How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

False prophet, Gracie?



He said he would lower the oceans as well......
He didn't?
How Trump won is very simple he ran a better campaign than Clinton different and unorthodox to be sure but still better and he had a message that resonated with people Hillary didn't. As hard as it is for some people to accept sometimes the simple is the correct one.
Quite simple when you think about it.

Hillary was a terrible candidate, and Obama was an abject failure as president.

Americans were sick of the Democrats, and in reality, detested both establishment parties.

Trump, a non-politician, was a breath of political fresh air, and he appealed to the frustrated voters of both parties. ..... :cool:
and so far he's bashed our allies and kissed the kgb murderers butt

Yeah President Trumpski is one of Putins chief bootlicker's and plans on remaking the CIA into the kgb.
CEO Trumpovitch ,the Russian agent is making a mockery of our country

And there's already been at least one terrorist attack on trumps watch so I guess that's pretty much proof that he's a false prophet.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
What am I supposed to be upset about? He told us what he was going to do and the majority of the states voted for him to do that. You seriously want to blame this on racism? When you do it only proves to me you have no idea what you're talking about. We want illegal immigration taken care of once and for all. A wall, a fence, a gatling gun on the border. I don't care what shape this wall takes I want one. America first, that's supposed to piss me off? Of course it's America first, we dealt with America last and leading from behind and we should just shut up and let other countries dictate how we operate for eight years. It's America first now, As it always should have been. I don't care about any polls the "world" produces. Their opinion means nothing. The "world" as far as I care about is us here at home. Of course they are going to be a bit upset we put our interests above theirs just like they do. Get over it. You don't have a president you can walk on now. This makes me happy.

I don't blame racism although some are racists for sure. You guys have been hornswoggled into believing trump is the second coming of Christ and believe he can do no wrong. That scares me a little.
You spent eight years praying at the alter of the big eared dickhead and you're just now getting worried? When someone comes into office saying such common sense things like stopping illegal immigration, stopping muslim terrorists, putting our interests first, bringing jobs back, putting judges that are Constitution based on the USSC. This is the shit that worries you?
Quite simple when you think about it.

Hillary was a terrible candidate, and Obama was an abject failure as president.

Americans were sick of the Democrats, and in reality, detested both establishment parties.

Trump, a non-politician, was a breath of political fresh air, and he appealed to the frustrated voters of both parties. ..... :cool:
and so far he's bashed our allies and kissed the kgb murderers butt

Yeah President Trumpski is one of Putins chief bootlicker's and plans on remaking the CIA into the kgb.
CEO Trumpovitch ,the Russian agent is making a mockery of our country

And there's already been at least one terrorist attack on trumps watch so I guess that's pretty much proof that he's a false prophet.
What attack would that be? Most of the terrorist attacks so far have been lefties burning shit up and tearing down business' and making a complete mess of life for anyone else.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
What am I supposed to be upset about? He told us what he was going to do and the majority of the states voted for him to do that. You seriously want to blame this on racism? When you do it only proves to me you have no idea what you're talking about. We want illegal immigration taken care of once and for all. A wall, a fence, a gatling gun on the border. I don't care what shape this wall takes I want one. America first, that's supposed to piss me off? Of course it's America first, we dealt with America last and leading from behind and we should just shut up and let other countries dictate how we operate for eight years. It's America first now, As it always should have been. I don't care about any polls the "world" produces. Their opinion means nothing. The "world" as far as I care about is us here at home. Of course they are going to be a bit upset we put our interests above theirs just like they do. Get over it. You don't have a president you can walk on now. This makes me happy.

I don't blame racism although some are racists for sure. You guys have been hornswoggled into believing trump is the second coming of Christ and believe he can do no wrong. That scares me a little.
You spent eight years praying at the alter of the big eared dickhead and you're just now getting worried? When someone comes into office saying such common sense things like stopping illegal immigration, stopping muslim terrorists, putting our interests first, bringing jobs back, putting judges that are Constitution based on the USSC. This is the shit that worries you?

The mans behavior scares me to death. But he'll soon be perp walked out of the whitehouse. That's a certainty.
Quite simple when you think about it.

Hillary was a terrible candidate, and Obama was an abject failure as president.

Americans were sick of the Democrats, and in reality, detested both establishment parties.

Trump, a non-politician, was a breath of political fresh air, and he appealed to the frustrated voters of both parties. ..... :cool:
and so far he's bashed our allies and kissed the kgb murderers butt

Yeah President Trumpski is one of Putins chief bootlicker's and plans on remaking the CIA into the kgb.
CEO Trumpovitch ,the Russian agent is making a mockery of our country

And there's already been at least one terrorist attack on trumps watch so I guess that's pretty much proof that he's a false prophet.
What attack would that be? Most of the terrorist attacks so far have been lefties burning shit up and tearing down business' and making a complete mess of life for anyone else.

Yet another victim of fox spews. I suggest you tune into broadcast news. Both local & national. You'll be much better informed.
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
What am I supposed to be upset about? He told us what he was going to do and the majority of the states voted for him to do that. You seriously want to blame this on racism? When you do it only proves to me you have no idea what you're talking about. We want illegal immigration taken care of once and for all. A wall, a fence, a gatling gun on the border. I don't care what shape this wall takes I want one. America first, that's supposed to piss me off? Of course it's America first, we dealt with America last and leading from behind and we should just shut up and let other countries dictate how we operate for eight years. It's America first now, As it always should have been. I don't care about any polls the "world" produces. Their opinion means nothing. The "world" as far as I care about is us here at home. Of course they are going to be a bit upset we put our interests above theirs just like they do. Get over it. You don't have a president you can walk on now. This makes me happy.

I don't blame racism although some are racists for sure. You guys have been hornswoggled into believing trump is the second coming of Christ and believe he can do no wrong. That scares me a little.
You spent eight years praying at the alter of the big eared dickhead and you're just now getting worried? When someone comes into office saying such common sense things like stopping illegal immigration, stopping muslim terrorists, putting our interests first, bringing jobs back, putting judges that are Constitution based on the USSC. This is the shit that worries you?

The mans behavior scares me to death. But he'll soon be perp walked out of the whitehouse. That's a certainty.
There's a better chance you will commit suicide.
70 percent. You're out of your fucking mind. Your false prophet lost the popular vote by millions and millions. So get real.

Yes dumbass, more people voted against shitbitch than for her. Popular vote does not mean shit, everyone in a district has the right to vote, Trump won more than 70 percent of the districts, That is more than 70 percent of Americans. You liberals are just to stupid arrogant and shallow to admit you are hated by the majority of people in this country, and the only thing you have going for you is the big cesspool cities full of crime and corruption.
and so far he's bashed our allies and kissed the kgb murderers butt

Yeah President Trumpski is one of Putins chief bootlicker's and plans on remaking the CIA into the kgb.
CEO Trumpovitch ,the Russian agent is making a mockery of our country

And there's already been at least one terrorist attack on trumps watch so I guess that's pretty much proof that he's a false prophet.
What attack would that be? Most of the terrorist attacks so far have been lefties burning shit up and tearing down business' and making a complete mess of life for anyone else.

Yet another victim of fox spews. I suggest you tune into broadcast news. Both local & national. You'll be much better informed.
I'm watching the news. Where is this terrorist attack you claim happened?
I suppose to the rank & file repubs, trump looks like the second coming of Christ almighty. While the rest of us see nothing more than a jackass. Or possibly freak of nature. You know, either one fits.

How Trump won: The rise of America’s false prophet

White racism alone does not explain the rise of Donald Trump. The deeper social, economic and political causes behind his victory offer a glimpse at how Americans can come together going forward

The election of Donald Trump has perplexed millions around the world as almost all of the polls had predicted a Hillary Clinton victory.

Since then, Clinton’s supporters have variously blamed her defeat on the decision by the FBI director James Comey, just 11 days before the election, to announce that he was reopening the investigation on her use of a private email server, or on the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of emails, reportedly hacked by the Russian government.
What am I supposed to be upset about? He told us what he was going to do and the majority of the states voted for him to do that. You seriously want to blame this on racism? When you do it only proves to me you have no idea what you're talking about. We want illegal immigration taken care of once and for all. A wall, a fence, a gatling gun on the border. I don't care what shape this wall takes I want one. America first, that's supposed to piss me off? Of course it's America first, we dealt with America last and leading from behind and we should just shut up and let other countries dictate how we operate for eight years. It's America first now, As it always should have been. I don't care about any polls the "world" produces. Their opinion means nothing. The "world" as far as I care about is us here at home. Of course they are going to be a bit upset we put our interests above theirs just like they do. Get over it. You don't have a president you can walk on now. This makes me happy.

I don't blame racism although some are racists for sure. You guys have been hornswoggled into believing trump is the second coming of Christ and believe he can do no wrong. That scares me a little.
You spent eight years praying at the alter of the big eared dickhead and you're just now getting worried? When someone comes into office saying such common sense things like stopping illegal immigration, stopping muslim terrorists, putting our interests first, bringing jobs back, putting judges that are Constitution based on the USSC. This is the shit that worries you?

The mans behavior scares me to death. But he'll soon be perp walked out of the whitehouse. That's a certainty.
There's a better chance you will commit suicide.

Mike,, It is in his liberal mind man!!!! You know how dangerous it is to upset a liberal,, he may drown us with tears, and label us as Nazis,, "OOOOO I skeerd MOMMY">>>> Aren't you!!!
Yeah President Trumpski is one of Putins chief bootlicker's and plans on remaking the CIA into the kgb.
CEO Trumpovitch ,the Russian agent is making a mockery of our country

And there's already been at least one terrorist attack on trumps watch so I guess that's pretty much proof that he's a false prophet.
What attack would that be? Most of the terrorist attacks so far have been lefties burning shit up and tearing down business' and making a complete mess of life for anyone else.

Yet another victim of fox spews. I suggest you tune into broadcast news. Both local & national. You'll be much better informed.
I'm watching the news. Where is this terrorist attack you claim happened?

Turn off fox spews.

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