How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

When has God ever wiped out mortals on a whim?
2 Kings 2: 23* And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

23, 24. there came forth little children out of the city--that is, the idolatrous, or infidel young men of the place, who affecting to disbelieve the report of his master's translation, sarcastically urged him to follow in the glorious career.
bald head--an epithet of contempt in the East, applied to a person even with a bushy head of hair. The appalling judgment that befell them was God's interference to uphold his newly invested prophet.

God does not put to death anyone who is considered righteous or in other words innocent.
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Anyone who does that is just simply ignorant of the scriptures, sorry to say.

Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour no one knows, no, not the angels of Heaven, but only My Father.

There is a lot of that going around in these churches and they will answer for their transgressions.
so nobody knows ,some who think it may be soon others who think it may be never what gives you the inside scoop that makes you the only correct translations of the scriptures .....

Following the words of the prophets Daniel and Ezekiel also Jesus gave us a chronology of the prophecies that have to be fulfilled before the end comes.

I am off to the Dr i will post what Jesus said so you can get a better Picture of what Christ was saying In a little while.
assuming of course that (if he existed ) is what he actually said
the books were written yrs after his death do you think they had files int those days to record conversations years before .?
more bullshit from the believers
people have a job remembering what was said to them or by them hours after the event when it is recorded by modern technics ( this has been proven )
do you think folks were any more observant in those days ??
When has God ever wiped out mortals on a whim?
2 Kings 2: 23* And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
23, 24. there came forth little children out of the city--that is, the idolatrous, or infidel young men of the place, who affecting to disbelieve the report of his master's translation, sarcastically urged him to follow in the glorious career.
bald head--an epithet of contempt in the East, applied to a person even with a bushy head of hair. The appalling judgment that befell them was God's interference to uphold his newly invested prophet.

God does not put to death anyone who is considered righteous or in other words innocent.
Sure, you can rationalize anything, but the fact remains 42 LITTLE CHILDREN were torn to pieces for calling someone bald. Sure, nothing whimsical about that! :cuckoo:
Actually, the Spanish Inquisition wasn't that bad. I mean yeah, when we compare it to our standards it was pretty screwed up. But if you look at the standards of the day, the inquisition courts were much more humane. It was only when the States got involved that it got deadly.

Not to mention much of our knowledge of the inquisition comes from our Anglo Saxon background and has been highly influenced by Anti Catholic Protestant Propaganda. Unfortunately, it's difficult to tell what accurately occured and what was just a propaganda tract.

The inquisition was just one example of religious(Christian) genocide.

Once again chalk it up to mans religions not God.

God told some of them to do it.
Believe as you wish but i do back my beliefs and you know this.

You back up your beliefs but you cant back up your facts.

Please point out the facts you say i don't back up please ?

Here is an example.

Many moons ago some evolutionist taught that black people were less evolved.

That was one guys opinion.

No not true,many evolutionist believed this because that is what they were taught, the same things are still happening to our children.

Completely an utterly baseless. No facts presented. Its a statement which lacks any credibility.
When has God ever wiped out mortals on a whim?
2 Kings 2: 23* And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

23, 24. there came forth little children out of the city--that is, the idolatrous, or infidel young men of the place, who affecting to disbelieve the report of his master's translation, sarcastically urged him to follow in the glorious career.
bald head--an epithet of contempt in the East, applied to a person even with a bushy head of hair. The appalling judgment that befell them was God's interference to uphold his newly invested prophet.

God does not put to death anyone who is considered righteous or in other words innocent.

He has got a bit of a temper though!
I'm sorry but i don't think God will go easy on the atheist either way. :eusa_angel:

This is pretty simple. You dont know what God thinks. Thats a fact written in your holy book.

And what exactly is preventing a all powerful, all knowing God from revealing His thoughts to YWC? I'm not saying whether He did or not. I don't know YWC's experiences. But it seems alittle silly to cite the Bible to support your position when the Bible expressly teaches that God communicates with man.

So do you believe God communicated with YWC and told him some of his secrets for the world? Im thinking he did not. Im pretty sure you know he didnt.

Im thinking hes making a judgement. I believe he thinks he knows what God thinks. Thats my opinion.
The inquisition was just one example of religious(Christian) genocide.

Once again chalk it up to mans religions not God.

God told some of them to do it.

Well, now I'm being a smart ass: some of them thought God told them to do it (whatever it was they thought God told them to do).
Is there a difference?

As a side note: I'm just guessing plenty of people do things--supposedly in the name of whatever the popular lord is--simply for their own gain.

Just a thought
Actually, the Spanish Inquisition wasn't that bad. I mean yeah, when we compare it to our standards it was pretty screwed up. But if you look at the standards of the day, the inquisition courts were much more humane. It was only when the States got involved that it got deadly.

Not to mention much of our knowledge of the inquisition comes from our Anglo Saxon background and has been highly influenced by Anti Catholic Protestant Propaganda. Unfortunately, it's difficult to tell what accurately occured and what was just a propaganda tract.

The inquisition was just one example of religious(Christian) genocide.

While I'm not terribly shocked that you ignored everything I said, I'm still a bit disappointed.

I dont see how you could think I ignored anything you said. I just made a statement.

How about you tell me what really happened if the history books are so wrong? Instead of burning people on the stake did they slow roast them or what? Whats missing?
Once again chalk it up to mans religions not God.

God told some of them to do it.

Well, now I'm being a smart ass: some of them thought God told them to do it (whatever it was they thought God told them to do).
Is there a difference?

As a side note: I'm just guessing plenty of people do things--supposedly in the name of whatever the popular lord is--simply for their own gain.

Just a thought

I get your point entirely.
I thought my wife told me to go out and buy myself a Ducati...apparently I read the omens incorrectly.
The inquisition was just one example of religious(Christian) genocide.

While I'm not terribly shocked that you ignored everything I said, I'm still a bit disappointed.

I dont see how you could think I ignored anything you said. I just made a statement.

How about you tell me what really happened if the history books are so wrong? Instead of burning people on the stake did they slow roast them or what? Whats missing?

They (the Inquisition) looked a little embarrassed...that probably got lost in translation over the years.
You had your shot and you could not defend your position or refute mine.

I defended my position with fact, you defended yours with fantasy.

There are alot of people who say they defend themselves with fact. I suppose it's a way to bolster their argument. I mean what honest person thinks they don't defend themselves with facts?

Sadly, It's not as common as is professed. If it was, everyone would agree pretty easily.

I can tell you as a fact that I know by the power of the Holy Spirit that God exists and Jesus lives. This certainly is a fact. I doubt you'd believe me though. It wouldn't change that I do know. And I know that God knows that because for whatever reason He shared this knowledge with me. I don't know why exactly. But I am grateful for the knowledge and the joy it's brought me since I learned.

But will you believe my real experience and the knowledge I've learned from the Lord? Probably not. And quite honestly, I wouldn't expect you to. I'm not sure Id believe it if I didn't experience it myself. That's why the scriptures teach us that we need to learn for ourselves. We have to call upon God. We have to have our own experiences with the Lord if we are to know the things of God.

If you refuse to seek the Lord for yourself. If you expect others to prove it to you rather than learning for yourself, you will never learn. Because it is something that must be learned by the Spirit. And if it's learned some other way, it's not of God.

People want to learn the things of God with no study or personal effort. They want someone to hand it to them. You can't learn the things of God except by doing them any more than you can learn mathematics and never do any equations. It simply doesn't work that way.

You have me completely wrong. I dont hate religion. I think its beneficial to many people. Its just not for me.

What I do have a problem with is people like YWC who try to convince people of untrue things. People who discombobulate facts to fit an agenda. People who say scientists are pea brains and then deny it, on their computers which run on electricity all created by scientists. We owe our lives to scientists.

Thats what I have a problem with. If you are a Christian thats fine. Jesus had some good ideas as did Muhammad as did Buddha. It doesnt matter to me what religion you are. Live long and prosper.
I defended my position with fact, you defended yours with fantasy.

There are alot of people who say they defend themselves with fact. I suppose it's a way to bolster their argument. I mean what honest person thinks they don't defend themselves with facts?

Sadly, It's not as common as is professed. If it was, everyone would agree pretty easily.

I can tell you as a fact that I know by the power of the Holy Spirit that God exists and Jesus lives. This certainly is a fact. I doubt you'd believe me though. It wouldn't change that I do know. And I know that God knows that because for whatever reason He shared this knowledge with me. I don't know why exactly. But I am grateful for the knowledge and the joy it's brought me since I learned.

But will you believe my real experience and the knowledge I've learned from the Lord? Probably not. And quite honestly, I wouldn't expect you to. I'm not sure Id believe it if I didn't experience it myself. That's why the scriptures teach us that we need to learn for ourselves. We have to call upon God. We have to have our own experiences with the Lord if we are to know the things of God.

If you refuse to seek the Lord for yourself. If you expect others to prove it to you rather than learning for yourself, you will never learn. Because it is something that must be learned by the Spirit. And if it's learned some other way, it's not of God.

People want to learn the things of God with no study or personal effort. They want someone to hand it to them. You can't learn the things of God except by doing them any more than you can learn mathematics and never do any equations. It simply doesn't work that way.

You have me completely wrong. I dont hate religion. I think its beneficial to many people. Its just not for me.

What I do have a problem with is people like YWC who try to convince people of untrue things. People who discombobulate facts to fit an agenda. People who say scientists are pea brains and then deny it, on their computers which run on electricity all created by scientists. We owe our lives to scientists.

Thats what I have a problem with. If you are a Christian thats fine. Jesus had some good ideas as did Muhammad as did Buddha. It doesnt matter to me what religion you are. Live long and prosper.

I am a man of science, there is nothing taught by true scientist that contradicts the bible. The only thing taught that contradicts the bible are unproven and unobservable theories.

My specialty in life was molecular biology.

You are no man of legitimate science.

My classes were taken from an accredited school.

The work i did was from the same evidence your evolutionist observed.

You can't even explain the engine of evolution so why go down this road again ?

Natural selection is how it works and always has.

How about you tell me how the origins of life fit into evolution?
Colin you're wrong but this is what happens when you get into a debate.

When i am asked questions or put to the challenge i respond,it's that simple.

I don't wish to make fun of anyone or hurt anyone ,but i am all about setting the record straight.

My studies of science and the bible allows me to do that.

You have no expertise in science. Darwinism does not exist. Its a creationist creation...heh...funny.

The meaning of "Darwinism" has changed over time, and varies depending on who is using the term.[4] In the United States, the term "Darwinism" is often used by creationists as a pejorative term, but in the United Kingdom the term has no negative connotations, being freely used as a short hand for the body of theory dealing with evolution, and in particular, evolution by natural selection.
Darwinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are very ignorant,Neo darwinism is the preferred theory of evolution. :lol:

You better stay away from google til you understand the theory a little better :lol:

The theory of evolution is just that, the theory of evolution.

Darwinism is just a title creationists like to spread around to sound special.

You should learn to use google a little more efficiently.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

An embryo :lol: it is a living breathing human in the womb if that were not true why did God give that child an umbilical cord if you don't mind answering please ?

Face it skull, you support women to commit murder.

Talk about a double standard.

Psa 22:10 I was cast on You from the womb; You are My God from My mother's belly.

Psa 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray from the womb, speaking lies.

Isa 44:2 So says Jehovah who made you, and formed you from the womb, who will help you; Fear not, O Jacob My servant, and you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

Isa 44:24 So says Jehovah, your Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb, I am Jehovah who makes all things; who stretches out the heavens alone; who spreads out the earth; who was with Me?

Hos 9:11 Ephraim is like a bird; their glory shall fly away from birth, and from the womb, and from conception.

If God is creating us from the womb anyone who kills the child in the womb is commiting murder. The only one has the right and the ability to judge a child through the parents is Almighty God.

He came to this planet and sacrficed himself so this no longer takes place but yet you still support what you claim God commited.

Why did God give us a tail?

If you're gonna quote me answer the question i asked don't try and ask a question that is dreamed up from your theorists.

You asked a stupid question about why God gave babies an umbilical cord. Why did he give us a tail? Simple question.

While we are on the subject, why did he give us an appendix?
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Once again chalk it up to mans religions not God.

God told some of them to do it.

Well, now I'm being a smart ass: some of them thought God told them to do it (whatever it was they thought God told them to do).
Is there a difference?

As a side note: I'm just guessing plenty of people do things--supposedly in the name of whatever the popular lord is--simply for their own gain.

Just a thought

Yeah, well Moses was told by God, according to his books, to kill people. Simple as that.

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