Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

Mr Ray who I was having this discussion with has been promoting the idea of closed borders.

So, all that whining about ONE PERSON? :D
I dont know what you thought was whining but I was having a conversation that you jumped in the middle of. You are welcome to join but instead of trying to make me into the jackass why aren’t you calling Ray a jackass for having the closed borders agenda?
Mr Ray who I was having this discussion with has been promoting the idea of closed borders.

So, all that whining about ONE PERSON? :D
I dont know what you thought was whining but I was having a conversation that you jumped in the middle of. You are welcome to join but instead of trying to make me into the jackass why aren’t you calling Ray a jackass for having the closed borders agenda?

Because maybe we feel other people on our side are allowed to have different opinions?

Yes, I am for closed borders; at least until the people we have now assimilate into the United States. That's not happening because we have way too many people from one area of the world here at one time. They are changing our country. Bringing in more will only make it worse.
There’s no corner when you put words in my mouth and argue against that instead of the things I actually say. If that’s what you need to do to feel like you won an argument then fine but that’s pretty pathetic.

I never said we need more people here. I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself. Please read slower and stop misrepresenting my arguments

[My highlight above]

How practical is that fantasy of yours! Oh, that's right, practicality is not a word in a Progressives vocabulary.


Gallup released some new data this week on migration, for which they asked people from 154 countries if they would like to migrate, and if so where to. The United States was by far the most popular destination; Gallup estimates that 138 million people would like to relocate there. The United Kingdom was the second-most popular, with 42 million potential migrants, followed by Canada, France and Saudi Arabia.

A revealing map of who wants to move to the U.S.
It’s very practical if a pathway is opened people will follow it

Yeah, about two billion people. Then what?
That's fine but it's not income tax. By "moving them into the system" you mean reward them for coming here and breaking our laws. I'm not behind that. If anything, they should be punished for breaking our laws like any American. Imagine what our highways would be like to travel if when people got speeding tickets and went to court, the city gave them $200.00 for showing up.
That’s a bullshit statement that entirely depends on perspective. Is a jaywalker who gets a ticket being rewarded because they weren’t taken to jail? Is a kid who cuts in line at an amusement park rewarded for being sent to the back of the line instead of being kicked out of the park? No, they are both received fair punishments for breaking the rules

You might think that it is a reward if they aren’t deported but there are other ways to hold them accountable for trying to skip the system

What you said is take all these law breakers and get them into the system and continue to let them live here. Yes, I call that a reward.
Give them community service or take away their opportunity to become citizens... apply a penalty but do something because bitching and pushing for mass deportation is not going to ever happen. Time for solutions

You don't need mass deportation. Throw them out one at a time if necessary. Don't worry, if the word gets around, the rest will leave on their own.
I don’t see that working or even having a chance of being initiated.

Not with Democrats constantly crying and it won't.
How do they bankrupt our country? And if they are in the system then they pay taxes.

Still denying facts? Huge surprise!


The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens.

Counting citizens in the Cost of illegals, ambiguates the numbers.

And, we don't have an Immigration clause we have an Establishment clause for naturalization. it is not an option.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video

They don't give a shit what illegals do once they are here. It's all about votes and gaining power and the left will use people any way they need to in order to win.

Not one of the Dem leaders had anything to say about the death of yet another cop. They've ignored the thousands of people killed by illegals. They had plenty to say about a little boy dying after he and his father were apprehended sneaking through the border. It was not the fault of our authorities. The boy had an infection that went septic, one he likely contracted during the long trip here and even though they sought medical help as soon as they knew there was a problem, it was too late. Yet, CNN is treating it like the crime of the century.

Meanwhile, illegals rape, murder, assault, rob and steal people's property and identities and the left shrugs it off as no big deal.

They need illegals because not enough American citizens stand behind them and their radical agenda. They need more uninformed voters who will trade freedom and liberty for freebies. People who don't belong in this country are helping to destroy this country.

California allows them to vote, no questions asked. It's been reported by poll workers that many voted more than once and no one was expected to even fill out a form. If they walked in, they were handed a ballot.

Illegals also get counted in the census, which is why Dems want millions of them in their districts. It allows them more electoral votes. People like Hillary win popular votes, thanks to the estimated 22 million illegals here. Just one area in California, which is heavily populated with illegals, would have handed her the election. No wonder the left hates electoral voting. It allows a voice to the minority states. They only want rights for their supporters and screw everyone else.

So, don't expect any of them to cry over citizens being murdered or any of the other crimes that make victims of citizens. All that matters is votes and getting back power.

The Dems don't care about safety or welfare of people. They are using people to get what they want and it's as simple as that.

we don't have an express wall building clause.
My statement was assuming we fix our broken system and get the illegal and incoming migrant population registered in the system. Of course with millions living under the radar and getting paid cash and not contributing like other workers there is going to be a deficit.

Not sure what part of the country you live in, but here in California we have plenty of Americans that are quite content living on welfare, with minimal contribution. No reason to feel illegals don't feel the same way.
I grew up in California and still live here much of the year. Also have a place in Austin tx that I spend time at... part of reforming the system is accounting for welfare benefits and the standards used to qualify. But if people are here and working then it is a positive for our economy and country

Yikes, sounds like you have the 100 year reforming the system plan. That's a huge IF having people work, considering how many don't work now. And with our glorious new governor wanting free healthcare for everybody and anybody, I can't really see people legal or illegal getting motivated.
There needs to be some qualifications for immigrants as we can’t afford to support all the sick people in the world. Gotta start with our people and go from there

I'm sure Gavin Newsom will have some qualifications....anybody that can sign their name.
My statement was assuming we fix our broken system and get the illegal and incoming migrant population registered in the system. Of course with millions living under the radar and getting paid cash and not contributing like other workers there is going to be a deficit.

Not sure what part of the country you live in, but here in California we have plenty of Americans that are quite content living on welfare, with minimal contribution. No reason to feel illegals don't feel the same way.
I grew up in California and still live here much of the year. Also have a place in Austin tx that I spend time at... part of reforming the system is accounting for welfare benefits and the standards used to qualify. But if people are here and working then it is a positive for our economy and country

Yikes, sounds like you have the 100 year reforming the system plan. That's a huge IF having people work, considering how many don't work now. And with our glorious new governor wanting free healthcare for everybody and anybody, I can't really see people legal or illegal getting motivated.
There needs to be some qualifications for immigrants as we can’t afford to support all the sick people in the world. Gotta start with our people and go from there
The right wing is the holdup on healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yup, someone has to limit the stupidity.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video

They don't give a shit what illegals do once they are here. It's all about votes and gaining power and the left will use people any way they need to in order to win.

Not one of the Dem leaders had anything to say about the death of yet another cop. They've ignored the thousands of people killed by illegals. They had plenty to say about a little boy dying after he and his father were apprehended sneaking through the border. It was not the fault of our authorities. The boy had an infection that went septic, one he likely contracted during the long trip here and even though they sought medical help as soon as they knew there was a problem, it was too late. Yet, CNN is treating it like the crime of the century.

Meanwhile, illegals rape, murder, assault, rob and steal people's property and identities and the left shrugs it off as no big deal.

They need illegals because not enough American citizens stand behind them and their radical agenda. They need more uninformed voters who will trade freedom and liberty for freebies. People who don't belong in this country are helping to destroy this country.

California allows them to vote, no questions asked. It's been reported by poll workers that many voted more than once and no one was expected to even fill out a form. If they walked in, they were handed a ballot.

Illegals also get counted in the census, which is why Dems want millions of them in their districts. It allows them more electoral votes. People like Hillary win popular votes, thanks to the estimated 22 million illegals here. Just one area in California, which is heavily populated with illegals, would have handed her the election. No wonder the left hates electoral voting. It allows a voice to the minority states. They only want rights for their supporters and screw everyone else.

So, don't expect any of them to cry over citizens being murdered or any of the other crimes that make victims of citizens. All that matters is votes and getting back power.

The Dems don't care about safety or welfare of people. They are using people to get what they want and it's as simple as that.

The wall is stupid and it won't work. Pass a national ID card for crying out loud...

Sure, like the voter ID that democrats are against?....dumbass.
Not sure what part of the country you live in, but here in California we have plenty of Americans that are quite content living on welfare, with minimal contribution. No reason to feel illegals don't feel the same way.
I grew up in California and still live here much of the year. Also have a place in Austin tx that I spend time at... part of reforming the system is accounting for welfare benefits and the standards used to qualify. But if people are here and working then it is a positive for our economy and country

Yikes, sounds like you have the 100 year reforming the system plan. That's a huge IF having people work, considering how many don't work now. And with our glorious new governor wanting free healthcare for everybody and anybody, I can't really see people legal or illegal getting motivated.
There needs to be some qualifications for immigrants as we can’t afford to support all the sick people in the world. Gotta start with our people and go from there
The right wing is the holdup on healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yup, someone has to limit the stupidity.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
I grew up in California and still live here much of the year. Also have a place in Austin tx that I spend time at... part of reforming the system is accounting for welfare benefits and the standards used to qualify. But if people are here and working then it is a positive for our economy and country

Yikes, sounds like you have the 100 year reforming the system plan. That's a huge IF having people work, considering how many don't work now. And with our glorious new governor wanting free healthcare for everybody and anybody, I can't really see people legal or illegal getting motivated.
There needs to be some qualifications for immigrants as we can’t afford to support all the sick people in the world. Gotta start with our people and go from there
The right wing is the holdup on healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yup, someone has to limit the stupidity.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

I'm surprised you even know how to spell it.
Yikes, sounds like you have the 100 year reforming the system plan. That's a huge IF having people work, considering how many don't work now. And with our glorious new governor wanting free healthcare for everybody and anybody, I can't really see people legal or illegal getting motivated.
There needs to be some qualifications for immigrants as we can’t afford to support all the sick people in the world. Gotta start with our people and go from there
The right wing is the holdup on healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Yup, someone has to limit the stupidity.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

I'm surprised you even know how to spell it.
i am not surprised you have nothing but fallacy and want to be taken seriously anyway, Right Winger.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No it doesn't, they take more then they pay,.
How exactly does that work?
Illegal Immigrants Get Over $1,200 More In Welfare Benefits Than American Families A Year

A journalist is required to have at LEAST two sources, you have one source that most people have never heard of or read.
Apply those same standards to getting a FISA Warrant then...............


A FISA Warrant is signed under penalty of perjury, a much higher standard than any Journalist and way beyond anything you post.

A journalist is required to have at LEAST two sources, you have one source that most people have never heard of or read.
Apply those same standards to getting a FISA Warrant then...............


A FISA Warrant is signed under penalty of perjury, a much higher standard than any Journalist and way beyond anything you post.
Tell that to McCabe who the IG reported Lied under oath...........but he's with the in crowd and doesn't get prosecuted........

Dual standards and not equal standards of prosecutions.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No it doesn't, they take more then they pay,.
How exactly does that work?
Sorry, But Illegal Aliens Cost The U.S. Plenty | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
My statement was assuming we fix our broken system and get the illegal and incoming migrant population registered in the system. Of course with millions living under the radar and getting paid cash and not contributing like other workers there is going to be a deficit.

Not sure what part of the country you live in, but here in California we have plenty of Americans that are quite content living on welfare, with minimal contribution. No reason to feel illegals don't feel the same way.

You're full of shit. CA has a very strict Welfare standard, and has every since AFDC was replaced by TANF.

Why are right wingers so ignorant, or maybe they are just damn liars; probably both.

A journalist is required to have at LEAST two sources, you have one source that most people have never heard of or read.
Apply those same standards to getting a FISA Warrant then...............


A FISA Warrant is signed under penalty of perjury, a much higher standard than any Journalist and way beyond anything you post.
Tell that to McCabe who the IG reported Lied under oath...........but he's with the in crowd and doesn't get prosecuted........

Dual standards and not equal standards of prosecutions.

You're not only ignorant, you're a failure and a biddable fool.

A journalist is required to have at LEAST two sources, you have one source that most people have never heard of or read.
Apply those same standards to getting a FISA Warrant then...............


A FISA Warrant is signed under penalty of perjury, a much higher standard than any Journalist and way beyond anything you post.
Tell that to McCabe who the IG reported Lied under oath...........but he's with the in crowd and doesn't get prosecuted........

Dual standards and not equal standards of prosecutions.

You're not only ignorant, you're a failure and a biddable fool.
Standard insults when information you don't like goes against your liberal rant.............Oh well.........McCabe should be charged with 3 counts of perjury by your own with it..............

No cry me a river on you BS..........LOL
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.
It is the state of California’s fault that this lunatic is there in the first place.
Natural rights are recognized in State Constitutions. Some on the left are advocating for insisting the general government do their job, and ensure all foreign nationals in the US have a federal id. States have no Constitutional basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state.

First degrees should go first.

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