How was there an effort to take over the US government WITH NO GUNS?

And what do you do besides shill for traitors and criminals? I like my tune much better.
He lost. Deal with it and move on.
There is no evidence of widespread fraud.
So what's your angle for constantly putting the debunked theory forward?
1/6 lasted hours ,
CHOP / CHAZ lasted months
1/6 was about overturning the results of a free and fair election to reinstall the guy...who lost.
CHOP/CHAZ wasn't. And could have been ended by the respective mayor and police the drop of a hat.
the results of a free and fair election
I really do not understand it.

A credible insurrection with no guns?

Its nonsense. If this was an actual insurrection attempt to ASSUME CONTROL OF THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT…GUNS WOULD HAVE BEEN USED.

How is this not so blatantly obvious?

These prime time hearings are a dog and pony show joke.

This is yet another case of democrat politicians/radical leftists insisting in public water is not wet and two plus two does not equal four; it's called gaslighting. They insist that the truth we saw with our own eyes was something else—something completely different, and with the media on their side they can get away with it. Very obviously, to anyone with eyes capable of seeing, no actual or attempted insurrection took place. A bunch of American idiots, those who entered the building were idiots, were lured or baited into a trap. The purpose was to take pressure off accusations of a stolen presidential election and flip the fault and national spotlight around on average white American Christian voters who of course voted for Trump or just happened to be stupid enough to go to DC that day. Democrats set the trap and lots and lots of fools walked right into it. All Jan 6th achieved was sealing Biden's stolen victory.

An actual insurrection would require diversions, a column of armored vehicles, air support, perhaps a dirty bomb and lots of heavily armed and supported boots on the ground. Even during a real insurrection contingencies would have allowed our government to continue its normal function.
Yes. The Capitol Police excersized remarkable restraint
Actually, no they didn't. Demonstrating and even rioting aren't capital crimes. Riot police aren't allowed to fire into riots using live ammunition. If they were there would have been a lot of dead George Floyd rioters.
There is digital and video evidence of widespread fraud. It has not and cannot be debunked.

No..evidence..of widespread..fraud...
60+ cases....dismissed. Multiple audits, recounts, and NINJAS!!

Honestly, how pathetic do you have to be to keep pushing this lie forward?
I really do not understand it.

A credible insurrection with no guns?

Its nonsense. If this was an actual insurrection attempt to ASSUME CONTROL OF THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT…GUNS WOULD HAVE BEEN USED.

How is this not so blatantly obvious?

These prime time hearings are a dog and pony show joke.
You can tell it was planned out and the proud boy had quick reaction troops waiting for Trump to declare marshal law on that day.

If a few would of had guns I'd say it wasn't planned out that way.
The pistols carried by the Capitol Police ARE semi-automatic weapons.

People who don't know shit about guns shouldn't talk about them.
Idiots like him, who choose to remain woefully uninformed about such topics (or perhaps lack the mental capacity to comprehend simple things like basic mechanical functions), are the very types of people who have been the target audience of propoganda campaigns since the dawn of civilization. The maleability and willful stupidity of idiots like Jack'O is the reason why human civilization has consistently permitted tyrannical governance and periods of "dark ages" that spanned centuries or even milennia. It's pretty remarkable that our "great experiment" marked the first time in the history of the world that a nation was founded upon the principle of citizens having individual freedoms and inalienable rights that were neither granted to them by government, nor able to be curtailed by government. Sadly, despite thousands of years to learn from that history, and despite living in the so-called "age of information," the vast majority of people living today are no more inclined or equipped to use critical thinking in avoidance of obvious manipulation efforts than our cave dwelling ancestors were. Instead, this forum illustrates on a daily basis that we're just as likely to repeat the catastrophic mistakes of the past, and end up joining the list of fallen empires that future students will read about in history text books.
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Idiots like him, who choose to remain woefully uninformed about such topics (or perhaps lack the mental capacity to comprehend simple facts like firearm mechanics), are the very types of people who have been the target audience of propoganda campaigns since the dawn of civilization. The maleability and willful stupidity of idiots like Jack'O is the reason why human civilization has consistently permitted tyrannical governance and dark ages that spanned centuries or even milennia. Sadly, despite thousands of years to learn from that history, and despite living in the so-called "age of information," the vast majority of people living today are no more inclined or equipped to use critical thinking and reject obvious manipulation efforts than our cave dwelling ancestors were.
You can fling as many insults as you'd like. But again, not enough bullets. Outnumbered by at least 10 to 1. You..don't..need..guns.
So the question remains. Why..believe..The..Lie?? :)
The pistols carried by the Capitol Police ARE semi-automatic weapons.

People who don't know shit about guns shouldn't talk about them.
These are bed wetters, they don't know shit about shit but constantly talk shit.
They were expecting the Capitol Police wouldn't resist or fire on the predominantly white crowd. After all, a bunch of white people storming the Capitol on the day the election is to be certified aren't a threat.
The crowd would capture and subdue the Vice President and Senators responsible for certifying the election. Enough Republicans would capitulate. The election results would not have been certified and alternate
slates of electors would be nominated. The gun stashing seditionists were there as a backup and reinforcement if any politician objected.

They came close. All that they needed to do was have the courage of their convictions.
The ones in front, rush the police and doors and sacrifice themselves for the greater cause.

Lucky for the country, that resolve wasn't there. :)
And yet the only person shot that day was white.

You really are retarded.
It tells you alot when all the terrorist agreed to not be armed. And not one gun in thousands of terrorists hands.

Tells you that it was planned that way.

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