How will Republicans attract younger voters?

By telling them that they don't need an education to be successful.

That's obviously already been done. Otherwise how does one explain the street corner drug dealing, looting and arson fires started by the Ferguson thugs...

Then by having them believe that $15 an hour plus benefits is actually a good job.

That's the EXACT amount the protesters have been picketing for. AMAZING...

Also, telling them that they have been "indoctrinated" by their teachers. (that one is truly funny).

Since they haven't needed an education thus far, why even bother to tell them that?

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The fact that recent grads aren't finding much opportunity under commiecrat policies will take care of the influx of the young to the republican party. You saw a small part of that in the last elections, a trend that will grow.
Job Openings were 4.8 million in October -

You were saying?

You want fries with that? Part time low wage jobs are nothing to build an economy on and many college grads are working them just to survive.
The Dems count on the young, the black, the chronically unemployed vote. It's a given that those who haven't yet fully matured and those who desire gubment cheese are going to vote for the immature philosophy of handouts.
Chronically unemployed? Funny how many Republicans you can employ with minimum wage and not benefits. Actually, there is no such thing as "no benefits". When Republicans get jobs with no benefits, their food stamps and health care are paid for by the government. True story.
Working for minimum wage is not being chronically unemployed.

And the government "pays" for everything through tax collection. :)
So taxes are a good thing?
Maybe they should come up with something like this the Democrat party did for OscamCare

they lied to you but oh well
Beside "let him die", the fastest increase in the cost of healthcare in history and medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy, what have Republicans done for us? Oh, that's right, they bitch about Democrats. That is sure to attract a lot of new Republicans, or imbeciles as I call them.
so what do you do?....bitch about i said dean....republicans suck but you sure as hell dont do much to make Democrats look good....with lefties like you and guno representing democrats and righties like shootspeedos and steve magarett representing righties.....i can understand why more and more people are saying fuck these 2 parties....
Actually, when you point out things like "Equal Pay for Equal Work" and "Removing the Student Loan Program" from banks who were making 6 billion a year, er, not making, being given 6 billion a year for running it then it shows a huge difference between the two parties.
Propagandized tards refuse to see any difference so they can be the ones to cry and whine about everything while refusing to see true accomplishments.
The fact that recent grads aren't finding much opportunity under commiecrat policies will take care of the influx of the young to the republican party. You saw a small part of that in the last elections, a trend that will grow.
Job Openings were 4.8 million in October -

You were saying?

You want fries with that? Part time low wage jobs are nothing to build an economy on and many college grads are working them just to survive.

You said: You want fries with that? Part time low wage jobs are nothing to build an economy on and many college grads are working them just to survive

Is that what you believe? Without even bothering to go look? Just pulled it out your butt and then give a "ha ha, look how clever I am" answer?

Why does your kind do that? I don't get it. Don't you know it makes you look stupid?

You can actually look up were the jobs are available and what kind of jobs there are. And let me give you a hint. Why do governors like Rick Perry go to California, New York and Illinois looking for skilled workers if only part time employment is available? Make the answer good. I want to know you tried.

Table 7. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region not seasonally adjusted
"How will Republicans attract younger voters?"

Republicans need to abandon their unwarranted and un-Constitutional hostility toward the rights of gay Americans, women, immigrants, and minority voters.
"How will Republicans attract younger voters?"

Republicans need to abandon their unwarranted and un-Constitutional hostility toward the rights of gay Americans, women, immigrants, and minority voters.

Why give up what just got you 9 seats in the senate ?
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

With money.

The CURRENT GOP is in absolute control of Corporations. They will repeat anything and everything they have to by their donors because their message isn't working. Everyone hates taxes!..........The smart have to sit down and think about which taxes are necessary and which aren't while listening to the CHILDREN say "all taxes are stupid" even thought his Country was founded on taxation.. The Constitutionalists hate the words of it.
The fact that recent grads aren't finding much opportunity under commiecrat policies will take care of the influx of the young to the republican party. You saw a small part of that in the last elections, a trend that will grow.
Job Openings were 4.8 million in October -

You were saying?

You want fries with that? Part time low wage jobs are nothing to build an economy on and many college grads are working them just to survive.

You said: You want fries with that? Part time low wage jobs are nothing to build an economy on and many college grads are working them just to survive

Is that what you believe? Without even bothering to go look? Just pulled it out your butt and then give a "ha ha, look how clever I am" answer?

Why does your kind do that? I don't get it. Don't you know it makes you look stupid?

You can actually look up were the jobs are available and what kind of jobs there are. And let me give you a hint. Why do governors like Rick Perry go to California, New York and Illinois looking for skilled workers if only part time employment is available? Make the answer good. I want to know you tried.

Table 7. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region not seasonally adjusted

With about 1.6 million graduating every year with a bachelors degree and even more with advanced degrees, a couple of million college level jobs being available don't impress me. Evidently you're pretty easily impressed by low numbers when the commiecrats are in charge.
There might be some young voters attracted to traditional, responsible republican fiscal policies – not the extremist nonsense propagated by libertarians, members of the TPM, and the like – who will refuse to vote republican as long as the GOP is dominated by social conservatives fearful of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
There might be some young voters attracted to traditional, responsible republican fiscal policies – not the extremist nonsense propagated by libertarians, members of the TPM, and the like – who will refuse to vote republican as long as the GOP is dominated by social conservatives fearful of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

oh yeah, they be screeed. good grief it's the 21st century. how much more do you all want to control everyone and their thinking with this type of BS Fear Mongering?
and how come you don't include the Black Panthers, the ows who take over other peoples property, the Democrat Black caucus, the NAACP, etc FROM the Democrat party? they are all for DIVERSITY right? and how about those police in New York. they were showing dissent and "expressions" of individual liberty and you Democrats shit all over them. You need a new gig
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Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

With money.

The CURRENT GOP is in absolute control of Corporations. They will repeat anything and everything they have to by their donors because their message isn't working. Everyone hates taxes!..........The smart have to sit down and think about which taxes are necessary and which aren't while listening to the CHILDREN say "all taxes are stupid" even thought his Country was founded on taxation.. The Constitutionalists hate the words of it.
Actually, I think the corporations are losing control of of the current GOP. Corporations want smart workers. You can get the GOP to change laws to fuck over the GOP base but you can't get those lazy asses to work and learn something. That's why corporations want educated immigrants. And we aren't talking a dozen or a hundred. We are talking tens of thousands at least. And the GOP base is so damn dumb. So ignorant. With their heads so buried in the sand, they don't even know it. What is wrong with those people? And why does their ignorance give them such confidence?

Companies lay off thousands then demand immigration reform for new labor
Maybe they should come up with something like this the Democrat party did for OscamCare

they lied to you but oh well
Beside "let him die", the fastest increase in the cost of healthcare in history and medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy, what have Republicans done for us? Oh, that's right, they bitch about Democrats. That is sure to attract a lot of new Republicans, or imbeciles as I call them.
so what do you do?....bitch about i said dean....republicans suck but you sure as hell dont do much to make Democrats look good....with lefties like you and guno representing democrats and righties like shootspeedos and steve magarett representing righties.....i can understand why more and more people are saying fuck these 2 parties....
Actually, when you point out things like "Equal Pay for Equal Work" and "Removing the Student Loan Program" from banks who were making 6 billion a year, er, not making, being given 6 billion a year for running it then it shows a huge difference between the two parties.
Propagandized tards refuse to see any difference so they can be the ones to cry and whine about everything while refusing to see true accomplishments.
still bitching? cry just as well as any righty here dean.....only you are obsessed with them....and that means you come off as a fanatic,you are not helping the Democrats dean.....maybe you should leave this stuff to better lefties than do realize that many lefties think you suck....right?....
There might be some young voters attracted to traditional, responsible republican fiscal policies – not the extremist nonsense propagated by libertarians, members of the TPM, and the like – who will refuse to vote republican as long as the GOP is dominated by social conservatives fearful of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.
hey jonesy?....there are lots of kids that see dipshits like you dean and guno as representatives of the democrats and dont want to have anything to do with your pathetic party too.....
There might be some young voters attracted to traditional, responsible republican fiscal policies – not the extremist nonsense propagated by libertarians, members of the TPM, and the like – who will refuse to vote republican as long as the GOP is dominated by social conservatives fearful of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

oh yeah, they be screeed. good grief it's the 21st century. how much more do you all want to control everyone and their thinking with this type of BS Fear Mongering?
and how come you don't include the Black Panthers, the ows who take over other peoples property, the Democrat Black caucus, the NAACP, etc FROM the Democrat party? they are all for DIVERSITY right? and how about those police in New York. they were showing dissent and "expressions" of individual liberty and you Democrats shit all over them. You need a new gig
You said: oh yeah, they be screeed. good grief it's the 21st century. how much more do you all want to control everyone and their thinking with this type of BS Fear Mongering?

First. I don't know what "screeed" means.

Second. It was the GOP that used Isis, Ebola and refugee children to terrify America leading up to the last election. The next day, I couldn't find a single story about any of the three. And yet, according to Republicans, they were very close to destroying America. Course, Iraq almost had WMD's and Yellowcake. Then they didn't. Democrat economic will destroy the economy. Only the DOW topped 18,000.
Republicans have built their most recent elections on nothing but terror. Sure, they may have gotten congressional seats from a uninterested electorate but the electorate won't always be uninterested.
Maybe they should come up with something like this the Democrat party did for OscamCare

they lied to you but oh well
Beside "let him die", the fastest increase in the cost of healthcare in history and medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy, what have Republicans done for us? Oh, that's right, they bitch about Democrats. That is sure to attract a lot of new Republicans, or imbeciles as I call them.
so what do you do?....bitch about i said dean....republicans suck but you sure as hell dont do much to make Democrats look good....with lefties like you and guno representing democrats and righties like shootspeedos and steve magarett representing righties.....i can understand why more and more people are saying fuck these 2 parties....
Actually, when you point out things like "Equal Pay for Equal Work" and "Removing the Student Loan Program" from banks who were making 6 billion a year, er, not making, being given 6 billion a year for running it then it shows a huge difference between the two parties.
Propagandized tards refuse to see any difference so they can be the ones to cry and whine about everything while refusing to see true accomplishments.
still bitching? cry just as well as any righty here dean.....only you are obsessed with them....and that means you come off as a fanatic,you are not helping the Democrats dean.....maybe you should leave this stuff to better lefties than do realize that many lefties think you suck....right?....
Clearly, you need those tissues. Get the Puffs with lotion. They are easier on a brown nose, so I've heard.

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