How Trump has broken the polls

Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:
Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.
Saw that coming from a mile away. Nate Silver...538...


BOOM. Not science...Next fallacy?
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.

Polls certainly can be rigged if that's the objective, but any legitimate poll publishes its methodology, which exposes that. So when you see a poll question going "would you be less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?", you know that particular poll is bullshit. That's why you vet the poll just like you'd vet a headline, to make sure the content supports the claim.

Pollees lying, on the other hand, is impossible. That would require said pollees to be organized, and to KNOW IN ADVANCE that they were going to be polled, and to mutually agree on what they would say. No legitimate poll could get there because they use random samples. This is the stuff of tinfoil fantasies.

Speaking of said fantasies and the wishful thinking of the "nobody with an ounce of sense" malarkey, Rump has consistently, more consistently than any POTUS in polling memory, flown well below the 50% mark in approval throughout his entire tenure. He's over 50% DISapproval right now, which is where he's been since inauguration, even with a national crisis going on. That's not exactly an indicator of invincibility, just the opposite. Couple that with the fact that he also was unable to pull that 50% mark in the infamous trio of Michigan/Wisconsin/Pennsylvania -- ANY of them -- and that indicator gets softer than an ice cream cone your kid left on the dashboard on a sunny day. Even Utah .... Rump could not pull 50% in frickin' Utah, with an R after his name. Rumpbots have reason to be concerned. Bigly reason.
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Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.
Saw that coming from a mile away. Nate Silver...538...

View attachment 331529

BOOM. Not science...Next fallacy?

AGAIN -- check those three crucial states. They're all blue here, they all went red there, by a COMBINED margin of something like 77,000 votes. CUMULATIVE.

Ditto Florida, which btw is yet another state Rump couldn't pull a 50% in, blue here, red there Ditto North Cackalackee, same thing.

Besides which you give no DATE for this poll, so there's another way you can "rig" a poll.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.
Agree to an extent. Guess the pres was throwing a hissy about his internal polling because he is childishley thin skinned and knows he hires people with standards of truthfulness and ability only matched by his own.
Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.
Saw that coming from a mile away. Nate Silver...538...

View attachment 331529

BOOM. Not science...Next fallacy?

And btw Department of Did You Notice ----

What the OP link does is differentiate between polls asking who voters WANT to win an election, and who they believe WILL win the election, which is of course two different questions, and it's saying that while Biden is ahead in the former, Rump is ahead in the latter.

Then it goes on to say that given the same question in 2016, pollees agreed that Clinton would actually win the election.

So if you wanna plant your flag on that record, as I said, it's soft down there. You might find that flag flaccid.
And if Biden wins little will change..
oh a great deal will change ! biden has moved so far to the left that calling him a socialist would be an accurate description ...the democratic party is now the socialist party of America .
Yet, which president just handed out 3 trillion dollars for free to businesses that claim that capitalism needs not live off of other people's money? And you want to claim that the Dem's are the only socialist in town...??
Under capitalism the government wouldn't be telling businesses they can't server their customers.
And if Biden wins little will change..
oh a great deal will change ! biden has moved so far to the left that calling him a socialist would be an accurate description ...the democratic party is now the socialist party of America .
Yet, which president just handed out 3 trillion dollars for free to businesses that claim that capitalism needs not live off of other people's money? And you want to claim that the Dem's are the only socialist in town...??
Under capitalism the government wouldn't be telling businesses they can't server their customers.
Sure they can....What makes you think that those in charge of the community can't shut it down for the safety of the community?
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.

She lost the election she didn't beat him, just admit you were lying. I may as well slap you around further with facts, Hillary won by 4 million more votes in the single state of California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states. There now you have some numbers to chew on. :itsok:
Biden should be retired enjoying his life right now. He is operating at about 60% of his prime capacity and it is a shame people around him are putting him through this sham. He is toast and a figurehead at this point in time. If they let Biden run, it is a sign they are conceding 2020 and looking ahead to a wide open race in 2024. Biden is an effort to limit damage in the house and senate. They could pull him and put Clinton, Gore or Kerry up there. Any of them are FAR sharper than Biden. Biden, in his prime, was a light weight compared to them. If they do go with Biden, we must conclude that none of those other candidates wanted to do it. So, what do the internal polling numbers show? If Trump is as unpopular as they say, Clinton or Gore should be able to walk in and take 400 EC votes. Why risk a big win at a crucial time on old Joe, who is a shadow of himself at this point?
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.

She lost the election she didn't beat him, just admit you were lying. I may as well slap you around further with facts, Hillary won by 4 million more votes in the single state of California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states. There now you have some numbers to chew on. :itsok:

Unfortunately for your fantasy we don't have elections via cherrypicking. I'm sure cherries are delicious and all but your logic here is full of fruit flies.

The fact remains, polling said Clinton would draw more fruit flies votes, and she did, although by the time the date was nearing it was too close to call, due to the dysfunction of the Electrical College. But you can't poll the EC.
Biden should be retired enjoying his life right now. He is operating at about 60% of his prime capacity and it is a shame people around him are putting him through this sham. He is toast and a figurehead at this point in time. If they let Biden run, it is a sign they are conceding 2020 and looking ahead to a wide open race in 2024. Biden is an effort to limit damage in the house and senate. They could pull him and put Clinton, Gore or Kerry up there. Any of them are FAR sharper than Biden. Biden, in his prime, was a light weight compared to them. If they do go with Biden, we must conclude that none of those other candidates wanted to do it. So, what do the internal polling numbers show? If Trump is as unpopular as they say, Clinton or Gore should be able to walk in and take 400 EC votes. Why risk a big win at a crucial time on old Joe, who is a shadow of himself at this point?

For that matter they could put up Jimmy Carter. He's still eligible.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.

Polls certainly can be rigged if that's the objective, but any legitimate poll publishes its methodology, which exposes that. So when you see a poll question going "would you be less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?", you know that particular poll is bullshit. That's why you vet the poll just like you'd vet a headline, to make sure the content supports the claim.

Pollees lying, on the other hand, is impossible. That would require said pollees to be organized, and to KNOW IN ADVANCE that they were going to be polled, and to mutually agree on what they would say. No legitimate poll could get there because they use random samples. This is the stuff of tinfoil fantasies.

Speaking of said fantasies and the wishful thinking of the "nobody with an ounce of sense" malarkey, Rump has consistently, more consistently than any POTUS in polling memory, flown well below the 50% mark in approval throughout his entire tenure. He's over 50% DISapproval right now, which is where he's been since inauguration, even with a national crisis going on. That's not exactly an indicator of invincibility, just the opposite. Couple that with the fact that he also was unable to pull that 50% mark in the infamous trio of Michigan/Wisconsin/Pennsylvania -- all three of them -- and that indicator gets softer than an ice cream cone your kid left on the dashboard on a sunny day. Even Utah .... Rump could not pull 50% in frickin' Utah, with an R after his name. Rumpbots have reason to be concerned. Bigly reason.
Biden's the wrong guy. Trump is vulnerable...but not from Biden.

All the folks I actually worried about are long gone. Biden wasn't one of them...nor was Bernie.

Old white guy with senility issues and a long track record to dredge up...that's a losing hand.
Unfortunately for your fantasy we don't have elections via cherrypicking. I'm sure cherries are delicious and all but your logic here is full of fruit flies.

The fact remains, polling said Clinton would draw more fruit flies votes, and she did, although by the time the date was nearing it was too close to call, due to the dysfunction of the Electrical College. But you can't poll the EC.

Oh God the irony meter just broke. You said, "she beat him by three million votes" which is at best cherry picking and more akin to an outright lie. She didn't beat him at anything. No such popular vote election took place. No popular vote campaign strategy. No popular vote campaign ads. Nobody knows who may have won a popular vote election had one taken place.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.

She lost the election she didn't beat him, just admit you were lying. I may as well slap you around further with facts, Hillary won by 4 million more votes in the single state of California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states. There now you have some numbers to chew on. :itsok:

Unfortunately for your fantasy we don't have elections via cherrypicking. I'm sure cherries are delicious and all but your logic here is full of fruit flies.

The fact remains, polling said Clinton would draw more fruit flies votes, and she did, although by the time the date was nearing it was too close to call, due to the dysfunction of the Electrical College.

What was dysfunctional about it?
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.

Polls certainly can be rigged if that's the objective, but any legitimate poll publishes its methodology, which exposes that. So when you see a poll question going "would you be less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?", you know that particular poll is bullshit. That's why you vet the poll just like you'd vet a headline, to make sure the content supports the claim.

Pollees lying, on the other hand, is impossible. That would require said pollees to be organized, and to KNOW IN ADVANCE that they were going to be polled, and to mutually agree on what they would say. No legitimate poll could get there because they use random samples. This is the stuff of tinfoil fantasies.

Speaking of said fantasies and the wishful thinking of the "nobody with an ounce of sense" malarkey, Rump has consistently, more consistently than any POTUS in polling memory, flown well below the 50% mark in approval throughout his entire tenure. He's over 50% DISapproval right now, which is where he's been since inauguration, even with a national crisis going on. That's not exactly an indicator of invincibility, just the opposite. Couple that with the fact that he also was unable to pull that 50% mark in the infamous trio of Michigan/Wisconsin/Pennsylvania -- all three of them -- and that indicator gets softer than an ice cream cone your kid left on the dashboard on a sunny day. Even Utah .... Rump could not pull 50% in frickin' Utah, with an R after his name. Rumpbots have reason to be concerned. Bigly reason.
Biden's the wrong guy. Trump is vulnerable...but not from Biden.

All the folks I actually worried about are long gone. Biden wasn't one of them...nor was Bernie.

Old white guy with senility issues and a long track record to dredge up...that's a losing hand.

Then it is, within this severely limited pairing, two losing hands. Although I'd characterize one of them as an "old orange guy" but other than that a direct match.

As I keep pointing out to armchair pundits here, nobody's nominated by any party yet, and they can and will nominate whoever they want, so all of this pairing fantasy remains premature.

I agree that Biden is weak sauce, that's obvious. But I'm also saying it won't take much.
One can only imagine how rigged the polls are based on a rotting vegetable being what.... 50 points?..... ahead of Trump.

Yeah.... right. We'll do our part here in Texas. Everybody else - vote as if the marxists have fielded an 80 year old puddle of piss, shit and drool..... because that's what they've done..... and THAT is the best they've got.

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