How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
What came to light would have earned any ordinary citizen a life in prison. But you use it to blame it on the Russians and Trump, not Clinton. Exactly what a Hillary minion without the slightest sympathy for his own country would do.
Utter bull crud!
False prophet, Gracie?



My hero.


It's got to be pretty tough to defend Putin, but nothing surprises me anymore, especially when it comes to a Comrade Trump supporter.

So get your crayons and coloring books out and turn back on your FOX News, these investigations are going to get very interesting.


Where have I said I defend Putin?
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

Trump won because America has been telling you cock sucking far left liberal automatons to cut the extremist crap and you wouldn't listen
Trump won because of the neo liberal order in Washington has upset the balance of our society. Free market ideology has failed the American society and the rubes may have finally figured it out. They all moved to the left in hopes that Trump can rescue America from conservative free market ideology.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

When will you leftist lost causers get it through your thick heads that the reason Trump won was HILLARY.

We were tired of the status quo. Tired of the Washington insiders who were sending America to third world status. WE DIDN'T WANT MORE OF THE SAME.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
You mean the rise and fall of a false profit....Obama turned out not to be the 12th imam.....:lol:
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
Skimming over that opinion piece, I notice the writer fails to address a primary reason:

The fact that the hardcore Left is so repellent, annoying, unpleasant, on a personal basis, to so many Americans.

Somehow the Left thinks it can get away with acting the way it does towards people. It's wrong. So maybe factor that into your theory.

Here are a couple of honest liberals to (try to) explain:

I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
So you have many excuses of why Hillary lost but fail to mention alienating the Bernie voters by scamming them for show, dismal turnout and support for Hillary. I live in a liberal area and still have no clue what her signs looked like. When the Bernie signs went down the Jill signs went up. And I know for a fact my observation was not unique.

More troubling is your even dumber misunderstanding of who Trump is to the right. We hired him to fix things, not worship at his feet like you dimwits did for your messiah. Projection is the lowest form of analysis possible.

You, like most lefties live your life plucking the lowest hanging fruit for easy answers. No real thought required. The leftists pulling the strings wind you up and turn you loose like a child's toy and hope you wreck enough shit to garner some media attention.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
Skimming over that opinion piece, I notice the writer fails to address a primary reason:

The fact that the hardcore Left is so repellent, annoying, unpleasant, on a personal basis, to so many Americans.

Somehow the Left thinks it can get away with acting the way it does towards people. It's wrong. So maybe factor that into your theory.

Here are a couple of honest liberals to (try to) explain:

Strange how you voted for it....
I still think Hillary peed into her cath bags in all 3 debates.

Yeah it's to bad they ran her because Bernie could have easily butt kicked trumps ass clean up through to his shoulders. Oh and you're a liar.
I would have loved to see it. The quintessential capitalist versus the quintessential socialist. But even liberals knew Sander's message wouldn't fly with anyone over the age of 22 or living on their own. People know nothing is really free in life and what the outcome will inevitably be with easy access to the cash cow. It would be success versus dependence. A grownup versus a perpetual child.
Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
What came to light would have earned any ordinary citizen a life in prison. But you use it to blame it on the Russians and Trump, not Clinton. Exactly what a Hillary minion without the slightest sympathy for his own country would do.

So says one of the false prophets, disciples.
Your repub talking points don't mean squat. Because that's all they are. Repub talking points.
....whoa, that was deep man. Go chill out with another bowl, you earned it!
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
Skimming over that opinion piece, I notice the writer fails to address a primary reason:

The fact that the hardcore Left is so repellent, annoying, unpleasant, on a personal basis, to so many Americans.

Somehow the Left thinks it can get away with acting the way it does towards people. It's wrong. So maybe factor that into your theory.

Here are a couple of honest liberals to (try to) explain:

Strange how you voted for it....
To someone like you, yes, I'm sure it seems strange.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
Skimming over that opinion piece, I notice the writer fails to address a primary reason:

The fact that the hardcore Left is so repellent, annoying, unpleasant, on a personal basis, to so many Americans.

Somehow the Left thinks it can get away with acting the way it does towards people. It's wrong. So maybe factor that into your theory.

Here are a couple of honest liberals to (try to) explain:

Strange how you voted for it....
To someone like you, yes, I'm sure it seems strange.
Yes....your voting Hillary is strange to most of us Americans....
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

Trump won because the Democratic party failed to turnout their voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney in Wisconsin in 2012 where Romney lost the state by 7 points, yet with Trumps weaker numbers, he wins the state. Why, Democratic voters did not make it to the polls in their usual numbers. Thats it. If they had simply showed up in the numbers and the percentages like they have in the past, Trump loses the election.

The Democratic party did not even have Hillary visit Wisconsin. Same story in Michigan and Pennsylvania. These states were lost by relatively tiny margins of 20,000, 10,000 and 44,000. There was not some massive white working class turnout for Trump. He won the Republican nomination and Republicans rallied around their candidate like they always do. Independents pretty much split down the middle. The real story of why Hillary lost and why Trump won, is the Democratic party failing to spend the funds necessary to win in places they have won now for decades. Had the Democrats cut their funding for Florida in half and put it into Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Hillary would be President now.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

Trump won because the Democratic party failed to turnout their voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney in Wisconsin in 2012 where Romney lost the state by 7 points, yet with Trumps weaker numbers, he wins the state. Why, Democratic voters did not make it to the polls in their usual numbers. Thats it. If they had simply showed up in the numbers and the percentages like they have in the past, Trump loses the election.

The Democratic party did not even have Hillary visit Wisconsin. Same story in Michigan and Pennsylvania. These states were lost by relatively tiny margins of 20,000, 10,000 and 44,000. There was not some massive white working class turnout for Trump. He won the Republican nomination and Republicans rallied around their candidate like they always do. Independents pretty much split down the middle. The real story of why Hillary lost and why Trump won, is the Democratic party failing to spend the funds necessary to win in places they have won now for decades. Had the Democrats cut their funding for Florida in half and put it into Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Hillary would be President now.

Yes, they were out of touch with the working man. And with Hillary bragging about killing coal miners jobs I hope the democrats aren't wasting they're time wondering why they lost states like Virginia. Every time they they turned around they shot themselves in the foot.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

Trump won because the Democratic party failed to turnout their voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney in Wisconsin in 2012 where Romney lost the state by 7 points, yet with Trumps weaker numbers, he wins the state. Why, Democratic voters did not make it to the polls in their usual numbers. Thats it. If they had simply showed up in the numbers and the percentages like they have in the past, Trump loses the election.

The Democratic party did not even have Hillary visit Wisconsin. Same story in Michigan and Pennsylvania. These states were lost by relatively tiny margins of 20,000, 10,000 and 44,000. There was not some massive white working class turnout for Trump. He won the Republican nomination and Republicans rallied around their candidate like they always do. Independents pretty much split down the middle. The real story of why Hillary lost and why Trump won, is the Democratic party failing to spend the funds necessary to win in places they have won now for decades. Had the Democrats cut their funding for Florida in half and put it into Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Hillary would be President now.

Yes, they were out of touch with the working man. And with Hillary bragging about killing coal miners jobs I hope the democrats aren't wasting they're time wondering why they lost states like Virginia. Every time they they turned around they shot themselves in the foot.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

Trump won because America has been telling you cock sucking far left liberal automatons to cut the extremist crap and you wouldn't listen
Trump won because of the neo liberal order in Washington has upset the balance of our society. Free market ideology has failed the American society and the rubes may have finally figured it out. They all moved to the left in hopes that Trump can rescue America from conservative free market ideology.

That was unexpected.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

Trump won because the Democratic party failed to turnout their voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney in Wisconsin in 2012 where Romney lost the state by 7 points, yet with Trumps weaker numbers, he wins the state. Why, Democratic voters did not make it to the polls in their usual numbers. Thats it. If they had simply showed up in the numbers and the percentages like they have in the past, Trump loses the election.

The Democratic party did not even have Hillary visit Wisconsin. Same story in Michigan and Pennsylvania. These states were lost by relatively tiny margins of 20,000, 10,000 and 44,000. There was not some massive white working class turnout for Trump. He won the Republican nomination and Republicans rallied around their candidate like they always do. Independents pretty much split down the middle. The real story of why Hillary lost and why Trump won, is the Democratic party failing to spend the funds necessary to win in places they have won now for decades. Had the Democrats cut their funding for Florida in half and put it into Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Hillary would be President now.

Yes, they were out of touch with the working man. And with Hillary bragging about killing coal miners jobs I hope the democrats aren't wasting they're time wondering why they lost states like Virginia. Every time they they turned around they shot themselves in the foot.

You have nothing to say

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