How will Republicans attract younger voters?

Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

its all over for the white christian old geezers party, nationally
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

its all over for the white christian old geezers party, nationally

It's said this is the dumbest bunch of dumbest youngsters yet, so yeah, republicans might get away with selling their bs.

Yeah, we Republicans/Tea-partyers/Libertarians were helped IMMENSELY by the Michael Brown/Eric Garner hooligans/thugs/arsonists. You just don't realize how much it helped. People are pissed off about the Ferguson/New York City bullshit you liberal bastards orchestrated.
I propose a nation wide campaign to sway the youth vote.

Introduce them to the stupidity of the left on this site. They become righties for life at that point.
By telling them that they don't need an education to be successful. Then by having them believe that $15 an hour plus benefits is actually a good job. Also, telling them that they have been "indoctrinated" by their teachers. (that one is truly funny). That's a start.
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

It's nice that you're so concerned about our party.
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?
dean in the real world many of those young Republicans are going to do just fine education and job wise...geezus what it must be like in your head....
It's said this is the dumbest bunch of dumbest youngsters yet, so yeah, republicans might get away with selling their bs.
and if they were going to vote Democrat then you would say they are a group of smart kids right? party people are all the same.....
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

With guys like you around...we don't have to do anything.
Especially when young Republicans see those with an education get better jobs and make more money. You don't need a "Liberal Education" won't work. Trying to turn getting an education into something that only liberals will do won't work forever. And a policy of not teaching critical thinking skills only goes so far.

Hate the gays, hate the blacks and hate, hate, hate clearly isn't working.

So what will work? We will protect your guns? We will abolish the EPA? Abolish the department of education? What?

With guys like you around...we don't have to do anything.

Yes, you will.

The GOP has ceded the youth vote, the black vote, the asian vote, the american indian vote, the pacific islander vote, the jewish vote, the gay vote, the muslim vote - and of course, the latino vote, for at least 2 generations out of pure stupidity.

Only an utter fool thinks that a couple of rants on a message board is going to repair the damage that the GOP has done to itself.

The GOP is fucked for a number of presidential cycles to come and it only has itself to blame for it's misery.
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Maybe they should come up with something like this the Democrat party did for OscamCare

they lied to you but oh well
Beside "let him die", the fastest increase in the cost of healthcare in history and medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy, what have Republicans done for us? Oh, that's right, they bitch about Democrats. That is sure to attract a lot of new Republicans, or imbeciles as I call them.
The Dems count on the young, the black, the chronically unemployed vote. It's a given that those who haven't yet fully matured and those who desire gubment cheese are going to vote for the immature philosophy of handouts.
Chronically unemployed? Funny how many Republicans you can employ with minimum wage and not benefits. Actually, there is no such thing as "no benefits". When Republicans get jobs with no benefits, their food stamps and health care are paid for by the government. True story.
The Dems count on the young, the black, the chronically unemployed vote. It's a given that those who haven't yet fully matured and those who desire gubment cheese are going to vote for the immature philosophy of handouts.
Chronically unemployed? Funny how many Republicans you can employ with minimum wage and not benefits. Actually, there is no such thing as "no benefits". When Republicans get jobs with no benefits, their food stamps and health care are paid for by the government. True story.
Working for minimum wage is not being chronically unemployed.

And the government "pays" for everything through tax collection. :)
Maybe they should come up with something like this the Democrat party did for OscamCare

they lied to you but oh well
Beside "let him die", the fastest increase in the cost of healthcare in history and medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy, what have Republicans done for us? Oh, that's right, they bitch about Democrats. That is sure to attract a lot of new Republicans, or imbeciles as I call them.
so what do you do?....bitch about i said dean....republicans suck but you sure as hell dont do much to make Democrats look good....with lefties like you and guno representing democrats and righties like shootspeedos and steve magarett representing righties.....i can understand why more and more people are saying fuck these 2 parties....

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