Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
I would think people on the right who are attacking LE would celebrate this
We Know For A Fact
BLM And Kaepernick "Celebrate" It

Other countries have ID cards and don't have illegal workers, super duper.

Yes, and our States have ID cards. Just like countries in the EU.

Cross over into Mexico and see how quickly you can get a job.

What country is greater than ours such that people are flocking by the millions to enter that country?
All our documentation at the moment can be faked easily. Social security cards $20

Everything can be faked

Other countries have ID cards and don't have illegal workers, super duper.

Yes, and our States have ID cards. Just like countries in the EU.

Cross over into Mexico and see how quickly you can get a job.

What country is greater than ours such that people are flocking by the millions to enter that country?
All our documentation at the moment can be faked easily. Social security cards $20

Everything can be faked

Including love of country and patriotism
francoHFW said:
I suppose you also believe there are 50 million of them, super the way the Heritage foundation is totally full of s*** just like Rush Limbaugh and Sean hannity and fox etc etc.
This Is The Cost Of Illegal Immigrants
On State Budgets Alone:

View attachment 237497

Illegals Take Jobs From Americans
They Depress Wages
They Import Formerly Forgotten Diseases And Infestations
They Put Hospitals Out Of Business
All This And More
That map and your figures are total garbage propaganda. What are they talking about, the kids going to school? Medical Care. They work like crazy 94% of adults illegal males works, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. And don't ask for the benefits. I don't care pass the ID card and end illegal immigration. And you're going to have to give amnesty to most. 90% or something. C'est la vie

Your own ACLU is against it super dupe.

What requirements are you talking about?

U.S. Immigration Law

First they have to obtain a green card. That requires proof they will not be a welfare mooching public charge. Public charge refers to becoming dependent upon the government for the expenses of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) Second they must show proof of medical examinations and vaccinations that proves they are in good health.

That's just for a green card. After 5 years on a green card then they can apply for citizenship and get back in another line. That will require being able to read, write, speak English. Understanding of U.S. history and government. No serious crimes committed.
Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

So what you are saying is shoplifting should be legalized. 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the past 5 years, its a crime, but because 10 million did it they should get a pass.
I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

I'll make it simple for you, another American was killed by an illegal and its YOUR fault his kid will grow up without a father.
Well this is where I stop taking you seriously.
U.S. Immigration Law

First they have to obtain a green card. That requires proof they will not be a welfare mooching public charge. Public charge refers to becoming dependent upon the government for the expenses of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) Second they must show proof of medical examinations and vaccinations that proves they are in good health.

That's just for a green card. After 5 years on a green card then they can apply for citizenship and get back in another line. That will require being able to read, write, speak English. Understanding of U.S. history and government. No serious crimes committed.
Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

So what you are saying is shoplifting should be legalized. 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the past 5 years, its a crime, but because 10 million did it they should get a pass.
I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

I'll make it simple for you, another American was killed by an illegal and its YOUR fault his kid will grow up without a father.
Well this is where I stop taking you seriously.

Go pal around with your fellow traitors and BFF illegals.
And you think that will take care of the problem?

It certainly is helping. When this caravan was half-way to the US, it was reported that other caravans were in the forming and won't be far behind them. Where did they go? Why are those new caravans not being reported?

I'll tell you why: because they are coming to the realization that we finally have a President that's not a push-over. If they did start a caravan, it was disassembled. They said to hell with it. If we can't sneak into the US, then we will just live where we have always lived. It's not worth our time trying.

Haha, that’s funny. Each president had to deal with caravans and mass immigration. Two years in Trump got his and it seemed to be larger than ones in the past. I don’t think Trump scared them too bad

That's because they expected the MSM to scare Trump and the Republicans into a corner. The first time it worked which is why there is a second time. More than likely, there won't be a third now that they know the Kenyan King is no longer in charge.
If another one comes I’m sure you’ll find some way to blame the Dems.

Maybe. The Congress will now be controlled by the Dems. If they give these vagrants hope, it may be the case.

We can't discount liberal activist judges either; you know, the kind that stopped Trump's totally legal travel ban?
And there it is! Nice
U.S. Immigration Law

First they have to obtain a green card. That requires proof they will not be a welfare mooching public charge. Public charge refers to becoming dependent upon the government for the expenses of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) Second they must show proof of medical examinations and vaccinations that proves they are in good health.

That's just for a green card. After 5 years on a green card then they can apply for citizenship and get back in another line. That will require being able to read, write, speak English. Understanding of U.S. history and government. No serious crimes committed.
Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

So what you are saying is shoplifting should be legalized. 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the past 5 years, its a crime, but because 10 million did it they should get a pass.
I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

I'll make it simple for you, another American was killed by an illegal and its YOUR fault his kid will grow up without a father.
Well this is where I stop taking you seriously.
Remember he is brainwashed and can't help himself.
No I wouldn’t find it odd. There will always be sympathetic people out there that want to help people who are poor, troubled, desperate, addicts or mentally disturbed. There will also be hardasses that want to inflict strict punishment as a means of dealing with law breaking.

I think it is a healthy debate and contrast to have. If either side had its way 100% then I think we would be heading down a bad path.

Only problem is just about all the sympathetic people want to help others with money that doesn't belong to them.
That could be said about any tax funded initiative. And there will always be people who oppose spending tax payer funds around any issue

Yet we have American citizens that are homeless, starving kids, etc. So what the hell, let's let in more.
We have a surplus is open jobs in this country and agg fields that are closing down because they can’t get enough workers to harvest their crops. If we focused on how to best utilize a growing workforce instead of how to kick millions of people out of our country then we could do great things. But we aren’t even talking about that. It’s a shame

So with that logic we should let criminals out of jail.

I never said that and don’t see how that fits with my logic
Got it, except for to deal with 10s of millions of people and families who have been living and working here for years, a new system is going to have been formed. Arranging a mass exodus is not realistic.

So what you are saying is shoplifting should be legalized. 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the past 5 years, its a crime, but because 10 million did it they should get a pass.
I never said a word about shoplifting. Why is it so difficult for you to understand what I say? You keep making these incorrect interpretations of my statements. What’s the deal here?

I'll make it simple for you, another American was killed by an illegal and its YOUR fault his kid will grow up without a father.
Well this is where I stop taking you seriously.
Remember he is brainwashed and can't help himself.

I see you got your internet privileges back at Bellevue mental hospital. So are you BFF's with illegals or do you side with American citizens?

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