How Women’s Swimming Got So Transphobic

So you’re admitting you have nothing. One trans swimmer finished just out of the medals in one race, and you’re now claiming that the whole sport is trans phobic as a result.

Keep showing us how smart you are sugar. It’s always a treat to watch you flailing about.
When you see movies and TV shows, there are endless women beating the shit out of healthy men. And most of the Prog women believe this. The reality is there are women who are tougher than most men. They deserve better than what we see form this crazy extremist feminism. About the tranny issues in sports, there are women who train all their lives and give up other things to be the best they can. This is like white males denied employment when the quotas, affirmative action, diversity, feminist legislation was forced on our nation in the early 1970's. Well not that worst. It sucked and it was equity before the name equity started for a percentage of those hired.
Some young women train all their lives for a shot at big time sports and they are beaten by men with fake boobs and long hair. When they complain they are assaulted and worse and the queer leftie base invents a phobia for legitimate criticism of abuse of women. WTF?
It's 'The Nation' magazine, so take it with a grain of salt.

Almost no other sport is as hostile to trans athletes—and that’s because its culture created the perfect conditions for transphobia to take root.​

Calling it "transphobia" when really it's just plain CHEATING, is ridiculous.

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