How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

Who are the anti God Crowd? Atheists? Agnostics?
Or are you speaking of "Libruls"? Truthfully... even with my pro-life but pro choice stance.... my "let gays do what they want because they are Citizens and taxpayers" stance.... in fact, my entire "let God do the judging" stance in general, I'd say that I am closer to the Bible's intent than the screams of "you're going to hell" that I continually hear from the right.

In fact... I think that a liberal stance of helping the poor as a NATION is closer to what God wants of his people than the "why should I have to pay?" selfishness from the right.

Just my opinion.

Wow ,not sure who this was meant for.

Wherever the shoe fits.
Do you wish to put me to the test ? But first maybe i should ask you a few questions to see if you're worthy of the debate.

Would you like me to destroy Neo-darwinism in a matter of a few minutes i have done it before. I can even explain it in terms that you can understand.

You'd destroy a creationist idea just to prove how worthy you are? Well be my guest.

You had your shot and you could not defend your position or refute mine.

I defended my position with fact, you defended yours with fantasy.
You had your shot and you could not defend your position or refute mine.

Yet another example of your arrogance. You aren't really here to discuss your religious beliefs. You're here in a cynical attempt to prove your superiority over those who happen not to follow your particular brand of religion. There are few things in life worse than a sanctimonious religious zealot who rams his religion down the throats of others and considers them inferior when they question his statements.

Colin you're wrong but this is what happens when you get into a debate.

When i am asked questions or put to the challenge i respond,it's that simple.

I don't wish to make fun of anyone or hurt anyone ,but i am all about setting the record straight.

My studies of science and the bible allows me to do that.

You have no expertise in science. Darwinism does not exist. Its a creationist creation...heh...funny.

The meaning of "Darwinism" has changed over time, and varies depending on who is using the term.[4] In the United States, the term "Darwinism" is often used by creationists as a pejorative term, but in the United Kingdom the term has no negative connotations, being freely used as a short hand for the body of theory dealing with evolution, and in particular, evolution by natural selection.
Darwinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you never asked me that before.

And since I am not a woman and I believe that all people have the right to control their own persons including life or death that you would label me pro choice.

Yes i did in another thread.

Pro choice,so you are ok with women aborting defenseless children but you're not ok with God handing down punishment to those that he warned before hand.

Really,you see the importance of the sacrifice of Christ because he no longer has to take that action until the end.

An embryo is not a defenseless child.

A living breathing first born son who your god killed was an innocent defenseless child.

jesus christ didn't sacrifice anything. in fact he never really died. he was tortured for a while then supposedly given everlasting life as one of gods split personalities.

Along with the tribe God told Moses to kill. Along with the towns God told Moses to kill.
What do you think you will say to Jesus ?

How do you think you will act towards Jesus ?

Will you ask for forgivness ?

What would you do if Jesus came back and told all those who questioned his exsistance that they were the chosen ones because he needed thinking people who would reason with the facts instead of blind belief to populate his heaven.

What would you do if this whole thing was a test to ferret out the people who will do whatever they are told without questioning.

You see that logically is just as likely as what you believe.

You believe in a myth.

That is fine with me.

There is no proof of this myths reality.

I refuse to buy into a myth with no proof in the hopes that some superior being wont punish me with pain everlasting.

I choose to be good and kind to people because its the right thing to do NOT because I may burn in hell forever if I dont.

A being that would burn me in hell forever after a life of being good and kind simply because I refused to believe in something that I had no proof of would not be a very enlightened being would they?

According to Jesus Christ, there is none good but God. He included even Himself in this.

If the one perfect person to walk this earth didn't think Himself good, how can you being imperfect thing that?

As for "myths", you can believe what you want. But all those who sincerely seek after the truth would seek to know the truth about God. In fact, it's one of the most central Truth's of the Universe. Is there a Creator? How do we know Him?

I wouldn't discount things as myths merely because you chose not to investigate. Nor would I deny the existence of God merely because you've never had any experiences with them. Rather, I would test the promises of the scriptures. "If any of you lack wisdom, let Him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto you." Or "Ask and ye shall recieve, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be given unto you".

The Lord God can reveal His mind and will to those who seek to learn it with a sincere and humble heart.
Organized religion is about controling the members of the organized religion.

Its all about power.

If everyone who believed in a god just did it personally instead of depending on a church to know what to do then this world would be a much better place.

Individuals seeking to do good are more powerful when they unite than when they stand alone. The Lord of this Universe is a God of Order. The promises of the scriptures say that in the dispensation of the fulness of times all things will be gathered into one. All truth will be gathered in one. All people shall be gathered into one.

The Kingdom of God is a place of Order. I wouldn't dismiss organized religion merely because of your prejudices.
Jesus will come leading an Army of Angels and will wage war on the NONBELIEVERS. A war started by man and ended by Jesus. There will be no talking to him before the end of the war.

Very good answer.

The day you present some sort of proof of this myth is the day I will consider it as a possibility.

Why do you expect others to present the truth to you when we all have the responsibility of seeking it for ourselves. How do you intend for him to prove anything to you? What would you accept as proof?

What greater proof is there than the testimony of the Holy Spirit? If you won't seek or accept personal revelation from God, what in the universe could convince you?

If you really want proof, humble yourself. Seek God with the sincerity of heart. Offer Him a broken heart and a constrite Spirit and you will recieve all the proof you could ever want. You will recieve more than you imagine.

God is willing to open up the windows of heaven and pour out incredible blessings for those who seek Him and follow Him. I am not talking about those who profess to know Him and yet deny the power of godliness, but those who actually walk after His path.

I wish you could see what I can see. It's truly beautiful and I know I've only seen a fraction of what the Lord is prepared to give us.
Agreed but this goes back to the either for us or against us mentality that many on the right hold so dear.

I'm not gonna get into the right/left stuff but I found it very telling that the OP puts down a smiley face icon at the idea of non-believers going to hell.

Very frightening that that kind of thought would actually bring comfort to someone.

Your comprehension is just poor,But believe as you wish. I would not waste my time trying to reason with people here if i wanted bad things to happen to them.

You're a very negative person.

No offense, but your post towards him doesn't exactly indicate to me that you are any less negative.
Your myth is no better than any of the other god myths in the world

No myth about it, the bible is confirming itself with evidence.

There is a reason this book is printed in every known language to man.

Then so is the Koran.

The so is the other religious writtings of all other religions.

It is just one book out of many in this world.

So many and you can only name one other... rather disappointing isnt it?
will god send to hell someone who has NEVER heard of jesus?

Everyone will hear of Jesus. And Every knee shall bend and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. That's not the question.

The question is: will we follow Him and use His Atoning grace in our lives.?

Thankfully, we've been given a time of probation where we can accept it.

god is supposed to perfect yet he can create an imperfect prideful angel that he must cast down.

Tell me why not just destroy satan after all god had no hesitation when he wiped out mortals on a whim.

When has God ever wiped out mortals on a whim? When exactly does it ever say he will? Intelligence can be neither created nor destroyed. It can only become organized in a more perfected way

The resurrection of Jesus Christ has ensured that every mortal who has or ever will live will be reunited with their body and live forever, both the just and the unjust. If we all become immortal glorified beings in the resurrection, how then has God ever wiped anyone out?

God has power over life and death because He purchased our lives and ensures our immortality with His blood.
I am a man of science, there is nothing taught by true scientist that contradicts the bible. The only thing taught that contradicts the bible are unproven and unobservable theories.

My specialty in life was molecular biology.

If you were a true scientist, you'd understand that your reasoning above is rife with logical fallacies.

Since when does being a scientist mean someone understands logic or reasoning?

Talk about a logical fallacy
So Jesus will be changed from a hunamitarian while he lived on earth to a war god when he returns?

Heaven must not be a nice place at all to change someone like that.

Well he is not just taking on evil mankind, he is also taking on satan and the fallen Angels.

Who were once angels in heaven. Again Heaven does not sound like a place I would want to hang out. With all the revoloutions and such going on.

And yet I haven't seen you have any problems with the number of revolutionaries the President surrounds himself with. Of course, I havent read everything youve written and dont know your thoughts so maybe you do have a problem with them.
Who are the anti God Crowd? Atheists? Agnostics?
Or are you speaking of "Libruls"? Truthfully... even with my pro-life but pro choice stance.... my "let gays do what they want because they are Citizens and taxpayers" stance.... in fact, my entire "let God do the judging" stance in general, I'd say that I am closer to the Bible's intent than the screams of "you're going to hell" that I continually hear from the right.

In fact... I think that a liberal stance of helping the poor as a NATION is closer to what God wants of his people than the "why should I have to pay?" selfishness from the right.

Just my opinion.

Government doesn't help the poor. Individuals giving of their own time and money freely helps the poor.

Maybe you should stop outsourcing your responsibilities to the government and fulfill them with your God given freedom. Then you would understand the problems the right has with Government programs that oppress the poor.
How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.


How will the Jesus crowd act if ALLAH comes soon?

I'm fairly sure that since Allah is just the arabic name for the Father, that the Jesus crowd who actually follows God won't have a problem with it at all.
Very difficult to figure out how/why so many people buy into this stuff in this day and age, thankfully it's on the decline.

It has waxed and waned a few times throughout history.

According to wikipedia, there have been 3 or 4 'Great Awakenings' since the 18th century.

I wouldn't dismiss the very real possibility of another in the not too distant future.

i would agree. although Im not sure if Id call all those times "Great Awakenings"

The First and the Second Great Awakenings proceeded major acts of Providence in mankind. I havent seen them with the others. Of course, I may just not see what will be made clear at a later date in time.

Id love to see another Great Awakening. A real one where Christians started living their faith. I'd love to see it span other faiths as well. I'd love to see all people of faith live their faiths more.

Can you imagine a world where we all strove to eliminate corruption in our hearts? Can you imagine a world where more and more people were living honest lives? Where husbands loved their wives and wives loved their husbands? Where children were raised and taught virtue, thrift, industry, hard work, personal charity, Personal integrity, accountability, etc. We would live in a much different world.

The biggest problem with Christianity isnt that there are more nonChristians. It's that Christians haven't been living the Gospel. They draw near to God with the mouths but their hearts are far from Him. They have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. The powers of heaven can only be maintained and controlled by the principles of righteousness.

If those who professed a faith in Christ did what we profess to believe, we would see the hand of Divine Providence at work in the World like nothing before. But it will have to start at an individual and a family level. People need to be changed by the Atonement. They need to repent. not just say they've repented. not just a mere confession but a complete change of mind and attitude.

That's not easy even with the Lord's help. Oh I wish I could show others the things I see when I ponder this. I wish I could articulate it. We would live in paradise. Even if it's just islands of paradise in the world.
Do you have any concrete evidence to support this assertion?

Education and Religion

Thanks. But that is less than conclusive.

In fact, the very first phrase reads: In the United States, religious attendance rises sharply with education across individuals,...

I've seen the studies he's referring to. Interestingly my Church has the opposite correlation. The more educated we are, the more faithful we become.

However, There are many ways to get educated. I dont think having degrees means much of anything.
You can be forever if you're a human, I mean, John 3:16 sort of states that, but my question is, how can you be consigned to hell or Heaven for eternity if you have a beginning, because being "eternal" or somewhere for eternity means that you have always been there, and always will be.

You can't go to hell for eternity.

The last hell or judgement day the lake of fire represents eternal destruction death you're no more.

Mat 7:13 Go in through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go in through it.

Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet doing signs before it, (by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast), and those who had worshiped his image. The two were thrown alive into the Lake of Fire burning with brimstone.

This punishment is eternal,the torment is symbolism not real.

Rev 20:10 And the Devil who deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet were . And he will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

How can death and hell be cast into the lake of fire ? What it means that there will be no more death and no more graves.

Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death.

Rev 20:15 And if anyone was not found having been written in the Book of Life, he was cast into the Lake of Fire.

Isa 10:3 And what will you do in the day of judgment and in destruction, of ruin when it comes from afar? To whom will you flee for help? And where will you leave your glory?

Hey........YouWereCreated........might wanna ponder on this.........

What were you BEFORE you were created? That's right.......nothing. If there was a time that you didn't exist, then you can't go anywhere for eternity, because eternity has always been here.

By the way do the same thing that so many other Christians do that I really dislike.........

You cherry pick Bible verses you don't understand and throw out a whole bunch of 'em hoping that it will prove your point.

Guess doesn't.

Can you please show which verses were cherry picked by showing they were taken out of context if you do i will admit the mistake.

But i assure you i actually study the whole bible and it is clear that hell and the lake of fire represent death and eternal death.

I'll give you a little help the word eternal can mean several thing here i will give you a verse and let's see how it is used.

Deu 33:27 The eternalH6924 GodH430 is thy refuge,H4585 and underneathH4480 H8478 are the everlastingH5769 arms:H2220 and he shall thrust outH1644 the enemyH341 from beforeH4480 H6440 thee; and shall say,H559 DestroyH8045 them.

Eternal H6924

קדמה קדם
qedem qêdmâh
keh'-dem, kayd'-maw the front, of palce (absolutely the fore part, relatively the East) or time (antiquity); often used adverbially (before, anciently, eastward): - aforetime, ancient (time), before, east (end, part, side, -ward), eternal, X ever (-lasting), forward, old, past.

You better do a little more homework before you start with insulting comments.
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