How was there an effort to take over the US government WITH NO GUNS?

CHOP/CHAZ wasn't. And could have been ended by the respective mayor and police the drop of a hat.
But it wasn't. Democrats decided they supported the revolutionaries instead of normal people.

Democrats let people get murdered. Democrats let people destroy public and private property.

Democrats support terrorism.
Lotsa people. Small number of police. Lawmakers responsible for certifying election gathered in building. Lotsa people rush said building.

Who needs guns? :)
This stupidity is getting people killed. I guarantee you many will be killed when the government is purely authoritarian and there are enough impoverished people. You treat this as a joke. The joke will be on all of us.
They were expecting the Capitol Police wouldn't resist or fire on the predominantly white crowd. After all, a bunch of white people storming the Capitol on the day the election is to be certified aren't a threat.
The crowd would capture and subdue the Vice President and Senators responsible for certifying the election. Enough Republicans would capitulate. The election results would not have been certified and alternate
slates of electors would be nominated. The gun stashing seditionists were there as a backup and reinforcement if any politician objected.

They came close. All that they needed to do was have the courage of their convictions.
The ones in front, rush the police and doors and sacrifice themselves for the greater cause.

Lucky for the country, that resolve wasn't there. :)
What the fuck is jackoffwithnobrains trying to communicate?
He lost. Deal with it and move on.
There is no evidence of widespread fraud.
So what's your angle for constantly putting the debunked theory forward?
There is indeed evidence of widespread fraud. Note that this doesn’t amount to proof that the cheaters’ efforts succeeded.
The right wing planned it so no get ns would be present.

Are you telling me that all the people decided to not have guns there on their own.

I think not.
If you insist that Jan 6th was an insurrecton, but May 29th was NOT AN INSURRECTON….you are a brainwashed dumb fuck doing the bidding for people who do not give a fuck about you other than how they can exploit you.


You stupid assholes call Trump a pussy for going to the bunker….but claim CONGRESS WAS GOING TO BE MURDERED.

Suck a big fat fucking manatee cock.
You can fling as many insults as you'd like. But again, not enough bullets. Outnumbered by at least 10 to 1. You..don't..need..guns.
So the question remains. Why..believe..The..Lie?? :)
and every cop had at least thirty six "bullets" almost four times the number the demonstrators outnumbered the cops by. A ten to one advantage would melt away like snow in the Mojave Desert against that firepower.
We don't have to prove anything, you moron. You have to prove it was an insurrection.

It wasn't.
Try to keep up, retard. The topic is about guns or lack thereof on Jan 6. :itsok:
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Did you notice the term "rapid response" from the prosecutors? Response to what? Perhaps violence towards the mostly peaceful protestors from left wing loons like Antifa? If they were planning to use the arms in the "insurrection" wouldn't they have had them with them in the demonstration? All these prosecutions for anything other than simple trespass are using circular logic which is why the prosecutors are eagerly settling for plea deals for lesser charges rather than taking their insurrection claims to court. The simple truth is there was no insurrection, planned or spontaneous, just a mostly peaceful demonstration that got out of hand. What happened on January 6th was far less violent than the Anti-War demonstrations/riots that plagued D.C. in the late sixties/early seventies.
Next you will tell us they were just simple tourists? Yeah, we heard that one too. :itsok:
There was no effort and even less ability
This is strictly another emotive “what if” which is a key to all liberal non thinking reactions and decisions
Next you will tell us they were just simple tourists? Yeah, we heard that one too. :itsok:
Nope. most of them were simple, peaceful political protestors. A right protected by the First Amendment. They were demonstrating to have the government correct a perceived grievance. They may have been wrong, but legally they were right. The rioters who invaded the Capital Building were as wrong as those Kyle Rittenhouse shot in Kenosha.

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