How Trump has broken the polls

Why do you suppose the media leans left in general? Got an explanation?

I suspect it is the urban-centric nature of media in general.

New York, Washington and Atlanta...very blue.

That's just supposition. It could also be that left-leaning individuals are drawn to journalism.

But I don't think there is any denying the the anti-republican bias is no longer covert. The ABC panel on election night 2020 looked like someome shot their dogs.

I lol'd.

You don’t suppose it is because journalists are inquisitive by nature and are trained in researching facts and evidence?

I’d say that being educated and inquisitive gives them the ability to differentiate between truth and fiction.
Why do you suppose the media leans left in general? Got an explanation?

I suspect it is the urban-centric nature of media in general.

New York, Washington and Atlanta...very blue.

That's just supposition. It could also be that left-leaning individuals are drawn to journalism.

But I don't think there is any denying the the anti-republican bias is no longer covert. The ABC panel on election night 2020 looked like someome shot their dogs.

I lol'd.

You don’t suppose it is because journalists are inquisitive by nature and are trained in researching facts and evidence?

I’d say that being educated and inquisitive gives them the ability to differentiate between truth and fiction.
Two words...Kavanaugh, Biden.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.

She lost the election she didn't beat him, just admit you were lying. I may as well slap you around further with facts, Hillary won by 4 million more votes in the single state of California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states. There now you have some numbers to chew on. :itsok:

538 members of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
Opinion polls
0.8 pp
Donald Trump official portrait (cropped).jpgHillary Clinton by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
NomineeDonald TrumpHillary Clinton
Home stateNew YorkNew York
Running mateMike PenceTim Kaine
Electoral vote304[a]227[a]
States carried30 + ME-0220 + DC
Popular vote62,984,82865,853,514

Agree to an extent.

The media is overtly partisan. Why would the pollsters be any different?

They are both more interested in shaping opinion than disseminating facts.
You mean he cannot even hire internal pollster to make it come out his way?

Except the battleground polling was terrible. Nobody gives a shit about polling in NYC or LA. Hillary was supposed the win Pennsylvania by 8 points. WTF happened. It was off in every battleground state and was all biased for Hillary.

Glad I wasn't stupid enough, or uncaring about bad character to vote for one of the two POS candidates in 2016. Trumpsters saved us from Hillary. Now Biden will have to save us from Trump. When both candidates deserve to lose, you stuck with a loser after the election and the whole country loses.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.

She lost the election she didn't beat him, just admit you were lying. I may as well slap you around further with facts, Hillary won by 4 million more votes in the single state of California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states. There now you have some numbers to chew on. :itsok:

538 members of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
Opinion polls
0.8 pp
Donald Trump official portrait (cropped).jpgHillary Clinton by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
NomineeDonald TrumpHillary Clinton
Home stateNew YorkNew York
Running mateMike PenceTim Kaine
Electoral vote304[a]227[a]
States carried30 + ME-0220 + DC
Popular vote62,984,82865,853,514

Agree to an extent.

The media is overtly partisan. Why would the pollsters be any different?

They are both more interested in shaping opinion than disseminating facts.
You mean he cannot even hire internal pollster to make it come out his way?

Except the battleground polling was terrible. Nobody gives a shit about polling in NYC or LA. Hillary was supposed the win Pennsylvania by 8 points. WTF happened. It was off in every battleground state and was all biased for Hillary.

Glad I wasn't stupid enough, or uncaring about bad character to vote for one of the two POS candidates in 2016. Trumpsters saved us from Hillary. Now Biden will have to save us from Trump. When both candidates deserve to lose, you stuck with a loser after the election and the whole country loses.

True dat, but it's been the case for at least as long as we've been alive.

A POTUS election is like taking an entomology course. You have to identify the lesser of two weevils.
Why do you suppose the media leans left in general? Got an explanation?

I suspect it is the urban-centric nature of media in general.

New York, Washington and Atlanta...very blue.

That's just supposition. It could also be that left-leaning individuals are drawn to journalism.

But I don't think there is any denying the the anti-republican bias is no longer covert. The ABC panel on election night 2020 looked like someome shot their dogs.

I lol'd.

You don’t suppose it is because journalists are inquisitive by nature and are trained in researching facts and evidence?

I’d say that being educated and inquisitive gives them the ability to differentiate between truth and fiction.
Two words...Kavanaugh, Biden.

You have said nothing.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.

She lost the election she didn't beat him, just admit you were lying. I may as well slap you around further with facts, Hillary won by 4 million more votes in the single state of California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states. There now you have some numbers to chew on. :itsok:

Unfortunately for your fantasy we don't have elections via cherrypicking. I'm sure cherries are delicious and all but your logic here is full of fruit flies.

The fact remains, polling said Clinton would draw more fruit flies votes, and she did, although by the time the date was nearing it was too close to call, due to the dysfunction of the Electrical College.

What was dysfunctional about it?

See my above reference to the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Cackalackee, Utah, and we could add AridZona and we could also add Nevada, Minnesota and Virginia. In every one of those states NOBODY won as much as 50% of that state's vote yet they all (some by force of unConstitutional state law) sent 100% of their vote to a single candidate. A candidate that that state quantifiably did not choose.

That dysfunction.

That's HALF the total needed to win the EC right there.


Votes choose electors. Majority wins. 50% is not required.

I think you'll find that the definition of majority REQUIRES 50% plus one.
Go ahead, check me. I'll wait.

Not with more than two candidates.

Yep, with any number.

Wanna see?


ma·jor·i·ty | \ mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē , -ˈjär- \
plural majorities
Definition of majority

1 a: a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total
a majority of voters; a two-thirds majority

Besides which, we all know there are only effectively two on the ballot given the Duopoly. You get a choice of Bad or Worse. Nobody votes "for" Bad. They vote AGAINST "Worse".
Unfortunately for your fantasy we don't have elections via cherrypicking. I'm sure cherries are delicious and all but your logic here is full of fruit flies.

The fact remains, polling said Clinton would draw more fruit flies votes, and she did, although by the time the date was nearing it was too close to call, due to the dysfunction of the Electrical College. But you can't poll the EC.

Oh God the irony meter just broke. You said, "she beat him by three million votes" which is at best cherry picking and more akin to an outright lie. She didn't beat him at anything. No such popular vote election took place. No popular vote campaign strategy. No popular vote campaign ads. Nobody knows who may have won a popular vote election had one taken place.

Excellent strawman collection. eBay?

I didn't say there was any particular kind of campaign, now did I.

You were patently DISHONEST its not up for debate it's right there in your own words.

I'm afraid it isn't. You just made it up.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.

She lost the election she didn't beat him, just admit you were lying. I may as well slap you around further with facts, Hillary won by 4 million more votes in the single state of California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states. There now you have some numbers to chew on. :itsok:

538 members of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
Opinion polls
0.8 pp
Donald Trump official portrait (cropped).jpgHillary Clinton by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
NomineeDonald TrumpHillary Clinton
Home stateNew YorkNew York
Running mateMike PenceTim Kaine
Electoral vote304[a]227[a]
States carried30 + ME-0220 + DC
Popular vote62,984,82865,853,514

Agree to an extent.

The media is overtly partisan. Why would the pollsters be any different?

They are both more interested in shaping opinion than disseminating facts.
You mean he cannot even hire internal pollster to make it come out his way?

Except the battleground polling was terrible. Nobody gives a shit about polling in NYC or LA. Hillary was supposed the win Pennsylvania by 8 points. WTF happened. It was off in every battleground state and was all biased for Hillary.

Glad I wasn't stupid enough, or uncaring about bad character to vote for one of the two POS candidates in 2016. Trumpsters saved us from Hillary. Now Biden will have to save us from Trump. When both candidates deserve to lose, you stuck with a loser after the election and the whole country loses.

If you are able to be duped into thinking that Hillary Clinton is anything but a competent and devoted public servant, you are the kind of person who could be talked into just about anything.

Do you think she had people killed? Did she sell Uranium to Russia? Shit.
That's just supposition. It could also be that left-leaning individuals are drawn to journalism.

Right leaning journalists are NOT tolerated by the left. Hell even left leaning journalists have been run out of newsrooms for saying something contrary to the liberal narrative.

Why would a journalist be "leaning" right OR left? That ain't what journalism is. That's what commentary is.
Unfortunately for your fantasy we don't have elections via cherrypicking. I'm sure cherries are delicious and all but your logic here is full of fruit flies.

The fact remains, polling said Clinton would draw more fruit flies votes, and she did, although by the time the date was nearing it was too close to call, due to the dysfunction of the Electrical College. But you can't poll the EC.

Oh God the irony meter just broke. You said, "she beat him by three million votes" which is at best cherry picking and more akin to an outright lie. She didn't beat him at anything. No such popular vote election took place. No popular vote campaign strategy. No popular vote campaign ads. Nobody knows who may have won a popular vote election had one taken place.

Excellent strawman collection. eBay?

I didn't say there was any particular kind of campaign, now did I.

You were patently DISHONEST its not up for debate it's right there in your own words.

I'm afraid it isn't. You just made it up.

Go cry in your pillow while we control the Senate, White House, and SCOTUS. Make up whatever story dries your tears. :auiqs.jpg:
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

But she lost according to the actual rules........

You do realize that in Football, you win by scoring Touchdowns, not by how many yards you run....right? That you win in Chess by capturing one piece, the King, not by capturing more pieces...right?

I know you morons don't care about rules....but we have them...and we have them to protect people from you.
That's just supposition. It could also be that left-leaning individuals are drawn to journalism.

Right leaning journalists are NOT tolerated by the left. Hell even left leaning journalists have been run out of newsrooms for saying something contrary to the liberal narrative.

Why would a journalist be "leaning" right OR left? That ain't what journalism is. That's what commentary is.

Maybe in your made up liberal fantasy world. :itsok:
The polls aren't "broken". They are intentionally designed to tell lies.

That said, in spite of their polls, I believe Trump will break the back of the Democrat Party on November 3rd.

How Trump has broken the polls

I recently read a great article on Larry Sabato's web site. Every Presidential election since 2000 has underestimated the actual Republican vote accept one. That was 2012. It still said Obama would win but it was off by a couple of points. Otherwise, they have been dead wrong and generally heavily biased against Republicans.

Bottom line: The polls lie and are almost always biased against the GOP.

Polls by definition cannot "lie". Loosen the strap on that tinfoil hat.
That's just supposition. It could also be that left-leaning individuals are drawn to journalism.

Right leaning journalists are NOT tolerated by the left. Hell even left leaning journalists have been run out of newsrooms for saying something contrary to the liberal narrative.

Why would a journalist be "leaning" right OR left? That ain't what journalism is. That's what commentary is.

Maybe in your made up liberal fantasy world. :itsok:

Obviously you don't know the meaning of "journalism". Which means you're bandying about terms you don't underrstand. You should stop that.
Polls are rigged to manipulate the masses...but no one is falling for it anymore. The poll bandwagon effect is dead. Nobody with a ounce of common sense believes for a second that Biden can beat Trump. That leaves two alternatives. The pollees are lying or the pollers are. My money is on the pollers.
Bet you are not big on science or technology either. If you are in a plane and that altimeter is unwinding while you are having a sinking feeling, you should probably pay no attention to the pilot if he whole plan is to cuss the gauge maker, and throw a hissy fit.
If polls were science...Hillary would be President.

So much for that idea.

Apparently they are, since she beat him by three million votes.

Liar, she lost and she lost huge Trump whooped her ass winning 30 states and over 300 EC votes. :itsok:

Go ahead, check the numbers. Check any of my numbers. On anything. I get them straight before I post.

She lost the election she didn't beat him, just admit you were lying. I may as well slap you around further with facts, Hillary won by 4 million more votes in the single state of California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states. There now you have some numbers to chew on. :itsok:

538 members of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
Opinion polls
0.8 pp
Donald Trump official portrait (cropped).jpgHillary Clinton by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
NomineeDonald TrumpHillary Clinton
Home stateNew YorkNew York
Running mateMike PenceTim Kaine
Electoral vote304[a]227[a]
States carried30 + ME-0220 + DC
Popular vote62,984,82865,853,514

Agree to an extent.

The media is overtly partisan. Why would the pollsters be any different?

They are both more interested in shaping opinion than disseminating facts.
You mean he cannot even hire internal pollster to make it come out his way?

Except the battleground polling was terrible. Nobody gives a shit about polling in NYC or LA. Hillary was supposed the win Pennsylvania by 8 points. WTF happened. It was off in every battleground state and was all biased for Hillary.

Glad I wasn't stupid enough, or uncaring about bad character to vote for one of the two POS candidates in 2016. Trumpsters saved us from Hillary. Now Biden will have to save us from Trump. When both candidates deserve to lose, you stuck with a loser after the election and the whole country loses.

True dat, but it's been the case for at least as long as we've been alive.

A POTUS election is like taking an entomology course. You have to identify the lesser of two weevils.
Agreed, but I just couldn't do it last time. I knew they both were totally unfit. I wasn't elated like the trumpers, but wasn't in grief like the hill holes. Actually hoped for the best. Nine months later I gave up on him. Ready for the pendulum of democracy to swing again. My money is on Joe this time. Don't see him making two terms, but we got to change direction. Moderate change would suit me fine.
NO, in practice they can nominate whoever, period.

Sure...they COULD do something ridiculously stupid...but they won't.

The Bernie supporters already know the fix it's in...pass Bernie over and see what happens.

I suspect it will be the end off the Democrat party as we know it.

Well then you're as easily impressed as you are a bad speller.

The Democratic Party has been around for almost 190 years. Oldest political party in the world. That's in no way a good thing, but it isn't gonna be blown over by an orange clown in the Daze of Duopoly based on some internet message board's wishful thinking. Hell it's already survived major schisms in 1860. 1864, 1872, 1948 and 1968. Oh speaking of 1968 guess how many primaries that year's candidate won. Zero.

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