How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

Illegal immigration costs the taxpayer over 100 billion a year, the wall will pay for itself.
Any chance you might have a citation for that?
Simple instructions.
1. Bring up a browser
2. Go to
3. Search for "Cost of illegal immigration in the US"
4. The very first thing you will see is the numbers
It's called reading! Top to bottom, left to right... a group of words together is called a sentence. Take Tylenol for any headaches... Midol for any cramps.

I guess it depends on Google ranking, too. The first thing on the list is a right wing website, not official or authoritative data.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)

Then you see where Trump liked that number, too. But Politifact thinks he's full of shit, as most people with active cerebral cortexes do.

Trump says illegal immigration costs $113 billion a year
View attachment 110314

It's not called reading. It's called source checking. Google doesn't rank info by truthiness, it does it by popularity of the content.

Stop taking so much Tylenol, it's bad for your liver.
Politifacts rigggght
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
. My $66 of the total estimate cost? I don't mind too much because our President will bring it on time and under budget. It does piss me off there are those of you who don't pay their fair shar and I'll have to pick up that tab too. So don't be demanding a pay raise on your welfare check.
Shooting ranges along the wall might help deter illegals from trying to climb it. Just a thought after having a few Guinness. lol
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
It's better than paying 221 billion so Iran can build bombs.
More Bold Assertions?

Who's supplyin' the dimes?

Same people who are currently supplying the dimes to pay for the food, housing, education and healthcare for those who sneak in illegally and drop lots of anchor babies.
If it reduces illegal immigration slows both drug and human trafficking across the border I won't mind.
Plus it puts people to work and generates income for American businesses.
There are currently 5 million job openings, and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has stated that we are near "Full Employment"....

Now explain how it "generates income for American businesses"....

Now I know you're joking.
Shooting ranges along the wall might help deter illegals from trying to climb it. Just a thought after having a few Guinness. lol
15 years ago my sister and brother in law were floating the idea of an immigrant settlement program...that gives legal immigrants a plot of land and a modular home along the border, along with fencing materials, rifles, and free ammo.

They would police it for us.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
It's better than paying 221 billion so Iran can build bombs.
We should give Iran a nuke. ;)

Lion King Iran nuke.jpg
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
You're pretty clueless about economics. How many Mexican products will people buy at a 20% premium? Go cry in your Corona Cerveza.
They will stop buying what used to be cheaper goods, and will have to start buying more expensive goods.

Now what was that you were saying about being clueless about economics?
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
Trump's Chumps aren't concerned about Trump keeping his promises. They really aren't.

Trump can tell them he put the moon in the sky, and they will bleev it.
What do we get from Mexico? Will the price of Corona beer go up or tequila? We don't even know if they fertilize veggies with human shit before we import them or use recycled pesticides made from Agent Orange. What else do they send us besides drugs and murderers? When are whiny timid lefties going to get some freaking balls and realize that the U.S. is calling the shots?
What do we get from Mexico? Will the price of Corona beer go up or tequila? We don't even know if they fertilize veggies with human shit before we import them or use recycled pesticides made from Agent Orange. What else do they send us besides drugs and murderers? When are whiny timid lefties going to get some freaking balls and realize that the U.S. is calling the shots?
They're afraid of accountability. So they are going to reject any leadership role in the world, just as they do in their lives, because they don't want to be blamed for anything ever.

Mentally ill. I have a boss who is the embodiment of this bizarre outlook on life. Try to ask her a yes or no questions..she refuses to commit to a yes or no, because she's afraid that somewhere, someone down the line will ask her to justify it, or perhaps question her about it. The result is that nobody can get anything that even remotely resembles sanity out of her.
What do we get from Mexico? Will the price of Corona beer go up or tequila? We don't even know if they fertilize veggies with human shit before we import them or use recycled pesticides made from Agent Orange. What else do they send us besides drugs and murderers? When are whiny timid lefties going to get some freaking balls and realize that the U.S. is calling the shots?
They're our 3rd largest trading partner. We export $236B worth of goods to them. A trade war would hurt both sides.

Mexico | United States Trade Representative
Mexico is currently our 3rd largest goods trading partner with $531 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015.

  • Mexico was the United States' 2nd largest goods export market in 2015.
  • U.S. goods exports to Mexico in 2015 were $236 billion, down 1.6% ($3.9 billion) from 2014 but up 97% from 2005. U.S. exports to Mexico are up 468% from 1993 (pre-NAFTA). U.S. exports to Mexico account for 15.7% of overall U.S. exports in 2015.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
And here is what Big Bend National park looks like before the wall goes up. There would be no reason to go there after Trump puts a 30 foot high concrete wall through it:
I can show you plenty of rocky cliffs in Colorado. nothing special about Big bend.
Illegal immigration costs the taxpayer over 100 billion a year, the wall will pay for itself.

Actually, one thing illegal immigration pays for is one-way airplane tickets and bus rides. You see most illegals arrived legally. They became illegal when they didn't go home.
Trump's wall isn't going to to sprout arms and drag back to their home countries the people who come legally to the U.S.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
You're pretty clueless about economics. How many Mexican products will people buy at a 20% premium? Go cry in your Corona Cerveza.

No, actually you're the clueless one. If the products are priced with a 20% premium and sales fall, and nobody will be buying them as you suggest, Trump will need to find another way to pay for his wall. That still leaves Americans paying, not Mexico.

Obviously, Mexico would pay for not paying for the wall.

Be that as it may, it's still Mexico not paying for the wall and U.S. citizens paying for the wall.

The other thing you don't get is that Trumps does not really expect to get a 20% tax on Mexican imports. He'll get something like 5% and economic and poititical morons will think it's a victory, present company included. It's in the "Art of the Deal"

Boy. Your ID is apt; you really are a meathead. I won't even dignify that comment with a topically related reply.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
You're pretty clueless about economics. How many Mexican products will people buy at a 20% premium? Go cry in your Corona Cerveza.

No, actually you're the clueless one. If the products are priced with a 20% premium and sales fall, and nobody will be buying them as you suggest, Trump will need to find another way to pay for his wall. That still leaves Americans paying, not Mexico.

Obviously, Mexico would pay for not paying for the wall.

Be that as it may, it's still Mexico not paying for the wall and U.S. citizens paying for the wall.

The other thing you don't get is that Trumps does not really expect to get a 20% tax on Mexican imports. He'll get something like 5% and economic and poititical morons will think it's a victory, present company included. It's in the "Art of the Deal"

Boy. Your ID is apt; you really are a meathead. I won't even dignify that comment with a topically related reply.
Except, Mexico is paying for the

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