How will History judge Dubya?

Bush Legacy

  • An obscure answer on Trivial Pursuit

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Revered by Muslims as a new Prophet

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Revered by Liberals for ending the free market fallacy

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Revered by Conservatives for eliminating gays

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
There are too many things that are still unresolved to know for sure. I'm thinking about how history will judge him 50 + years from now. He could easily be judged one of the worst based on the facts as we understand them now.

I could think of dozens of scenarios where his reputation is suddenly rehabilitated and he doesn't appear to be the asshole we think he is now. Whether any of those come to pass remains to be seen. A lot depends on the next 4 - 8 years and what happens next.
Hey, maybe we could do one for how history will remember Cheney:

A. An obscure Trivial Pursuit answer to the question: Which VP shot off one of his cronies faces in a hunting accident?

B. An obscure Trivial Pursuit answer to the question: Which VP established the precedent that the office of vice president is not part of the executive branch of government?

C. An obscure Trivial Pursuit answer to the question: Which VP had to issue an apology to the entire state of West Virginia for implying that the residents are all inbred?

D. The antichrist
This belongs in the Flame zone given the possible answers.

Stop being such a pussy. You're acting like a petulant little school girl.

I posted a satirical video that mocked zombie-like supporters of Obama, and nobody moved it to the flame zone.

There's nothing harsh about Ravi's poll. A couple of the choice are hyperbolic. But, there's nothing harsh in it, unless you are in love with George Bush and ready to draw swords at the drop of a hat to defend his honor.
How many of these one sided polls will continue to show up?

1. What one sided polls?
2. A few more.
3. Some more.
4. A LOT more.
5. It with never end .... bwahahaha!
I guess Bashing is more fun. In truth, we don't know how history will treat GW.

History will see GW Bush as a foreign policy visionary with an iron will; a President that stood tall and took the war to a sub-human enemy that desperately needed killing and he killed them by the hundreds of thousands...

On Domestic issues... he did as well as someone who lends credence to leftism can do.

But as bad as fascists are... GW will stand out as a miracle of brilliant leadership as history compares him to the catastrophic record of Hesitant Hussein.
History will see GW Bush as a foreign policy visionary with an iron will; a President that stood tall and took the war to a sub-human enemy that desperately needed killing and he killed them by the hundreds of thousands...

On Domestic issues... he did as well as someone who lends credence to leftism can do.

But as bad as fascists are... GW will stand out as a miracle of brilliant leadership as history compares him to the catastrophic record of Hesitant Hussein.

I pray to the gods that you are being sarcastic.
There are too many things that are still unresolved to know for sure. I'm thinking about how history will judge him 50 + years from now. He could easily be judged one of the worst based on the facts as we understand them now.

I could think of dozens of scenarios where his reputation is suddenly rehabilitated and he doesn't appear to be the asshole we think he is now. Whether any of those come to pass remains to be seen. A lot depends on the next 4 - 8 years and what happens next.

LOL... Man the ONLY criteria under which GW can be judged negatively is that FROM the ideological left which grotesquely misrepresents the GWOT and THE LEFTIST POLICY which GW signed or failed to strip from the culture... such as the leftist policy that interefered with the markets that is 100% responsible for the current problems in the housing and credit market.
LOL... Man the ONLY criteria under which GW can be judged negatively is that FROM the ideological left which grotesquely misrepresents the GWOT and THE LEFTIST POLICY which GW signed or failed to strip from the culture... such as the leftist policy that interefered with the markets that is 100% responsible for the current problems in the housing and credit market.

Wow, I thought people like you were extinct ... such blind devotion, you'd make a great suicide bomber.
Wow, I thought people like you were extinct ... such blind devotion, you'd make a great suicide bomber.

To what blind devotion are you referring? Now get SPECIFIC... If you've a challenge you'd like to bring against my position, I challenge you to BRING IT...

But don't run from the argument through a fallacious red herring, trying to prop up the feeble facade that you're gettin' it done.

Now either point out where you can show that I got it wrong or :anj_stfu:

(Now I should point out that I hope she brings a well reasoned intellectually sound argument... but history shows that she will not; the simple fact is that if she had a valid argument, she'd have brought it instead of that drivel.)
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To what blind devotion are you referring? Now get SPECIFIC... If you've a challenge you'd like to bring against my position, I challenge you to BRING IT...

But don't run from the argument through a fallacious red herring, trying to prop up the feeble facade that you're gettin' it done.

Now either point out where you can show that I got it wrong or :anj_stfu:

(Now I should point out that I hope she brings a well reasoned intellectually sound argument... but history shows that she will not; the simple fact is that if she had a valid argument, she'd have brought it instead of that drivel.)

Blind faith to someone who can't read cue cards right, someone who can't read a child's book right, to someone who can't even get common phrases right. He's a moron, plain and simple, a blabbering baffoon who was a puppet to the reps and nothing more. They put him in office to veto all dem bills, that's what he did, that's all he was good for.
Blind devotion of any sort is bad, very bad, it's the same thing car bombers have, the same thing suicide bombers of all types have, it's the same thing terrorists use. It's also unpatriotic and 100% un-American.
How many of these one sided polls will continue to show up?

1. What one sided polls?
2. A few more.
3. Some more.
4. A LOT more.
5. It with never end .... bwahahaha!
lolol...I like polls like these, they bring out the idiots like PubicInfinity to remind me how stupid Republicans are.

Wow, I thought people like you were extinct ... such blind devotion, you'd make a great suicide bomber.

Bet you don't mind "blind devotion" when the Obots partake in it ...:cuckoo:

What a lame ass poll btw..
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He eliminated gays?

Is that why we haven't heard from Abby Cadabby in quite a while?

Yeah, this shadow prison in [REDACTED] we were all shipped off to really sucks. We only get a few hours of internet a day, and no cable! Just the basic networks! And you should see how limited the toiletry selection is.

But hey, just a couple more weeks; B.O.'s promised to start letting us use the back door of the Illuminati clubhouse again so we get back to running our sinister conspiracies to -------------------------------------------------------[REDACTED]------------------------------------------------------- those damn squirrels and bring ----------------------[REDACTED]---------------------- if we can get enough guacamole. So, things are looking up.
He will be considered the worst President ever while Dick Chaney will be considered the worst person ever

Explain to me how Cheney would be the worst person ever. Worse than Hitler, Stalin, Himmler, Genghis Khan, Caligula, Mao. Can you back that statement up or are you just being silly?
Bet you don't mind "blind devotion" when the Obots partake in it ...:cuckoo:

What a lame ass poll btw..

LOL ... um ... yeah. Okay Obama supporters, how many of you actually like me still?

I have never liked Obama anymore than Bush Jr.. Let's see, what was my favorite phrase to describe Obama? Oh yeah, "just like Bush Jr. only on the left."
Explain to me how Cheney would be the worst person ever. Worse than Hitler, Stalin, Himmler, Genghis Khan, Caligula, Mao. Can you back that statement up or are you just being silly?

Hey! Leave poor Genghis out of this. *pouts and sulks* He's my hero.

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