How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

Ok Drock and skull.

Do you believe the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

Do you believe God would have put to death anyone who tried their best not to break his laws but always repented of their sins ?

I do not believe in the death penalty.

And god killed people who did nothing wrong in a fit of pique more than once.♠

But you don't condemn abortions :eusa_whistle:

according to the law of the land abortion is not murder.
Being an all knowing God i think he would know if any of them would follow him no ?

That takes us back to should we kill just the adult snakes or kill the youngs ones to ?

That is where you are wrong. He says he will bring the iniquity of the fathers down on the sons. He said nothing about the iniquity of the sons. He is just pointing out that he is a jealous god and will be real nasty if he is wronged and punish children and grandchildren

Sounds like a mafia kingpin not a God you should worship

Do you think the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

The other two people i asked this question would not answer it.

Tell me have you stoned your disobedient children to death?

I'm pretty sure none of us would like to follow the laws of a being so mentally limited as to believe that stoning a child to death is a good thing.

And then there's the whole selling daughters into slavery thing....
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That is where you are wrong. He says he will bring the iniquity of the fathers down on the sons. He said nothing about the iniquity of the sons. He is just pointing out that he is a jealous god and will be real nasty if he is wronged and punish children and grandchildren

Sounds like a mafia kingpin not a God you should worship

Do you think the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

The other two people i asked this question would not answer it.

Tell me have you stoned your disobedient children to death?

I'm pretty sure none of us would like to follow the laws of a being so mentally limited as to believe that stoning a child to death is a good thing.

And then there's the whole selling daughters into slavery thing....

And forcing women who were raped to marry their rapist.

But hey only God knows the true heart, so we're all wrong and innocent rape victims should marry their rapists, that's the moral thing to do :eusa_angel:.
Actually, your link gives a figure of as little as 2,000 years to account for the total population today. Only one made a guess of 5,000 years and it was actually a range of 2,000 to 5,000 years favoring the low end, so there was probably billions of people at the time of the flood using the short number in the estimated 6 to 10 thousand year old Earth range of the Young Earth Creationists. Using the high end there were more people at the time of the flood than now.

From YOUR own link;

You missed the point.

Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago!

That was the title of an important news article published in July of 2006 (here is a pdf version in case the link is ever taken down). The substance of the article threatens to throw icy cold water on more than just one Evolutionary doctrine. It showed that all of humanity is likely descended from a recent common ancestor who lived only 5,000 years ago (which fits very nicely with the timeframe of the Great Flood of Noah's day).

They were talking about descendants.
FOX chose to use the high number and ignore the article saying that the the number was PROBABLY closer to the low end of 2,000 years. So the improbable high number was chosen to fit the bible rather than the probability! Furthermore the author who gave the 2000 to 5000 range put the origin of our species at over 100,000 years ago in Africa. So there had to be trillions of people on the Earth at the time of Noah's flood by the same calculations you use to explain the 6 billion people since Noah timeline, multiplied by a factor of 20. :lol:

From the article you cite above:

"It's a mathematical certainty that that person existed," said science journalist Steve Olson, whose 2002 book "Mapping Human History" traces the history of the species since its origins in Africa more than 100,000 years ago.

With the help of a statistician, a computer scientist and a supercomputer, Olson has calculated just how interconnected the human family tree is.
You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant.

You're gonna have to point it out but better maybe with a link .that is one of many theories by evolutionist that all of humanity originated from africa over 100,000 years ago.

There is no way to know how many humans were around 6,000 years ago because none of us were there. The only way to estimate is by knowing how many were present at the time.

The bible say's there were 8 people after the flood. The bible say's 6,000 years ago there were only two people adam and eve.
I do not believe in the death penalty.

And god killed people who did nothing wrong in a fit of pique more than once.♠

But you don't condemn abortions :eusa_whistle:

according to the law of the land abortion is not murder.

That is my point in a secular way of thinking it's not murder but do you agree with the ignorant people who say'y it's not murder ?

Why do you think God is gonna destroy mans system ?

People have been so brainwashed with secular views that they have accepted that it is ok to kill a child in the womb.
But you don't condemn abortions :eusa_whistle:

according to the law of the land abortion is not murder.

That is my point in a secular way of thinking it's not murder but do you agree with the ignorant people who say'y it's not murder ?

Why do you think God is gonna destroy mans system ?

People have been so brainwashed with secular views that they have accepted that it is ok to kill a child in the womb.

not to mention it is okay to kill in war.
That is where you are wrong. He says he will bring the iniquity of the fathers down on the sons. He said nothing about the iniquity of the sons. He is just pointing out that he is a jealous god and will be real nasty if he is wronged and punish children and grandchildren

Sounds like a mafia kingpin not a God you should worship

Do you think the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

The other two people i asked this question would not answer it.

Tell me have you stoned your disobedient children to death?

I'm pretty sure none of us would not like to follow the laws of a being so mentally limited as to believe that stoning a child to death is a good thing.

And then there's the whole selling daughters into slavery thing....

No, has anyone following God's law ever stoned a child ?

Bad things have happened in slavery, but remember there were no companies like micro soft for people to work for. It was necessary for survival for people to become slaves sorry but that is reality.

Not every family owned land and livestock for survival. Yeah it was tough to make it back then nothing like it is today.
Do you think the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

The other two people i asked this question would not answer it.

Tell me have you stoned your disobedient children to death?

I'm pretty sure none of us would like to follow the laws of a being so mentally limited as to believe that stoning a child to death is a good thing.

And then there's the whole selling daughters into slavery thing....

And forcing women who were raped to marry their rapist.

But hey only God knows the true heart, so we're all wrong and innocent rape victims should marry their rapists, that's the moral thing to do :eusa_angel:.

What are you talking about ?

Man are sinful we do deserve to die according to the laws of God but God did something so we didn't have to die.
according to the law of the land abortion is not murder.

That is my point in a secular way of thinking it's not murder but do you agree with the ignorant people who say'y it's not murder ?

Why do you think God is gonna destroy mans system ?

People have been so brainwashed with secular views that they have accepted that it is ok to kill a child in the womb.

not to mention it is okay to kill in war.

God ordered Israel to never go to war unless ordered by God through the prophets and when they did go against What God ordered they got whipped.

A man has a right to protect himself even taking the life of another to do it.

Most wars were fought because of mans choice not God's choice.
Tell me have you stoned your disobedient children to death?

I'm pretty sure none of us would like to follow the laws of a being so mentally limited as to believe that stoning a child to death is a good thing.

And then there's the whole selling daughters into slavery thing....

And forcing women who were raped to marry their rapist.

But hey only God knows the true heart, so we're all wrong and innocent rape victims should marry their rapists, that's the moral thing to do :eusa_angel:.

What are you talking about ?

Man are sinful we do deserve to die according to the laws of God but God did something so we didn't have to die.

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

Another example of something horribly immoral in the Old Testament, that half of the book should be ripped out and burned.
And forcing women who were raped to marry their rapist.

But hey only God knows the true heart, so we're all wrong and innocent rape victims should marry their rapists, that's the moral thing to do :eusa_angel:.

What are you talking about ?

Man are sinful we do deserve to die according to the laws of God but God did something so we didn't have to die.

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

Another example of something horribly immoral in the Old Testament, that half of the book should be ripped out and burned.

No if a man commits rape and the woman cries out for help the man should be put to death.

You can't rape the willing,so if they have consensual sex they are to be forever bound to each other.

You have to quit cherry picking scriptures.
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You missed the point.

Statisticians: Common Ancestor of All Humans Lived 5,000 Years Ago!

That was the title of an important news article published in July of 2006 (here is a pdf version in case the link is ever taken down). The substance of the article threatens to throw icy cold water on more than just one Evolutionary doctrine. It showed that all of humanity is likely descended from a recent common ancestor who lived only 5,000 years ago (which fits very nicely with the timeframe of the Great Flood of Noah's day).

They were talking about descendants.
FOX chose to use the high number and ignore the article saying that the the number was PROBABLY closer to the low end of 2,000 years. So the improbable high number was chosen to fit the bible rather than the probability! Furthermore the author who gave the 2000 to 5000 range put the origin of our species at over 100,000 years ago in Africa. So there had to be trillions of people on the Earth at the time of Noah's flood by the same calculations you use to explain the 6 billion people since Noah timeline, multiplied by a factor of 20. :lol:

From the article you cite above:

"It's a mathematical certainty that that person existed," said science journalist Steve Olson, whose 2002 book "Mapping Human History" traces the history of the species since its origins in Africa more than 100,000 years ago.

With the help of a statistician, a computer scientist and a supercomputer, Olson has calculated just how interconnected the human family tree is.
You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant.

You're gonna have to point it out but better maybe with a link .that is one of many theories by evolutionist that all of humanity originated from africa over 100,000 years ago.

There is no way to know how many humans were around 6,000 years ago because none of us were there. The only way to estimate is by knowing how many were present at the time.

The bible say's there were 8 people after the flood. The bible say's 6,000 years ago there were only two people adam and eve.
It's from YOUR OWN link and the author of the article YOU CITED for the 5,000 year crap.
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That is my point in a secular way of thinking it's not murder but do you agree with the ignorant people who say'y it's not murder ?

Why do you think God is gonna destroy mans system ?

People have been so brainwashed with secular views that they have accepted that it is ok to kill a child in the womb.

not to mention it is okay to kill in war.

God ordered Israel to never go to war unless ordered by God through the prophets and when they did go against What God ordered they got whipped.

A man has a right to protect himself even taking the life of another to do it.

Most wars were fought because of mans choice not God's choice.

"Yahweh" is an abbreviation of the longer name, "Yahweh Sabaoth." It means, "he who musters armies."

Thus Yahweh's name identifies the god primarily as the military leader of the tribe.
In Joshua’s (supposed) wars of conquest, God gets right in there. He throws down ‘great stones from heaven’ (Joshua 10.11) and scores a better body-count than his Israelites with mere swords. When the Lord gets up a real head of steam the slaughter reaches a truly epic scale. For merely looking into his Ark, Yahweh wipes out fifty thousand and seventy unfortunate men of Bethshemesh (1 Samuel 6.19).
‘You shall annihilate them - Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites – as Yahweh your God commanded you.’

– Deuteronomy 20.11,18.
What are you talking about ?

Man are sinful we do deserve to die according to the laws of God but God did something so we didn't have to die.

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

Another example of something horribly immoral in the Old Testament, that half of the book should be ripped out and burned.

No if a man commits rape and the woman cries out for help the man should be put to death.

You can't rape the willing,so if they have consensual sex they are to be forever bound to each other.

You have to quit cherry picking scriptures.

Cherry picking scriptures? So I should stop quoting the Bible?

You cherry pick scriptures on here night and day. I can't help that you disagree with the Bible and your God on how rape victims should be handled, I am glad you disagree with him in this instance though.
Do you think the world would be a better place if man obeyed the laws of God ?

The other two people i asked this question would not answer it.

Tell me have you stoned your disobedient children to death?

I'm pretty sure none of us would not like to follow the laws of a being so mentally limited as to believe that stoning a child to death is a good thing.

And then there's the whole selling daughters into slavery thing....

No, has anyone following God's law ever stoned a child ?

Bad things have happened in slavery, but remember there were no companies like micro soft for people to work for. It was necessary for survival for people to become slaves sorry but that is reality.

Not every family owned land and livestock for survival. Yeah it was tough to make it back then nothing like it is today.

Another fine example of where God screwed up the 10 Commandments

Moses leads his people out of slavery, marches them across the desert and God gives him his law.

Out of ten commandments, God spends four telling people to kiss his ass, spends one to tell people not to covet

But slavery? God seems to like the idea
FOX chose to use the high number and ignore the article saying that the the number was PROBABLY closer to the low end of 2,000 years. So the improbable high number was chosen to fit the bible rather than the probability! Furthermore the author who gave the 2000 to 5000 range put the origin of our species at over 100,000 years ago in Africa. So there had to be trillions of people on the Earth at the time of Noah's flood by the same calculations you use to explain the 6 billion people since Noah timeline, multiplied by a factor of 20. :lol:

From the article you cite above:

You're gonna have to point it out but better maybe with a link .that is one of many theories by evolutionist that all of humanity originated from africa over 100,000 years ago.

There is no way to know how many humans were around 6,000 years ago because none of us were there. The only way to estimate is by knowing how many were present at the time.

The bible say's there were 8 people after the flood. The bible say's 6,000 years ago there were only two people adam and eve.
It's from YOUR OWN link and the author of the article YOU CITED for the 5,000 year crap.

Well if the population was around 200 million people only two thousand years ago man couldn't have been on the earth as long as evolutionist say.

Maybe that 5,000 year crap is a little more accurate then you think.
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

Another example of something horribly immoral in the Old Testament, that half of the book should be ripped out and burned.

No if a man commits rape and the woman cries out for help the man should be put to death.

You can't rape the willing,so if they have consensual sex they are to be forever bound to each other.

You have to quit cherry picking scriptures.

Cherry picking scriptures? So I should stop quoting the Bible?

You cherry pick scriptures on here night and day. I can't help that you disagree with the Bible and your God on how rape victims should be handled, I am glad you disagree with him in this instance though.

If your comprehension isn't any better then that yes.

Look ,when people continue to take the bible out of context and it is pointed out to them ,their credibility suffers.

It kinda shows a persons true colors.
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

Another example of something horribly immoral in the Old Testament, that half of the book should be ripped out and burned.

No if a man commits rape and the woman cries out for help the man should be put to death.

You can't rape the willing,so if they have consensual sex they are to be forever bound to each other.

You have to quit cherry picking scriptures.

Cherry picking scriptures? So I should stop quoting the Bible?

You cherry pick scriptures on here night and day. I can't help that you disagree with the Bible and your God on how rape victims should be handled, I am glad you disagree with him in this instance though.

That was not rape,you quoted something about consensual sex.

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