How's that 401k doing?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The wife and I just lost a bundle out of our 401k's. But we have something many of you don't have. We are retired and get Social Security but we are old enough so that we lived in a very different country than you are living in. We went to work in the 1960's when companies offered pensions to attract employees.

I was in the Steelworker's Union for 20 years before I met my wife at the company we both worked at for another 30 years. I get a nice pension from them. The wife and I also get nice pensions from our mutual company.

Do you get pensions? My guess is you do not. Beginning in the late 1980's your government decided to go global which meant that your standard of living had to be lowered to accommodate its entry into global markets.

In order for American industry to build plants overseas where foreign citizens die in the gutter when they get old, they took away your pensions to pay for the move. They also destroyed great American healthcare and replaced it with the laughable Affordable Care Act.

The reason my wife and I know this is because we know what it was like before and of course, when we cash those pension checks you will never see. By the way, the Congress that took away your pensions gets great pensions that you pay for. They decided that you didn't need pensions so you could get inexpensive stuff from China and they could get rich in the process. How's that working out? The 401k you get instead of a pension I mean.

Before you get sick from the Coronavirus and infect my wife and I, you might want take a long, hard look at the people who have been running this country. Ask yourselves where you're going to be when you get old like us.
Republicans especially have elected "business friendly" politicians all along who went to DC and gave big business everything they asked for. Now here we are with republicans trying to duck their responsibility in demanding that American capitalism should never serve the workers of America.
The wife and I just lost a bundle out of our 401k's. But we have something many of you don't have. We are retired and get Social Security but we are old enough so that we lived in a very different country than you are living in. We went to work in the 1960's when companies offered pensions to attract employees.

I was in the Steelworker's Union for 20 years before I met my wife at the company we both worked at for another 30 years. I get a nice pension from them. The wife and I also get nice pensions from our mutual company.

Do you get pensions? My guess is you do not. Beginning in the late 1980's your government decided to go global which meant that your standard of living had to be lowered to accommodate its entry into global markets.

In order for American industry to build plants overseas where foreign citizens die in the gutter when they get old, they took away your pensions to pay for the move. They also destroyed great American healthcare and replaced it with the laughable Affordable Care Act.

The reason my wife and I know this is because we know what it was like before and of course, when we cash those pension checks you will never see. By the way, the Congress that took away your pensions gets great pensions that you pay for. They decided that you didn't need pensions so you could get inexpensive stuff from China and they could get rich in the process. How's that working out? The 401k you get instead of a pension I mean.

Before you get sick from the Coronavirus and infect my wife and I, you might want take a long, hard look at the people who have been running this country. Ask yourselves where you're going to be when you get old like us.

I want to tell you something, and I'll be as respectful to your generation as I can. I don't give a squirt of piss about you. You are some anonymous dude on an obscure message board. I don't care about your retirement savings, your pension, or what you did for work before you became old and boring. Have a nice day. :04:
Pensions going away is not a Republican or a Democrat thing, it is a corporate profit thing. I'm retired but younger than you, no company pension per se but we're doing fine. You just have to be more pro-active with your investments and saving and conservative with expenditures.
Republicans especially have elected "business friendly" politicians all along who went to DC and gave big business everything they asked for. Now here we are with republicans trying to duck their responsibility in demanding that American capitalism should never serve the workers of America.
I'm really curious as to how many so called conservatives are going to turn down this socialist bailout Drumpf is proposing?
The wife and I just lost a bundle out of our 401k's. But we have something many of you don't have. We are retired and get Social Security but we are old enough so that we lived in a very different country than you are living in. We went to work in the 1960's when companies offered pensions to attract employees.

I was in the Steelworker's Union for 20 years before I met my wife at the company we both worked at for another 30 years. I get a nice pension from them. The wife and I also get nice pensions from our mutual company.

Do you get pensions? My guess is you do not. Beginning in the late 1980's your government decided to go global which meant that your standard of living had to be lowered to accommodate its entry into global markets.

In order for American industry to build plants overseas where foreign citizens die in the gutter when they get old, they took away your pensions to pay for the move. They also destroyed great American healthcare and replaced it with the laughable Affordable Care Act.

The reason my wife and I know this is because we know what it was like before and of course, when we cash those pension checks you will never see. By the way, the Congress that took away your pensions gets great pensions that you pay for. They decided that you didn't need pensions so you could get inexpensive stuff from China and they could get rich in the process. How's that working out? The 401k you get instead of a pension I mean.

Before you get sick from the Coronavirus and infect my wife and I, you might want take a long, hard look at the people who have been running this country. Ask yourselves where you're going to be when you get old like us.

For three years Trump has fought a trade war with the Chinese Communists and the Democrats. I watched the democrat serfs here snicker and brag that China would walk all over us and we would have to surrender to them, which would be a great blow to Trump. China held out in hopes of impeachment I suppose.

Companies consider themselves world citizens now..not US. And they are run by internationalists just as the media is. A group who consider themselves to have no national loyalty.

Like you I remember a different America. It fell a few decades ago. You can watch old TV shows to see the difference. Its like watching the culture of a foreign country.
Republicans especially have elected "business friendly" politicians all along who went to DC and gave big business everything they asked for. Now here we are with republicans trying to duck their responsibility in demanding that American capitalism should never serve the workers of America.
I'm really curious as to how many so called conservatives are going to turn down this socialist bailout Drumpf is proposing?
I don't think anyone really wants to think about it or debate the thing. Not going to do it unless they can just do it without a fight. Normally I don't think it would have a chance but devotion to Trump counts for a lot. Since they see doing anything for the working class as vote buying they may be that desperate to save his reelection chances.
The wife and I just lost a bundle out of our 401k's. But we have something many of you don't have. We are retired and get Social Security but we are old enough so that we lived in a very different country than you are living in. We went to work in the 1960's when companies offered pensions to attract employees.

I was in the Steelworker's Union for 20 years before I met my wife at the company we both worked at for another 30 years. I get a nice pension from them. The wife and I also get nice pensions from our mutual company.

Do you get pensions? My guess is you do not. Beginning in the late 1980's your government decided to go global which meant that your standard of living had to be lowered to accommodate its entry into global markets.

In order for American industry to build plants overseas where foreign citizens die in the gutter when they get old, they took away your pensions to pay for the move. They also destroyed great American healthcare and replaced it with the laughable Affordable Care Act.

The reason my wife and I know this is because we know what it was like before and of course, when we cash those pension checks you will never see. By the way, the Congress that took away your pensions gets great pensions that you pay for. They decided that you didn't need pensions so you could get inexpensive stuff from China and they could get rich in the process. How's that working out? The 401k you get instead of a pension I mean.

Before you get sick from the Coronavirus and infect my wife and I, you might want take a long, hard look at the people who have been running this country. Ask yourselves where you're going to be when you get old like us.
Congratulations on your communist benefits
Pensions going away is not a Republican or a Democrat thing, it is a corporate profit thing. I'm retired but younger than you, no company pension per se but we're doing fine. You just have to be more pro-active with your investments and saving and conservative with expenditures.

I’m lucky to work for a company that still offers a pension
The wife and I just lost a bundle out of our 401k's. But we have something many of you don't have. We are retired and get Social Security but we are old enough so that we lived in a very different country than you are living in. We went to work in the 1960's when companies offered pensions to attract employees.

I was in the Steelworker's Union for 20 years before I met my wife at the company we both worked at for another 30 years. I get a nice pension from them. The wife and I also get nice pensions from our mutual company.

Do you get pensions? My guess is you do not. Beginning in the late 1980's your government decided to go global which meant that your standard of living had to be lowered to accommodate its entry into global markets.

In order for American industry to build plants overseas where foreign citizens die in the gutter when they get old, they took away your pensions to pay for the move. They also destroyed great American healthcare and replaced it with the laughable Affordable Care Act.

The reason my wife and I know this is because we know what it was like before and of course, when we cash those pension checks you will never see. By the way, the Congress that took away your pensions gets great pensions that you pay for. They decided that you didn't need pensions so you could get inexpensive stuff from China and they could get rich in the process. How's that working out? The 401k you get instead of a pension I mean.

Before you get sick from the Coronavirus and infect my wife and I, you might want take a long, hard look at the people who have been running this country. Ask yourselves where you're going to be when you get old like us.

Yep. I receive a pension too, but guess what, if the market crashes enough they won't meet the obligation, so you better prepare for that too.

We have a lot of problems, from here it doesn't get any easier, at least not in a hurry. All the BS that's been going on for decades now, the world population, that global and technology thing, the idea diversity is a strength because why?............Bad stuff man.

There's a chance mother nature is fighting back.

One thing that sucks is I "predicted" long ago computers will completely replace social interaction, from education to labor to shopping to "social media". Wasn't exactly a stretch. Thing is, I didn't see it happening in bunches so soon. Hope it's not yet, but that time may have arrived. Additionally if you thought Bezos, the Walton's etc fucks were wealthy before just wait.
The wife and I just lost a bundle out of our 401k's. But we have something many of you don't have. We are retired and get Social Security but we are old enough so that we lived in a very different country than you are living in. We went to work in the 1960's when companies offered pensions to attract employees.

I was in the Steelworker's Union for 20 years before I met my wife at the company we both worked at for another 30 years. I get a nice pension from them. The wife and I also get nice pensions from our mutual company.

Do you get pensions? My guess is you do not. Beginning in the late 1980's your government decided to go global which meant that your standard of living had to be lowered to accommodate its entry into global markets.

In order for American industry to build plants overseas where foreign citizens die in the gutter when they get old, they took away your pensions to pay for the move. They also destroyed great American healthcare and replaced it with the laughable Affordable Care Act.

The reason my wife and I know this is because we know what it was like before and of course, when we cash those pension checks you will never see. By the way, the Congress that took away your pensions gets great pensions that you pay for. They decided that you didn't need pensions so you could get inexpensive stuff from China and they could get rich in the process. How's that working out? The 401k you get instead of a pension I mean.

Before you get sick from the Coronavirus and infect my wife and I, you might want take a long, hard look at the people who have been running this country. Ask yourselves where you're going to be when you get old like us.

I told you to get out in 2007 and last month. You should ALWAYS listen to the rich guy.
Yes, you lived during a time of ponzi-scheme, voting in programs that other generations have to pay for.

This is what the BoomerRemover is for.,.
Pretty much all government employees get ridiculous pensions. I think they base it on the last 2 years in which the government employee will work overtime whenever possible. So they base it on their overpaid salary until the end, and is there a wonder why government raise taxes on constructive American citizens each year! I was offered a lump sum and since I am an active stock trader, calculated I could invest the sum to result in more cash in shorter time, took the lump sum. I recall at one of the Fortune 500 companies I worked for as an accountant, their "401K" was matching so if you put away anything up to a certain amount they would match it and put everything in company stock, a mutual fund or a money market fund. Plus they provided a pension as indicated. And they had a SERP, Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, for certain executives and directors to get around SEC or IRS restrictions. :p
Yes, you lived during a time of ponzi-scheme, voting in programs that other generations have to pay for.

This is what the BoomerRemover is for.,.
Surely you can't be complete fools. Why do you think academia has attacked your culture and history? They want to break you down and weaken your resolve so you'll just hand over everything without a shot being fired. I don't say these things for me I say them for you.

We have something great here but it stands in the way of this new world order that makes us insects not free people. Your government is owned by corporate forces that sell you out in a heartbeat. You will soon be living a third world existence if you don't stand and fight for your heritage and the things people died in wars for.

I can't help you if you won't help yourself.
"Corporate forces" made America great. All the incredible inventions from the 1800's to today. "Landlords" and lobbiests on the other hand sold out the USA whenever possible and hate American citizens.
The wife and I just lost a bundle out of our 401k's. But we have something many of you don't have. We are retired and get Social Security but we are old enough so that we lived in a very different country than you are living in. We went to work in the 1960's when companies offered pensions to attract employees.

I was in the Steelworker's Union for 20 years before I met my wife at the company we both worked at for another 30 years. I get a nice pension from them. The wife and I also get nice pensions from our mutual company.

Do you get pensions? My guess is you do not. Beginning in the late 1980's your government decided to go global which meant that your standard of living had to be lowered to accommodate its entry into global markets.

In order for American industry to build plants overseas where foreign citizens die in the gutter when they get old, they took away your pensions to pay for the move. They also destroyed great American healthcare and replaced it with the laughable Affordable Care Act.

The reason my wife and I know this is because we know what it was like before and of course, when we cash those pension checks you will never see. By the way, the Congress that took away your pensions gets great pensions that you pay for. They decided that you didn't need pensions so you could get inexpensive stuff from China and they could get rich in the process. How's that working out? The 401k you get instead of a pension I mean.

Before you get sick from the Coronavirus and infect my wife and I, you might want take a long, hard look at the people who have been running this country. Ask yourselves where you're going to be when you get old like us.

The market has gone down because of the current pestilence out there . I knew that this was going to happen when America passed- and then refused to repeal- the ACA, Obama's Risky Medical scheme.

This plague, reminiscent of the Black Death, was never seen when we had Medical Freedom in this country. President Trump looked to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with a tremendous healthcare system but the Democrats and John McCain said no.

Notice how this started in countries with socialized health care, Red China and Italy, and has barely touched nations in Africa which haven't embraced that scheme.
Not well. Really shows how dumb it is to have retirement depending on the market...

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