How utterly ridiculous are democrats and the msm?

Always trying to narrow the argument down to extreme levels to continue to defend an argument you can't actually defend.

The article posted noted that a person with XY Chromosomes became impregnated by another with XY chromosomes.
haha a person getting knocked up with XY Chromosomes by a person with XY ones IS an EXTREME case
The tragic part in many cases is those who are demeaned and called names over disorders they are born with.
Yes, that's tragic too...people shouldn't be demeaned or discriminated against because of disorders...they should be encouraged to get treatment...mental health is very important, we don't need anymore shooting up a bunch of Christian kids at a school because they were encouraged to, or told that these kids are to somehow blame for all the bad things that happened ot them
If the deformity makes them not clearly one sex or the other then it absolutely calls into question whether binary is an accurate term. If sex is binary then where do the intersexed fit in? Is Caster Semenya who was born with a vagina but has internal testes and XY chromosomes a male or female?
Humans have 2 arms. If a baby is born with one, does that mean its not a human?
This is so fuckin stupid :lol:
haha a person getting knocked up with XY Chromosomes by a person with XY ones IS an EXTREME case

Sure, I'm sure it's quite rare.

Yes, that's tragic too...people shouldn't be demeaned or discriminated against because of disorders...they should be encouraged to get treatment...mental health is very important, we don't need anymore shooting up a bunch of Christian kids at a school because they were encouraged to, or told that these kids are to somehow blame for all the bad things that happened ot them

Stopping the condemnation and demeaning of others is a good start there.
Humans have 2 arms. If a baby is born with one, does that mean its not a human?
This is so fuckin stupid :lol:

Yes, it means they are a human. A human with feelings just like all humans. That is why we need to stop with the name calling and demeaning of those not born exactly the same as most.
No what you are doing is trying to excuse butchering children and endorsing mental delusions based on a freak of nature that is so rare no one even knows anyone with the legit abnormality.

You are endorsing child brutality and mental abuse
It's the people who believed sex was binary that are the ones who butchered children. They believed they had to correct things when they came across the intersexed with doctors and parents trying to shoehorn these children into being either male or female often times with disastrous results. The recommendation today is to wait until they are old enough to decide for themselves what type of medical interventions they want or if they even want any at all, which many don't.
Humans have 2 arms. If a baby is born with one, does that mean its not a human?
This is so fuckin stupid :lol:
I didn't ask you about arms. You continue to dodge. Is Caster Semenya a male or female? You're the one insisting sex is binary so which is she?
Yes, it means they are a human. A human with feelings just like all humans. That is why we need to stop with the name calling and demeaning of those not born exactly the same as most.
Im not demeaning them.
Are you completely ignoring my point and making up shit on purpose?
Im not demeaning them.
Are you completely ignoring my point and making up shit on purpose?

I'm making a generalized statement. Will you argue that many do not demean people that are born differently than they are?
I didn't ask you about arms. You continue to dodge. Is Caster Semenya a male or female? You're the one insisting sex is binary so which is she?
You are dodging my point.
She has a physical deformity. It is what it is.
Sex is binary. Just because there are abnormalities, doesnt change that fact.
Just like that human baby with one arm.
You are dodging my point.
She has a physical deformity. It is what it is.
Sex is binary. Just because there are abnormalities, doesnt change that fact.
Just like that human baby with one arm.

Physical abnormalities are not the only kind.
Sure, I'm sure it's quite rare.

Stopping the condemnation and demeaning of others is a good start there.
1) yes
2) yes..nobody with a mental health or physical disorder should be mocked...their issues are out of the control....they should be encouraged to get help, that's where it should start.....but I don't see alcholics or people born without arms demanding that the US stop serving booze, or take doors off buildings....the rest of the world shouldn't have to bend over backwards and change because of the minority with disorders. We should however be helpful and encourage treatment.
You are dodging my point.
She has a physical deformity. It is what it is.
Sex is binary. Just because there are abnormalities, doesnt change that fact.
Just like that human baby with one arm.
Abnormalities do sort of change those facts because abnormal doesn't mean non existent. If someone was born with one arm I wouldn't insist they have two arms just because most people are born with two and I couldn't emotionally manage the incongruity.
1) yes
2) yes..nobody with a mental health or physical disorder should be mocked...their issues are out of the control....they should be encouraged to get help, that's where it should start.....but I don't see alcholics or people born without arms demanding that the US stop serving booze, or take doors off buildings....the rest of the world shouldn't have to bend over backwards and change because of the minority with disorders. We should however be helpful and encourage treatment.

They should be able to lead the lives that make them happy.
'Sexual differentiation is a dynamic process that is subject to a sequential program. The program is so ordered that it can be carried to completion in consecutive stages, often described as 1.) the establishment of chromosomal sex at fertilization, 2.) the development of gonadal sex, and 3.) the development of secondary sexual characteristics, collectively called the sexual phenotype. However, recent research has shown that sex differences are present immediately after fertilization, thus suggesting that sexual development be considered to include a stage of pregonadal sexual dimorphism.
In 1959, four reports demonstrated the crucial role of the Y chromosome in sex determination in mammals: Welshons and Russell (1959) showed that XO mice are females; Jacobs and Strong (1959) showed karyotype 47,XXY results in a male with Klinefelter syndrome; Ford and colleagues (1959b) reported the 45, XO karyotype in a woman with Turner syndrome; and Ford and colleagues (1959a) described two supernumerary chromosomes (an X and a 21, giving the karyotype 48,XXY+21) in a male with Klinefelter and Down syndromes.

These observations demonstrated that the presence of a Y chromosome, independent of the number of X chromosomes, resulted in the development of a mammalian embryo as a male, whereas in the absence of the Y chromosome, it developed as a female.

Thus, the Y chromosome appeared tom possess a gene or genes whose presence or absence determined the destiny of the bipotential gonad as a testis or ovary, respectively. Once the choice was made, gonadal hormones (and paracrine substances) would control the development of the dimorphic secondary characteristics.'
(Erickson RP, The Sex Determining Pathway, in Inborn Errors of Development: The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis, Ch. 15)

So media cherry-picking fails. Every potentially mutilated tranny should be vetted for Down, Turner, and Klinefelter syndromes.

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