How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

Yes, Hillary had nothing to do with Trump winning.

Thanks for that.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

Yes, Hillary had nothing to do with Trump winning.

Thanks for that.

just so you know, Hillary beat trump black & blue in the popular vote. ;)
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government. must have missed it...hilary the false prophet didn't get should pay more attention...

I'm saying he won because of his message about bringing back jobs, by undoing neo liberal trade deals. Free market ideology failed the American people and they responded by voting out the neoliberal order. Or so they hoped. The move was more a repudiation of right wing ideology than left.

So the more socialist we go and the worse the economy gets, the more free market was the problem. Got it, thanks for explaining. I'll let you deal with your own demons from here
Yes free market is the problem. Abandoning the workers here puts more pressure on the government to care for its people. That is why you perceive a rise in socialism.

I always like people who argue that as we keep controlling free markets more and more and more and it gets worse and worse and worse, you in your mind think the problem is we haven't gone far enough. You see this boomerang in your mind that if we do enough of what isn't working, then suddenly at some point it will stop making it worse and suddenly fix everything.

So how many times were you hired by someone with no money?
Allowing capital to seek cheap labor has had a destabilizing effect on our society. The people see this now and have expressed it thru Trump's nomination. Hopefully they can understand that it was free market ideology that led them to this point.

Yes, Comrade, all property is the people's property. The bourgeois is oppressing the proletariat. Workers of the world unite and overthrow your capitalist masters who pay you market wages for political masters who will enslave and murder for their own power you if you protest to maximize your freedom!

Here are a couple books by George Orwell about the reality of Communism you may be interested in reading. One is "1984" and the other is "Animal Farm." Hey, if you want to be a slave to government, good for you. But I don't
Yes, now maybe you understand my point. Trump's victory was not a repudiation of leftism, it was an embrace of leftism. At least in terms of trade and jobs, which is what I believe won him the election.
well, gee, your little trolling meme sure responds to his points.... not.

but then again, what can anyone expect from double digit IQ trumpsters?

I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
Trump won because he spoke to forgotten America. The silent majority don't protest and cry. But they vote.

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