How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

The only person that is considered innocent is a righteous person.

God does not put the righteous to death.

Again, so if babies aren't innocent, and you view early term fetuses as babies, why do you take issue with them being aborted?

Btw, it's sad you don't view babies and children as innocent, most christians tell me otherwise.

This may come as a pleasing shock to you, some of those having abortions are phoney Christians.

We must become like children to enter the kingdom of God.

Children taught the ways of God are innocent.

Children taught the ways of the world are not.

If you were a muslim terrorist are you a good example for that child ?

I have eight children and five grand children,so i know a little bit about them.

You still didn't explain to me why you're ok with infanticide of sinner's children, but not ok with abortion of sinner's fetuses.

I'm sure your opinion of your God would change if he killed all those children and grandchildren of yours for the sins you've done over your lifetime.
Being an all knowing God i think he would know if any of them would follow him no ?

That takes us back to should we kill just the adult snakes or kill the youngs ones to ?

That is where you are wrong. He says he will bring the iniquity of the fathers down on the sons. He said nothing about the iniquity of the sons. He is just pointing out that he is a jealous god and will be real nasty if he is wronged and punish children and grandchildren

Sounds like a mafia kingpin not a God you should worship

Sin brings forth death .

We are all guilty and that is why we die.

Do you think the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

The other two people i asked this question would not answer it.

Sure, I will answer it

Do you mean like the 10 Commandments? I have said numerous times that I could have done a better job than God with the 10 Commandments. He wastes 4 commandments on "You shall worship me" it shows his insecurity. Also wastes a commandment on envy...very petty. He misses out on slavery, rape, assault. Not his best day

God openly allows slavery, rape, discriminates against homosexuals and women

I think man has done a better job with his laws than God
Again, so if babies aren't innocent, and you view early term fetuses as babies, why do you take issue with them being aborted?

Btw, it's sad you don't view babies and children as innocent, most christians tell me otherwise.

This may come as a pleasing shock to you, some of those having abortions are phoney Christians.

We must become like children to enter the kingdom of God.

Children taught the ways of God are innocent.

Children taught the ways of the world are not.

If you were a muslim terrorist are you a good example for that child ?

I have eight children and five grand children,so i know a little bit about them.

You still didn't explain to me why you're ok with infanticide of sinner's children, but not ok with abortion of sinner's fetuses.

I'm sure your opinion of your God would change if he killed all those children and grandchildren of yours for the sins you've done over your lifetime.

Yes i did ,because they have already been judged by God.

Lost in the discussion regarding the age of accountability is the fact that children, no matter how young, are not innocent in the sense of being sinless. The Bible tells us that even if an infant or child has not committed personal sin, all people, including infants and children, are guilty before God because of inherited and imputed sin. Inherited sin is that which is passed on from our parents. In Psalm 51:5 David wrote, Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. David recognized that even at conception, he was a sinner. The very sad fact that infants sometimes die demonstrates that even infants are impacted by Adam’s sin, since physical and spiritual death were the results of Adam's original sin.

Each person, infant or adult, stands guilty before God, each person has offended the holiness of God. The only way God can be just and at the same time declare a person righteous is for that person to have received forgiveness by faith in Christ. Christ is the only way. John 14:6 records what Jesus said: I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, except through Me. Also, Peter states in Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by Which we must be saved. Salvation is an individual choice.
This may come as a pleasing shock to you, some of those having abortions are phoney Christians.

We must become like children to enter the kingdom of God.

Children taught the ways of God are innocent.

Children taught the ways of the world are not.

If you were a muslim terrorist are you a good example for that child ?

I have eight children and five grand children,so i know a little bit about them.

You still didn't explain to me why you're ok with infanticide of sinner's children, but not ok with abortion of sinner's fetuses.

I'm sure your opinion of your God would change if he killed all those children and grandchildren of yours for the sins you've done over your lifetime.

Yes i did ,because they have already been judged by God.

Lost in the discussion regarding the age of accountability is the fact that children, no matter how young, are not innocent in the sense of being sinless. The Bible tells us that even if an infant or child has not committed personal sin, all people, including infants and children, are guilty before God because of inherited and imputed sin. Inherited sin is that which is passed on from our parents. In Psalm 51:5 David wrote, Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. David recognized that even at conception, he was a sinner. The very sad fact that infants sometimes die demonstrates that even infants are impacted by Adam’s sin, since physical and spiritual death were the results of Adam's original sin.

Each person, infant or adult, stands guilty before God, each person has offended the holiness of God. The only way God can be just and at the same time declare a person righteous is for that person to have received forgiveness by faith in Christ. Christ is the only way. John 14:6 records what Jesus said: I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, except through Me. Also, Peter states in Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by Which we must be saved. Salvation is an individual choice.

Sad, really really sad that you're ok with a baby who's incapable of knowing about Christ as a legitimate death target for your insane God's wrath. All that blathering about God giving free will goes right out the door when he's hellbent on murdering children and babies before they can ever even be aware of their own free will.

Hence why morally I could never stoop to worshipping the God of the Old Testament, it'd be like worshipping a worse version of Stalin or Hitler.
You still didn't explain to me why you're ok with infanticide of sinner's children, but not ok with abortion of sinner's fetuses.

I'm sure your opinion of your God would change if he killed all those children and grandchildren of yours for the sins you've done over your lifetime.

Yes i did ,because they have already been judged by God.

Lost in the discussion regarding the age of accountability is the fact that children, no matter how young, are not innocent in the sense of being sinless. The Bible tells us that even if an infant or child has not committed personal sin, all people, including infants and children, are guilty before God because of inherited and imputed sin. Inherited sin is that which is passed on from our parents. In Psalm 51:5 David wrote, Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. David recognized that even at conception, he was a sinner. The very sad fact that infants sometimes die demonstrates that even infants are impacted by Adam’s sin, since physical and spiritual death were the results of Adam's original sin.

Each person, infant or adult, stands guilty before God, each person has offended the holiness of God. The only way God can be just and at the same time declare a person righteous is for that person to have received forgiveness by faith in Christ. Christ is the only way. John 14:6 records what Jesus said: I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, except through Me. Also, Peter states in Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by Which we must be saved. Salvation is an individual choice.

Sad, really really sad that you're ok with a baby who's incapable of knowing about Christ as a legitimate death target for your insane God's wrath. All that blathering about God giving free will goes right out the door when he's hellbent on murdering children and babies before they can ever even be aware of their own free will.

Hence why morally I could never stoop to worshipping the God of the Old Testament, it'd be like worshipping a worse version of Stalin or Hitler.

Can't you see the discrepancy in your views , you make such a statement about God and then admit to being pro-choice. You come off as disingenuous.

Bottomline the scriptures define who is innocent and who is not.

God does not kill the innocent and he don't like man doing it either.

Exo 23:7 Keep far from a false matter, and do not kill the innocent and righteous. For I will not justify the wicked.

Job 4:7 Have you ever seen destruction come to an upright man? or when were the god-fearing ever cut off?

Job 8:20 Behold, God will not cast away the innocent, nor will He help the evildoers

Pro 11:21 Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be innocent; but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

Man does not possess the ability to read the hearts as God does.
I'm not sure of that because there are no vowels in anicent Hebrew.

That is why there is a problem with knowing the correct name for the tetragrammonton YHWH.

Wrong. There ARE vowels in Hebrew.

Modern Hebrew is written from right to left using the Hebrew alphabet, which is an abjad, or consonant-only script of 22 letters. The ancient paleo-Hebrew alphabet is similar to those used for Canaanite and Phoenician. Modern scripts are based on the "square" letter form, known as Ashurit (Assyrian), which was developed from the Aramaic script. A cursive Hebrew script is used in handwriting: the letters tend to be more circular in form when written in cursive, and sometimes vary markedly from their printed equivalents. The medieval version of the cursive script forms the basis of another style, known as Rashi script. When necessary, vowels are indicated by diacritic marks above or below the letter representing the syllabic onset, or by use of matres lectionis, which are consonantal letters used as vowels. Further diacritics are used to indicate variations in the pronunciation of the consonants (e.g. bet/vet, shin/sin); and, in some contexts, to indicate the punctuation, accentuation and musical rendition of Biblical texts (see Cantillation).

Hebrew language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I spoke with a ancient Hebrew scholar on the hannity forums he said there were no written vowels in the origional language.

I have read from this site as well.

Ancient Hebrew

Hebrew: An Ancient Forgotten Language With No Written Vowels


Ancient Hebrew (Phoenician) characters, with no vowel points, from the Moabite Stone dating back to around 800 B.C.


The modern Hebrew characters above have added Medieval rabbinical vowel points beneath the words to show the best guess at their original sounds. The English word "God" above should be translated as "gods" since the Hebrew "Elohim"? is plural. In other words, the first line in the Bible reads: "In the beginning the gods created the heavens and the earth," but you ain't suppose to know this!

Modern English is often thought to be a difficult language to translate, with its irregular spellings, numerous shades of meanings, variations in pronunciations, incorporation of countless foreign words, difficult idioms, and other peculiarities and inconsistencies. However, none of these could begin to compare with one major translating difficulty found in the biblical language of Israel, especially since Hebrew ceased to be a commonly spoken language hun*dreds of years before Jesus Christ arrived. “In regard to the Old Testament, the Hebrew language, as anciently written, was the most difficult of all languages to translate,” wrote Bible-scholar John E. Remsburg in his work entitled The Bible. In one of thirty weekly installments from his book which began to appear in The Truth Seeker at the beginning of January in 1901 he went on to explain that

"It was written from right to left; the words contained no [written] vowels; there were no intervening spaces between words, and no punctuation marks. Even with the introduction of vowel points [dots or marks below the words that indicate vowel sounds] many words in Hebrew, as in English, have more than one meaning. Without these points, as originally written, the number is increased a hundred fold. The five English words, bag, beg, big, bog, and buy, are quite unlike and easily distinguished. Omit the vowels, as the ancient Jews did, and we have five words exactly alike, or rather, one word with five different meanings. The Hebrew language was thus largely composed of words with several mean*ings. As there were no spaces between words, it was sometimes hard to tell where a word began or where it ended; and as there were no punctuation marks, and no spaces between sentences, paragraphs, or even sections, it was often difficult to determine the meaning of a writer after the words had been deciphered."

Here is the best known passage in the Bible printed in English as the Jews would have written it in Hebrew:

Hebrew: An Ancient Forgotten Language With No Written Vowels

You forgot this part from "that" site.


The modern Hebrew characters above have added Medieval rabbinical vowel points beneath the words to show the best guess at their original sounds. The English word "God" above should be translated as "gods" since the Hebrew "Elohim"? is plural. In other words, the first line in the Bible reads: "In the beginning the gods created the heavens and the earth," but you ain't suppose to know this!
The only person that is considered innocent is a righteous person.

God does not put the righteous to death.

Again, so if babies aren't innocent, and you view early term fetuses as babies, why do you take issue with them being aborted?

Btw, it's sad you don't view babies and children as innocent, most christians tell me otherwise.

This may come as a pleasing shock to you, some of those having abortions are phoney Christians.

We must become like children to enter the kingdom of God.

Children taught the ways of God are innocent.

Children taught the ways of the world are not.

If you were a muslim terrorist are you a good example for that child ?

I have eight children and five grand children,so i know a little bit about them.

What if your just a Muslim and not a terrorist? Are they a good example for that child?
He did that when he brought the global flood on the earth to.
The flood makes God the record holder for the most abortions at one time. God aborted the fetuses of all the pregnant women by drowning the mothers.
Praise God

Really, if you compare the population of that time verses the abortions that have taken place i think it will shock you.

Just in this country 1.3 million abortions performed last year.
And what exactly was the world population back then, and exactly how many of those exaggerated 1.2 million abortions were committed by the same abortionist at the same time non stop???

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist!!!

Again, so if babies aren't innocent, and you view early term fetuses as babies, why do you take issue with them being aborted?

Btw, it's sad you don't view babies and children as innocent, most christians tell me otherwise.

This may come as a pleasing shock to you, some of those having abortions are phoney Christians.

We must become like children to enter the kingdom of God.

Children taught the ways of God are innocent.

Children taught the ways of the world are not.

If you were a muslim terrorist are you a good example for that child ?

I have eight children and five grand children,so i know a little bit about them.

What if your just a Muslim and not a terrorist? Are they a good example for that child?

Good question.

God is in the heart reading business,that is a question only he could answer.

Some Christians believe a person stands no chance to make it unless you accept Christ. I personally don't believe that because some people have never had a chance to know Christ so i believe that is where the heart comes in.
The flood makes God the record holder for the most abortions at one time. God aborted the fetuses of all the pregnant women by drowning the mothers.
Praise God

Really, if you compare the population of that time verses the abortions that have taken place i think it will shock you.

Just in this country 1.3 million abortions performed last year.
And what exactly was the world population back then, and exactly how many of those exaggerated 1.2 million abortions were committed by the same abortionist at the same time non stop???

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist!!!


I don't know the population back then but i would be willing to bet that there has been more abortions then people wiped out in the global flood.

Exponential Human Population Growth from Noah

Sunday, 24 February 2008 15:17

The Equation: N = Noert

(No) represents the initial population. (r) represents the natural growth rate, which factors in both birth and death rates. (t) represents the amount of time... using the same units as (r). (e) represents the base of the natural logarithms (approximately 2.71828). (N) represents the final resultant population. Plotted on a graph, the equation would look like the green curve in the image (assuming a natural growth rate of more than .01 or 1%).

How fast has Exponential Human Growth been?

Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago!

That was the title of an important news article published in July of 2006 (here is a pdf version in case the link is ever taken down). The substance of the article threatens to throw icy cold water on more than just one Evolutionary doctrine. It showed that all of humanity is likely descended from a recent common ancestor who lived only 5,000 years ago (which fits very nicely with the timeframe of the Great Flood of Noah's day).

Unfortunately, this monumental news story received little exposure, although Steve Olson talks about it briefly in his book Mapping Human History, some of which is quoted further below (pg. 46-48).

Exponential population growth is a fundamental component in the computer simulation of the news story above. It is difficult for most people to fathom today's world population reaching it's current number in less than 5,000 years, but when the phenomenon of exponents is considered properly, it doesn't take any great mental leap.

More from the horses mouth

"The exponential growth in the number of our ancestors going back in time connects us tightly to the past. If a historical figure who lived more than 1,600 years ago had children who themselves had children, that person is almost certainly among our ancestors. Everyone in the world today is most likely descended from Nefertiti (through the six daughters she had with Akhenaton), from Confucius (through the son and daughter he is said to have had), and from Julius Caesar (through his illegitimate children, not through Julia, who died in childbirth). One need go back only a couple of millennia to connect everyone alive to a common pool of ancestors." Steve Olson in Mapping Human History: Genes, Race, and Our Common Origins pg 47.

"The forces of genetic mixing are so powerful that everyone in the world has Jewish ancestors, though the amount of DNA from those ancestors in a given individual may be small. In fact, everyone on earth is by now a descendant of Abraham, Moses, and Aaron - if indeed they existed." - Ibid pg 114.

"Going back ten generations, we each have about one thousand ancestors (not considering marriages between cousins), which means we share about a millionth of a random neighbor's DNA by direct descent. Twenty-five generations ago, about the time when Columbus happened on the shores of the Americas, the number of our ancestral cousins swells to an astronomical 30 million, almost all of the world's populations at that time. Almost all of the people living today are distant cousins to a common ancestor who lived some three thousand or so years ago, geneticists estimate." - Jon Entine in Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People pg 61.

Human evolution: Pedigrees for all humanity (Nature) - "Simulations based on a model of human population history and geography find that an individual that is the genealogical ancestor of all living humans existed just a few thousand years ago."

Human populations are tightly interwoven (Nature) - "Family tree shows our common ancestor lived just 3,500 years ago."

Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago (FOXNews) - "You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant."

Most Recent Common Ancestor of All Living Humans Surprisingly Recent (Yale News) - "These more realistic models estimate that the most recent common ancestor of mankind lived as recently as about 3,000 years ago, and the identical ancestors point was as recent as several thousand years ago."

The Exponential Allowance Riddle

As a kid, you may have heard the Exponential Allowance Riddle. It usually goes something like this:

"Jack and Jill's parents ask them how they would like to get their allowance.

The first choice is to get a penny on day one, two pennies on day two, four pennies on day three, and so on, doubling every day.

The second choice is to get a dollar on day one, two dollars on day two, three dollars on day three, and so on, adding a dollar each day.

Jill decides to get double each day starting with a penny and Jack decides to get an extra dollar each day.

After three weeks, who has more money?"

It only takes a few days before Jill's choice makes Jack look like an absolute imbecile. Exponential growth in financial investments works very similar in human population growth. The main difference: it is generally measured in generations instead of years, but the growth curve looks nearly identical (depending on the growth rate variable) and that is why more than 6 billion people today can trace their ancestry back to a single common ancestor who lived less than 5,000 years ago.

By the way, his name was "Noah" and he lived about 4,400 years ago. A few hundred years after Noah, there lived a man named Ephraim, a grandson of Jacob. He was promised the "Fullness of the Nations" (Genesis 48:19) and we think he received the "fullness" of that promise.

To see the graph go to the site.

Exponential Human Population Growth from Noah | Genetics
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I spoke with a ancient Hebrew scholar on the hannity forums he said there were no written vowels in the origional language.

I have read from this site as well.

Ancient Hebrew

Hebrew: An Ancient Forgotten Language With No Written Vowels


Ancient Hebrew (Phoenician) characters, with no vowel points, from the Moabite Stone dating back to around 800 B.C.


The modern Hebrew characters above have added Medieval rabbinical vowel points beneath the words to show the best guess at their original sounds. The English word "God" above should be translated as "gods" since the Hebrew "Elohim"? is plural. In other words, the first line in the Bible reads: "In the beginning the gods created the heavens and the earth," but you ain't suppose to know this!

Modern English is often thought to be a difficult language to translate, with its irregular spellings, numerous shades of meanings, variations in pronunciations, incorporation of countless foreign words, difficult idioms, and other peculiarities and inconsistencies. However, none of these could begin to compare with one major translating difficulty found in the biblical language of Israel, especially since Hebrew ceased to be a commonly spoken language hun*dreds of years before Jesus Christ arrived. “In regard to the Old Testament, the Hebrew language, as anciently written, was the most difficult of all languages to translate,” wrote Bible-scholar John E. Remsburg in his work entitled The Bible. In one of thirty weekly installments from his book which began to appear in The Truth Seeker at the beginning of January in 1901 he went on to explain that

"It was written from right to left; the words contained no [written] vowels; there were no intervening spaces between words, and no punctuation marks. Even with the introduction of vowel points [dots or marks below the words that indicate vowel sounds] many words in Hebrew, as in English, have more than one meaning. Without these points, as originally written, the number is increased a hundred fold. The five English words, bag, beg, big, bog, and buy, are quite unlike and easily distinguished. Omit the vowels, as the ancient Jews did, and we have five words exactly alike, or rather, one word with five different meanings. The Hebrew language was thus largely composed of words with several mean*ings. As there were no spaces between words, it was sometimes hard to tell where a word began or where it ended; and as there were no punctuation marks, and no spaces between sentences, paragraphs, or even sections, it was often difficult to determine the meaning of a writer after the words had been deciphered."

Here is the best known passage in the Bible printed in English as the Jews would have written it in Hebrew:

Hebrew: An Ancient Forgotten Language With No Written Vowels

You forgot this part from "that" site.


The modern Hebrew characters above have added Medieval rabbinical vowel points beneath the words to show the best guess at their original sounds. The English word "God" above should be translated as "gods" since the Hebrew "Elohim"? is plural. In other words, the first line in the Bible reads: "In the beginning the gods created the heavens and the earth," but you ain't suppose to know this!
Hebrew: An Ancient Forgotten Language With No Written Vowels

I said there were many persons that make up the one true God,The Jews don't like hearing it though.

Rev 4:5 And out of the throne came lightnings and thunderings and voices. And seven lamps of fire were burning in front of the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.
The flood makes God the record holder for the most abortions at one time. God aborted the fetuses of all the pregnant women by drowning the mothers.
Praise God

Really, if you compare the population of that time verses the abortions that have taken place i think it will shock you.

Just in this country 1.3 million abortions performed last year.
And what exactly was the world population back then, and exactly how many of those exaggerated 1.2 million abortions were committed by the same abortionist at the same time non stop???

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist!!!


What is the total number of legal abortions since 1973?

As of the most recent update of this FAQ, the estimated total number of abortions is over 46 million.

How many abortions are performed in the United States each year?

There are currently 1.3 million abortions performed each year in the United States.

Source: Finer LB and Henshaw SK, Estimates of U.S. Abortion Incidence in 2001 and 2002, Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2005 [PDF], accessed May 17, 2005.

How many abortions are performed at each stage of pregnancy?

The following table lists both the percentage of abortions performed during various stages of pregnancy, along with the total yearly abortions at each stage, based on a total of 1.3 million abortions per year (see above).

Gestational Age


Yearly Total

Less than 9 weeks



9-10 weeks



11-12 weeks



13-15 weeks



16-20 weeks



21+ weeks



Q & A about Abortion

Pretty disgusting eh ? this is only in the United States.
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Really, if you compare the population of that time verses the abortions that have taken place i think it will shock you.

Just in this country 1.3 million abortions performed last year.
And what exactly was the world population back then, and exactly how many of those exaggerated 1.2 million abortions were committed by the same abortionist at the same time non stop???

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist!!!


I don't know the population back then but i would be willing to bet that there has been more abortions then people wiped out in the global flood.

...more than 6 billion people today can trace their ancestry back to a single common ancestor who lived less than 5,000 years ago.

By the way, his name was "Noah" and he lived about 4,400 years ago.
So if we have over 6 billion people from Noah to today, then there were billions of people from Adam to the time of the flood. there haven't been billions of abortions.

You God is the worlds greatest abortionist!
Praise God, THE abortionist.
Really, if you compare the population of that time verses the abortions that have taken place i think it will shock you.

Just in this country 1.3 million abortions performed last year.
And what exactly was the world population back then, and exactly how many of those exaggerated 1.2 million abortions were committed by the same abortionist at the same time non stop???

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist!!!


What is the total number of legal abortions since 1973?

As of the most recent update of this FAQ, the estimated total number of abortions is over 46 million.

How many abortions are performed in the United States each year?

There are currently 1.3 million abortions performed each year in the United States.

Source: Finer LB and Henshaw SK, Estimates of U.S. Abortion Incidence in 2001 and 2002, Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2005 [PDF], accessed May 17, 2005.
Pretty disgusting eh ? this is only in the United States.
Of course those exaggerated numbers are full of crap, from a whacko anti-abortion web site.

The CDC keeps track of the total number of abortions in the US, and for the latest year of your study, 2003, there were about 740,000 abortions, about half your phony numbers. The latest CDC year, 2007, there were about 828,000 abortions. Your 1.3 million number is pure bullshit.

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist.
Praise God, THE Abortionist!
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And what exactly was the world population back then, and exactly how many of those exaggerated 1.2 million abortions were committed by the same abortionist at the same time non stop???

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist!!!


I don't know the population back then but i would be willing to bet that there has been more abortions then people wiped out in the global flood.

...more than 6 billion people today can trace their ancestry back to a single common ancestor who lived less than 5,000 years ago.

By the way, his name was "Noah" and he lived about 4,400 years ago.
So if we have over 6 billion people from Noah to today, then there were billions of people from Adam to the time of the flood. there haven't been billions of abortions.

You God is the worlds greatest abortionist!
Praise God, THE abortionist.

Wrong, 2,000 years ago there was around 200 million. In two thousand years it went from 200 million to seven billion. And Noah had three sons and their wives to populate the earth, So the problem with your figure is that Adam and Eve only had one thousand years to populate the earth. Having only one thousand yeras verses 5,000 years I would say your figure is way off and not to mention not everyone that died in the flood was female and pregnant. You are a physicist ? Sorry no offense but you're not a thorough one.
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And what exactly was the world population back then, and exactly how many of those exaggerated 1.2 million abortions were committed by the same abortionist at the same time non stop???

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist!!!


What is the total number of legal abortions since 1973?

As of the most recent update of this FAQ, the estimated total number of abortions is over 46 million.

How many abortions are performed in the United States each year?

There are currently 1.3 million abortions performed each year in the United States.

Source: Finer LB and Henshaw SK, Estimates of U.S. Abortion Incidence in 2001 and 2002, Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2005 [PDF], accessed May 17, 2005.
Pretty disgusting eh ? this is only in the United States.
Of course those exaggerated numbers are full of crap, from a whacko anti-abortion web site.

The CDC keeps track of the total number of abortions in the US, and for the latest year of your study, 2003, there were about 740,000 abortions, about half your phony numbers. The latest CDC year, 2007, there were about 828,000 abortions. Your 1.3 million number is pure bullshit.

Your God is still the worlds greatest abortionist.
Praise God, THE Abortionist!

So when someone shoots you down they're considered whackos ? :lol:

How bout the numbers of AIG that are more accurate then your CDC .

How Many Abortions Performed Since 1973?

How many abortions altogether have there been since the Roe v. Wade decision? Given that there are disagreements over numbers and that there are abortionists who do not report, a precise figure is hard to come by. Nevertheless, we can use the numbers we do have to arrive at some pretty close estimates of the total number of children lost to abortion since 1973.

NRLC typically uses the numbers reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) to compute its totals. Unlike the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), AGI surveys abortionists directly rather than passively accepting what is sent to it. Therefore AGI's totals are both higher and more accurate.

AGI, however, does not conduct its survey every year. This makes it necessary to develop projections for the non-reporting years based on trends shown in CDC reports. This is possible because, although they have different base numbers, CDC and AGI figures roughly track one another, generally increasing or decreasing by similar percentages.

The last AGI numbers are for 1996. Totaling all of AGI's figures 1973-1996, the number of abortions through 1996 is 35,316,203. To bring that figure up through the end of 1999 requires several steps.

The first step is based on the fact that the CDC reported a 3% drop in the number of abortions between 1996 and 1997. Since AGI reported 1,365,730 abortions in 1996, we arrive at an estimated number of abortions in the U.S. for 1997 at 1,324,758 (the 1996 figure minus 3%). That would raise the figure through 1997 to 36,640,961. But what about 1998 and 1999? To be conservative, we will assume that figure did not decline further - - that the number of abortions for 1998 and for 1999 was the same as for 1997. Under that scenario, AGI's figure would show a total of 38,146,094 abortions from 1973 to 1999 (36,640,961 plus 1,324,758 x two).

Even that figure is incomplete. As AGI itself admits, it is not able to tally all abortions. If one factors in the additional 3% of abortions AGI says may be missed due to underreporting, the total figure since 1973 rises to 39,290,477.
I don't know the population back then but i would be willing to bet that there has been more abortions then people wiped out in the global flood.

...more than 6 billion people today can trace their ancestry back to a single common ancestor who lived less than 5,000 years ago.

By the way, his name was "Noah" and he lived about 4,400 years ago.
So if we have over 6 billion people from Noah to today, then there were billions of people from Adam to the time of the flood. there haven't been billions of abortions.

You God is the worlds greatest abortionist!
Praise God, THE abortionist.

Wrong, 2,000 years ago there was around 200 million. In two thousand years it went from 200 million to seven billion. And Noah had three sons and their wives to populate the earth, So the problem with your figure is that Adam and Eve only had one thousand years to populate the earth. Having only one thousand yeras verses 5,000 years I would say your figure is way off and not to mention not everyone that died in the flood was female and pregnant. You are a physicist ? Sorry no offense but you're not a thorough one.
Actually, your link gives a figure of as little as 2,000 years to account for the total population today. Only one made a guess of 5,000 years and it was actually a range of 2,000 to 5,000 years favoring the low end, so there was probably billions of people at the time of the flood using the short number in the estimated 6 to 10 thousand year old Earth range of the Young Earth Creationists. Using the high end there were more people at the time of the flood than now.

From YOUR own link;
Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago (FOXNews) - "You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant."
Amazing how god is the eternal being in the universe and suddenly he changes from the god of the old testament into the god of the new testament all becuase of mankind and his sins?
So if we have over 6 billion people from Noah to today, then there were billions of people from Adam to the time of the flood. there haven't been billions of abortions.

You God is the worlds greatest abortionist!
Praise God, THE abortionist.

Wrong, 2,000 years ago there was around 200 million. In two thousand years it went from 200 million to seven billion. And Noah had three sons and their wives to populate the earth, So the problem with your figure is that Adam and Eve only had one thousand years to populate the earth. Having only one thousand yeras verses 5,000 years I would say your figure is way off and not to mention not everyone that died in the flood was female and pregnant. You are a physicist ? Sorry no offense but you're not a thorough one.
Actually, your link gives a figure of as little as 2,000 years to account for the total population today. Only one made a guess of 5,000 years and it was actually a range of 2,000 to 5,000 years favoring the low end, so there was probably billions of people at the time of the flood using the short number in the estimated 6 to 10 thousand year old Earth range of the Young Earth Creationists. Using the high end there were more people at the time of the flood than now.

From YOUR own link;
Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago (FOXNews) - "You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant."

You misunderstood the point.

Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago!

That was the title of an important news article published in July of 2006 (here is a pdf version in case the link is ever taken down). The substance of the article threatens to throw icy cold water on more than just one Evolutionary doctrine. It showed that all of humanity is likely descended from a recent common ancestor who lived only 5,000 years ago (which fits very nicely with the timeframe of the Great Flood of Noah's day).

They were talking about descendants.
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Wrong, 2,000 years ago there was around 200 million. In two thousand years it went from 200 million to seven billion. And Noah had three sons and their wives to populate the earth, So the problem with your figure is that Adam and Eve only had one thousand years to populate the earth. Having only one thousand yeras verses 5,000 years I would say your figure is way off and not to mention not everyone that died in the flood was female and pregnant. You are a physicist ? Sorry no offense but you're not a thorough one.
Actually, your link gives a figure of as little as 2,000 years to account for the total population today. Only one made a guess of 5,000 years and it was actually a range of 2,000 to 5,000 years favoring the low end, so there was probably billions of people at the time of the flood using the short number in the estimated 6 to 10 thousand year old Earth range of the Young Earth Creationists. Using the high end there were more people at the time of the flood than now.

From YOUR own link;
Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago (FOXNews) - "You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant."

You missed the point.

Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago!

That was the title of an important news article published in July of 2006 (here is a pdf version in case the link is ever taken down). The substance of the article threatens to throw icy cold water on more than just one Evolutionary doctrine. It showed that all of humanity is likely descended from a recent common ancestor who lived only 5,000 years ago (which fits very nicely with the timeframe of the Great Flood of Noah's day).

They were talking about descendants.
FOX chose to use the high number and ignore the article saying that the the number was PROBABLY closer to the low end of 2,000 years. So the improbable high number was chosen to fit the bible rather than the probability! Furthermore the author who gave the 2000 to 5000 range put the origin of our species at over 100,000 years ago in Africa. So there had to be trillions of people on the Earth at the time of Noah's flood by the same calculations you use to explain the 6 billion people since Noah timeline, multiplied by a factor of 20. :lol:

From the article you cite above:

"It's a mathematical certainty that that person existed," said science journalist Steve Olson, whose 2002 book "Mapping Human History" traces the history of the species since its origins in Africa more than 100,000 years ago.

With the help of a statistician, a computer scientist and a supercomputer, Olson has calculated just how interconnected the human family tree is.
You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant.

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