How was there an effort to take over the US government WITH NO GUNS?

They acknowledged that if they used guns the response would be immediate and overwhelming. They left them home (or in caches in Virginia).

Their goal was to drive Congress from the Capitol to allow the rest of the coup to take place.

For a brief time they succeeded.
The only real question is this how we want to solve our political problems?
Are we looking for a dictatorship?
Is the thought of a healthy balance of power or a demand for honesty out of our elected leaders and impossible ask????
Dems LIED and attempted to blow this all out of proportion. Hell Schumer tried to compare it to the attack on Pearl Harbor for crying out loud. There is nothing more dishonest than a Democrat.
I really do not understand it.

A credible insurrection with no guns?

Its nonsense. If this was an actual insurrection attempt to ASSUME CONTROL OF THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT…GUNS WOULD HAVE BEEN USED.

How is this not so blatantly obvious?

These prime time hearings are a dog and pony show joke.
Well, see, they came up with this “plan,” see? And uhm. Err.

Well, hell. Nobody said it was a good plan.
They acknowledged that if they used guns the response would be immediate and overwhelming. They left them home (or in caches in Virginia).

Their goal was to drive Congress from the Capitol to allow the rest of the coup to take place.

For a brief time they succeeded.
They were expecting the Capitol Police wouldn't resist or fire on the predominantly white crowd. After all, a bunch of white people storming the Capitol on the day the election is to be certified aren't a threat.
The crowd would capture and subdue the Vice President and Senators responsible for certifying the election. Enough Republicans would capitulate. The election results would not have been certified and alternate
slates of electors would be nominated. The gun stashing seditionists were there as a backup and reinforcement if any politician objected.

They came close. All that they needed to do was have the courage of their convictions.
The ones in front, rush the police and doors and sacrifice themselves for the greater cause.

Lucky for the country, that resolve wasn't there. :)


So far, with the investigation still ongoing, three individuals have been charged for allegedly bringing a gun onto Capitol grounds on January 6. At least two other individuals have also been charged with gun crimes in relation to the events of that day, though they are not accused of carrying on Capitol grounds.

According to police testimony, Christopher Alberts was arrested leaving the Capitol grounds on January 6 while trying to flee from officers after they suspected he was carrying a firearm on his hip. Alberts was carrying a loaded pistol and 25 rounds of ammunition, according to court documents.

Guy Reffitt has been charged with illegally bringing a handgun on Capitol grounds on January 6. Reffitt allegedly told family members he "brought his gun with him" in the Capitol attack.

Mark Ibrahim, who at the time was an off-duty special agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration, has been charged with bringing his service weapon on Capitol grounds during the insurrection as well as lying to the FBI about why he was at the Capitol.

Another individual, Cleveland Meredith Jr., is accused of possessing a pistol and rifle without "a registration for any firearm in Washington, DC," which were recovered by the FBI a day after the insurrection. According to an officer statement, the individual arrived too late for the Capitol riot and talked about killing Pelosi in a text conversation.

Yet another person, Lonnie Coffman, is accused of parking a truck filled with 11 homemade bombs, a handgun and an assault rifle two blocks away from the Capitol for several hours on January 6. Most of these defendants have pleaded not guilty or say they'll fight the charges.
Federal prosecutors have also said members of the Oath Keepers, a paramilitary group, likely stored weapons at a hotel in Arlington, Virginia, as part of their plan to have an armed rapid-response force during the January 6 insurrection.

During Tuesday's hearing, DC Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges noted that the situation during the riot made it difficult to confirm reports of firearms and conduct arrests accordingly on January 6 itself. Hodges said the gun recovery unit was "working the crowd to try and confirm reports of firearms on certain people but it's also difficult to do given the nature of the crowd and how many there were."
Did you notice the term "rapid response" from the prosecutors? Response to what? Perhaps violence towards the mostly peaceful protestors from left wing loons like Antifa? If they were planning to use the arms in the "insurrection" wouldn't they have had them with them in the demonstration? All these prosecutions for anything other than simple trespass are using circular logic which is why the prosecutors are eagerly settling for plea deals for lesser charges rather than taking their insurrection claims to court. The simple truth is there was no insurrection, planned or spontaneous, just a mostly peaceful demonstration that got out of hand. What happened on January 6th was far less violent than the Anti-War demonstrations/riots that plagued D.C. in the late sixties/early seventies.
You outnumber your opponent by at least 10 to 1. Your opponent is armed with handguns, have riot shields, and billy clubs. No semi-automatic weapons. You have the numbers. Along with the notion that the police will not fire on white civilians in this country.
You have all the lawmakers responsible for certifying a national election that you believe was stolen in one building.

I like my odds. :)
Every single one of the handguns carried by the police were semi-automatics with twelve to fifteen round magazines and most officers carry at least two spare magazines. In that situation a handgun is far more effective than a rifle. Each officer had the capability of killing thirty-six to forty-five demonstrators. Officers under actual physical attack didn't feel the need to fire their weapons, only ONE who was under NO physical threat fired at a demonstrator despite the fact that several other officers were closer to his target and didn't feel threatened enough to fire.
Every single one of the handguns carried by the police were semi-automatics with twelve to fifteen round magazines and most officers carry at least two spare magazines. In that situation a handgun is far more effective than a rifle. Each officer had the capability of killing thirty-six to forty-five demonstrators. Officers under actual physical attack didn't feel the need to fire their weapons, only ONE who was under NO physical threat fired at a demonstrator despite the fact that several other officers were closer to his target and didn't feel threatened enough to fire.
Yes. The Capitol Police excersized remarkable restraint
Every single one of the handguns carried by the police were semi-automatics with twelve to fifteen round magazines and most officers carry at least two spare magazines. In that situation a handgun is far more effective than a rifle. Each officer had the capability of killing thirty-six to forty-five demonstrators. Officers under actual physical attack didn't feel the need to fire their weapons, only ONE who was under NO physical threat fired at a demonstrator despite the fact that several other officers were closer to his target and didn't feel threatened enough to fire.
LOL. JTDC. Do the math. :auiqs.jpg: I hate quoting movies but a line from the third Matrix movie pops into my head.
"How many bullets in those guns?, Not enough I think"...LOL. Again, the crowd..didn't have the courage of their convictions.

Also, police will not as a rule, fire their weapons into a large crowd of white people..even if they are rushing a building.
All this crap about insurrection and attempted coup is pure political bullshit. It was wrong, it was criminal, and those involved broke the law and ought to be punished for it. But they weren't trying to overthrow the gov't, and that is why no one has ever been charged with and convicted of insurrection or treason.

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