Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

No, I don’t like any party. I think candidates should run on individual issues not a party platform. I think the financing and fundraising needs reform as it’s the source of corruption. Parties were needed back in the day before there was TV radio internet and instant access to information. But we have all that now so we need to reform our campaign system

What I'm telling you is that the Democrat party is trying to wipe out that system and take over the country entirely, so you won't even have two parties any longer. You'll have one party to vote on and that's it.
Well if that’s true it is even more reason to abolish the power of the parties. The liberal, conservative and progressive ideologies should all be able to mesh together not be at war with each other. The current party system just promotes corruption and combativeness. They should all go

No, if you want to avoid it, quit sticking up for illegals. Why do you suppose Democrats want all these people here? If you want to stop our demise, you need to vote Republican.
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

Legit taxpayers do support those in didn’t know we send billions in foreign aid out?
Yeah, that’s all good stuff but I was explaining why some people are sympathetic to immigrants coming to this country. Fine if you disagree but don’t pretend like their support is sinister
Well if that’s true it is even more reason to abolish the power of the parties. The liberal, conservative and progressive ideologies should all be able to mesh together not be at war with each other. The current party system just promotes corruption and combativeness. They should all go

No, if you want to avoid it, quit sticking up for illegals. Why do you suppose Democrats want all these people here? If you want to stop our demise, you need to vote Republican.
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

You want to share your wealth with them? Send them money where they live. That's how you share your wealth. I happen to think homeless people are in more need of help than we give them, but I don't invite them to live in my house.
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.
What I'm telling you is that the Democrat party is trying to wipe out that system and take over the country entirely, so you won't even have two parties any longer. You'll have one party to vote on and that's it.
Well if that’s true it is even more reason to abolish the power of the parties. The liberal, conservative and progressive ideologies should all be able to mesh together not be at war with each other. The current party system just promotes corruption and combativeness. They should all go

No, if you want to avoid it, quit sticking up for illegals. Why do you suppose Democrats want all these people here? If you want to stop our demise, you need to vote Republican.
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

Legit taxpayers do support those in didn’t know we send billions in foreign aid out?
Yeah, that’s all good stuff but I was explaining why some people are sympathetic to immigrants coming to this country. Fine if you disagree but don’t pretend like their support is sinister

If not sinister, what do you call it when one works against fellow countrymen, the will of The People and the guidelines set forth by our founders?
How do you struggle to understand why any nation funded by The People must defend its right to sovereignty?
No, if you want to avoid it, quit sticking up for illegals. Why do you suppose Democrats want all these people here? If you want to stop our demise, you need to vote Republican.
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

You want to share your wealth with them? Send them money where they live. That's how you share your wealth. I happen to think homeless people are in more need of help than we give them, but I don't invite them to live in my house.
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

Okay, lets' go with that.

So automation is going to be taking over blue collar jobs by the millions. Well if we let all these foreigners in today, what are Americans supposed to do for work tomorrow?

Will we eventually become Socialist? I hope not. But I certainly don't want to be part of a moment that accelerates that if it's inevitable.
Well if that’s true it is even more reason to abolish the power of the parties. The liberal, conservative and progressive ideologies should all be able to mesh together not be at war with each other. The current party system just promotes corruption and combativeness. They should all go

No, if you want to avoid it, quit sticking up for illegals. Why do you suppose Democrats want all these people here? If you want to stop our demise, you need to vote Republican.
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

Legit taxpayers do support those in didn’t know we send billions in foreign aid out?
Yeah, that’s all good stuff but I was explaining why some people are sympathetic to immigrants coming to this country. Fine if you disagree but don’t pretend like their support is sinister

If not sinister, what do you call it when one works against fellow countrymen, the will of The People and the guidelines set forth by our founders?
How do you struggle to understand why any nation funded by The People must defend its right to sovereignty?
You’re just spinning putting labels on it to make it sound sinister. The Left does the same thing to the crap your side pulls so I know you understand the dishonesty and gameplay. I am curious as to why you decide to play it
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

You want to share your wealth with them? Send them money where they live. That's how you share your wealth. I happen to think homeless people are in more need of help than we give them, but I don't invite them to live in my house.
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

Okay, lets' go with that.

So automation is going to be taking over blue collar jobs by the millions. Well if we let all these foreigners in today, what are Americans supposed to do for work tomorrow?

Will we eventually become Socialist? I hope not. But I certainly don't want to be part of a moment that accelerates that if it's inevitable.
You’re right, it may contribute to acceleration of the unemployment boom. Perhaps it will be a catylist to a new industry that will help our nation prosper... my hope is that it’s the later.

This automation situation is going to effect the entire world. Don’t think it’s isolated only within our borders
You want to share your wealth with them? Send them money where they live. That's how you share your wealth. I happen to think homeless people are in more need of help than we give them, but I don't invite them to live in my house.
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

Okay, lets' go with that.

So automation is going to be taking over blue collar jobs by the millions. Well if we let all these foreigners in today, what are Americans supposed to do for work tomorrow?

Will we eventually become Socialist? I hope not. But I certainly don't want to be part of a moment that accelerates that if it's inevitable.
You’re right, it may contribute to acceleration of the unemployment boom. Perhaps it will be a catylist to a new industry that will help our nation prosper... my hope is that it’s the later.

This automation situation is going to effect the entire world. Don’t think it’s isolated only within our borders still can’t give two fucks right?
You’re still willing to sell your fellow countrymen down the river and advocate for opportunity for foreigners huh?
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

Okay, lets' go with that.

So automation is going to be taking over blue collar jobs by the millions. Well if we let all these foreigners in today, what are Americans supposed to do for work tomorrow?

Will we eventually become Socialist? I hope not. But I certainly don't want to be part of a moment that accelerates that if it's inevitable.
You’re right, it may contribute to acceleration of the unemployment boom. Perhaps it will be a catylist to a new industry that will help our nation prosper... my hope is that it’s the later.

This automation situation is going to effect the entire world. Don’t think it’s isolated only within our borders still can’t give two fucks right?
You’re still willing to sell your fellow countrymen down the river and advocate for opportunity for foreigners huh?
I don’t think I’m selling anybody down the river. We are all one people living in one world. The USA has always been a land of opportunity for all to pursue the American dream and that is what has made our country great. So I don’t buy into the nationalism/closed border propaganda
Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

Okay, lets' go with that.

So automation is going to be taking over blue collar jobs by the millions. Well if we let all these foreigners in today, what are Americans supposed to do for work tomorrow?

Will we eventually become Socialist? I hope not. But I certainly don't want to be part of a moment that accelerates that if it's inevitable.
You’re right, it may contribute to acceleration of the unemployment boom. Perhaps it will be a catylist to a new industry that will help our nation prosper... my hope is that it’s the later.

This automation situation is going to effect the entire world. Don’t think it’s isolated only within our borders still can’t give two fucks right?
You’re still willing to sell your fellow countrymen down the river and advocate for opportunity for foreigners huh?
I don’t think I’m selling anybody down the river. We are all one people living in one world. The USA has always been a land of opportunity for all to pursue the American dream and that is what has made our country great. So I don’t buy into the nationalism/closed border propaganda

A little commie-lite globalism huh?
See, there you go again...”I’m against America’s Declaration Of Independence and RIGHT to sovereignty....I’m against the ideals, the foundation and construct laid by our founders and the laws written by The People.”
Let me guess....that’s not what you’re saying at all...right? You’re definitely not a little treasonous or commie-ish at all are you?
No, if you want to avoid it, quit sticking up for illegals. Why do you suppose Democrats want all these people here? If you want to stop our demise, you need to vote Republican.
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

You want to share your wealth with them? Send them money where they live. That's how you share your wealth. I happen to think homeless people are in more need of help than we give them, but I don't invite them to live in my house.
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

So you want more people here?

Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

Okay, lets' go with that.

So automation is going to be taking over blue collar jobs by the millions. Well if we let all these foreigners in today, what are Americans supposed to do for work tomorrow?

Will we eventually become Socialist? I hope not. But I certainly don't want to be part of a moment that accelerates that if it's inevitable.
You’re right, it may contribute to acceleration of the unemployment boom. Perhaps it will be a catylist to a new industry that will help our nation prosper... my hope is that it’s the later.

This automation situation is going to effect the entire world. Don’t think it’s isolated only within our borders still can’t give two fucks right?
You’re still willing to sell your fellow countrymen down the river and advocate for opportunity for foreigners huh?
I don’t think I’m selling anybody down the river. We are all one people living in one world. The USA has always been a land of opportunity for all to pursue the American dream and that is what has made our country great. So I don’t buy into the nationalism/closed border propaganda

A little commie-lite globalism huh?
See, there you go again...”I’m against America’s Declaration Of Independence and RIGHT to sovereignty....I’m against the ideals, the foundation and construct laid by our founders and the laws written by The People.”
Let me guess....that’s not what you’re saying at all...right? You’re definitely not a little treasonous or commie-ish at all are you?
How exactly do you think I’m against the DOI or sovereignty?
I don’t think I’m selling anybody down the river. We are all one people living in one world. The USA has always been a land of opportunity for all to pursue the American dream and that is what has made our country great. So I don’t buy into the nationalism/closed border propaganda

You obviously do not know the difference between legal immigration and closed borders.

Everyone wants legal immigration, no one wants open borders. A country without borders is not a country.
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

You want to share your wealth with them? Send them money where they live. That's how you share your wealth. I happen to think homeless people are in more need of help than we give them, but I don't invite them to live in my house.
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

So you want more people here?

I don’t care one way or another. If people want to come then let them come, if people want to go let them go.
I don’t think I’m selling anybody down the river. We are all one people living in one world. The USA has always been a land of opportunity for all to pursue the American dream and that is what has made our country great. So I don’t buy into the nationalism/closed border propaganda

You obviously do not know the difference between legal immigration and closed borders.

Everyone wants legal immigration, no one wants open borders. A country without borders is not a country.
All I’ve done is advocate for legal immigration. I’m not calling for open borders. I think our legal system needs reform. But your wrong about everybody wanting legal immigration. There are a bunch of wingnuts here that want to shut the border down and not let anybody else in.
You want to share your wealth with them? Send them money where they live. That's how you share your wealth. I happen to think homeless people are in more need of help than we give them, but I don't invite them to live in my house.
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

So you want more people here?

I don’t care one way or another. If people want to come then let them come, if people want to go let them go.

How do we afford it then?

I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

So you want more people here?

I don’t care one way or another. If people want to come then let them come, if people want to go let them go.

How do we afford it then?

They take care of themselves and contribute to society
Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

So you want more people here?

I don’t care one way or another. If people want to come then let them come, if people want to go let them go.

How do we afford it then?

They take care of themselves and contribute to society

They don't contribute and they bankrupt our health care

You want to share your wealth with them? Send them money where they live. That's how you share your wealth. I happen to think homeless people are in more need of help than we give them, but I don't invite them to live in my house.
I don’t invite them to live in my house either. But I think anybody who has the determination to work and earn a living should be given that opportunity so they can have a joise of their own.

Really what is it that threatens you so much? Are you worried about your ability to compete against them? Think they will take your job or something?

Actually they are. Our road is loaded with tractor-trailer drivers who not only can't handle the vehicle, but can't even read the road signs.

What am I afraid of? The Democrats taking over the entire country. When they accomplish that (unless we stop them) it will quickly lead to Socialism and then Communism. That's what I'm afraid of. A country where the Constitution is made null and void, a country where all history of how great this country once was is destroyed.

In the current time, they are forcing us to be a bilingual country. They are keeping our wages down. They are taking American dollars and shipping those dollars back over the border. They are closing our hospitals and destroying neighborhoods. They are murdering our people and bringing drugs along with them.
Sorry to break it to you but odds are that our country will become more socialist with the onset of robots and automation. Unless a new industry of millions of jobs that robots can’t do is magically is created, there is going to be no other way to take care of the poor and unemployed.

So you want more people here?

I don’t care one way or another. If people want to come then let them come, if people want to go let them go.

So isn't that the definition of a borderless society?
I don’t think I’m selling anybody down the river. We are all one people living in one world. The USA has always been a land of opportunity for all to pursue the American dream and that is what has made our country great. So I don’t buy into the nationalism/closed border propaganda

You obviously do not know the difference between legal immigration and closed borders.

Everyone wants legal immigration, no one wants open borders. A country without borders is not a country.
All I’ve done is advocate for legal immigration. I’m not calling for open borders. I think our legal system needs reform. But your wrong about everybody wanting legal immigration. There are a bunch of wingnuts here that want to shut the border down and not let anybody else in.

And I'm one of those people. I think the border should be closed until we at least return to an English only speaking society. Then we can be assured what we have now assimilated into our country.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and humane.

How many shiploads of South American's and Mexican's are arriving daily in New York?

Some estimates are that as many as 100,000 are entering the US Monthly, from all points of entry and borders.

The NWO is taking place with or without government intervention

And whether it benefits the American People or not.

Have you never noticed that for about 4 decades now, the big corporations have made Spanish access as readily available as English access?
They knew LONG ago what was to come. What's happening is nothing new.

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