How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

Of course,God created man in his image ,with his attributes why wouldn't he feel pain,anger,and frustration ?

Why wouldn't he punish after he warned he would ?

Does not law and his words carry more meaning ?

Just look at the bible and it is clearly seen.

God in the Bible is clearly bipolar reflecting the maturity of the people at the time it was written

Old Testimate God was a god to be feared. People had simple motivations back then and needed to be told "Do as we say or an angry God will destroy you" Hell was a simplistic motivator. If you are will be punished

Christians needed a more complex god in order to draw more sophisticated followers. The Christian God was a god that if you loved him....he would love you in return. Christians relied more on a do good towards others and good will be returned to you.

Wrong, God has never changed. God just made atonement for all so he didn't have continue wiping out sinful communities. So in a word becuse of the righteous the unrighteous benefit.

So by your account...God did change

Old God killed everyone on earth who could not fit on an ark. Old God killed innocent children.

New God doesn't do that any more

God didn't change...the people writing the Bible changed. They had a new audience that wasn't buying all the wrath of God crap, they needed a kinder and gentler God
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Actually, Skull, in the original Hebrew texts, it does state "thou shalt not murder". It was only when it got translated from language to language did it get changed to "thou shalt not kill".

Interestingly enough, Geneiss 1:1 doesn't state "in THE beginning", it's actually written (in the original Hebrew) "in A beginning", which would lead one to consider the possibility that there were several universes prior to this one.

I'm not sure of that because there are no vowels in anicent Hebrew.

That is why there is a problem with knowing the correct name for the tetragrammonton YHWH.

Wrong. There ARE vowels in Hebrew.

Modern Hebrew is written from right to left using the Hebrew alphabet, which is an abjad, or consonant-only script of 22 letters. The ancient paleo-Hebrew alphabet is similar to those used for Canaanite and Phoenician. Modern scripts are based on the "square" letter form, known as Ashurit (Assyrian), which was developed from the Aramaic script. A cursive Hebrew script is used in handwriting: the letters tend to be more circular in form when written in cursive, and sometimes vary markedly from their printed equivalents. The medieval version of the cursive script forms the basis of another style, known as Rashi script. When necessary, vowels are indicated by diacritic marks above or below the letter representing the syllabic onset, or by use of matres lectionis, which are consonantal letters used as vowels. Further diacritics are used to indicate variations in the pronunciation of the consonants (e.g. bet/vet, shin/sin); and, in some contexts, to indicate the punctuation, accentuation and musical rendition of Biblical texts (see Cantillation).

Hebrew language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I spoke with a ancient Hebrew scholar on the hannity forums he said there were no written vowels in the origional language.

I have read from this site as well.

Ancient Hebrew

Hebrew: An Ancient Forgotten Language With No Written Vowels


Ancient Hebrew (Phoenician) characters, with no vowel points, from the Moabite Stone dating back to around 800 B.C.


The modern Hebrew characters above have added Medieval rabbinical vowel points beneath the words to show the best guess at their original sounds. The English word "God" above should be translated as "gods" since the Hebrew "Elohim"? is plural. In other words, the first line in the Bible reads: "In the beginning the gods created the heavens and the earth," but you ain't suppose to know this!

Modern English is often thought to be a difficult language to translate, with its irregular spellings, numerous shades of meanings, variations in pronunciations, incorporation of countless foreign words, difficult idioms, and other peculiarities and inconsistencies. However, none of these could begin to compare with one major translating difficulty found in the biblical language of Israel, especially since Hebrew ceased to be a commonly spoken language hun*dreds of years before Jesus Christ arrived. “In regard to the Old Testament, the Hebrew language, as anciently written, was the most difficult of all languages to translate,” wrote Bible-scholar John E. Remsburg in his work entitled The Bible. In one of thirty weekly installments from his book which began to appear in The Truth Seeker at the beginning of January in 1901 he went on to explain that

"It was written from right to left; the words contained no [written] vowels; there were no intervening spaces between words, and no punctuation marks. Even with the introduction of vowel points [dots or marks below the words that indicate vowel sounds] many words in Hebrew, as in English, have more than one meaning. Without these points, as originally written, the number is increased a hundred fold. The five English words, bag, beg, big, bog, and buy, are quite unlike and easily distinguished. Omit the vowels, as the ancient Jews did, and we have five words exactly alike, or rather, one word with five different meanings. The Hebrew language was thus largely composed of words with several mean*ings. As there were no spaces between words, it was sometimes hard to tell where a word began or where it ended; and as there were no punctuation marks, and no spaces between sentences, paragraphs, or even sections, it was often difficult to determine the meaning of a writer after the words had been deciphered."

Here is the best known passage in the Bible printed in English as the Jews would have written it in Hebrew:

Hebrew: An Ancient Forgotten Language With No Written Vowels
When you learn the difference between killing, and murder, just, and unjust then we can speak.

Do you understand punishing for crimes ?

Do you understand what war is ?

These things will never go away until God makes them go away.

He who creates makes the laws get it ?

Amazing how you'll pull the more moral than thou card in terms of abortion but can instantly defend infanticide as legitimate. Abortion=horrible to you, murdering babies for their parents actions=perfectly fine.

If your wife were to cheat on you, would you ground your kids?

If your brother does you wrong, hold a grudge against your niece?

For sake of discussion I'll assume the Bible is true, your God essentially invented war.

You can justify infanticide because your God did it, however that's WAY beneath me morally.

Of course God is moral he does not put to death the innocent or the Righteous.

The infinite all konwoing God when he wipes out the Parents that are evil he wipes out the children that will grow up and be the same thing. God knows the hearts of men you can't hide anything from him.

If you had a a rattlesnake and her young are in your yard would just kill the adult rattlesnake and let the young go that are just as venomous ?

When terrorists have children do they teach their children to be terrorists or to hate ?

Just look at the middle east that has been going on for thousands of years.

More and more legitimizing of infanticide, maybe some of the worst and immoral thoughts I've ever read.

So why don't you think, "well parents who have so little morals that they'd have an abortion should go ahead and abort their little demon children because they also will have no morals"? Why don't you view it that way since you view abortions as murder?

All kids and babies of bad people should just be killed because everyone morally always ends up exactly like their parents, maybe the worst principle in life I've ever heard someone try to spit.

This is what happens when religion takes over your brain, you have to find a way to excuse horribly immoral things that you know are immoral just so you don't say something bad about a demonic version of God man has thought up.
God in the Bible is clearly bipolar reflecting the maturity of the people at the time it was written

Old Testimate God was a god to be feared. People had simple motivations back then and needed to be told "Do as we say or an angry God will destroy you" Hell was a simplistic motivator. If you are will be punished

Christians needed a more complex god in order to draw more sophisticated followers. The Christian God was a god that if you loved him....he would love you in return. Christians relied more on a do good towards others and good will be returned to you.

Wrong, God has never changed. God just made atonement for all so he didn't have continue wiping out sinful communities. So in a word becuse of the righteous the unrighteous benefit.

So by your account...God did change

Old God killed everyone on earth who could not fit on an ark. Old God killed innocent children.

New God doesn't do that any more

God didn't change...the people writing the Bible changed. They had a new audience that wasn't buying all the wrath of God crap, they needed a kinder and gentler God

Old God will put to death the unrighteous that have no atonement.

Same God will do the same thing one final time to those unrighteous because of his sacrifice he bought the unrighteous a little time.
Wrong, God has never changed. God just made atonement for all so he didn't have continue wiping out sinful communities. So in a word becuse of the righteous the unrighteous benefit.

So by your account...God did change

Old God killed everyone on earth who could not fit on an ark. Old God killed innocent children.

New God doesn't do that any more

God didn't change...the people writing the Bible changed. They had a new audience that wasn't buying all the wrath of God crap, they needed a kinder and gentler God

Old God will put to death the unrighteous that have no atonement.

Same God will do the same thing one final time to those unrighteous because of his sacrifice he bought the unrighteous a little time.

So you claim that new god will still punish innocent children, puppies and kittens?

I am glad I don't believe your bizarre religious beliefs...I could not live with myself
Amazing how you'll pull the more moral than thou card in terms of abortion but can instantly defend infanticide as legitimate. Abortion=horrible to you, murdering babies for their parents actions=perfectly fine.

If your wife were to cheat on you, would you ground your kids?

If your brother does you wrong, hold a grudge against your niece?

For sake of discussion I'll assume the Bible is true, your God essentially invented war.

You can justify infanticide because your God did it, however that's WAY beneath me morally.

Of course God is moral he does not put to death the innocent or the Righteous.

The infinite all konwoing God when he wipes out the Parents that are evil he wipes out the children that will grow up and be the same thing. God knows the hearts of men you can't hide anything from him.

If you had a a rattlesnake and her young are in your yard would just kill the adult rattlesnake and let the young go that are just as venomous ?

When terrorists have children do they teach their children to be terrorists or to hate ?

Just look at the middle east that has been going on for thousands of years.

More and more legitimizing of infanticide, maybe some of the worst and immoral thoughts I've ever read.

So why don't you think, "well parents who have so little morals that they'd have an abortion should go ahead and abort their little demon children because they also will have no morals"? Why don't you view it that way since you view abortions as murder?

All kids and babies of bad people should just be killed because everyone morally always ends up exactly like their parents, maybe the worst principle in life I've ever heard someone try to spit.

This is what happens when religion takes over your brain, you have to find a way to excuse horribly immoral things that you know are immoral just so you don't say something bad about a demonic version of God man has thought up.

What do you think is going on ? no one is sitting on the fence everyone of us is making a decision and a choice. What matters is the choice you make.

The bible was not dreams of man there is just too much evidence that say's otherwise.

People are being warned of what's coming you have to live with your decision.
So by your account...God did change

Old God killed everyone on earth who could not fit on an ark. Old God killed innocent children.

New God doesn't do that any more

God didn't change...the people writing the Bible changed. They had a new audience that wasn't buying all the wrath of God crap, they needed a kinder and gentler God

Old God will put to death the unrighteous that have no atonement.

Same God will do the same thing one final time to those unrighteous because of his sacrifice he bought the unrighteous a little time.

So you claim that new god will still punish innocent children, puppies and kittens?

I am glad I don't believe your bizarre religious beliefs...I could not live with myself

There is no new God it's the same God that is gonna bring justice to the earth.
Amazing how you'll pull the more moral than thou card in terms of abortion but can instantly defend infanticide as legitimate. Abortion=horrible to you, murdering babies for their parents actions=perfectly fine.

If your wife were to cheat on you, would you ground your kids?

If your brother does you wrong, hold a grudge against your niece?

For sake of discussion I'll assume the Bible is true, your God essentially invented war.

You can justify infanticide because your God did it, however that's WAY beneath me morally.

Of course God is moral he does not put to death the innocent or the Righteous.

The infinite all konwoing God when he wipes out the Parents that are evil he wipes out the children that will grow up and be the same thing. God knows the hearts of men you can't hide anything from him.

If you had a a rattlesnake and her young are in your yard would just kill the adult rattlesnake and let the young go that are just as venomous ?

When terrorists have children do they teach their children to be terrorists or to hate ?

Just look at the middle east that has been going on for thousands of years.

More and more legitimizing of infanticide, maybe some of the worst and immoral thoughts I've ever read.

So why don't you think, "well parents who have so little morals that they'd have an abortion should go ahead and abort their little demon children because they also will have no morals"? Why don't you view it that way since you view abortions as murder?

All kids and babies of bad people should just be killed because everyone morally always ends up exactly like their parents, maybe the worst principle in life I've ever heard someone try to spit.

This is what happens when religion takes over your brain, you have to find a way to excuse horribly immoral things that you know are immoral just so you don't say something bad about a demonic version of God man has thought up.

If there is no God how did we get here ?
Of course God is moral he does not put to death the innocent or the Righteous.

The infinite all konwoing God when he wipes out the Parents that are evil he wipes out the children that will grow up and be the same thing. God knows the hearts of men you can't hide anything from him.

If you had a a rattlesnake and her young are in your yard would just kill the adult rattlesnake and let the young go that are just as venomous ?

When terrorists have children do they teach their children to be terrorists or to hate ?

Just look at the middle east that has been going on for thousands of years.

More and more legitimizing of infanticide, maybe some of the worst and immoral thoughts I've ever read.

So why don't you think, "well parents who have so little morals that they'd have an abortion should go ahead and abort their little demon children because they also will have no morals"? Why don't you view it that way since you view abortions as murder?

All kids and babies of bad people should just be killed because everyone morally always ends up exactly like their parents, maybe the worst principle in life I've ever heard someone try to spit.

This is what happens when religion takes over your brain, you have to find a way to excuse horribly immoral things that you know are immoral just so you don't say something bad about a demonic version of God man has thought up.

If there is no God how did we get here ?

Good question, I'll probably never know.

But that was probably a good time to wave the white flag on your legitimizing of infanticide, maybe you're rethinking your position.
More and more legitimizing of infanticide, maybe some of the worst and immoral thoughts I've ever read.

So why don't you think, "well parents who have so little morals that they'd have an abortion should go ahead and abort their little demon children because they also will have no morals"? Why don't you view it that way since you view abortions as murder?

All kids and babies of bad people should just be killed because everyone morally always ends up exactly like their parents, maybe the worst principle in life I've ever heard someone try to spit.

This is what happens when religion takes over your brain, you have to find a way to excuse horribly immoral things that you know are immoral just so you don't say something bad about a demonic version of God man has thought up.

If there is no God how did we get here ?

Good question, I'll probably never know.

But that was probably a good time to wave the white flag on your legitimizing of infanticide, maybe you're rethinking your position.

I never wave a white flag unless i am wrong.

Don't flatter yourself.
Old God will put to death the unrighteous that have no atonement.

Same God will do the same thing one final time to those unrighteous because of his sacrifice he bought the unrighteous a little time.

So you claim that new god will still punish innocent children, puppies and kittens?

I am glad I don't believe your bizarre religious beliefs...I could not live with myself

There is no new God it's the same God that is gonna bring justice to the earth.

So you are admitting that God did change and no longer kills innocent children, puppies and kittens?

In fact, the men who wrote about god in the Bible realized that the old vengeful god that everyone fears was not going to gain converts. Christians gave God a makeover and restructured him as a God who would give you as much love as you gave to him.

People changed, our civilization matured, people wanted a God they could relate to....not a God they were afraid to piss off

I like the kinder and gentler god better....don't you?
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Ok Drock and skull.

Do you believe the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

Do you believe God would have put to death anyone who tried their best not to break his laws but always repented of their sins ?

I do not believe in the death penalty.

And god killed people who did nothing wrong in a fit of pique more than once.♠

Remember Joshua and the battle of Jerico?
God commanded the israelites to kill all who did not flee before them specifically saying women, children and even animals. All becuase they occupied a city that the israelites abandoned when they went to egypt for work....
So you claim that new god will still punish innocent children, puppies and kittens?

I am glad I don't believe your bizarre religious beliefs...I could not live with myself

There is no new God it's the same God that is gonna bring justice to the earth.

So you are admitting that God did change and no longer kills innocent children, puppies and children?

In fact, the men who wrote about god in the Bible realized that the old vengeful god that everyone fears was not going to gain converts. Christians gave God a makeover and restructured him as a God who would give you as much love as you gave to him.

People changed, our civilization matured, people wanted a God they could relate to....not a God they were afraid to piss off

I like the kinder and gentler god better....don't you?

do you mean the kinder gentler god/jesus who is going to return as a warlord instead of as the humanitarian that he was when he died?
There is no new God it's the same God that is gonna bring justice to the earth.

So you are admitting that God did change and no longer kills innocent children, puppies and children?

In fact, the men who wrote about god in the Bible realized that the old vengeful god that everyone fears was not going to gain converts. Christians gave God a makeover and restructured him as a God who would give you as much love as you gave to him.

People changed, our civilization matured, people wanted a God they could relate to....not a God they were afraid to piss off

I like the kinder and gentler god better....don't you?

do you mean the kinder gentler god/jesus who is going to return as a warlord instead of as the humanitarian that he was when he died?

Considering what happened to him last time he was here, I'd suspect he'd be pretty pissed off next time he shows up.
Ok Drock and skull.

Do you believe the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

Do you believe God would have put to death anyone who tried their best not to break his laws but always repented of their sins ?

I do not believe in the death penalty.

And god killed people who did nothing wrong in a fit of pique more than once.♠

Remember Joshua and the battle of Jerico?
God commanded the israelites to kill all who did not flee before them specifically saying women, children and even animals. All becuase they occupied a city that the israelites abandoned when they went to egypt for work....

He did that when he brought the global flood on the earth to.

The key was everyone who is found to be unrighteous will be no more.

There memory will be no more.

Everything they had and enjoyed will be no more.
There is no new God it's the same God that is gonna bring justice to the earth.

So you are admitting that God did change and no longer kills innocent children, puppies and children?

In fact, the men who wrote about god in the Bible realized that the old vengeful god that everyone fears was not going to gain converts. Christians gave God a makeover and restructured him as a God who would give you as much love as you gave to him.

People changed, our civilization matured, people wanted a God they could relate to....not a God they were afraid to piss off

I like the kinder and gentler god better....don't you?

do you mean the kinder gentler god/jesus who is going to return as a warlord instead of as the humanitarian that he was when he died?

Yeah it's tough to figure out.

They talk lovingly about a genocidal/infanticidal god.

Then they talk lovingly about a pro peace/loving/forgiving version of god (Jesus).

Then they talk in hopes of Jesus coming back as a genocidal and infanticidal god.

I like the one in the middle, the other 2? Not so much. Throw out the whole idea that scientifically christianity is nonsensical, but to worship someone with a worse moral compass than Hitler? I don't think so.
If there is no God how did we get here ?

Good question, I'll probably never know.

But that was probably a good time to wave the white flag on your legitimizing of infanticide, maybe you're rethinking your position.

I never wave a white flag unless i am wrong.

Don't flatter yourself.

I don't view myself as the king of debating, but in a debate where you're on the side of infanticide being morally ok and me being on the side that it's probably the worst concept in life, I'm confident I'll win (and have won) that debate.
So you claim that new god will still punish innocent children, puppies and kittens?

I am glad I don't believe your bizarre religious beliefs...I could not live with myself

There is no new God it's the same God that is gonna bring justice to the earth.

So you are admitting that God did change and no longer kills innocent children, puppies and kittens?

In fact, the men who wrote about god in the Bible realized that the old vengeful god that everyone fears was not going to gain converts. Christians gave God a makeover and restructured him as a God who would give you as much love as you gave to him.

People changed, our civilization matured, people wanted a God they could relate to....not a God they were afraid to piss off

I like the kinder and gentler god better....don't you?

Exo 20:5 You shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them. For I Jehovah your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those that hate me,

Rev 11:17 saying, We thank You, O Lord God Almighty, who are, and who was, and who is coming, because You took Your great power and reigned.
Rev 11:18 And the nations were full of wrath, and Your wrath came, and the time of the judging of the dead, and to give the reward to Your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to the ones fearing Your name, to the small and to the great, and to destroy those destroying the earth.
Rev 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in Heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His covenant, and there occurred lightnings and voices, and thunders and an earthquake, and a great hail.

No difference.
Good question, I'll probably never know.

But that was probably a good time to wave the white flag on your legitimizing of infanticide, maybe you're rethinking your position.

I never wave a white flag unless i am wrong.

Don't flatter yourself.

I don't view myself as the king of debating, but in a debate where you're on the side of infanticide being morally ok and me being on the side that it's probably the worst concept in life, I'm confident I'll win (and have won) that debate.

Are you pro choice or pro life ?
There is no new God it's the same God that is gonna bring justice to the earth.

So you are admitting that God did change and no longer kills innocent children, puppies and children?

In fact, the men who wrote about god in the Bible realized that the old vengeful god that everyone fears was not going to gain converts. Christians gave God a makeover and restructured him as a God who would give you as much love as you gave to him.

People changed, our civilization matured, people wanted a God they could relate to....not a God they were afraid to piss off

I like the kinder and gentler god better....don't you?

do you mean the kinder gentler god/jesus who is going to return as a warlord instead of as the humanitarian that he was when he died?

I have already posted that when Jesus comes back I will buy him a beer and get him laid

That will mellow him out quite a bit

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