How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
The majority of Americans do not feel that the wall is necessary. Who is he building it for?
So, in response to seeing a survey of professional and academic economists showing a remarkable consensus, you bring





the NYPost....

Let's hear from another economist...

AEI Says Stimulus Boosted Economy By 4%

The real economy also responded to the massive stimulus but remained heavily dependent on it. In the United States, growth during the second half of 2009 probably averaged about 3 percent. Absent temporary fiscal stimulus and inventory rebuilding, which taken together added about 4 percentage points to U.S. growth, the economy would have contracted at about a 1 percent annual rate during the second half of 2009.

You know what is really funny?

AEI disabled the hyperlink........but you can still get into their archives to find it.......

I'm sure the Innertubes will continue to indulge your ignorance....
According to the CBO the national average / cost was over $750,000 PER Job.
It failed to keep unemployment down under 8% AS Promised.
I posted 5 major promises it broke.

It was a DNC Pork-Fest Wet Dream, containing OVER 7,000 pieces of pork in a 'Jobs Bill'!

Go peddle that propaganda elsewhere, Ice, 'cause you're just trying to convince yourself it was a 'sweet deal' for Americans. :p


One more time....

Partisan Bootspittle, Reince Preibus


Consensus of professional and academic economists polled by the Booth School at the U of Chicago.....

Is this a trick question?
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
You're pretty clueless about economics. How many Mexican products will people buy at a 20% premium? Go cry in your Corona Cerveza.

No, actually you're the clueless one. If the products are priced with a 20% premium and sales fall, and nobody will be buying them as you suggest, Trump will need to find another way to pay for his wall. That still leaves Americans paying, not Mexico.
America has figure out how to pay for this wall and don't forget:

We need $12 trillion dollars to occupy Iran.

Liberals are funny when they pretend to care about cost.

The most profligate POTUS since 1960 are Reagan and Scrub.....

The least?

The Kenyan Usurper....

Go figger...

How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

who's paying for a wall .. we'll be paying for the tunnels under the wall just like we paid out the ass for the holes in 43's goddamn fence.

110 tunnels found in the city of Nogalas alone.

Border Patrol: Incomplete tunnel found in Nogales, Arizona're one of those who maintains that since people break the law, nobody should enforce the law.

You must be one of those who, upon gazing at the consequences of Scrub's indifference to warnings leading up to 9/11, concluded that invading Iraqnam was the way to go.....

well nobody knew he had been indifferent to warnings leading up to 9/11 at the time. Including you.

So you must have been one of those who maintained that we deserved 9/11.

Explain how that follows, Kosh.....
You're pretty clueless about economics. How many Mexican products will people buy at a 20% premium? Go cry in your Corona Cerveza.

No, actually you're the clueless one. If the products are priced with a 20% premium and sales fall, and nobody will be buying them as you suggest, Trump will need to find another way to pay for his wall. That still leaves Americans paying, not Mexico.
America has figure out how to pay for this wall and don't forget:

We need $12 trillion dollars to occupy Iran.

Liberals are funny when they pretend to care about cost.

The most profligate POTUS since 1960 are Reagan and Scrub.....

The least?

The Kenyan Usurper....

Go figger...

You wanna see the numbers?
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
The majority of Americans do not feel that the wall is necessary. Who is he building it for?

The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.

I think we should also fence off the cities who want open borders. So we can just fence off Chicago, and LA, and NYC while we're at it. Works for me. You can all huddle in your cities with your pet illegals until you die off.
Many Americans feel that they have been paying for things that they don't want. If the wall lessens the cost of illegal immigration, slows the flow of drugs and pisses off the idiots, it won't be the worst investment we've made.


you don't even understand how you've been conned.

Typical liberal attitude. This is why the butthurt brigade can't get over the election; their dogma does not allow for the concept that other legitimate points of view exist.
How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

who's paying for a wall .. we'll be paying for the tunnels under the wall just like we paid out the ass for the holes in 43's goddamn fence.

110 tunnels found in the city of Nogalas alone.

Border Patrol: Incomplete tunnel found in Nogales, Arizona're one of those who maintains that since people break the law, nobody should enforce the law.

You must be one of those who, upon gazing at the consequences of Scrub's indifference to warnings leading up to 9/11, concluded that invading Iraqnam was the way to go.....

well nobody knew he had been indifferent to warnings leading up to 9/11 at the time. Including you.

So you must have been one of those who maintained that we deserved 9/11.

Explain how that follows, Kosh.....

I'm sorry you don't understand. Everybody else does.
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
The majority of Americans do not feel that the wall is necessary. Who is he building it for?

The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.

I think we should also fence off the cities who want open borders. So we can just fence off Chicago, and LA, and NYC while we're at it. Works for me. You can all huddle in your cities with your pet illegals until you die off.
You do not build a wall just for a few states.
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
The majority of Americans do not feel that the wall is necessary. Who is he building it for?

The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.

I think we should also fence off the cities who want open borders. So we can just fence off Chicago, and LA, and NYC while we're at it. Works for me. You can all huddle in your cities with your pet illegals until you die off.
You do not build a wall just for a few states.

No, you build a wall to preserve our border and provide security.

And watch us.
Seeing how it's going to benefit everyone in this country, I wouldn't mind our tax dollars being used even if Trump wasn't going to recoup the funds from Mexico. I see it as an investment that'll save countless lives and billions of dollars.
I'm glad it's finally going to get built.
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
The majority of Americans do not feel that the wall is necessary. Who is he building it for?

The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.

I think we should also fence off the cities who want open borders. So we can just fence off Chicago, and LA, and NYC while we're at it. Works for me. You can all huddle in your cities with your pet illegals until you die off.
The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.

No, actually you're the clueless one. If the products are priced with a 20% premium and sales fall, and nobody will be buying them as you suggest, Trump will need to find another way to pay for his wall. That still leaves Americans paying, not Mexico.
America has figure out how to pay for this wall and don't forget:

We need $12 trillion dollars to occupy Iran.

Liberals are funny when they pretend to care about cost.

The most profligate POTUS since 1960 are Reagan and Scrub.....

The least?

The Kenyan Usurper....

Go figger...

You wanna see the numbers?

I want you to be less dishonest.

Reagan inherited a military that was in a shambles, to the point that they didn't let soldiers on guard duty have bullets in their guns.

Fixing that, was the opposite of profligate, you lying lefty.
110 tunnels found in the city of Nogalas alone.

Border Patrol: Incomplete tunnel found in Nogales, Arizona're one of those who maintains that since people break the law, nobody should enforce the law.

You must be one of those who, upon gazing at the consequences of Scrub's indifference to warnings leading up to 9/11, concluded that invading Iraqnam was the way to go.....

well nobody knew he had been indifferent to warnings leading up to 9/11 at the time. Including you.

So you must have been one of those who maintained that we deserved 9/11.

Explain how that follows, Kosh.....

I'm sorry you don't understand. Everybody else does.
Everybody else does.

name them....
America has figure out how to pay for this wall and don't forget:

We need $12 trillion dollars to occupy Iran.

Liberals are funny when they pretend to care about cost.

The most profligate POTUS since 1960 are Reagan and Scrub.....

The least?

The Kenyan Usurper....

Go figger...

You wanna see the numbers?

I want you to be less dishonest.

Reagan inherited a military that was in a shambles, to the point that they didn't let soldiers on guard duty have bullets in their guns.

Fixing that, was the opposite of profligate, you lying lefty.
No it wasn't........

Reagan slept with livestock.

Hey, this Bold Assertion thing is awesome.....Syllogism is sooooooooooo last week....'re one of those who maintains that since people break the law, nobody should enforce the law.

You must be one of those who, upon gazing at the consequences of Scrub's indifference to warnings leading up to 9/11, concluded that invading Iraqnam was the way to go.....

well nobody knew he had been indifferent to warnings leading up to 9/11 at the time. Including you.

So you must have been one of those who maintained that we deserved 9/11.

Explain how that follows, Kosh.....

I'm sorry you don't understand. Everybody else does.
Everybody else does.

name them....


Liberals are funny when they pretend to care about cost.

The most profligate POTUS since 1960 are Reagan and Scrub.....

The least?

The Kenyan Usurper....

Go figger...

You wanna see the numbers?

I want you to be less dishonest.

Reagan inherited a military that was in a shambles, to the point that they didn't let soldiers on guard duty have bullets in their guns.

Fixing that, was the opposite of profligate, you lying lefty.
No it wasn't........

Reagan slept with livestock.

Hey, this Bold Assertion thing is awesome.....Syllogism is sooooooooooo last week....

I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
The majority of Americans do not feel that the wall is necessary. Who is he building it for?

The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.

I think we should also fence off the cities who want open borders. So we can just fence off Chicago, and LA, and NYC while we're at it. Works for me. You can all huddle in your cities with your pet illegals until you die off.
The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.


Nope. Don't need one.
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
The majority of Americans do not feel that the wall is necessary. Who is he building it for?

The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.

I think we should also fence off the cities who want open borders. So we can just fence off Chicago, and LA, and NYC while we're at it. Works for me. You can all huddle in your cities with your pet illegals until you die off.
The majority of Americans who live along the border, do.


Nope. Don't need one.

faith based?

what if I'm of a different faith?
"...Angela Kelley, who in 2006 was the legislative director for the National Immigration Forum [said] “It was hard to vote against it because who is going to vote against a secure fence? And it was benign compared with what was out there.”

"The law flew through the Senate with a vote of 80 to 19. (One senator, Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, was not present. John Kerry, the state’s other senator, voted against it.) In the House, the measure passed 283 to 138, with 64 Democrats supporting it."

In 2006, Democrats supported legislation to build border fence - The Boston Globe

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