Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

ICE forced to release illegal immigrants ‘out of the front door’ in Arizona amid space crunch, migrant surge

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials – faced with a lack of housing space, an agreement that limits how long they can detain families and a massive increase in the number of border crossers – are having to resort to releasing illegal immigrants and asylum seekers "out of the front door" in Arizona.

According to Customs and Border Protection, as of September, more than 90,000 family units have been detained in fiscal 2018 along with more than 45,000 unaccompanied minors. The Arizona Republic reported that the agency released at least 800 family members in the state last week. Activists that work with migrants told the outlet they think ICE is releasing immigrants in large numbers to create a "manufactured crisis" ahead of the November midterms.

ICE is limited by how long it can hold family units (FAMUs) in detention due to the 1997 Flores settlement agreement, which limits the amount of time minors can be detained to 20 days. The Trump administration is currently challenging that agreement in court after it backed down on a "zero tolerance" policy of prosecuting all who crossed the border illegally -- a policy that necessitated the separation of children from accompanying adults due to Flores.

In a statement, ICE said that individuals would normally be released only after a “post-release plan” was reviewed, including making sure they had the means to reach a final destination.

“However, due to the recent uptick in FAMUs presenting themselves along the Arizona border, ICE no longer has the capacity to conduct these reviews without risking violation of the Flores limitations on lengths of stay for families in both CBP and ICE custody,” the statement said. “To mitigate that risk, ICE began to curtail such reviews in Arizona beginning Sunday October 7.”

Offloading data folks...........on why ICE is now forced to release immigrants again.........District Judge ruled against Trump and so they are having to let them the El Paso area......they are processing 2000 a week......and are now turning them room.....and the Courts have pretty much FORCED THEM TO DO SO AGAIN..........
maybe you should change the channel and notice that we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now, thanks to 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich. And screwing the rest with cuts in services.

Haha...nobody sane believes that ignorant bullshit Franco...only one Party stands to gain by encouraging poverty and despair....the Mexicratic Party, the party of filth and despair thrives amongst the underclass, the larger the underclass becomes the more powerful the Mexicratic Party becomes, why do you think they insist on importing all of Mexico’s trash?
Tell us, what do you believe motivates the party of filth?
Pull your head from your ass bud.
Brainwashed functional moron...Whatever you do don't change the channel and listen to real news.... Tell us of all about the hundreds of phony scandals that never amounted to anything that you still believe. Idiot. Nobody believes in facts? The GOP propaganda machine and you dupes are a disgrace.

Haha...who’s the brainwashed one bud?
Look at Mexifornia and Loon York....two super shitholes both run on Mexicratic policy....both with EXTREME inequality and economic disparity. Look at Blacks and Wetbacks....they haven’t been able to vote themselves off the .gov tit in centuries. If the Mexicratic Party really gave two shits about improving your quality of life why the fuck would they be importing more filth to get in front of your begging hands? Come on man, political parties are about power and control...third graders know this....the Mexicratic Party has no power and no control without a struggling underclass. The writing has been on the wall for decades, ignorant pieces of shits refuse to see it....the motives of the Mexicratic Party are crystal clear.
California and New York City are only victims of their own success, and the giveaway to the rich GOP national tax policy, super duper. It is the GOP policy of no strict enforcement against illegal workers and no national ID card that causes this illegals problem. Not to mention the NeverEnding GOP War on Drugs and the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression that turn their home countries into shitholes. Not only are you scumbag Republicans and dupes Wrecking America and the middle class, but also the rest of the world. Only your imaginary GOP propaganda world makes it possible, super duper.

Haha...excuses, excuses....Meanwhile Blacks and Wetbacks will continue voting themselves to the pathway of filth, criminality, poverty and despair...Plain fucking weird!
your idea that they are voting illegally is just as stupid as all the rest of your dumbass propaganda, super duper. There is no evidence for illegals voting, just like all the hundreds of phony scandals that you still believe.
Haha...nobody sane believes that ignorant bullshit Franco...only one Party stands to gain by encouraging poverty and despair....the Mexicratic Party, the party of filth and despair thrives amongst the underclass, the larger the underclass becomes the more powerful the Mexicratic Party becomes, why do you think they insist on importing all of Mexico’s trash?
Tell us, what do you believe motivates the party of filth?
Pull your head from your ass bud.
Brainwashed functional moron...Whatever you do don't change the channel and listen to real news.... Tell us of all about the hundreds of phony scandals that never amounted to anything that you still believe. Idiot. Nobody believes in facts? The GOP propaganda machine and you dupes are a disgrace.

Haha...who’s the brainwashed one bud?
Look at Mexifornia and Loon York....two super shitholes both run on Mexicratic policy....both with EXTREME inequality and economic disparity. Look at Blacks and Wetbacks....they haven’t been able to vote themselves off the .gov tit in centuries. If the Mexicratic Party really gave two shits about improving your quality of life why the fuck would they be importing more filth to get in front of your begging hands? Come on man, political parties are about power and control...third graders know this....the Mexicratic Party has no power and no control without a struggling underclass. The writing has been on the wall for decades, ignorant pieces of shits refuse to see it....the motives of the Mexicratic Party are crystal clear.
California and New York City are only victims of their own success, and the giveaway to the rich GOP national tax policy, super duper. It is the GOP policy of no strict enforcement against illegal workers and no national ID card that causes this illegals problem. Not to mention the NeverEnding GOP War on Drugs and the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression that turn their home countries into shitholes. Not only are you scumbag Republicans and dupes Wrecking America and the middle class, but also the rest of the world. Only your imaginary GOP propaganda world makes it possible, super duper.

Haha...excuses, excuses....Meanwhile Blacks and Wetbacks will continue voting themselves to the pathway of filth, criminality, poverty and despair...Plain fucking weird!
your idea that they are voting illegally is just as stupid as all the rest of your dumbass propaganda, super duper. There is no evidence for illegals voting, just like all the hundreds of phony scandals that you still believe.

Who said anything about the illegals voting?… Anybody sane knows an anchor baby voting is the same as an illegal voting… They’ll both vote their self to the plantation.
Wow, so you think you know because of what you hear and read in the news. And what news sources do you listen to and read?

All of them actually. I very often check Google news which is pretty left leaning.

Then it's a matter of simple deduction:

If you are living in such a terrible place, WTF did you have children?

If you know you don't qualify for asylum, why did you come here?

If you cared so much about these children, why did you subject them to kidnapping, rape, and human trafficking?

If you are a younger male, why did you come here instead of organizing a resistance and trying to make your country livable by fighting the government?

If your real intent is to escape oppression, why did you refuse to accept asylum and employment in Mexico?

It's actually pretty much common sense really. You don't need to know any of these people to come to a reasonable conclusion.
What fits into your logical process is not the same as everybody else. If you want to better understand others then expose yourself to them and learn. Google news isn’t going to teach you shit

Well one day when I have time I'll use my precocious vacation to head south and talk to them personally.....okay?

But in the meantime, I'll vote for any candidate that is willing to take a tough stance on immigration, especially one who is for a total closure of our southern border. They are ruining this country and forcing us to turn bilingual at the same time. They will be empowering the Democrats to the point of destroying our two-party system. If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary

So you would be happy with a single-party government? Because that's what you're supporting.
No, I don’t like any party. I think candidates should run on individual issues not a party platform. I think the financing and fundraising needs reform as it’s the source of corruption. Parties were needed back in the day before there was TV radio internet and instant access to information. But we have all that now so we need to reform our campaign system
What fits into your logical process is not the same as everybody else. If you want to better understand others then expose yourself to them and learn. Google news isn’t going to teach you shit

Well one day when I have time I'll use my precocious vacation to head south and talk to them personally.....okay?

But in the meantime, I'll vote for any candidate that is willing to take a tough stance on immigration, especially one who is for a total closure of our southern border. They are ruining this country and forcing us to turn bilingual at the same time. They will be empowering the Democrats to the point of destroying our two-party system. If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary

LefTard Logic:
“I hate those pesky things that made America the greatest country on the planet...I like to change things that work perfectly.”
What exactly about the party system do you think made America the greatest country on the planet?

Like almost everything else that matters in this nation, the workings of government was born within the Bill Of didn’t know this?
So what’s your point and what does it have to do with this conversation?
I make a motion for California to Insist on their sovereign right to have their federal problems solved by the general Government of the Union.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. Upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure is more cost effective and market friendly.

We should not be losing general welfare monies on border policy when it could be used by the States for the general welfare.
Well one day when I have time I'll use my precocious vacation to head south and talk to them personally.....okay?

But in the meantime, I'll vote for any candidate that is willing to take a tough stance on immigration, especially one who is for a total closure of our southern border. They are ruining this country and forcing us to turn bilingual at the same time. They will be empowering the Democrats to the point of destroying our two-party system. If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary

LefTard Logic:
“I hate those pesky things that made America the greatest country on the planet...I like to change things that work perfectly.”
What exactly about the party system do you think made America the greatest country on the planet?

Like almost everything else that matters in this nation, the workings of government was born within the Bill Of didn’t know this?
So what’s your point and what does it have to do with this conversation?

Just pointing out the Lefts ideals for the future of America that’s all. It’s just more of the same.
“The Constitution is archaic” because it won’t allow the U.S. to digress fast enough at the hands of self proclaimed Progressives.
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary

LefTard Logic:
“I hate those pesky things that made America the greatest country on the planet...I like to change things that work perfectly.”
What exactly about the party system do you think made America the greatest country on the planet?

Like almost everything else that matters in this nation, the workings of government was born within the Bill Of didn’t know this?
So what’s your point and what does it have to do with this conversation?

Just pointing out the Lefts ideals for the future of America that’s all. It’s just more of the same.
“The Constitution is archaic” because it won’t allow the U.S. to digress fast enough at the hands of self proclaimed Progressives.
You first have to understand your opponents ideals to point things out. You don’t display an accurate understanding so nothing you say can be taken seriously.

So that comment you made didn’t have anything to do with my statement?
LefTard Logic:
“I hate those pesky things that made America the greatest country on the planet...I like to change things that work perfectly.”
What exactly about the party system do you think made America the greatest country on the planet?

Like almost everything else that matters in this nation, the workings of government was born within the Bill Of didn’t know this?
So what’s your point and what does it have to do with this conversation?

Just pointing out the Lefts ideals for the future of America that’s all. It’s just more of the same.
“The Constitution is archaic” because it won’t allow the U.S. to digress fast enough at the hands of self proclaimed Progressives.
You first have to understand your opponents ideals to point things out. You don’t display an accurate understanding so nothing you say can be taken seriously.

So that comment you made didn’t have anything to do with my statement?

I’m thinking you might need to do a better job at articulating your position on these matters… It’s awfully strange that we keep misunderstanding where you stand.
He'll most likely receive the California death penalty, which means he'll never be executed.

Hopefully, some patriotic Hells Angel will shiv him and save the state the trouble.
All of them actually. I very often check Google news which is pretty left leaning.

Then it's a matter of simple deduction:

If you are living in such a terrible place, WTF did you have children?

If you know you don't qualify for asylum, why did you come here?

If you cared so much about these children, why did you subject them to kidnapping, rape, and human trafficking?

If you are a younger male, why did you come here instead of organizing a resistance and trying to make your country livable by fighting the government?

If your real intent is to escape oppression, why did you refuse to accept asylum and employment in Mexico?

It's actually pretty much common sense really. You don't need to know any of these people to come to a reasonable conclusion.
What fits into your logical process is not the same as everybody else. If you want to better understand others then expose yourself to them and learn. Google news isn’t going to teach you shit

Well one day when I have time I'll use my precocious vacation to head south and talk to them personally.....okay?

But in the meantime, I'll vote for any candidate that is willing to take a tough stance on immigration, especially one who is for a total closure of our southern border. They are ruining this country and forcing us to turn bilingual at the same time. They will be empowering the Democrats to the point of destroying our two-party system. If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary

So you would be happy with a single-party government? Because that's what you're supporting.
No, I don’t like any party. I think candidates should run on individual issues not a party platform. I think the financing and fundraising needs reform as it’s the source of corruption. Parties were needed back in the day before there was TV radio internet and instant access to information. But we have all that now so we need to reform our campaign system

What I'm telling you is that the Democrat party is trying to wipe out that system and take over the country entirely, so you won't even have two parties any longer. You'll have one party to vote on and that's it.
What exactly about the party system do you think made America the greatest country on the planet?

Like almost everything else that matters in this nation, the workings of government was born within the Bill Of didn’t know this?
So what’s your point and what does it have to do with this conversation?

Just pointing out the Lefts ideals for the future of America that’s all. It’s just more of the same.
“The Constitution is archaic” because it won’t allow the U.S. to digress fast enough at the hands of self proclaimed Progressives.
You first have to understand your opponents ideals to point things out. You don’t display an accurate understanding so nothing you say can be taken seriously.

So that comment you made didn’t have anything to do with my statement?

I’m thinking you might need to do a better job at articulating your position on these matters… It’s awfully strange that we keep misunderstanding where you stand.
Well I wrote pretty simple statements then you immediately regurgitate them with inaccurate spin so it’s pretty obvious where the source of confusion is coming from. I’ve called you on it more times than I care to count
What fits into your logical process is not the same as everybody else. If you want to better understand others then expose yourself to them and learn. Google news isn’t going to teach you shit

Well one day when I have time I'll use my precocious vacation to head south and talk to them personally.....okay?

But in the meantime, I'll vote for any candidate that is willing to take a tough stance on immigration, especially one who is for a total closure of our southern border. They are ruining this country and forcing us to turn bilingual at the same time. They will be empowering the Democrats to the point of destroying our two-party system. If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary

So you would be happy with a single-party government? Because that's what you're supporting.
No, I don’t like any party. I think candidates should run on individual issues not a party platform. I think the financing and fundraising needs reform as it’s the source of corruption. Parties were needed back in the day before there was TV radio internet and instant access to information. But we have all that now so we need to reform our campaign system

What I'm telling you is that the Democrat party is trying to wipe out that system and take over the country entirely, so you won't even have two parties any longer. You'll have one party to vote on and that's it.
Well if that’s true it is even more reason to abolish the power of the parties. The liberal, conservative and progressive ideologies should all be able to mesh together not be at war with each other. The current party system just promotes corruption and combativeness. They should all go
Like almost everything else that matters in this nation, the workings of government was born within the Bill Of didn’t know this?
So what’s your point and what does it have to do with this conversation?

Just pointing out the Lefts ideals for the future of America that’s all. It’s just more of the same.
“The Constitution is archaic” because it won’t allow the U.S. to digress fast enough at the hands of self proclaimed Progressives.
You first have to understand your opponents ideals to point things out. You don’t display an accurate understanding so nothing you say can be taken seriously.

So that comment you made didn’t have anything to do with my statement?

I’m thinking you might need to do a better job at articulating your position on these matters… It’s awfully strange that we keep misunderstanding where you stand.
Well I wrote pretty simple statements then you immediately regurgitate them with inaccurate spin so it’s pretty obvious where the source of confusion is coming from. I’ve called you on it more times than I care to count

Wow..okay, let’s dumb this way down and recap.
You said you believed that anyone who wanted to work hard should be allowed to enter the U.S. and give it a go....but you say we shouldn’t have an open border. Think about that for a second.
Then you said the workings of our democracy are archaic and should be changed...I said the workings of government are born within the Bill Of Rights and implied you, like most Lefties hate the fundamental structure and laws of this nation...the very things which made this nation great.
Last edited:
Well one day when I have time I'll use my precocious vacation to head south and talk to them personally.....okay?

But in the meantime, I'll vote for any candidate that is willing to take a tough stance on immigration, especially one who is for a total closure of our southern border. They are ruining this country and forcing us to turn bilingual at the same time. They will be empowering the Democrats to the point of destroying our two-party system. If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary

So you would be happy with a single-party government? Because that's what you're supporting.
No, I don’t like any party. I think candidates should run on individual issues not a party platform. I think the financing and fundraising needs reform as it’s the source of corruption. Parties were needed back in the day before there was TV radio internet and instant access to information. But we have all that now so we need to reform our campaign system

What I'm telling you is that the Democrat party is trying to wipe out that system and take over the country entirely, so you won't even have two parties any longer. You'll have one party to vote on and that's it.
Well if that’s true it is even more reason to abolish the power of the parties. The liberal, conservative and progressive ideologies should all be able to mesh together not be at war with each other. The current party system just promotes corruption and combativeness. They should all go

No, if you want to avoid it, quit sticking up for illegals. Why do you suppose Democrats want all these people here? If you want to stop our demise, you need to vote Republican.
So what’s your point and what does it have to do with this conversation?

Just pointing out the Lefts ideals for the future of America that’s all. It’s just more of the same.
“The Constitution is archaic” because it won’t allow the U.S. to digress fast enough at the hands of self proclaimed Progressives.
You first have to understand your opponents ideals to point things out. You don’t display an accurate understanding so nothing you say can be taken seriously.

So that comment you made didn’t have anything to do with my statement?

I’m thinking you might need to do a better job at articulating your position on these matters… It’s awfully strange that we keep misunderstanding where you stand.
Well I wrote pretty simple statements then you immediately regurgitate them with inaccurate spin so it’s pretty obvious where the source of confusion is coming from. I’ve called you on it more times than I care to count

Wow..okay, let’s dumb this way down and recap.
You said you believed that anyone who wanted to work hard should be allowed to enter the U.S. and give it a go....but you say we shouldn’t have an open border. Think about that for a second.
Then you said the workings of our democracy are archaic and should be changed...I said the workings of government are born within the Bill Of Rights and implied you, like most Lefties hate the fundamental structure and laws of this nation...the very things which made this nation great.
See you are doing it again so I guess I should be the one dumbing it down.

I said anybody who wants to come here and work hard should get the opportunity. I also said I support border security so those people who come here do so through a process where they are screened and registered. Let that soak in. It is quite different than open borders.

Regarding the party system, if you think that represents the fundamental workings of our government then fine, but I don’t think it has anything to do with it. It was a fine idea back in the horse and buggy days but is nothing more than a source of corruption in today’s world.

You can debate me on the merits of my arguement but when you fail to do so and simply try to spin it like I’m a libtard who hates the laws and structure of our government, then you just show your cards... and you got nothing
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary

So you would be happy with a single-party government? Because that's what you're supporting.
No, I don’t like any party. I think candidates should run on individual issues not a party platform. I think the financing and fundraising needs reform as it’s the source of corruption. Parties were needed back in the day before there was TV radio internet and instant access to information. But we have all that now so we need to reform our campaign system

What I'm telling you is that the Democrat party is trying to wipe out that system and take over the country entirely, so you won't even have two parties any longer. You'll have one party to vote on and that's it.
Well if that’s true it is even more reason to abolish the power of the parties. The liberal, conservative and progressive ideologies should all be able to mesh together not be at war with each other. The current party system just promotes corruption and combativeness. They should all go

No, if you want to avoid it, quit sticking up for illegals. Why do you suppose Democrats want all these people here? If you want to stop our demise, you need to vote Republican.
I think many people support immigrants because they want to help those in need and share the wealth that we are so fortunate to enjoy.

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