Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

Stats before and after installing barriers............from the CBP

There is no express wall building power. We subscribe to Capitalism. We should be making money not losing and alleging we need a wall.

Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause.

We don't have any immigration clause.

This is the express law: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,

Sloth in the faithful execution of our own laws should not be tolerated by Government agencies.
francoHFW said:
I suppose you also believe there are 50 million of them, super the way the Heritage foundation is totally full of s*** just like Rush Limbaugh and Sean hannity and fox etc etc.
This Is The Cost Of Illegal Immigrants
On State Budgets Alone:

View attachment 237497

Illegals Take Jobs From Americans
They Depress Wages
They Import Formerly Forgotten Diseases And Infestations
They Put Hospitals Out Of Business
All This And More
Capitalism doesn't care about social status, why do you, right wingers?
Yet we have American citizens that are homeless, starving kids, etc. So what the hell, let's let in more.
We have a surplus is open jobs in this country and agg fields that are closing down because they can’t get enough workers to harvest their crops. If we focused on how to best utilize a growing workforce instead of how to kick millions of people out of our country then we could do great things. But we aren’t even talking about that. It’s a shame

So with that logic we should let criminals out of jail.

I never said that and don’t see how that fits with my logic

For some reason you can't comprehend Illegal's are criminals.

What kind of criminal? Like a jaywalker? A trespasser? A murderer?

Not even a jaywalker unfortunately. If I go into a business and the owner wants me to leave for some reason and I don't, he calls the cops and I get arrested for trespassing. An illegal comes here and can make themselves at home against our wishes thanks to Democrats and their sanctuary cities.
francoHFW said:
I suppose you also believe there are 50 million of them, super the way the Heritage foundation is totally full of s*** just like Rush Limbaugh and Sean hannity and fox etc etc.
This Is The Cost Of Illegal Immigrants
On State Budgets Alone:

View attachment 237497

Illegals Take Jobs From Americans
They Depress Wages
They Import Formerly Forgotten Diseases And Infestations
They Put Hospitals Out Of Business
All This And More
Capitalism doesn't care about social status, why do you, right wingers?

Where was social status mentioned? It was legal status moron.
I shouldn't but you should?

Most don't qualify for asylum. They can apply for a Green Card or citizenship, but they are too lazy to wait in line behind everybody else. They just want a free pass to America anyway they can get it. They are no different than our welfare queens here in the US.
Wow ray, you seem to have such insight on how they think. Exactly how many do you know personally? Just curious

Not any. What does that have to do with anything? I can read the news you know.......
Wow, so you think you know because of what you hear and read in the news. And what news sources do you listen to and read?

All of them actually. I very often check Google news which is pretty left leaning.

Then it's a matter of simple deduction:

If you are living in such a terrible place, WTF did you have children?

If you know you don't qualify for asylum, why did you come here?

If you cared so much about these children, why did you subject them to kidnapping, rape, and human trafficking?

If you are a younger male, why did you come here instead of organizing a resistance and trying to make your country livable by fighting the government?

If your real intent is to escape oppression, why did you refuse to accept asylum and employment in Mexico?

It's actually pretty much common sense really. You don't need to know any of these people to come to a reasonable conclusion.
What fits into your logical process is not the same as everybody else. If you want to better understand others then expose yourself to them and learn. Google news isn’t going to teach you shit

Well one day when I have time I'll use my precocious vacation to head south and talk to them personally.....okay?

But in the meantime, I'll vote for any candidate that is willing to take a tough stance on immigration, especially one who is for a total closure of our southern border. They are ruining this country and forcing us to turn bilingual at the same time. They will be empowering the Democrats to the point of destroying our two-party system. If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
francoHFW said:
I suppose you also believe there are 50 million of them, super the way the Heritage foundation is totally full of s*** just like Rush Limbaugh and Sean hannity and fox etc etc.
This Is The Cost Of Illegal Immigrants
On State Budgets Alone:

View attachment 237497

Illegals Take Jobs From Americans
They Depress Wages
They Import Formerly Forgotten Diseases And Infestations
They Put Hospitals Out Of Business
All This And More
Capitalism doesn't care about social status, why do you, right wingers?

Where was social status mentioned? It was legal status moron.
the law is socialism not capitalism. it merely requires capital under capitalism.
saveliberty said:
Where was social status mentioned? It was legal status moron.
Their Brains Are Wired To Interpret And Translate
They Do It All The Time
You Can See It In How Their News Is Presented Too
What exactly do you think I’m doing other than expressing my opinion?

I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

The deal is you’re circle talking bud and everybody sees it but you. Here, read this and listen to how foolish this sounds.

“I swear I don’t want ‘open borders’, I just want to dissolve ICE, I want a pathway to citizenship for the 29 million here illegally now, I want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and I want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....I swear, I don’t want open borders.”
Wtf are you talking about? I never said half those things. If you have to make up fake quotes to win an arguement then that’s pretty weak. You have a hard enough time accurately understanding the simple statements that I make. But who do you think you’re foolinng when you fabricate and distort the things I say? You have a problem. I’d work on it if I were you
Everyone respectable says 12 million.pass the goddamn national ID card like every other smart country, but doesn't have a stupid GOP involved..
like i have been telling your dumbass franco.....that wont work in S.Cal.....your lefty buddies the advocates will call you a racist.....
B*******. You talking about voter ID.
i have never mentioned a voter ID card to you, im talking about your national ID card....
The deal is you’re circle talking bud and everybody sees it but you. Here, read this and listen to how foolish this sounds.

“I swear I don’t want ‘open borders’, I just want to dissolve ICE, I want a pathway to citizenship for the 29 million here illegally now, I want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and I want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....I swear, I don’t want open borders.”
Wtf are you talking about? I never said half those things. If you have to make up fake quotes to win an arguement then that’s pretty weak. You have a hard enough time accurately understanding the simple statements that I make. But who do you think you’re foolinng when you fabricate and distort the things I say? You have a problem. I’d work on it if I were you
Everyone respectable says 12 million.pass the goddamn national ID card like every other smart country, but doesn't have a stupid GOP involved..
like i have been telling your dumbass franco.....that wont work in S.Cal.....your lefty buddies the advocates will call you a racist.....
B*******. You talking about voter ID.
Going to be a Las Vegas raiders fan?
no....never liked them in California wont care for them here....i do hope they change their name....
The deal is you’re circle talking bud and everybody sees it but you. Here, read this and listen to how foolish this sounds.

“I swear I don’t want ‘open borders’, I just want to dissolve ICE, I want a pathway to citizenship for the 29 million here illegally now, I want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and I want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....I swear, I don’t want open borders.”
Wtf are you talking about? I never said half those things. If you have to make up fake quotes to win an arguement then that’s pretty weak. You have a hard enough time accurately understanding the simple statements that I make. But who do you think you’re foolinng when you fabricate and distort the things I say? You have a problem. I’d work on it if I were you
Everyone respectable says 12 million.pass the goddamn national ID card like every other smart country, but doesn't have a stupid GOP involved..
like i have been telling your dumbass franco.....that wont work in S.Cal.....your lefty buddies the advocates will call you a racist.....
B*******. You talking about voter ID.
i have never mentioned a voter ID card to you, im talking about your national ID card....

He's lost in space that guy. Like an illegal who wants to have an anchor baby here will be stopped by a National ID card, or a foreigner wanting to work under the table, or a drug dealer will be stopped by some stupid ID card, or nobody will manufacture bootleg ID cards and sell them for big bucks.

You can always tell a Democrat solution by how ineffective it is.
Wtf are you talking about? I never said half those things. If you have to make up fake quotes to win an arguement then that’s pretty weak. You have a hard enough time accurately understanding the simple statements that I make. But who do you think you’re foolinng when you fabricate and distort the things I say? You have a problem. I’d work on it if I were you
Everyone respectable says 12 million.pass the goddamn national ID card like every other smart country, but doesn't have a stupid GOP involved..
like i have been telling your dumbass franco.....that wont work in S.Cal.....your lefty buddies the advocates will call you a racist.....
B*******. You talking about voter ID.
i have never mentioned a voter ID card to you, im talking about your national ID card....

He's lost in space that guy. Like an illegal who wants to have an anchor baby here will be stopped by a National ID card, or a foreigner wanting to work under the table, or a drug dealer will be stopped by some stupid ID card, or nobody will manufacture bootleg ID cards and sell them for big bucks.

You can always tell a Democrat solution by how ineffective it is.
well in S.Cal the minute you start separating the illegals from the legit citizens,the racist flags will start flying...
Ray From Cleveland said:
If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
Their Forebears Had The Gumption To Pack It Up
And Get Out Of Europe For A Better Place
Here They Are Knifing Their Ancestors In The Gut

They Don't Know What Their Goals Are Anymore
It's De-Construction For De-Construction's Own Sake
A Cycle That Will Never End
Un-Happiness, Strife, And Mental Illness Is All They Bring
Some on the left are considering legal action arising from States Rights. Entry into the Union is a federal obligation since 1808. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. for Government purposes. We should have no illegal problem or be losing money on border policy.

States have no Constitutional basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the national socialist Right Wing.
Says The Up-Coming "Democratic Socialists"
Making America Today
The Europe Of The 1920's

It's Demonic And Diabolical
Masquerading As 'Fairness' And 'Equality'
You Can't See Yourself While Staring In The Mirror

And None Of You Have Any Idea Where You're Taking Yourselves
Which Wouldn't Bother Me
Except You Require We All Go With You
We have a surplus is open jobs in this country and agg fields that are closing down because they can’t get enough workers to harvest their crops. If we focused on how to best utilize a growing workforce instead of how to kick millions of people out of our country then we could do great things. But we aren’t even talking about that. It’s a shame

So with that logic we should let criminals out of jail.

I never said that and don’t see how that fits with my logic

For some reason you can't comprehend Illegal's are criminals.

What kind of criminal? Like a jaywalker? A trespasser? A murderer?

Not even a jaywalker unfortunately. If I go into a business and the owner wants me to leave for some reason and I don't, he calls the cops and I get arrested for trespassing. An illegal comes here and can make themselves at home against our wishes thanks to Democrats and their sanctuary cities.
What’s the penalty for trespassing?
Everyone respectable says 12 million.pass the goddamn national ID card like every other smart country, but doesn't have a stupid GOP involved..
like i have been telling your dumbass franco.....that wont work in S.Cal.....your lefty buddies the advocates will call you a racist.....
B*******. You talking about voter ID.
i have never mentioned a voter ID card to you, im talking about your national ID card....

He's lost in space that guy. Like an illegal who wants to have an anchor baby here will be stopped by a National ID card, or a foreigner wanting to work under the table, or a drug dealer will be stopped by some stupid ID card, or nobody will manufacture bootleg ID cards and sell them for big bucks.

You can always tell a Democrat solution by how ineffective it is.
well in S.Cal the minute you start separating the illegals from the legit citizens,the racist flags will start flying...
Funny how the ID card works in every other country where they use it. Computer chips and strict enforcement will work. The amnesty part of the operation will do away with the racist problem. Phil Simms says Josh Allen is must watch TV LOL. And he is right too...
Wow ray, you seem to have such insight on how they think. Exactly how many do you know personally? Just curious

Not any. What does that have to do with anything? I can read the news you know.......
Wow, so you think you know because of what you hear and read in the news. And what news sources do you listen to and read?

All of them actually. I very often check Google news which is pretty left leaning.

Then it's a matter of simple deduction:

If you are living in such a terrible place, WTF did you have children?

If you know you don't qualify for asylum, why did you come here?

If you cared so much about these children, why did you subject them to kidnapping, rape, and human trafficking?

If you are a younger male, why did you come here instead of organizing a resistance and trying to make your country livable by fighting the government?

If your real intent is to escape oppression, why did you refuse to accept asylum and employment in Mexico?

It's actually pretty much common sense really. You don't need to know any of these people to come to a reasonable conclusion.
What fits into your logical process is not the same as everybody else. If you want to better understand others then expose yourself to them and learn. Google news isn’t going to teach you shit

Well one day when I have time I'll use my precocious vacation to head south and talk to them personally.....okay?

But in the meantime, I'll vote for any candidate that is willing to take a tough stance on immigration, especially one who is for a total closure of our southern border. They are ruining this country and forcing us to turn bilingual at the same time. They will be empowering the Democrats to the point of destroying our two-party system. If we don't stop this now, this country will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
I’d be happy to see the party system blown to pieces. It’s archaic and unnecessary
So with that logic we should let criminals out of jail.

I never said that and don’t see how that fits with my logic

For some reason you can't comprehend Illegal's are criminals.

What kind of criminal? Like a jaywalker? A trespasser? A murderer?

Not even a jaywalker unfortunately. If I go into a business and the owner wants me to leave for some reason and I don't, he calls the cops and I get arrested for trespassing. An illegal comes here and can make themselves at home against our wishes thanks to Democrats and their sanctuary cities.
What’s the penalty for trespassing?

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