How would you overthrow a society?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If you wanted to overthrow a society how would you do it? Assuming you are sane and emotionally balanced you would reject a terrorist approach on your own part but you would not rule out utilizing killers, psychopaths and religious zealots as implements to get the job done. You would situate yourself in a position to trick the people in the targeted society into trusting you as a fellow citizen and a forward thinking leader that just wants to shepherd the people to a better world.

The first thing on your agenda would be to convince the people to relinquish their autonomy as individuals and tether themselves to a group-based socio economic, political mechanism requiring faith-oriented unquestioning allegiance. That mechanism would be a corrupt central authority we call government. With the power to tax, that central authority could drain the personal resources of the people and use them to grow itself.

You would embed yourself into the bureaucracy of the government either by becoming a politician, an educator or any kind of petty official that thrives by sucking the blood of the middle class via taxation. The middle class is what puts your society in the crosshairs because a middle class is anathema to government.

You would then fashion the government to set the people against each other for any imaginable reason-race, sex, age, health etc. You would convince citizens to think in groups not as individuals. Then you could encourage the people to blame other groups for their failures and use the government as a middleman to go after the other groups to seek revenge and get compensation.

Let’s take healthcare for an example. Sick people could be lead to blame healthy people for the high cost of healthcare instead of the government-corrupted system of lawyers, politicians and lobbyists that actually sets the prices and prevents insurance companies from negotiating prices down for patients. Drug companies could kickback secret gifts for you and corporate shareholders would benefit.

You could get states to ignore border security and invite interlopers to overrun those borders thus creating chaos, bloodshed, drug violence and the murder of innocent children in neighborhoods all across the country.

You could make deals with foreign countries to starve the middle class by exporting industry and dispossessing average citizens of a dignified, secure living.

If this is your plan it’s too late. It’s already being done.
If you wanted to overthrow a society how would you do it? Assuming you are sane and emotionally balanced you would reject a terrorist approach on your own part but you would not rule out utilizing killers, psychopaths and religious zealots as implements to get the job done. You would situate yourself in a position to trick the people in the targeted society into trusting you as a fellow citizen and a forward thinking leader that just wants to shepherd the people to a better world.

The first thing on your agenda would be to convince the people to relinquish their autonomy as individuals and tether themselves to a group-based socio economic, political mechanism requiring faith-oriented unquestioning allegiance. That mechanism would be a corrupt central authority we call government. With the power to tax, that central authority could drain the personal resources of the people and use them to grow itself.

You would embed yourself into the bureaucracy of the government either by becoming a politician, an educator or any kind of petty official that thrives by sucking the blood of the middle class via taxation. The middle class is what puts your society in the crosshairs because a middle class is anathema to government.

You would then fashion the government to set the people against each other for any imaginable reason-race, sex, age, health etc. You would convince citizens to think in groups not as individuals. Then you could encourage the people to blame other groups for their failures and use the government as a middleman to go after the other groups to seek revenge and get compensation.

Let’s take healthcare for an example. Sick people could be lead to blame healthy people for the high cost of healthcare instead of the government-corrupted system of lawyers, politicians and lobbyists that actually sets the prices and prevents insurance companies from negotiating prices down for patients. Drug companies could kickback secret gifts for you and corporate shareholders would benefit.

You could get states to ignore border security and invite interlopers to overrun those borders thus creating chaos, bloodshed, drug violence and the murder of innocent children in neighborhoods all across the country.

You could make deals with foreign countries to starve the middle class by exporting industry and dispossessing average citizens of a dignified, secure living.

If this is your plan it’s too late. It’s already being done.

Such is the globalist plan. Unfortunately for them, America was founded on

personal liberty by people willing to fight and die for it.

They're gnashing their teeth right about now. The leftists and globalists pushed

hard enough to where the people woke up.
All we need to do is look at the current corporate state. Took 'em about half a century.
If you wanted to overthrow a society how would you do it? Assuming you are sane and emotionally balanced....

Call me crazy, but "sane and emotionally balanced" is not, in my mind, consistent with wanting to overthrow a society. Those states of mind are consistent with working peacefully to effect positive change for a society (or part of it), but not with "overthrowing a society."

It's never crossed my mind to overthrow or want overthrown any society; thus I haven't a direct answer to your central question.
Society, defined: "the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community."

Would anyone disagree with this definition, which can be inferred to be a community rule by law?

A sane and emotionally balanced individual, and even one unbalanced and challenged by reality, would engage in demagoguery, tell the people what they want to hear, even if the doing part of his or her promises are lies or improbable. He would divide the people, find sets of people to blame for the past and promise to rectify them, even when they benefited the people. He, or she, would use hate and fear as the tools to rile a small, vocal and biddable minority to echo his rhetoric and surround himself with coronies, yes men and women and obsequious hangers on.

S/He would attack institutions: the press, the judiciary the legislature, the education system and democracy itself - anything and anyone who would or could challenge his rule would be defined as his/her enemy.
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Under the current method in time there will be no individuals remaining to advocate for themselves, only groups-you know, corporations are people. All avenues of mutual respectful interaction between individuals will have been blocked by regulation. It's the antithesis of "I think therefore I am". It will be "I cannot think because I am not". When the people are foolish enough to surrender their "selves" to be a neutral component of a representative group then they cease to deserve a Constitution such as was gifted to them by the founders.

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