How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

You're pro-choice with this view ?

How do you view babies ?

Yes, I don't view the fetus to be a baby until a certain point, same with the courts, same with most of society.

Sad really sad.

At what point ?

I'm not sure exactly, probably the first 3 months.

Most people agree with me, they just don't admit it, which is why you never see funerals for miscarriages but they always happen for born babies.
Yes, I don't view the fetus to be a baby until a certain point, same with the courts, same with most of society.

Sad really sad.

At what point ?

I'm not sure exactly, probably the first 3 months.

Most people agree with me, they just don't admit it, which is why you never see funerals for miscarriages but they always happen for born babies.

Well the heartbeat begins two to three weeks after conception. Many are aborted after that so the baby is alive much of the time before it is aborted.

You don't find that disgusting ?
Yes, I don't view the fetus to be a baby until a certain point, same with the courts, same with most of society.

Sad really sad.

At what point ?

I'm not sure exactly, probably the first 3 months.

Most people agree with me, they just don't admit it, which is why you never see funerals for miscarriages but they always happen for born babies.

The reason for no funerals that would be admitting a person died and it was murdered.
Sad really sad.

At what point ?

I'm not sure exactly, probably the first 3 months.

Most people agree with me, they just don't admit it, which is why you never see funerals for miscarriages but they always happen for born babies.

Well the heartbeat begins two to three weeks after conception. Many are aborted after that so the baby is alive much of the time before it is aborted.

You don't find that disgusting ?

No I don't, it's pumping because of the mother, it would be able to live on it's own later.

And no funerals happen all the time for people who die by a method other than murder. No one has funerals when they miscarry, society doesn't view early term fetuses and babies the same, there's just a big group who pretends to.

And you lost your more moral than thou card pulling privileges when you spent half this thread legitimizing infanticide.

Also I'm glad you gave up on debating the point that your god commands his believers to kill non-believers, that's about as cut and dry and obvious of a principle of the Bible as there is.
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I'm not sure exactly, probably the first 3 months.

Most people agree with me, they just don't admit it, which is why you never see funerals for miscarriages but they always happen for born babies.

Well the heartbeat begins two to three weeks after conception. Many are aborted after that so the baby is alive much of the time before it is aborted.

You don't find that disgusting ?

No I don't, it's pumping because of the mother, it would be able to live on it's own later.

And no funerals happen all the time for people who die by a method other than murder. No one has funerals when they miscarry, society doesn't view early term fetuses and babies the same, there's just a big group who pretends to.

And you lost your more moral than thou card pulling privileges when you spent half this thread legitimizing infanticide.

Also I'm glad you gave up on debating the point that your god commands his believers to kill non-believers, that's about as cut and dry and obvious of a principle of the Bible as there is.

Hmm i learned something here.

Of course i am concerned with my morals and so are you. The difference is your view allows people to commit willful murder and my view allows an all knowing God to judge all before they die your babies have no chance.

Does an Unborn Baby Have a Heartbeat?

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When Does an Unborn Baby Have a Heartbeat?


Detection of a normal heartbeat in an unborn baby is one measure of the overall health of the pregnancy. An unborn baby has a heartbeat very early in the pregnancy, when the fetus is still in the embryonic stage. Exactly when a doctor can detect a heartbeat varies a bit from one pregnancy to another, and depends primarily on how big the size of the embryo.


The way doctors measure the length of pregnancy may lead to some confusion about the age of your unborn baby. The doctor measures your pregnancy from the first day of your last menstrual period, but conception normally doesn't occur until about two weeks later. This means that when your doctor refers to a specific week of pregnancy, the actual age of the unborn baby is two weeks less than that.

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Time Frame

An unborn baby has a heartbeat as early as near the end of the first month of pregnancy, during week four or week five, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. This is just two to three weeks after conception. By this time, the heart is actually pumping blood with a steady rhythm.


As early as the sixth week of pregnancy, when the embryo is four weeks old, a vaginal ultrasound may detect a fetal heartbeat and show it as a regular flutter, says the American Pregnancy Association. By the seventh week, detection of a heartbeat is likely. You can hear your unborn baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope by 17 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.


A normal heartbeat at this stage is 90 to 110 beats per minute and is a positive sign of a healthy pregnancy, reports the American Pregnancy Association. Once the doctor detects a normal heartbeat, the pregnancy has a 70 to 90 percent chance of continuing.


A perfectly healthy embryo may not show a heartbeat at seven weeks if it measures less than 5 mm from crown to rump. Other reasons for inability to detect a heartbeat include tipped uterus, large abdomen and miscalculation of the date of the last menstrual period.

Read more: When Does An Unborn Baby Have A Heartbeat? | LIVESTRONG.COM
You're concerned because you're trying to justify abortions.

I'm not concerned, I don't have any issue with early term abortion. In a perfect world we'd never have them and every woman who ever got pregnant would be ready to be a mother, however we're an imperfect species in an imperfect world.

And again, I'm glad you're avoiding my point that your god commands you to kill non-believers. Trust me, I'm glad you don't respect your god's commands in that area, the world is a much better place for it.
You're concerned because you're trying to justify abortions.

I'm not concerned, I don't have any issue with early term abortion. In a perfect world we'd never have them and every woman who ever got pregnant would be ready to be a mother, however we're an imperfect species in an imperfect world.

And again, I'm glad you're avoiding my point that your god commands you to kill non-believers. Trust me, I'm glad you don't respect your god's commands in that area, the world is a much better place for it.

God chose when war was to be fought,do you know of any wars lately that God is responsible for ?

Man allows millions of abortions a year.

So who is commiting genocide man or God ?
You're concerned because you're trying to justify abortions.

I'm not concerned, I don't have any issue with early term abortion. In a perfect world we'd never have them and every woman who ever got pregnant would be ready to be a mother, however we're an imperfect species in an imperfect world.

And again, I'm glad you're avoiding my point that your god commands you to kill non-believers. Trust me, I'm glad you don't respect your god's commands in that area, the world is a much better place for it.

Listen you're wrong,if God asked his followers to put to death the unrighteous we would
do it.

But the LORD say's Vemgeance is his.

He is the one that will destroy the unrighteous.

God already told us how it is gonna end.
You're concerned because you're trying to justify abortions.

I'm not concerned, I don't have any issue with early term abortion. In a perfect world we'd never have them and every woman who ever got pregnant would be ready to be a mother, however we're an imperfect species in an imperfect world.

And again, I'm glad you're avoiding my point that your god commands you to kill non-believers. Trust me, I'm glad you don't respect your god's commands in that area, the world is a much better place for it.

You actually believed you were on the moral high ground. :lol:
You're concerned because you're trying to justify abortions.

I'm not concerned, I don't have any issue with early term abortion. In a perfect world we'd never have them and every woman who ever got pregnant would be ready to be a mother, however we're an imperfect species in an imperfect world.

And again, I'm glad you're avoiding my point that your god commands you to kill non-believers. Trust me, I'm glad you don't respect your god's commands in that area, the world is a much better place for it.

You actually believed you were on the moral high ground. :lol:

No not as a whole person I've never claim the more moral thou, but on the issue of legitimizing infanticide yes I am, because I would never stoop to that.

And there's no grey area, your god commands you to kill non-believers. He doesn't say do it in this time period or that one, he just says it's your job as a believer to kill non-believers. He's not particular about when you do it as long as you do it.

But again, I thank you for not taking his word seriously.

See you tomorrow :eusa_angel:
I'm not concerned, I don't have any issue with early term abortion. In a perfect world we'd never have them and every woman who ever got pregnant would be ready to be a mother, however we're an imperfect species in an imperfect world.

And again, I'm glad you're avoiding my point that your god commands you to kill non-believers. Trust me, I'm glad you don't respect your god's commands in that area, the world is a much better place for it.

You actually believed you were on the moral high ground. :lol:

No not as a whole person I've never claim the more moral thou, but on the issue of legitimizing infanticide yes I am, because I would never stoop to that.

And there's no grey area, your god commands you to kill non-believers. He doesn't say do it in this time period or that one, he just says it's your job as a believer to kill non-believers. He's not particular about when you do it as long as you do it.

But again, I thank you for not taking his word seriously.

See you tomorrow :eusa_angel:

I guess we have worn this issue out,please show up with a legitimate arguement tomorrow.
No he is not and there is no way to know a number 100,000 years ago.

The worlds population was only 200 million 2,000 years ago roughly.

It took 3,000 years to grow the population to 200 million.

So by going by those numbers that would put the population at the time of the flood around 70 million.

Half that number roughly would be female so how many of them were pregnant ?
Yes he is!!! You can't say he is right about the 5,000 years, which he actually said was closer to 2,000 years, and he is all wet about the 100,000 years. If he's wrong about the 100,000 years and the 2,000 years then he's wrong about the 5,000 years and everything else. The other sources in your article gave a few thousand years, 3,000 years, and 3,500 years so no one else supports the 5,000 years and the person who gave the2,000 to 5,000 years said it was PROBABLY closer to 2,000 years.

Let me try and explain something to you. You're are agreeing that the global flood took place 5,000 years ago right ?

Well the bible say's the earth was repopulated by noah and his sons which is pretty close to the number we see today.

The chronology of the bible say's man has been on the earth 6,000 years. Why do you accept the 5,000 years and not the 6,000 year claim ?

I don't know how many people populated the earth before the flood it's nothing but speculation.

But the bible was pretty close in the 5,000 year population.

Idolphin ran the numbers to and came pretty close to the worlds total population of today.

But 100,000 years ago you have no clue how many people were on the earth. That number is built on pure speculation. The bible does tell us how many was on the earth both at 6,000 years and 5,000 years.

For a further look here ya go.
Of course not, there was no global flood. I only used your claim that there was a global flood to show your God is the worlds greatest ABORTIONIST.

Man has been around for a lot longer than 6,000 years. The native American Indians have been in America for over 10,000 years alone.
You're concerned because you're trying to justify abortions.

I'm not concerned, I don't have any issue with early term abortion. In a perfect world we'd never have them and every woman who ever got pregnant would be ready to be a mother, however we're an imperfect species in an imperfect world.

And again, I'm glad you're avoiding my point that your god commands you to kill non-believers. Trust me, I'm glad you don't respect your god's commands in that area, the world is a much better place for it.

I didn't know the Christian god commands his believers to kill non-believers. Where is that in the Bible?
There are a couple of incidents in the OT where God commands his people to wipe out entire populations, lay waste, etc. It's not an ongoing commandment, it's a strategy of war.

It's nothing to do with the NT, which is of course the fulfillment of prophesy and which states faith not works....
You're concerned because you're trying to justify abortions.

I'm not concerned, I don't have any issue with early term abortion. In a perfect world we'd never have them and every woman who ever got pregnant would be ready to be a mother, however we're an imperfect species in an imperfect world.

And again, I'm glad you're avoiding my point that your god commands you to kill non-believers. Trust me, I'm glad you don't respect your god's commands in that area, the world is a much better place for it.

I didn't know the Christian god commands his believers to kill non-believers. Where is that in the Bible?
Here's what God commands you to do if someone invites you to their church. You not only have to kill the person who invited you to his church, you must kill all in his city.

De 13:6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;
7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;
8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die...
15 Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword.
16 And thou shalt gather all the spoil of it into the midst of the street thereof, and shalt burn with fire the city, and all the spoil thereof every whit, for the LORD thy God: and it shall be an heap for ever; it shall not be built again.
There are a couple of incidents in the OT where God commands his people to wipe out entire populations, lay waste, etc. It's not an ongoing commandment, it's a strategy of war.

It's nothing to do with the NT, which is of course the fulfillment of prophesy and which states faith not works....
Saved by faith and not by works is a trick of the Devil.
The devil? Where has that fellow gone to, I am still waiting on that contract to sell my soul.
What do you think would have happened to the many that had no land or no livestock if they didn't become slaves ?

Hey we can solve the unemployment problem god's way: sell the poor slobs into slavery.

Well if obama don't get going it may come to that.

So why do you think slavery existed ?

Slavery still exists and it has nothing to do with god.

Do you really think people wanted to be slaves?

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