How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

Looka, I've been reading the moonbat posts here for two years about all the Trump this and that and not one of you, not ONE, has ever pointed out anything other than hysterical speculation.
Red herring, charlatan's tactic. As if anything you said is now "less specious" or "more correct", just because you had your feelings hurt that one time.

It makes perfect sense to argue that trump is likely withholding his tax returns, because he doesn't want people to see what is in them. This was a calculation on trump's part. Obviously.

Oh yes, obviously. And my feelings are not hurt.. I have no dog in the hunt. I don't have a fuck to give if he releases them or not.
And if you had a fuck you wouldn't give it?

So, your quest for truth and justice includes illegally obtaining tax returns. Duly noted.
Mea Culpa. I think this is a national crisis, and the facts need to become public. Clearly the checks that are expected of our legislative branch can be completely undermined, as has been shown for the last 2+ years.
The ends justifies the means, right?

Check with your orange clown when he told 60 Minutes this

"It doesn't matter," Trump said when pressed on his mocking treatment of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. "We won."

(you're too fucking easy to kick, Tigger....Go to bed.).............LOL

You GD commies are too consistent, every one of you have deflected form the topic at hand, I wonder why?

So, your quest for truth and justice includes illegally obtaining tax returns. Duly noted.
Mea Culpa. I think this is a national crisis, and the facts need to become public. Clearly the checks that are expected of our legislative branch can be completely undermined, as has been shown for the last 2+ years.

What crisis? Private citizen Trump's tax return constitute a national crisis? Do you realize how batshit crazy you come off?
Why the deflection, that has nothing to do with this thread.
But everything to do with your statement, of the ends justifying the means.

(the correct and honest thing for you to now say is, "Yes, sometimes they do.")

Then, after this rare moment of honesty, you can enter a discussion of why they do in one case, but not the other. This will be a subtle, nuanced conversation of ethics and rule of law, which may be too weighty for you.
The ends justifies the means, right?

Check with your orange clown when he told 60 Minutes this

"It doesn't matter," Trump said when pressed on his mocking treatment of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. "We won."

(you're too fucking easy to kick, Tigger....Go to bed.).............LOL

You GD commies are too consistent, every one of you have deflected form the topic at hand, I wonder why?


Because all they have is speculation and wishful thinking.
So, your quest for truth and justice includes illegally obtaining tax returns. Duly noted.
Mea Culpa. I think this is a national crisis, and the facts need to become public. Clearly the checks that are expected of our legislative branch can be completely undermined, as has been shown for the last 2+ years.

Oh, and BTW, there is no check on the Executive branch that involves divulging tax returns.
He would have to get a warrant, which requires probable cause, so no, I don't think Mueller has seen them. Now prove me wrong.

Go hang by your testicles.....I'll get back to you ...soon......(what an asshole...LOL)

Ya know what's obvious, you've never filed an individual tax return where a profit or loss from a business was involved. You commie assholes are clueless what Trumps returns might include, there won't be any of the detail you're dreaming about.


Exactly. EXACTLY. Any dealings with Russian banks etc. will be in Trump Organization returns. These dweebs crack me up.
And the income from and revenue paid to shell LLCs, used to layer and integrate illegal money in money laundering, will appear on both the corporate filings and his personal filings. Same for those of Kushner, Ivanaka, and Trump jr. That will be interesting. And Mueller will refer any evidence of criminal activity to the New York office, which would act on it the moment trump leaves office.

So now you understand the bombastic, desperate behavior by Trump.
Believe trump has no pardon power with criminal activity taken up inNY
He would have to get a warrant, which requires probable cause, so no, I don't think Mueller has seen them. Now prove me wrong.

Go hang by your testicles.....I'll get back to you ...soon......(what an asshole...LOL)

Ya know what's obvious, you've never filed an individual tax return where a profit or loss from a business was involved. You commie assholes are clueless what Trumps returns might include, there won't be any of the detail you're dreaming about.


Exactly. EXACTLY. Any dealings with Russian banks etc. will be in Trump Organization returns. These dweebs crack me up.
And the income from and revenue paid to shell LLCs, used to layer and integrate illegal money in money laundering, will appear on both the corporate filings and his personal filings. Same for those of Kushner, Ivanaka, and Trump jr. That will be interesting. And Mueller will refer any evidence of criminal activity to the New York office, which would act on it the moment trump leaves office.

So now you understand the bombastic, desperate behavior by Trump.
Believe trump has no pardon power with criminal activity taken up inNY

POTUS cannot pardon at the state level.
The rest of us have a big problem with it and we own more guns.

Fuckheads like Tigger are planning an armed revolution????..........LMAO.........

Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Believe it.

Will Trump be your leader? I once read an army of lambs led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a lamb Trump is your lamb, a punk who ran when called

So tell the class which two way rifle range you served in. LMAO You're not the type to put yourself on the line for anything other than yourself. Trump went through the system, he didn't run to another country like other weak kneed pussies did.

Why are you so desperate to hide his returns?
These trumpkins have no idea why they are bending over backwards for dear leader. They just know they are expected to do so.
They LOVE doing it. Like the screaming idiots at an old Nuremberg rally.

I mean...look at these ignorant minions:

What pisses everyone off is that he is filthy rich and they are not. Get over it, at least he wasn't dirt poor or broke when he came in office departing with millions!
G H W Bush came from a filthy rich family too Joined Navy at 18 youngest pilot to fly in the war He truly makes Trump look like the pig he is
You guys did not care when Ted Kennedy refused to release his tax returns, not even when he ran for president in the Dem primary in 1980. So why do you care so much now?
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.
True but afraid to show them doesn't lead you to think something smells bad?? IMHO It stinks

It doesn't matter

Would you make your private information public if you had no legal obligation to do so?

I sure as hell wouldn't
All other presidents disagree

You're a liar, none of the first 36 presidents released anything about their taxes and Ford only released a summary, not his returns. Another regressive with a sever case of dumbassery.

Of course, Trump is bucking the 40 year tradition because he has something to hide.

Really, what?

Not every other president has released their tax returns, so stop telling that lie. And none had a legal obligation to do it.

Too bad that they are STILL going to be revealed next year......Feel free to stomp....LOL

If they are, the person who releases them should be jailed. There are no legal means to do it without Trumps consent.


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