How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

Gatsby -

So it is not correct than during the last twelve months, unemploynent has dropped and job creation risen steadily?

Is it not true that US unemployment is now lower than in 8 of your top 10 trading partner nations?

It just seems strange to me that you celebrate not economic success or prosperity, but celebrate partisanship.

So it is not correct than during the last twelve months, unemploynent has dropped and job creation risen steadily?

If I was dishonest as mush as obama is and it was my labor deportment controlling to unemployment number's and I was running for re-election, I would have my labor department bring the numbers down.
What's true is that corruption is on the rise and there is no accountability in the Obama admin.

- Fast And Furious
- Secret Service
- Record deficit spending
- Slush funds
- Abysmal employment that includes about 1 in 3 adults my age being under employed.
- Obamacare creating all types of havoc

justifies all that.

Did you complain about spending under Reagan? under Bush?

Or do you only agree to spending when it is a Democrat spending?

Again, your point seems not to be about good policy or economic success, which we know under Bush Jnr was dreadul, but purely about teams, no?

I complain about Bush's spending; but Obama is like a 9 year-old with mommy's credit card and he's f'd up the country. He's most definitely unworthy of the presidency (besides being Constitutionally unqualified). I'm sure you are the partisan hack; not me. Because you willfully condone bad behavior.
Gatsby, you did hear about the Booosh/Pub Great Depression, right?- it was in most of the papers...change the channel Pub dupe. Ay caramba LOL

Actually the unemployment rate reached its highest level since the early 80's during the Presidency of Barack Obama.

Bush shit the bed and left town. So what's your point?


Bush vs. Obama: Unemployment (January 2012 Jobs Data) | Reflections of a Rational Republican

Your chart should be titled: When Reid- Pelosi took Control

Yes, it is probably a giant conspiracy.
It's not a conspiracy. It happens how do you explain the large number of people following off unemployment but no new jobs created to support that drop of unemployment?
I'm guessing it's going to be drinking yourself to death, when he wins his second term.

I complain about Bush's spending; but Obama is like a 9 year-old with mommy's credit card and he's f'd up the country. He's most definitely unworthy of the presidency (besides being Constitutionally unqualified). I'm sure you are the partisan hack; not me. Because you willfully condone bad behavior.

Wonderful stuff, that realy is funny!

So not only is Obama really Kenyan, it was also on his watch that the US banking system collapsed and fried your economy, right?

And no, I'm not partisan - I have voted for 4 different parties in the last 5 elections.

Yes, it is probably a giant conspiracy.
It's not a conspiracy. It happens how do you explain the large number of people following off unemployment but no new jobs created to support that drop of unemployment?

I explain that by your not having conducted adequate research.

Check the figures on job creation, and get back to us.

Yes, it is probably a giant conspiracy.
It's not a conspiracy. It happens how do you explain the large number of people following off unemployment but no new jobs created to support that drop of unemployment?

I explain that by your not having conducted adequate research.

Check the figures on job creation, and get back to us.

This is the worst recovery in US history.

Check that out and get back to us.
'Since the recovery began from the Great Recession, growth has averaged 2.4 percent, Lazear adds, citing National Bureau of Economic Research data.

While many argue the financial nature of the recent recession means recovery should be slow, other recoveries stemming from similar downturns in the past didn't go as tepidly as today.

Even the Great Depression saw stronger snapbacks between downturns.

"Threats of higher taxes, the constantly increasing regulatory burden, the failure to pursue an aggressive trade policy that will open markets to U.S. exports, and the enormous increase in government spending all are growth impediments," writes Lazear, who was chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers from 2006-2009.

"Policies have focused on short-run changes and gimmicks — recall cash for clunkers and first-time home buyer credits — rather than on creating conditions that are favorable to investment that raise productivity and wages," writes Lazear, now a professor at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business and a Hoover Institution fellow.'


Yes, it is probably a giant conspiracy.
It's not a conspiracy. It happens how do you explain the large number of people following off unemployment but no new jobs created to support that drop of unemployment?

I explain that by your not having conducted adequate research.

Check the figures on job creation, and get back to us.

What job creation? the ones that obama taunted as a "stimulus success":eusa_whistle::cuckoo:

I complain about Bush's spending; but Obama is like a 9 year-old with mommy's credit card and he's f'd up the country. He's most definitely unworthy of the presidency (besides being Constitutionally unqualified). I'm sure you are the partisan hack; not me. Because you willfully condone bad behavior.

Wonderful stuff, that realy is funny!

So not only is Obama really Kenyan, it was also on his watch that the US banking system collapsed and fried your economy, right?

And no, I'm not partisan - I have voted for 4 different parties in the last 5 elections.

They want you to think that the banks were collapsed. They were never going anywhere. However, they were in a bad place thanks to Congressional Democrats.

And yes, Obama is a Kenyan. It has been proven that he forged his birth certificate and his selective service card. And his social security number is shady as well.
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Sadly, there is very little time to celebrate.

The communist movement will never stop and our Constitutional republic will always, always be in danger of the next Pelosi-Reid-Obama threat.

Wiki? You're using wiki as your lone supportive source? Hold the fucking press this is life shattering we need to go nation with this information :eek::eusa_whistle::cuckoo:

Come back when you have something to support wiki.:lol:

See, like I said. They have no interest in discussion. If they did they would have seen that Wiki does cite its sources at the bottom. But no, that would require actually looking at the page.

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