How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

Come on skull you know why.

Your secular definitions in your mind makes you feel justified in being ok with a woman and man commiting murder of the unborn child.

Fetus is the medical definition. Words are words there are no "secular" words.

And I have said before that I neither support nor condemn abortion. I am not a woman and I do not plan on fathering any children in my life time so what choices another person makes regarding their body is none of my or your business.

If you don't condemn murder does that not call in to question your views ?

What rational human being will not speak out about murder ? you spoke out when you thought God was commiting these crimes.

According to the Bible there's no question God committed those crimes, he has no problem committing genocide against innocent kids and babies purely for being born to the wrong parents. The story of God in the Bible must be where Hitler got his ideas for the Holocaust from.

Also, did we ever hear a reason why people have tailbones?
Fetus is the medical definition. Words are words there are no "secular" words.

And I have said before that I neither support nor condemn abortion. I am not a woman and I do not plan on fathering any children in my life time so what choices another person makes regarding their body is none of my or your business.

If you don't condemn murder does that not call in to question your views ?

What rational human being will not speak out about murder ? you spoke out when you thought God was commiting these crimes.

The law of the land says it's not murder.

your god has killed people and those killings would be called murder by the law of the land.

Here you're again thinking in secular terms.

Skull, by God creating everything ,God created the law.
Fetus is the medical definition. Words are words there are no "secular" words.

And I have said before that I neither support nor condemn abortion. I am not a woman and I do not plan on fathering any children in my life time so what choices another person makes regarding their body is none of my or your business.

If you don't condemn murder does that not call in to question your views ?

What rational human being will not speak out about murder ? you spoke out when you thought God was commiting these crimes.

According to the Bible there's no question God committed those crimes, he has no problem committing genocide against innocent kids and babies purely for being born to the wrong parents. The story of God in the Bible must be where Hitler got his ideas for the Holocaust from.

Also, did we ever hear a reason why people have tailbones?

When you learn the difference between killing, and murder, just, and unjust then we can speak.

Do you understand punishing for crimes ?

Do you understand what war is ?

These things will never go away until God makes them go away.

He who creates makes the laws get it ?
Ok Drock and skull.

Do you believe the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

Do you believe God would have put to death anyone who tried their best not to break his laws but always repented of their sins ?
re: "He who creates makes the laws get it"

What exactly is it that the laws are to get?
Really, is that how you view crime when you're the victim or do you feel violated ?

Is revenge a God-like emotion? Does God really kill people when his feelings get hurt? Shouldn't we hold God to a higher standard than we hold humans?

Of course,God created man in his image ,with his attributes why wouldn't he feel pain,anger,and frustration ?

Why wouldn't he punish after he warned he would ?

Does not law and his words carry more meaning ?

Just look at the bible and it is clearly seen.

God in the Bible is clearly bipolar reflecting the maturity of the people at the time it was written

Old Testimate God was a god to be feared. People had simple motivations back then and needed to be told "Do as we say or an angry God will destroy you" Hell was a simplistic motivator. If you are will be punished

Christians needed a more complex god in order to draw more sophisticated followers. The Christian God was a god that if you loved him....he would love you in return. Christians relied more on a do good towards others and good will be returned to you.
If you don't condemn murder does that not call in to question your views ?

What rational human being will not speak out about murder ? you spoke out when you thought God was commiting these crimes.

According to the Bible there's no question God committed those crimes, he has no problem committing genocide against innocent kids and babies purely for being born to the wrong parents. The story of God in the Bible must be where Hitler got his ideas for the Holocaust from.

Also, did we ever hear a reason why people have tailbones?

When you learn the difference between killing, and murder, just, and unjust then we can speak.

Do you understand punishing for crimes ?

Do you understand what war is ?

These things will never go away until God makes them go away.

He who creates makes the laws get it ?

Amazing how you'll pull the more moral than thou card in terms of abortion but can instantly defend infanticide as legitimate. Abortion=horrible to you, murdering babies for their parents actions=perfectly fine.

If your wife were to cheat on you, would you ground your kids?

If your brother does you wrong, hold a grudge against your niece?

For sake of discussion I'll assume the Bible is true, your God essentially invented war.

You can justify infanticide because your God did it, however that's WAY beneath me morally.
Ok Drock and skull.

Do you believe the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

Do you believe God would have put to death anyone who tried their best not to break his laws but always repented of their sins ?

Yes, he did put them to death. He put kids and babies to death before they even knew what words were in order to hear them and learn his laws.

But again, you have no moral issue with this.
If you don't condemn murder does that not call in to question your views ?

What rational human being will not speak out about murder ? you spoke out when you thought God was commiting these crimes.

The law of the land says it's not murder.

your god has killed people and those killings would be called murder by the law of the land.

Here you're again thinking in secular terms.

Skull, by God creating everything ,God created the law.

There have been laws against murder before anyone even considered the one god theory.

And if your god created his laws he also breaks them on a regular basis.

For example Thou shall not kill.

Or how about the Seven deadly sins?

Seems to me god routinely acts out of wrath and pride.
If you don't condemn murder does that not call in to question your views ?

What rational human being will not speak out about murder ? you spoke out when you thought God was commiting these crimes.

According to the Bible there's no question God committed those crimes, he has no problem committing genocide against innocent kids and babies purely for being born to the wrong parents. The story of God in the Bible must be where Hitler got his ideas for the Holocaust from.

Also, did we ever hear a reason why people have tailbones?

When you learn the difference between killing, and murder, just, and unjust then we can speak.

Do you understand punishing for crimes ?

Do you understand what war is ?

These things will never go away until God makes them go away.

He who creates makes the laws get it ?

The 10 commandments explicitly say Thou shall not kill.

There is no qualification. If your god wanted to specify a difference wouldn't he have said Thou shall not murder?

Seems to me he isn't as smart as you think he is.
Ok Drock and skull.

Do you believe the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

Do you believe God would have put to death anyone who tried their best not to break his laws but always repented of their sins ?

I do not believe in the death penalty.

And god killed people who did nothing wrong in a fit of pique more than once.♠
Is revenge a God-like emotion? Does God really kill people when his feelings get hurt? Shouldn't we hold God to a higher standard than we hold humans?

Of course,God created man in his image ,with his attributes why wouldn't he feel pain,anger,and frustration ?

Why wouldn't he punish after he warned he would ?

Does not law and his words carry more meaning ?

Just look at the bible and it is clearly seen.

God in the Bible is clearly bipolar reflecting the maturity of the people at the time it was written

Old Testimate God was a god to be feared. People had simple motivations back then and needed to be told "Do as we say or an angry God will destroy you" Hell was a simplistic motivator. If you are will be punished

Christians needed a more complex god in order to draw more sophisticated followers. The Christian God was a god that if you loved him....he would love you in return. Christians relied more on a do good towards others and good will be returned to you.

Wrong, God has never changed. God just made atonement for all so he didn't have continue wiping out sinful communities. So in a word becuse of the righteous the unrighteous benefit.
According to the Bible there's no question God committed those crimes, he has no problem committing genocide against innocent kids and babies purely for being born to the wrong parents. The story of God in the Bible must be where Hitler got his ideas for the Holocaust from.

Also, did we ever hear a reason why people have tailbones?

When you learn the difference between killing, and murder, just, and unjust then we can speak.

Do you understand punishing for crimes ?

Do you understand what war is ?

These things will never go away until God makes them go away.

He who creates makes the laws get it ?

Amazing how you'll pull the more moral than thou card in terms of abortion but can instantly defend infanticide as legitimate. Abortion=horrible to you, murdering babies for their parents actions=perfectly fine.

If your wife were to cheat on you, would you ground your kids?

If your brother does you wrong, hold a grudge against your niece?

For sake of discussion I'll assume the Bible is true, your God essentially invented war.

You can justify infanticide because your God did it, however that's WAY beneath me morally.

Of course God is moral he does not put to death the innocent or the Righteous.

The infinite all konwoing God when he wipes out the Parents that are evil he wipes out the children that will grow up and be the same thing. God knows the hearts of men you can't hide anything from him.

If you had a a rattlesnake and her young are in your yard would just kill the adult rattlesnake and let the young go that are just as venomous ?

When terrorists have children do they teach their children to be terrorists or to hate ?

Just look at the middle east that has been going on for thousands of years.
According to the Bible there's no question God committed those crimes, he has no problem committing genocide against innocent kids and babies purely for being born to the wrong parents. The story of God in the Bible must be where Hitler got his ideas for the Holocaust from.

Also, did we ever hear a reason why people have tailbones?

When you learn the difference between killing, and murder, just, and unjust then we can speak.

Do you understand punishing for crimes ?

Do you understand what war is ?

These things will never go away until God makes them go away.

He who creates makes the laws get it ?

The 10 commandments explicitly say Thou shall not kill.

There is no qualification. If your god wanted to specify a difference wouldn't he have said Thou shall not murder?

Seems to me he isn't as smart as you think he is.

Uh oh skull you stepped in it.

God did do what you said i am sorry to tell you but what you're quoting is a poor translation.

It is not thou shalt not kill, the proper translation is thou shalt not murder.

Exo 20:13

(ASV) Thou shalt not kill.

(BBE) Do not put anyone to death without cause.

(CEV) Do not murder.

(KJV) Thou shalt not kill.

(KJV+) Thou shalt notH3808 kill.H7523

(MKJV) You shall not kill.

You see some poor translations with this post ,but let's consider the Jewish translation since they're the ones that know the ancient Hebrew lagnuage that it was translated from,With the ancient Hebrew side by side. online tanakh.

Exo 20:13
13. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. יג. לֹא תִּרְצָח ס לֹא תִּנְאָף ס לֹא תִּגְנֹב ס לֹא תַעֲנֶה בְרֵעֲךָ עֵד שָׁקֶר:

If that's not good enough for you consult a Jewish scholar he will confirm the proper translation.
Last edited:
Ok Drock and skull.

Do you believe the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

Do you believe God would have put to death anyone who tried their best not to break his laws but always repented of their sins ?

I do not believe in the death penalty.

And god killed people who did nothing wrong in a fit of pique more than once.♠

But you don't condemn abortions :eusa_whistle:
Depends what happens when he returns, i guess.

The book of revelations paints a bitter sweet end.

The righteous will be saved and resurrected to everlasting life ,and the unrighteous which are many will be put to eternal death.
According to the Bible there's no question God committed those crimes, he has no problem committing genocide against innocent kids and babies purely for being born to the wrong parents. The story of God in the Bible must be where Hitler got his ideas for the Holocaust from.

Also, did we ever hear a reason why people have tailbones?

When you learn the difference between killing, and murder, just, and unjust then we can speak.

Do you understand punishing for crimes ?

Do you understand what war is ?

These things will never go away until God makes them go away.

He who creates makes the laws get it ?

The 10 commandments explicitly say Thou shall not kill.

There is no qualification. If your god wanted to specify a difference wouldn't he have said Thou shall not murder?

Seems to me he isn't as smart as you think he is.

Actually, Skull, in the original Hebrew texts, it does state "thou shalt not murder". It was only when it got translated from language to language did it get changed to "thou shalt not kill".

Interestingly enough, Geneiss 1:1 doesn't state "in THE beginning", it's actually written (in the original Hebrew) "in A beginning", which would lead one to consider the possibility that there were several universes prior to this one.
When you learn the difference between killing, and murder, just, and unjust then we can speak.

Do you understand punishing for crimes ?

Do you understand what war is ?

These things will never go away until God makes them go away.

He who creates makes the laws get it ?

The 10 commandments explicitly say Thou shall not kill.

There is no qualification. If your god wanted to specify a difference wouldn't he have said Thou shall not murder?

Seems to me he isn't as smart as you think he is.

Actually, Skull, in the original Hebrew texts, it does state "thou shalt not murder". It was only when it got translated from language to language did it get changed to "thou shalt not kill".

Interestingly enough, Geneiss 1:1 doesn't state "in THE beginning", it's actually written (in the original Hebrew) "in A beginning", which would lead one to consider the possibility that there were several universes prior to this one.

I'm not sure of that because there are no vowels in anicent Hebrew.

That is why there is a problem with knowing the correct name for the tetragrammonton YHWH.
The 10 commandments explicitly say Thou shall not kill.

There is no qualification. If your god wanted to specify a difference wouldn't he have said Thou shall not murder?

Seems to me he isn't as smart as you think he is.

Actually, Skull, in the original Hebrew texts, it does state "thou shalt not murder". It was only when it got translated from language to language did it get changed to "thou shalt not kill".

Interestingly enough, Geneiss 1:1 doesn't state "in THE beginning", it's actually written (in the original Hebrew) "in A beginning", which would lead one to consider the possibility that there were several universes prior to this one.

I'm not sure of that because there are no vowels in anicent Hebrew.

That is why there is a problem with knowing the correct name for the tetragrammonton YHWH.

Wrong. There ARE vowels in Hebrew.

Modern Hebrew is written from right to left using the Hebrew alphabet, which is an abjad, or consonant-only script of 22 letters. The ancient paleo-Hebrew alphabet is similar to those used for Canaanite and Phoenician. Modern scripts are based on the "square" letter form, known as Ashurit (Assyrian), which was developed from the Aramaic script. A cursive Hebrew script is used in handwriting: the letters tend to be more circular in form when written in cursive, and sometimes vary markedly from their printed equivalents. The medieval version of the cursive script forms the basis of another style, known as Rashi script. When necessary, vowels are indicated by diacritic marks above or below the letter representing the syllabic onset, or by use of matres lectionis, which are consonantal letters used as vowels. Further diacritics are used to indicate variations in the pronunciation of the consonants (e.g. bet/vet, shin/sin); and, in some contexts, to indicate the punctuation, accentuation and musical rendition of Biblical texts (see Cantillation).

Hebrew language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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