How utterly ridiculous are democrats and the msm?

You’re so fucking retarded it’s painful to watch.

There are around 8 billion people on this planet. Point to one, just one that wasn’t birthed by a person with XX chromosomes that was impregnated by someone else with XY chromosomes. Point to one, just one that wasn’t carried from conception to birth by anyone without XX chromosomes.

Show your work retard. I want details and examples.
I posted an article detailing sex ambiguities, you didn't address any of it you just came by to throw insults because you can't actually refute the science.
Tragic things? These are people you bigot. People who live healthy and productive lives, sometimes without even knowing about their intersexuality. Again, your need to belittle them as an excuse to dismiss them is only evidence of your own mental midgetry.
yes medical disorders are tragic things. Medical disorders aren’t people, people do however get rhem and it’s tragic
You’re so fucking retarded it’s painful to watch.

There are around 8 billion people on this planet. Point to one, just one that wasn’t birthed by a person with XX chromosomes that was impregnated by someone else with XY chromosomes. Point to one, just one that wasn’t carried from conception to birth by anyone without XX chromosomes.

Show your work retard. I want details and examples.

Always trying to narrow the argument down to extreme levels to continue to defend an argument you can't actually defend.

The article posted noted that a person with XY Chromosomes became impregnated by another with XY chromosomes.
yes medical disorders are tragic things. Medical disorders aren’t people, people do however get rhem and it’s tragic
Tragedy is a subjective emotion and that's what you're arguing with, emotion. Because you're a snowflake.
Yes, and that is a deformity.

So? People born with deformities don't try and fix them the best they can?

A person with a cleft palate is wrong to have it repaired so they feel better about themselves?
So? People born with deformities don't try and fix them the best they can?

A person with a cleft palate is wrong to have it repaired so they feel better about themselves?
WTF are you babbling about? No, they arent wrong. :rolleyes:
The issue was saying people with deformities prove sex isnt binary. Which is stupid.
Im not dismissing their existence. retarded shit..
Sure you did. Again many of these people live their lives not knowing they are intersexed and even the ones who do can be perfectly comfortable with their biology. It's you who's uncomfortable with them and none of you can answer a simple question. Are they male or female? Calling them deformed in response to that question is just a slur.
WTF are you babbling about? No, they arent wrong. :rolleyes:
The issue was saying people with deformities prove sex isnt binary. Which is stupid.

How so? As noted there is a pregnant human with both XX and XY chromosomes.

What it proves is not all things work perfectly for everyone in development of that person. Are you arguing things don't go wrong?
Sure you did. Again many of these people live their lives not knowing they are intersexed and even the ones who do can be perfectly comfortable with their biology. It's you who's uncomfortable with them and none of you can answer a simple question. Are they male or female? Calling them deformed is response to that question is just a slur.
Im not uncomfortable with them. All I was saying was, saying a person with a deformity means sex isnt binary, is stupid. And incorrect.
It isnt a slur, its a fact. Sorry if you are all up in your feelz, pansy.
The tragic part in many cases is those who are demeaned and called names over disorders they are born with.
We aren't talking about people with both sex organs. We are talking about democrats who support little boys chopping off their genitals in an effort to pacify a mental delusion.

You can spin it to freaks of nature all you like but they aren't the topic
We aren't talking about people with both sex organs. We are talking about democrats who support little boys chopping off their genitals in an effort to pacify a mental delusion.

You can spin it to freaks of nature all you like but they aren't the topic

I am discussing the facts of human development.
How so? As noted there is a pregnant human with both XX and XY chromosomes.

What it proves is not all things work perfectly for everyone in development of that person. Are you arguing things don't go wrong?
huh? No lol. My entire argument is that things can go wrong. But that doesnt change biological fact.
Im not uncomfortable with them. All I was saying was, saying a person with a deformity means sex isnt binary, is stupid. And incorrect.
It isnt a slur, its a fact. Sorry if you are all up in your feelz, pansy.
If the deformity makes them not clearly one sex or the other then it absolutely calls into question whether binary is an accurate term. If sex is binary then where do the intersexed fit in? Is Caster Semenya who was born with a vagina but has internal testes and XY chromosomes a male or female?
I am discussing the facts of human development.
No what you are doing is trying to excuse butchering children and endorsing mental delusions based on a freak of nature that is so rare no one even knows anyone with the legit abnormality.

You are endorsing child brutality and mental abuse
No what you are doing is trying to excuse butchering children and endorsing mental delusions based on a freak of nature that is so rare no one even knows anyone with the legit abnormality.

You are endorsing child brutality and mental abuse

You are ranting. I'm simply discussing simple facts on human development. That you can't actually counter my factual arguments you have to rant about something else.

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