How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. Sure, that must be it.

While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Incorrect. I'm not Republican and see Trump is an alternative to eight years of shit.

Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits. Folks like yourself view Trump as a freak of nature?
I'm sorry.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet: Sounds cool.

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. I like how you sneaked that in. It means anyone who voted for Trump is white racist, and anyone who voted Obama/Clinton is racist against whites or any other race that doesn't suit them.

The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward. Liberals are doing a great job so far too. They've proveed very rational and organized.

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory. How cool is that? Hillary "won" the popular vote.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server. , or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government. Or on which way the wind blows. You can't really take anything they say seriously. Ironically, much like those polls you mentioned.

Hillary was out of touch and in full blown denial. She was actually bragging about killing coal miners jobs. Those are the reasons why she lost. Democrats should never have given her the nod.
I still think Hillary peed into her cath bags in all 3 debates.

Yeah it's to bad they ran her because Bernie could have easily butt kicked trumps ass clean up through to his shoulders. Oh and you're a liar.
Of course, why the hell wouldn't we want to be Venezuala? That was a winning message not even the democrats wanted.

It's people like you that drag countries down to the level of Crapazeula.
Who's the trespasser? You, your wife or both of you?

And your pointless question pertains to what?!
And there's already been at least one terrorist attack on trumps watch so I guess that's pretty much proof that he's a false prophet.
What attack would that be? Most of the terrorist attacks so far have been lefties burning shit up and tearing down business' and making a complete mess of life for anyone else.

Yet another victim of fox spews. I suggest you tune into broadcast news. Both local & national. You'll be much better informed.
I'm watching the news. Where is this terrorist attack you claim happened?

Turn off fox spews.
Where the fuck is this terrorist attack you brain dead moron!!! I just want a fucking link you retarded fuck! I'm not sure how I can ask more politely. I've tried to be nice but it obviously doesn't work with you.

You're a silly boy.
I still think Hillary peed into her cath bags in all 3 debates.

Yeah it's to bad they ran her because Bernie could have easily butt kicked trumps ass clean up through to his shoulders. Oh and you're a liar.
Of course, why the hell wouldn't we want to be Venezuala? That was a winning message not even the democrats wanted.

It's people like you that drag countries down to the level of Crapazeula.
Who's the trespasser? You, your wife or both of you?

And your pointless question pertains to what?!
Your love of everything not American.
America's false prophet? Isn't that Joel Olsteen?

Seriously though of course white racism can't explain how trump won. It has nothing to do with it
Yeah it's to bad they ran her because Bernie could have easily butt kicked trumps ass clean up through to his shoulders. Oh and you're a liar.
Of course, why the hell wouldn't we want to be Venezuala? That was a winning message not even the democrats wanted.

It's people like you that drag countries down to the level of Crapazeula.
Who's the trespasser? You, your wife or both of you?

And your pointless question pertains to what?!
Your love of everything not American.

Don't be silly. I'm as much an American as you are.
Of course, why the hell wouldn't we want to be Venezuala? That was a winning message not even the democrats wanted.

It's people like you that drag countries down to the level of Crapazeula.
Who's the trespasser? You, your wife or both of you?

And your pointless question pertains to what?!
Your love of everything not American.

Don't be silly. I'm as much an American as you are.
And you are apparently happy with the US being the open checkbook of the world.
It's people like you that drag countries down to the level of Crapazeula.
Who's the trespasser? You, your wife or both of you?

And your pointless question pertains to what?!
Your love of everything not American.

Don't be silly. I'm as much an American as you are.
And you are apparently happy with the US being the open checkbook of the world.

You're the one desperate to wage Israels bullshit wars for them. Iran is next on the list. Not me. I'm opposed to bullshit wars. Israels bullshit wars included. Open checkbook my eye.
Who's the trespasser? You, your wife or both of you?

And your pointless question pertains to what?!
Your love of everything not American.

Don't be silly. I'm as much an American as you are.
And you are apparently happy with the US being the open checkbook of the world.

You're the one desperate to wage Israels bullshit wars for them. Iran is next on the list. Not me. I'm opposed to bullshit wars. Israels bullshit wars included. Open checkbook my eye.
So being an open checkbook for trespassers, cheap overseas labor and cheap business visas is fine with you.
Now I'm starting to wonder where you get your news from.
And I DO agree that the US Portfolio Democrats and Republicans love to invest in Military related stocks.
And your pointless question pertains to what?!
Your love of everything not American.

Don't be silly. I'm as much an American as you are.
And you are apparently happy with the US being the open checkbook of the world.

You're the one desperate to wage Israels bullshit wars for them. Iran is next on the list. Not me. I'm opposed to bullshit wars. Israels bullshit wars included. Open checkbook my eye.
So being an open checkbook for trespassers, cheap overseas labor and cheap business visas is fine with you.
Now I'm starting to wonder where you get your news from.
And I DO agree that the US Portfolio Democrats and Republicans love to invest in Military related stocks.

That's a surprise. We sort of agree on one thing.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.

I think everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field by FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol, and Putin's interference into this election cycle. Not only did Putin order the hacking into the DNC databases, but he is also responsible for spreading all kinds of FAKE News on social media outlets. IOW No one believes that Trump would be the President today without their assistance. Trump losing by 3 million popular votes added to this makes him the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

But going forward we are going to see investigations.

The Senate has already announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Russian hacking and using Supoena's. So we'll see if they can finally get an income tax return out of Trump. If he still refuses, then he's obviously hiding something.
3rd congressional panel opens probe into Russia election meddling

And they may have found something already as this New York Times article was written before all Russian diplomats were thrown out of this country. If they find collusion, that would be considered Treason.


The DOJ has announced it will be investigating the FBI and FBI Director James Comey.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
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No one believes that Trump would be the President today without their assistance.

No one in your coven anyway

Well it's hard to convince an American audience that someone won, when they saw all the cheating going on.

So you can deny it all you want too, but you know it's the truth.


Comey was warned by the DOJ to not release a letter to congress, he did it anyway. During those 7 days millions of people voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Comey is clearly in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

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