :rolleyes:
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Hunter did what Jared did, more or less. But got paid less.

Why say stupid shit you cannot possibly support?

Don't answer that, because you'll be wrong. I'm here to help. It's 100% because you're cowardly and intellectually dishonest.
the last president to not enrich himself or family was Reagan. And his supporters bought out the debt on his ranch for him in return. Carter didn't pig out either.
Hunter Biden could be caught tape gun running or whatever and the jerkweed left would look the other way.
There a black market for tape gun running?!?

That has no meaning beyond I struck a nerve.
no, you're an ignorant asshole and intentionally to fit your bias. It is what it is. I don't lose much sleep over the trump spawn or jared. Voters just don't seem much concerned about graft. Billy Carter was sort of funny. Nixon had a brother, I think I recall. But the Bush family really were grifters, as much as I admired HW. The Clintons .... ahhhh. Obama didn't really cash in until leaving office. But after Carter and Reagan it got a lot more venal
They also never mentioned him smoking crack, having sex with underage girls, one of which might have been his dead brother's daughter, accepting millions of dollars in bribe money from Communist China, or being sexually-compromised by female Chinese agents either.

I guess they just don't care.
all they care about is having power

they are on their way to Hell... which I don't say lightly... but if you look @ what Jesus taught and what common sense alone teaches... these guys are so far out there..

People don't believe in Hell anymore.. St Faustina took a trip there w/ Jesus... and says that most there never believed in it..

I 100% believe in it... If people who do evil all their lives do not end up in some very unpleasant place, there is NO justice at all... Ever notice how evil people prsoper in this life?

bill and hill come to mind.. the bidums... that weirdo Zuckerburg who bought t he election

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