How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

If it reduces illegal immigration slows both drug and human trafficking across the border I won't mind.
Do you know anything about those numbers, and the trend?
Do you? I'm pretty sure they change a fair amount depending on the circumstances of the moment.
The trend in "illegal immigration" is about flat, after a post-2007 downturn....

did I get that about right?
Lets just say for the sake of arguement you did I don't believe I'm going out on much of a limb in saying it will change again maybe up maybe down we don't know. Here is what we do know we have had lax security on the Southern border for almost 30 years now under both Republican and Democrat adminastrations they have all said they will do something about it but never do. So as I see it we can say everything is stable now do nothing and wait till the trend goes up again then say we have a problem and have the same arguements that we have been for nearly thirty years yet again or we can actually try and do something now I'm for trying to do something now.
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How will I feel? I suppose I'd feel like God feels if he found out he paid for the wall.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?
Good. Those will be union jobs that will pay 30 bucks an hour plus full bennies. Then we will hire a lot motte guards to work it.
RIIIIIGHHHTTT! Juan will go down to the IRS and pay transfer taxes out of his cash that he was paid for his landscaping work, and then put the rest of it in an envelope and mail it to Juanita. I'm SURE that would happen!
The Momney Transfer agent will be required to withhold for taxes the amount taxed when the money is being transferred to money.
RIIIIIGHHHTTT! Juan will go down to the IRS and pay transfer taxes out of his cash that he was paid for his landscaping work, and then put the rest of it in an envelope and mail it to Juanita. I'm SURE that would happen!
The Momney Transfer agent will be required to withhold for taxes the amount taxed when the money is being transferred to money.

There would be a Money Transfer Agent at the post office who would open Juan's mail, and take some money out of the envelope?

You guys don't really think these things through, do you? I could give you at least four ways to avoids these taxes withing 5 minutes.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
You're pretty clueless about economics. How many Mexican products will people buy at a 20% premium? Go cry in your Corona Cerveza.

No, actually you're the clueless one. If the products are priced with a 20% premium and sales fall, and nobody will be buying them as you suggest, Trump will need to find another way to pay for his wall. That still leaves Americans paying, not Mexico.
America has figure out how to pay for this wall and don't forget:

We need $12 trillion dollars to occupy Iran.
Why do we need any money to occupy Iran? Their oil and natural gas reserves are the largest in the world.
Great income, Trump is a great businessman with that hostile takeover.
Do you think occupying Iran is the best way go about it?
If it reduces illegal immigration slows both drug and human trafficking across the border I won't mind.
Do you know anything about those numbers, and the trend?
Do you? I'm pretty sure they change a fair amount depending on the circumstances of the moment.
The trend in "illegal immigration" is about flat, after a post-2007 downturn....

did I get that about right?
Lets just say for the sake of arguement you did I don't believe I'm going out on much of a limb in saying it will change again maybe up maybe down we don't know. Here is what we do know we have had lax security on the Southern border for almost 30 years now under both Republican and Democrat adminastrations they have all said they will do something about it but never do. So as I see it we can say everything is stable now do nothing and wait till the trend goes up again then say we have a problem and have the same arguements that we have been for nearly thirty years yet again or we can actually try and do something now I'm for trying to do something now.
I think the questions which need to be asked are

a) Is this a problem, or a form of hysteria

b) if the former - what is the most cost effective manner to address it

c) Where does it rank on the list of national priorities?

I think this is hysteria, and I don't believe it is a high priority issue...
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

In all fairness, Trump is prepared to sacrifice, too. He will, if necessary, pay 20% more for the guacamole on his taco bowl.
If it reduces illegal immigration slows both drug and human trafficking across the border I won't mind.
Do you know anything about those numbers, and the trend?
Do you? I'm pretty sure they change a fair amount depending on the circumstances of the moment.
The trend in "illegal immigration" is about flat, after a post-2007 downturn....

did I get that about right?
Lets just say for the sake of arguement you did I don't believe I'm going out on much of a limb in saying it will change again maybe up maybe down we don't know. Here is what we do know we have had lax security on the Southern border for almost 30 years now under both Republican and Democrat adminastrations they have all said they will do something about it but never do. So as I see it we can say everything is stable now do nothing and wait till the trend goes up again then say we have a problem and have the same arguements that we have been for nearly thirty years yet again or we can actually try and do something now I'm for trying to do something now.
I think the questions which need to be asked are

a) Is this a problem, or a form of hysteria

b) if the former - what is the most cost effective manner to address it

c) Where does it rank on the list of national priorities?

I think this is hysteria, and I don't believe it is a high priority issue...
I take it you don't live in Nassau County.
Visit a couple of Hospital Emergency Rooms and see how many trespassers use it as a Primary Physician's office.
If it reduces illegal immigration slows both drug and human trafficking across the border I won't mind.
Plus it puts people to work and generates income for American businesses.
There are currently 5 million job openings, and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has stated that we are near "Full Employment"....

Now explain how it "generates income for American businesses"....

Now I know you're joking.
You know that I am if someone is bleeding....

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Tuesday, January 10, 2017 USDL-17-0033


The number of job openings was little changed at 5.5 million on the last business day of November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Is Close to Full Employment
If it reduces illegal immigration slows both drug and human trafficking across the border I won't mind.
Do you know anything about those numbers, and the trend?
Do you? I'm pretty sure they change a fair amount depending on the circumstances of the moment.
The trend in "illegal immigration" is about flat, after a post-2007 downturn....

did I get that about right?
Lets just say for the sake of arguement you did I don't believe I'm going out on much of a limb in saying it will change again maybe up maybe down we don't know. Here is what we do know we have had lax security on the Southern border for almost 30 years now under both Republican and Democrat adminastrations they have all said they will do something about it but never do. So as I see it we can say everything is stable now do nothing and wait till the trend goes up again then say we have a problem and have the same arguements that we have been for nearly thirty years yet again or we can actually try and do something now I'm for trying to do something now.
I think the questions which need to be asked are

a) Is this a problem, or a form of hysteria

b) if the former - what is the most cost effective manner to address it

c) Where does it rank on the list of national priorities?

I think this is hysteria, and I don't believe it is a high priority issue...
Then we will have to agree to disagree.
If it reduces illegal immigration slows both drug and human trafficking across the border I won't mind.
Plus it puts people to work and generates income for American businesses.
There are currently 5 million job openings, and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has stated that we are near "Full Employment"....

Now explain how it "generates income for American businesses"....

Now I know you're joking.
You know that I am if someone is bleeding....

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Tuesday, January 10, 2017 USDL-17-0033


The number of job openings was little changed at 5.5 million on the last business day of November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Is Close to Full Employment
Do you make $9.00/hour?
If it reduces illegal immigration slows both drug and human trafficking across the border I won't mind.
Plus it puts people to work and generates income for American businesses.
There are currently 5 million job openings, and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has stated that we are near "Full Employment"....

Now explain how it "generates income for American businesses"....

Now I know you're joking.
You know that I am if someone is bleeding....

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Tuesday, January 10, 2017 USDL-17-0033


The number of job openings was little changed at 5.5 million on the last business day of November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Is Close to Full Employment
Do you make $9.00/hour?
Plus it puts people to work and generates income for American businesses.
There are currently 5 million job openings, and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has stated that we are near "Full Employment"....

Now explain how it "generates income for American businesses"....

Now I know you're joking.
You know that I am if someone is bleeding....

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Tuesday, January 10, 2017 USDL-17-0033


The number of job openings was little changed at 5.5 million on the last business day of November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Is Close to Full Employment
Do you make $9.00/hour?
Yep...Obama's 2nd term was supposed to make America Great Again.
He dropped THAT nonsense the second he won.
The majority of illegals in this country came across the border.

Your lies are told only to fool yourself.
Majority used to be correct, about 60%. According to National Review, that's switched to over 60% of new illegal immigrants violate some form of legal entry status. Enforcement of our laws should come first before building a multi-billion dollar wall to catch less than half of illegals.

On Immigration, Fighting the Last War
....But even if we were to build a wall, and elect a president interested in using it to protect America’s sovereignty, we’d be missing most of the problem — because the majority of new illegal aliens are actually visa overstayers.

This is the most important — albeit buried — finding in a paper published this year by the Center for Migration Studies, an expansionist outfit run by the Scalabrinian Catholic order that nonetheless does serious work. Co-authored by Robert Warren, head of statistics for the old INS, the paper finds that the share of overstays among new illegal aliens has been rising pretty steadily since the 1980s and surpassed border infiltrators in 2008. The paper’s most recent estimate is for 2012, when nearly 60 percent of new illegal immigrants are believed to have entered legally on some sort of visa (or visa-waiver status, if they’re from a developed country) and then just stayed on after their time expired.

So, because, maybe the percentage of those crossing the border might have dropped below 50% we should NOT take steps to secure that avenue from being used by illegals?

That does not make sense to me.
No. IMHO, it's important to get the facts straight first, then decide what to do second.

Of course we need to fix the illegal immigration problem. I just disagree a multi-billion dollar wall is the best way to do it.

Well, if the facts are the point, I referenced to the current population we have, that mostly came across the border.

Despite the current situation, that "fact" shows that the border is a BIG part of the problem, and a multi-billion dollar Wall might be quite helpful.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

Oh, suddenly you don't like complex tax codes?

Want to support ending them?
There are currently 5 million job openings, and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has stated that we are near "Full Employment"....

Now explain how it "generates income for American businesses"....

Now I know you're joking.
You know that I am if someone is bleeding....

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Tuesday, January 10, 2017 USDL-17-0033


The number of job openings was little changed at 5.5 million on the last business day of November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Is Close to Full Employment
Do you make $9.00/hour?
Yep...Obama's 2nd term was supposed to make America Great Again.
He dropped THAT nonsense the second he won.

I have two choices

a) I can ask you to list your measures and we will go through the tedious exercise of establishing that everything you THINK you know (ie. what you've been told by Drudge, Breitbart, Daily Caller et al) is wrong

b) we could skip the preliminaries and I will just go right to declaring you an imbecile

Your call...

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