How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
You're pretty clueless about economics. How many Mexican products will people buy at a 20% premium? Go cry in your Corona Cerveza.
They will stop buying what used to be cheaper goods, and will have to start buying more expensive goods.

Now what was that you were saying about being clueless about economics?
What will happen...
The US is the MAIN consumer of the world.
That's why the ENTIRE planet took a shit in its' pant when we crashed in 2008.
The higher priced products will sell less until the Directors and CEOs realize they don't need to own 20 houses and 2 helicopters.
Then the prices will come down.
Many Americans feel that they have been paying for things that they don't want. If the wall lessens the cost of illegal immigration, slows the flow of drugs and pisses off the idiots, it won't be the worst investment we've made..

That's one big "if." There's nothing to indicate that a border wall between Mexico and the U.S., no matter who pays for it, is going to do a damn thing to stem illegal immigration by anyone other than what amounts to 1.5% of the illegal immigrants who are in the U.S.
It's sincere and apathetic ignorance conjoined with conscientious stupidity such as that found in that remark that's gotten the U.S. where it is today.
Will you "wall supporters" look at how pathetic you are? Every one of you has has some smart alecky quip or tweet, but not one of you has shown the first empirical evidence that:
  • the wall will have a material impact on immigration
  • Mexico will pay for the wall as Trump promised
And in the face of evidence indicating the wall will be a pointless waste of billions of dollars, you keep tossing about your "feel good" aphorisms. Would you people open your fucking eyes just long enough to actually get fully informed on the matter? Would you do that much for yourselves? Just for the 20 minutes it would take to carefully read just two documents:
What do we get from Mexico? Will the price of Corona beer go up or tequila? We don't even know if they fertilize veggies with human shit before we import them or use recycled pesticides made from Agent Orange. What else do they send us besides drugs and murderers? When are whiny timid lefties going to get some freaking balls and realize that the U.S. is calling the shots?

I am beginning to recognize your ID. You are one of those people who routinely just doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about. Above you ask your inance rhetorical question as though it prefaces something intelligent. If you had the first clue of what the U.S. gets from Mexico, you wouldn't have written about beer and pesticides.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

As Obama promised, for every dollar spent we will cut a dollar somewhere else. :lmao:
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
It's better than paying 221 billion so Iran can build bombs.

As Obama promised, for every dollar spent we will cut a dollar somewhere else. :lmao:

I'm sure you both think there's some way in which that remark is germane to this topic, but I assure you, it's not.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
You're pretty clueless about economics. How many Mexican products will people buy at a 20% premium? Go cry in your Corona Cerveza.

No, actually you're the clueless one. If the products are priced with a 20% premium and sales fall, and nobody will be buying them as you suggest, Trump will need to find another way to pay for his wall. That still leaves Americans paying, not Mexico.
America has figure out how to pay for this wall and don't forget:

We need $12 trillion dollars to occupy Iran.
Why do we need any money to occupy Iran? Their oil and natural gas reserves are the largest in the world.
Great income, Trump is a great businessman with that hostile takeover.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
It's better than paying 221 billion so Iran can build bombs.

As Obama promised, for every dollar spent we will cut a dollar somewhere else. :lmao:

I'm sure you both think there's some way in which that remark is germane to this topic, but I assure you, it's not.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I had to go look up what germane meant.
Many Americans feel that they have been paying for things that they don't want. If the wall lessens the cost of illegal immigration, slows the flow of drugs and pisses off the idiots, it won't be the worst investment we've made..

That's one big "if." There's nothing to indicate that a border wall between Mexico and the U.S., no matter who pays for it, is going to do a damn thing to stem illegal immigration by anyone other than what amounts to 1.5% of the illegal immigrants who are in the U.S.
It's sincere and apathetic ignorance conjoined with conscientious stupidity such as that found in that remark that's gotten the U.S. where it is today.

The majority of illegals in this country came across the border.

Your lies are told only to fool yourself.
Why do we need any money to occupy Iran? Their oil and natural gas reserves are the largest in the world.
Great income, Trump is a great businessman with that hostile takeover.
I remember discussing the possible invasion of Iraq in early 2003 with a couple of Air Force officers. One kept focusing on how we'd kick their ass in a few days, I kept telling him I agreed, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was winning the peace. Sad to say, many American heroes paid the ultimate price for nothing.

When Iranian guerrillas, insurgents, freedom fighters, whatever you want to call them start blowing up the oil and gas wells, pipelines and collection points, we won't make a dime but we'll end up paying a terrible price in blood.

Occupying Iran will be at least as difficult as occupying Iraq.
The majority of illegals in this country came across the border.

Your lies are told only to fool yourself.
Majority used to be correct, about 60%. According to National Review, that's switched to over 60% of new illegal immigrants violate some form of legal entry status. Enforcement of our laws should come first before building a multi-billion dollar wall to catch less than half of illegals.

On Immigration, Fighting the Last War
....But even if we were to build a wall, and elect a president interested in using it to protect America’s sovereignty, we’d be missing most of the problem — because the majority of new illegal aliens are actually visa overstayers.

This is the most important — albeit buried — finding in a paper published this year by the Center for Migration Studies, an expansionist outfit run by the Scalabrinian Catholic order that nonetheless does serious work. Co-authored by Robert Warren, head of statistics for the old INS, the paper finds that the share of overstays among new illegal aliens has been rising pretty steadily since the 1980s and surpassed border infiltrators in 2008. The paper’s most recent estimate is for 2012, when nearly 60 percent of new illegal immigrants are believed to have entered legally on some sort of visa (or visa-waiver status, if they’re from a developed country) and then just stayed on after their time expired.
The majority of illegals in this country came across the border.

Your lies are told only to fool yourself.
Majority used to be correct, about 60%. According to National Review, that's switched to over 60% of new illegal immigrants violate some form of legal entry status. Enforcement of our laws should come first before building a multi-billion dollar wall to catch less than half of illegals.

On Immigration, Fighting the Last War
....But even if we were to build a wall, and elect a president interested in using it to protect America’s sovereignty, we’d be missing most of the problem — because the majority of new illegal aliens are actually visa overstayers.

This is the most important — albeit buried — finding in a paper published this year by the Center for Migration Studies, an expansionist outfit run by the Scalabrinian Catholic order that nonetheless does serious work. Co-authored by Robert Warren, head of statistics for the old INS, the paper finds that the share of overstays among new illegal aliens has been rising pretty steadily since the 1980s and surpassed border infiltrators in 2008. The paper’s most recent estimate is for 2012, when nearly 60 percent of new illegal immigrants are believed to have entered legally on some sort of visa (or visa-waiver status, if they’re from a developed country) and then just stayed on after their time expired.

So, because, maybe the percentage of those crossing the border might have dropped below 50% we should NOT take steps to secure that avenue from being used by illegals?

That does not make sense to me.
The majority of illegals in this country came across the border.

Your lies are told only to fool yourself.
Majority used to be correct, about 60%. According to National Review, that's switched to over 60% of new illegal immigrants violate some form of legal entry status. Enforcement of our laws should come first before building a multi-billion dollar wall to catch less than half of illegals.

On Immigration, Fighting the Last War
....But even if we were to build a wall, and elect a president interested in using it to protect America’s sovereignty, we’d be missing most of the problem — because the majority of new illegal aliens are actually visa overstayers.

This is the most important — albeit buried — finding in a paper published this year by the Center for Migration Studies, an expansionist outfit run by the Scalabrinian Catholic order that nonetheless does serious work. Co-authored by Robert Warren, head of statistics for the old INS, the paper finds that the share of overstays among new illegal aliens has been rising pretty steadily since the 1980s and surpassed border infiltrators in 2008. The paper’s most recent estimate is for 2012, when nearly 60 percent of new illegal immigrants are believed to have entered legally on some sort of visa (or visa-waiver status, if they’re from a developed country) and then just stayed on after their time expired.

So, because, maybe the percentage of those crossing the border might have dropped below 50% we should NOT take steps to secure that avenue from being used by illegals?

That does not make sense to me.
No. IMHO, it's important to get the facts straight first, then decide what to do second.

Of course we need to fix the illegal immigration problem. I just disagree a multi-billion dollar wall is the best way to do it.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
It's better than paying 221 billion so Iran can build bombs.

As Obama promised, for every dollar spent we will cut a dollar somewhere else. :lmao:

I'm sure you both think there's some way in which that remark is germane to this topic, but I assure you, it's not.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I had to go look up what germane meant.
You mean they aren't olives from Corsica? :)
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
It's better than paying 221 billion so Iran can build bombs.

As Obama promised, for every dollar spent we will cut a dollar somewhere else. :lmao:

I'm sure you both think there's some way in which that remark is germane to this topic, but I assure you, it's not.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I had to go look up what germane meant.

NP. I wasn't in a hurry. I would sooner you understand what you read than that you don't. I'm glad you took the time.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
It's better than paying 221 billion so Iran can build bombs.

As Obama promised, for every dollar spent we will cut a dollar somewhere else. :lmao:

I'm sure you both think there's some way in which that remark is germane to this topic, but I assure you, it's not.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I had to go look up what germane meant.
You mean they aren't olives from Corsica? :)

See. That's where Weatherman is a step ahead of you. Had you taken the time as he did, you'd know Corsican fruit play no role in the discussion.

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