Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

I do. After all, if you feel like going out and drinking, you can find some corner bar, deal with drunken assholes, and possibly get in a fist fight. If you want a more civil environment, you need to go to a club where members are under guidelines.

But you can't just walk into a club. It's members only and most people can't get in. That's what makes it a great place to begin with. They keep the rift raft out. Then the establishment is civil, quiet and enjoyable.

That's what the United States is; a private club. Not anybody can just waltz in. If you want to join, that's fine. Fill out an application and let the heads of the establishment review it and come to a decision.
The USA is not a private club IMO. It is a nation of opportunity in which there can be private clubs, private land and private businesses.

This might be the stupidest thing you’ve ever said....this nation IS in fact a private club...The People run the nation, The People fund the nation and The People make the laws. You can’t get more private than that bud. You're clearly harboring White guilt or the equivalent....pretty sad really.

How many can from Mexico and their southern countries?
As many as are able. If they can come here and get a job or start a business and assimilate into our communities then that’s the American dream. More power to them and us

Sorry, that’s not the way The People decided it works bud...WE
decided that when WE need foreigners we’ll select those to be imported. We should probably only import those whom can speak our language considering that communication skills are an absolute requirement for any gainful employment. You must hate this simple logic stuff huh?
Yes, the people decide what they want in our country. I’m expressing how I see it

I’m curious, do you always tend to put your ‘feels’ and self professed nobility ahead of what The People have decided is best for the country as a whole?
Are you always willing to accept the collateral damage such as Mollie Tibbetts’ murder as a direct result of demanding that Gustavo gets a chance here?
What exactly do you think I’m doing other than expressing my opinion?

You realize the vast majority do not meet the legal requirements to immigrate here right?
What requirements are you talking about?

U.S. Immigration Law

First they have to obtain a green card. That requires proof they will not be a welfare mooching public charge. Public charge refers to becoming dependent upon the government for the expenses of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) Second they must show proof of medical examinations and vaccinations that proves they are in good health.

That's just for a green card. After 5 years on a green card then they can apply for citizenship and get back in another line. That will require being able to read, write, speak English. Understanding of U.S. history and government. No serious crimes committed.
Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

So what you are saying is shoplifting should be legalized. 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the past 5 years, its a crime, but because 10 million did it they should get a pass.
I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

The deal is you’re circle talking bud and everybody sees it but you. Here, read this and listen to how foolish this sounds.

“I swear I don’t want ‘open borders’, I just want to dissolve ICE, I want a pathway to citizenship for the 29 million here illegally now, I want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and I want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....I swear, I don’t want open borders.”
Reagan gave them amnesty and then refused to do anything to stop more coming. The whole point of Republicans is cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, silly super duper. Democrats have been for a good SS ID card forever, all Republicans care about it is using it as a political football and calling Democrats communists. Works for the stupid racist brainwashed GOP base...

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate, and the Democrats the House. In 1986, the Democrats recaptured the Senate (while retaining the House) and thereafter remained in control of both chamber until losing both in 1994....dumbass.

Folks who still actually buy into the notion that these "two" political parties actually oppose each other rather than work together in tandem provide endless hours of entertainment.
Our government is built for obstruction now with the filibuster that is not a filibuster, and one senator can block up the whole thing. Republicans though can use reconciliation to cut taxes on the rich. So down we go. Brilliant, dupes.

We'll never get anywhere until there is a landslide for the Democrats and reform.

No kidding, and who was it that changed the filibuster rule...dumbass.
The Dems did. Do you agree with their move?

Was primarily reminding franco. And no I did not agree with the move.
These stupid greedy Moon Bats don't give a shit how destructive the Illegals are.

The Illegals help to elect Democrats that have made California a poverty ridden, terrible education debt ridden socialist shithole and that is all they care care about.

They only care about high taxes (for everybody except themselves) political correctness, loss of individual freedom and that wonderful welfare check.
Illegals don't vote or get welfare, super duper. Actually California is our most successful State although New York is coming up. You have been totally brainwashed.
The USA is not a private club IMO. It is a nation of opportunity in which there can be private clubs, private land and private businesses.

This might be the stupidest thing you’ve ever said....this nation IS in fact a private club...The People run the nation, The People fund the nation and The People make the laws. You can’t get more private than that bud. You're clearly harboring White guilt or the equivalent....pretty sad really.

As many as are able. If they can come here and get a job or start a business and assimilate into our communities then that’s the American dream. More power to them and us

Sorry, that’s not the way The People decided it works bud...WE
decided that when WE need foreigners we’ll select those to be imported. We should probably only import those whom can speak our language considering that communication skills are an absolute requirement for any gainful employment. You must hate this simple logic stuff huh?
Yes, the people decide what they want in our country. I’m expressing how I see it

I’m curious, do you always tend to put your ‘feels’ and self professed nobility ahead of what The People have decided is best for the country as a whole?
Are you always willing to accept the collateral damage such as Mollie Tibbetts’ murder as a direct result of demanding that Gustavo gets a chance here?
What exactly do you think I’m doing other than expressing my opinion?

What requirements are you talking about?

U.S. Immigration Law

First they have to obtain a green card. That requires proof they will not be a welfare mooching public charge. Public charge refers to becoming dependent upon the government for the expenses of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) Second they must show proof of medical examinations and vaccinations that proves they are in good health.

That's just for a green card. After 5 years on a green card then they can apply for citizenship and get back in another line. That will require being able to read, write, speak English. Understanding of U.S. history and government. No serious crimes committed.
Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

So what you are saying is shoplifting should be legalized. 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the past 5 years, its a crime, but because 10 million did it they should get a pass.
I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

The deal is you’re circle talking bud and everybody sees it but you. Here, read this and listen to how foolish this sounds.

“I swear I don’t want ‘open borders’, I just want to dissolve ICE, I want a pathway to citizenship for the 29 million here illegally now, I want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and I want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....I swear, I don’t want open borders.”
Wtf are you talking about? I never said half those things. If you have to make up fake quotes to win an arguement then that’s pretty weak. You have a hard enough time accurately understanding the simple statements that I make. But who do you think you’re foolinng when you fabricate and distort the things I say? You have a problem. I’d work on it if I were you
For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate, and the Democrats the House. In 1986, the Democrats recaptured the Senate (while retaining the House) and thereafter remained in control of both chamber until losing both in 1994....dumbass.

Folks who still actually buy into the notion that these "two" political parties actually oppose each other rather than work together in tandem provide endless hours of entertainment.
Our government is built for obstruction now with the filibuster that is not a filibuster, and one senator can block up the whole thing. Republicans though can use reconciliation to cut taxes on the rich. So down we go. Brilliant, dupes.

We'll never get anywhere until there is a landslide for the Democrats and reform.

No kidding, and who was it that changed the filibuster rule...dumbass.
The Dems did. Do you agree with their move?

Was primarily reminding franco. And no I did not agree with the move.
Good me either. How do you feel about the republicans using it now?
Reagan gave them amnesty and then refused to do anything to stop more coming. The whole point of Republicans is cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, silly super duper. Democrats have been for a good SS ID card forever, all Republicans care about it is using it as a political football and calling Democrats communists. Works for the stupid racist brainwashed GOP base...

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate, and the Democrats the House. In 1986, the Democrats recaptured the Senate (while retaining the House) and thereafter remained in control of both chamber until losing both in 1994....dumbass.

Folks who still actually buy into the notion that these "two" political parties actually oppose each other rather than work together in tandem provide endless hours of entertainment.
Our government is built for obstruction now with the filibuster that is not a filibuster, and one senator can block up the whole thing. Republicans though can use reconciliation to cut taxes on the rich. So down we go. Brilliant, dupes.

We'll never get anywhere until there is a landslide for the Democrats and reform.

No kidding, and who was it that changed the filibuster rule...dumbass.
The Dems did. Do you agree with their move?
You were talking about the filibuster when voting for judges that the Democrats changed in 2013. However oh, the filibuster until Nixon was very seldom used, didn't work. It was under Nixon that they made it 60 votes. They also made reconciliation, in other words 50 votes, possible when you're cutting taxes on people and services. So since Nixon obstruction and cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations, has been made easier. The GOP platform.
You do? Outside of the US, the world population is 7.2 billion people; many of them in hardships like those in S/C America. How many of those 7.2 billion do you think we could fit in here?
How many can make the trip, line up work, and make a living?

How many can from Mexico and their southern countries?
As many as are able. If they can come here and get a job or start a business and assimilate into our communities then that’s the American dream. More power to them and us
Wrong. Too many damn people here already. We should be handing out birth control to the entire world, but of course you know the GOP, must do the dumbass right wing religious thing, no matter how stupid.
I drive cross country all the time and all I see is open land. There aren’t too many people, there is just overcrowding in city’s. We need to expand our infrastructure.

Yes, that land is where we grow food, raise animals, go for vacation to enjoy the beauty outside of the city. It's where a business may open up or perhaps an amusement park. You do know people multiply, right? Why do you want America to look like China in 100 years?
California is the microcosm of what some global socialists want to occur across the U.S. Wake up America, foreign police agencies and governments don't have your back.
Biggest economy, we keep the US on the world map....otherwise we would be known only by the KKK, KFC, and the pussy grabber lol
For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate, and the Democrats the House. In 1986, the Democrats recaptured the Senate (while retaining the House) and thereafter remained in control of both chamber until losing both in 1994....dumbass.

Folks who still actually buy into the notion that these "two" political parties actually oppose each other rather than work together in tandem provide endless hours of entertainment.
Our government is built for obstruction now with the filibuster that is not a filibuster, and one senator can block up the whole thing. Republicans though can use reconciliation to cut taxes on the rich. So down we go. Brilliant, dupes.

We'll never get anywhere until there is a landslide for the Democrats and reform.

No kidding, and who was it that changed the filibuster rule...dumbass.
The Dems did. Do you agree with their move?
You were talking about the filibuster when voting for judges that the Democrats changed in 2013. However oh, the filibuster until Nixon was very seldom used, didn't work. It was under Nixon that they made it 60 votes. They also made reconciliation, in other words 50 votes, possible when you're cutting taxes on people and services. So since Nixon obstruction and cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations, has been made easier. The GOP platform.
That also makes reform more difficult, the Democratic platform.
California is the microcosm of what some global socialists want to occur across the U.S. Wake up America, foreign police agencies and governments don't have your back.
Biggest economy, we keep the US on the world map....otherwise we would be known only by the KKK, KFC, and the pussy grabber lol
From what I see, California has been doing great under Jerry Brown, by taxing the rich more and investing in California. Rest of the country is dying for that too.
This might be the stupidest thing you’ve ever said....this nation IS in fact a private club...The People run the nation, The People fund the nation and The People make the laws. You can’t get more private than that bud. You're clearly harboring White guilt or the equivalent....pretty sad really.

Sorry, that’s not the way The People decided it works bud...WE
decided that when WE need foreigners we’ll select those to be imported. We should probably only import those whom can speak our language considering that communication skills are an absolute requirement for any gainful employment. You must hate this simple logic stuff huh?
Yes, the people decide what they want in our country. I’m expressing how I see it

I’m curious, do you always tend to put your ‘feels’ and self professed nobility ahead of what The People have decided is best for the country as a whole?
Are you always willing to accept the collateral damage such as Mollie Tibbetts’ murder as a direct result of demanding that Gustavo gets a chance here?
What exactly do you think I’m doing other than expressing my opinion?

U.S. Immigration Law

First they have to obtain a green card. That requires proof they will not be a welfare mooching public charge. Public charge refers to becoming dependent upon the government for the expenses of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) Second they must show proof of medical examinations and vaccinations that proves they are in good health.

That's just for a green card. After 5 years on a green card then they can apply for citizenship and get back in another line. That will require being able to read, write, speak English. Understanding of U.S. history and government. No serious crimes committed.
Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

So what you are saying is shoplifting should be legalized. 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the past 5 years, its a crime, but because 10 million did it they should get a pass.
I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

The deal is you’re circle talking bud and everybody sees it but you. Here, read this and listen to how foolish this sounds.

“I swear I don’t want ‘open borders’, I just want to dissolve ICE, I want a pathway to citizenship for the 29 million here illegally now, I want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and I want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....I swear, I don’t want open borders.”
Wtf are you talking about? I never said half those things. If you have to make up fake quotes to win an arguement then that’s pretty weak. You have a hard enough time accurately understanding the simple statements that I make. But who do you think you’re foolinng when you fabricate and distort the things I say? You have a problem. I’d work on it if I were you
Everyone respectable says 12 million.pass the goddamn national ID card like every other smart country, but doesn't have a stupid GOP involved..
California is the microcosm of what some global socialists want to occur across the U.S. Wake up America, foreign police agencies and governments don't have your back.
Biggest economy, we keep the US on the world map....otherwise we would be known only by the KKK, KFC, and the pussy grabber lol
From what I see, California has been doing great under Jerry Brown, by taxing the rich more and investing in California. Rest of the country is dying for that too.

Yup, this is California...the sidewalks are paved with gold. Dumbass.

There is what they are doing ..........from the horses mouths.

Now I'd like to lodge a complaint against the mods for having to post the dang thing in so many threads.

Thanks for the video, I’ve been searching for stats on how they are spending their allocated funds and this is the best I’ve seen. I trust and support our border agents. They work a tough job and deserve adequate resources.

I think Trump is shooting himself in his foot. He is so thirsty to get wins to brag about and is so quick to insult his opposition, he is putting the Dems in a very difficult position to give him anything he wants. He is trying to bully and strong arm which I’m sure worked for him in his business but that isn’t as effective in politics.

The is no art of the deal in this deal. It’s my way or the highway.

You don't understand. There is nothing Trump could do to work with the Democrats. Their stance is no wall no matter what. There is noting to talk about, nothing to trade, nothing to deal. No wall.

If he was a savvy politician he would be able to make a deal but he is using his NY bully strong arm tactics which is just going to pit his opponents against him in the strongest possible way. Yes the Dems will not give him a win because he has made this a hyperpartisan team sport situation.

No, the Democrats are not going to give him his way because they are the anti-white party and are trying tirelessly to make whites a minority in this country ASAP. A wall would work wonders and they know it. That's why they don't want it. It ruins their devious plan.

This is one of your dumber more ignorant posts Ray. You honestly think a party comprised of millions of white people are anti-white?! Get a clue

That's exactly what I think. Maybe you can change my mind! Answer this:

Why are Democrats fighting against the wall so hard they're even willing to have a government shutdown?

Why did the Democrat led Senate stop Kate's Law; a law that would have imprisoned deported felons if they returned?

Why are they fighting to keep their sanctuary cities and created sanctuary states after Trump got elected; you know, a state that allowed a police officer to get murdered and the Democrats could still care less?

Why do anti-white states give illegals drivers licenses, allow their kids to attend their schools, look the other way if they rent an apartment or house? Why are they trying to make it so comfortable for illegals they are even considering letting them vote in local elections?

Every other group outside of whites vote heavily Democrat. Once they get rid of whites, they have the ability to have a single-party country forever. Their white voters are like frogs in a pot of cold water on top of a stove. That's why they are trying to get rid of us. Once that happens, it will be the beginning of the end of the Great Experiment. We will quickly become Socialist, and then Communist.
Why not, they broke our laws. Why should they get a free pass and why should they get to jump to the front of the legal immigration line? We could process a lot more LEGAL immigrants if we were not spending BILLIONS of dollars dealing with these illegal law breaking invaders.
Agree. But trying to deport 10s of millions of people is going to send us backwards. We need to create better pathways.

Getting rid of them is easy and preventing more from coming in is easier. Pass a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that comes with a minimum 5 year prison sentence. We won't need a wall, no E-verify, no worries about expired Visa's. One law would solve most of our problems with illegals today.
Again keep dreaming it’s not going to happen. Same tactic was tried with the “war on drugs” and look how that disaster turned out

Correct, it's not going to happen, that's why they keep coming.

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
Really? Did it work with drugs and gangs?

No it didn't, but addiction means you can't stop yourself. Nobody is addicted to coming into the US illegally.
Yes, the people decide what they want in our country. I’m expressing how I see it

I’m curious, do you always tend to put your ‘feels’ and self professed nobility ahead of what The People have decided is best for the country as a whole?
Are you always willing to accept the collateral damage such as Mollie Tibbetts’ murder as a direct result of demanding that Gustavo gets a chance here?
What exactly do you think I’m doing other than expressing my opinion?

Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

So what you are saying is shoplifting should be legalized. 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the past 5 years, its a crime, but because 10 million did it they should get a pass.
I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

The deal is you’re circle talking bud and everybody sees it but you. Here, read this and listen to how foolish this sounds.

“I swear I don’t want ‘open borders’, I just want to dissolve ICE, I want a pathway to citizenship for the 29 million here illegally now, I want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and I want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....I swear, I don’t want open borders.”
Wtf are you talking about? I never said half those things. If you have to make up fake quotes to win an arguement then that’s pretty weak. You have a hard enough time accurately understanding the simple statements that I make. But who do you think you’re foolinng when you fabricate and distort the things I say? You have a problem. I’d work on it if I were you
Everyone respectable says 12 million.pass the goddamn national ID card like every other smart country, but doesn't have a stupid GOP involved..

That’s weird...everyone I know respectable voted for Trump and voted to round up 12-40 million human cockroaches and hand deliver them to Mexico.
You realize the vast majority do not meet the legal requirements to immigrate here right?
What requirements are you talking about?

U.S. Immigration Law

First they have to obtain a green card. That requires proof they will not be a welfare mooching public charge. Public charge refers to becoming dependent upon the government for the expenses of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) Second they must show proof of medical examinations and vaccinations that proves they are in good health.

That's just for a green card. After 5 years on a green card then they can apply for citizenship and get back in another line. That will require being able to read, write, speak English. Understanding of U.S. history and government. No serious crimes committed.
Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

Right, so they come here, break our laws, and because they have been here illegally, change our laws for them.

What other country would do this?
Who cares what other countries do. We have a broken system that isnt working so changes need to be made. I think that’s pretty obvious.

No, there is nothing wrong with our system. The system allows a million foreigners to become citizens every year. Our system hands out over 11,000 Visa's every year. Our system allows people to come here with Green Cards, work and earn money, and take our American dollars back home so they can live a better life.

Now we have to change our laws because the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigrants has to get more generous?
These laws you speak of that changed...most laws are changed / amendment because there are clear benefits for The People, the citizenry to implement said change. Not one of you have ever been able to show us how Americans benefit by the presence of illegal thirdworlders. Can you do that now?
I admit it is more of a moral issue than a cost benefit issue for me. I don’t think we should have open borders and I don’t think people should be able to just come here and jump on our welfare systems. But I do think anybody who wants to work hard and make a better life for themselves and their families should have to opportunity to do so. I think our country is big enough, and rich enough, and smart enough to utilize a growing workforce to expand our economy.

You do? Outside of the US, the world population is 7.2 billion people; many of them in hardships like those in S/C America. How many of those 7.2 billion do you think we could fit in here?
How many can make the trip, line up work, and make a living?

How many can from Mexico and their southern countries?
As many as are able. If they can come here and get a job or start a business and assimilate into our communities then that’s the American dream. More power to them and us

We already do that with limits on how many we accept per year. And no, they aren't assimilating. That's why everything is written in bilingual signs today. That's why their children are holding up our American children in classrooms where they attended. That's why you have to push 1 to speak your very own language. That's why election ballots now come in different languages and you have to choose one.

No, they are not assimilating.
Wrong. They come here because America is a great country that can provide them with opportunity and a better life. I don’t know when we got all hell bent on demonizing poor people seeking a better life, many of whom risk their own lives to come here because they don’t know how else to do it.

Then let me explain it another way:

Let's say you buy a house but your treasure is the backyard which is a wreck. You want to make it the backyard everybody in the neighborhood will envy. You spend every dime you have on a new lawn, hedges, flowers. But that's not enough, so you borrow thousands of dollars on your credit card which you will be paying on for years and years.

After all that money, all that sweat. hard work and time, you have a beautiful yard with an in-ground swimming pool, garden, playground for the kids, a patio that can seat 30 people. You come home one day, and some strange family is sitting on your patio. Their kids are in the pool. The mother is cooking ribs on your new grill you paid over $1,200 for. Would you accept that? Of course not. You'd call the cops and have them removed.

Our ancestors worked and gave their lives for this beautiful place we call the USA. Millions have died for it's freedom. The rest of us work to supply money so the government can run it. But like your rude neighbors, strangers look at all we've created, and decide to just plop on down in a seat and make themselves right at home.

If you want your backyard as nice as mine, do what we did. Don't come here and say "Hey! These people did all the work, let's go there and enjoy what they labored for!"
I can’t make sense out of comparing somebodies personal private property and people living in a country. We all live in this world and cohabitate with each other. I see more people as opportunity to grow our workforce and our economy. I also don’t feel like I have the right to throw up the closed sign on an entire country just because I was lucky enough to be born here

I do. After all, if you feel like going out and drinking, you can find some corner bar, deal with drunken assholes, and possibly get in a fist fight. If you want a more civil environment, you need to go to a club where members are under guidelines.

But you can't just walk into a club. It's members only and most people can't get in. That's what makes it a great place to begin with. They keep the rift raft out. Then the establishment is civil, quiet and enjoyable.

That's what the United States is; a private club. Not anybody can just waltz in. If you want to join, that's fine. Fill out an application and let the heads of the establishment review it and come to a decision.
The USA is not a private club IMO. It is a nation of opportunity in which there can be private clubs, private land and private businesses.

Then what you are saying is that this great country is like the corner punch palace. Anybody can drift in and ruin it if they desire. They can come here and rob, assault, and even murder people.

When it was more like a private club, we didn't have half the problems we have today. Get it now?
The growth of gated communities
More than 10 million U.S. housing units—about 10 percent of all occupied homes—are now in gated communities like the one in which Trayvon Martin was killed. Between 2001 and 2009, the United States saw a 53 percent growth in housing units in gated communities.
The New York Times

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