Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

I seriously doubt they pay income tax. Nearly half of the people in our country don't.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No it doesn't, they take more then they pay,.
How exactly does that work?
Illegal Immigrants Get Over $1,200 More In Welfare Benefits Than American Families A Year
How much additional revenue do you think would be raised if the illegal population worked within the system?
Why does that matter? They are breaking the laws of this country.
The Truth About Undocumented Immigrants and Taxes - The Atlantic

Ironically, it was a piece of legislation aimed at curbing the hiring of undocumented immigrants that created this steady source of revenue for the Social Security system. In 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act set penalties for employers who knowingly hired undocumented immigrants. It was the first time the federal government had made it a crime to employ undocumented workers. Yet instead of destroying the underground labor market, this new law just made it more sophisticated, producing a thriving market for fake U.S. birth certificates, IDs and social security cards, which undocumented workers presented to their employers when asked for their papers. Undocumented workers started filling out W-2 forms, and the federal government began receiving and holding onto payroll taxes, even though the fake social security numbers didn’t match anyone in the system. The Social Security Administration sends no-match letters to employers to alert them of the problem and urge them to resolve it.

Under that act the businesses can be fined for each illegal.........But KNOWINGLY is the problem. They show up with the required I.D's ......fake ones of course and stay within the law and hire them at lower wages than they'd have to pay known Legal workers.........aka Americans............When caught they go ..........we didn't know........LOL.....might pay a small fine and do it again.

We are a Nation of Laws.............and deciding which laws we will Obey is against the basic principles of this country.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No it doesn't, they take more then they pay,.
Increase the minimum wage until they don't, right wingers.

Great, you must be one of them intelligent liberals.
the left wing is for merely learning how to Use capitalism for all of its capital worth in modern times.

Sure, get back to us when you've learned something.
danny thinks ellis island is somewhere in Arizona....
Dang, are we getting suggesting that paying sales taxes is the same as paying all the other taxes working Americans pay?
Sales tax is part of it but if they are in the system then they pay income tax and their employers pay employment tax. If they own a house they pay property tax. If they own a business then they pay business tax. See what happens when people are part of the system?

I seriously doubt they pay income tax. Nearly half of the people in our country don't.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No, you specifically said income tax. Scroll up. You have to make a pretty good living to be paying income tax, that's why half of our country doesn't pay them.
If they are in the system they pay a number of taxes including social security and Medicare. I listed many more than just income tax.

That's fine but it's not income tax. By "moving them into the system" you mean reward them for coming here and breaking our laws. I'm not behind that. If anything, they should be punished for breaking our laws like any American. Imagine what our highways would be like to travel if when people got speeding tickets and went to court, the city gave them $200.00 for showing up.
The people hopping over the border are not screened for anything. Even if they were, it's not a guarantee of anything.

Mexican Wanted for Double Homicide Admitted to U.S. on H-2B Visa
I don’t support people hopping the border I support a better legal system. Have you not been paying attention to what I say? Am I wasting my time talking to you?

Seems like I'm wasting my time talking to you. I told you repeatedly that the United States is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration, and according to the left, that's still not good enough. We have the most lenient laws for people that come here anyway, and that's still not good enough.
I listen to what you say and make counter arguments because I have a different view. I don’t play the games that you and others do when you regurgitate inaccurate descriptions of the points I make. It’s a low IQ move. Grow up and reflect understanding of your opponents argument and debate it based on merit not lies.

What lies? Did you not say we need more people here to work? Did you not say "as many as possible?"

So funny how when you leftists are backed into a corner, you have nothing left but insults.
There’s no corner when you put words in my mouth and argue against that instead of the things I actually say. If that’s what you need to do to feel like you won an argument then fine but that’s pretty pathetic.

I never said we need more people here. I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself. Please read slower and stop misrepresenting my arguments

So allow anybody that wants to come here to do so and work as long as they are in the system? There's hardly a difference between that and open borders.

For your information we already do that, except we have limits on how many can come here. What other industrialized country do you know of that allows as many people to move or work in their country that wants to?

What would we do when all the people from El Salvador, Guatemala Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and others come here for work, just let them in? And if so, where are Americans going to work and for what kind of money?

You can't invite chaos into your country. The way it's setup now is we are doing well more than our part; more than any other country in the world. I think that's quite enough.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No it doesn't, they take more then they pay,.
How exactly does that work?
Sorry, But Illegal Aliens Cost The U.S. Plenty | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
My statement was assuming we fix our broken system and get the illegal and incoming migrant population registered in the system. Of course with millions living under the radar and getting paid cash and not contributing like other workers there is going to be a deficit.

Not sure what part of the country you live in, but here in California we have plenty of Americans that are quite content living on welfare, with minimal contribution. No reason to feel illegals don't feel the same way.
I grew up in California and still live here much of the year. Also have a place in Austin tx that I spend time at... part of reforming the system is accounting for welfare benefits and the standards used to qualify. But if people are here and working then it is a positive for our economy and country
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No it doesn't, they take more then they pay,.
How exactly does that work?
Illegal Immigrants Get Over $1,200 More In Welfare Benefits Than American Families A Year
How much additional revenue do you think would be raised if the illegal population worked within the system?
Why does that matter? They are breaking the laws of this country.
You’re right. Even more reason for better border security visa tracking and reform to our system as a whole
Sales tax is part of it but if they are in the system then they pay income tax and their employers pay employment tax. If they own a house they pay property tax. If they own a business then they pay business tax. See what happens when people are part of the system?

I seriously doubt they pay income tax. Nearly half of the people in our country don't.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No, you specifically said income tax. Scroll up. You have to make a pretty good living to be paying income tax, that's why half of our country doesn't pay them.
If they are in the system they pay a number of taxes including social security and Medicare. I listed many more than just income tax.

That's fine but it's not income tax. By "moving them into the system" you mean reward them for coming here and breaking our laws. I'm not behind that. If anything, they should be punished for breaking our laws like any American. Imagine what our highways would be like to travel if when people got speeding tickets and went to court, the city gave them $200.00 for showing up.
That’s a bullshit statement that entirely depends on perspective. Is a jaywalker who gets a ticket being rewarded because they weren’t taken to jail? Is a kid who cuts in line at an amusement park rewarded for being sent to the back of the line instead of being kicked out of the park? No, they are both received fair punishments for breaking the rules

You might think that it is a reward if they aren’t deported but there are other ways to hold them accountable for trying to skip the system
I don’t support people hopping the border I support a better legal system. Have you not been paying attention to what I say? Am I wasting my time talking to you?

Seems like I'm wasting my time talking to you. I told you repeatedly that the United States is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration, and according to the left, that's still not good enough. We have the most lenient laws for people that come here anyway, and that's still not good enough.
I listen to what you say and make counter arguments because I have a different view. I don’t play the games that you and others do when you regurgitate inaccurate descriptions of the points I make. It’s a low IQ move. Grow up and reflect understanding of your opponents argument and debate it based on merit not lies.

What lies? Did you not say we need more people here to work? Did you not say "as many as possible?"

So funny how when you leftists are backed into a corner, you have nothing left but insults.
There’s no corner when you put words in my mouth and argue against that instead of the things I actually say. If that’s what you need to do to feel like you won an argument then fine but that’s pretty pathetic.

I never said we need more people here. I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself. Please read slower and stop misrepresenting my arguments

So allow anybody that wants to come here to do so and work as long as they are in the system? There's hardly a difference between that and open borders.

For your information we already do that, except we have limits on how many can come here. What other industrialized country do you know of that allows as many people to move or work in their country that wants to?

What would we do when all the people from El Salvador, Guatemala Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and others come here for work, just let them in? And if so, where are Americans going to work and for what kind of money?

You can't invite chaos into your country. The way it's setup now is we are doing well more than our part; more than any other country in the world. I think that's quite enough.
I don’t support people hopping the border I support a better legal system. Have you not been paying attention to what I say? Am I wasting my time talking to you?

Seems like I'm wasting my time talking to you. I told you repeatedly that the United States is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration, and according to the left, that's still not good enough. We have the most lenient laws for people that come here anyway, and that's still not good enough.
I listen to what you say and make counter arguments because I have a different view. I don’t play the games that you and others do when you regurgitate inaccurate descriptions of the points I make. It’s a low IQ move. Grow up and reflect understanding of your opponents argument and debate it based on merit not lies.

What lies? Did you not say we need more people here to work? Did you not say "as many as possible?"

So funny how when you leftists are backed into a corner, you have nothing left but insults.
There’s no corner when you put words in my mouth and argue against that instead of the things I actually say. If that’s what you need to do to feel like you won an argument then fine but that’s pretty pathetic.

I never said we need more people here. I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself. Please read slower and stop misrepresenting my arguments

So allow anybody that wants to come here to do so and work as long as they are in the system? There's hardly a difference between that and open borders.

For your information we already do that, except we have limits on how many can come here. What other industrialized country do you know of that allows as many people to move or work in their country that wants to?

What would we do when all the people from El Salvador, Guatemala Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and others come here for work, just let them in? And if so, where are Americans going to work and for what kind of money?

You can't invite chaos into your country. The way it's setup now is we are doing well more than our part; more than any other country in the world. I think that's quite enough.
It’s not the same as open borders at all. That’s where you distort my position. One is a free for all the other is a system where people can be screened for security purposes, registered and held accountable. They can enter and try to make it through hard work or they won’t be able to cut it and will have to try somewhere else.
I seriously doubt they pay income tax. Nearly half of the people in our country don't.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No, you specifically said income tax. Scroll up. You have to make a pretty good living to be paying income tax, that's why half of our country doesn't pay them.
If they are in the system they pay a number of taxes including social security and Medicare. I listed many more than just income tax.

That's fine but it's not income tax. By "moving them into the system" you mean reward them for coming here and breaking our laws. I'm not behind that. If anything, they should be punished for breaking our laws like any American. Imagine what our highways would be like to travel if when people got speeding tickets and went to court, the city gave them $200.00 for showing up.
That’s a bullshit statement that entirely depends on perspective. Is a jaywalker who gets a ticket being rewarded because they weren’t taken to jail? Is a kid who cuts in line at an amusement park rewarded for being sent to the back of the line instead of being kicked out of the park? No, they are both received fair punishments for breaking the rules

You might think that it is a reward if they aren’t deported but there are other ways to hold them accountable for trying to skip the system

What you said is take all these law breakers and get them into the system and continue to let them live here. Yes, I call that a reward.
Seems like I'm wasting my time talking to you. I told you repeatedly that the United States is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration, and according to the left, that's still not good enough. We have the most lenient laws for people that come here anyway, and that's still not good enough.
I listen to what you say and make counter arguments because I have a different view. I don’t play the games that you and others do when you regurgitate inaccurate descriptions of the points I make. It’s a low IQ move. Grow up and reflect understanding of your opponents argument and debate it based on merit not lies.

What lies? Did you not say we need more people here to work? Did you not say "as many as possible?"

So funny how when you leftists are backed into a corner, you have nothing left but insults.
There’s no corner when you put words in my mouth and argue against that instead of the things I actually say. If that’s what you need to do to feel like you won an argument then fine but that’s pretty pathetic.

I never said we need more people here. I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself. Please read slower and stop misrepresenting my arguments

So allow anybody that wants to come here to do so and work as long as they are in the system? There's hardly a difference between that and open borders.

For your information we already do that, except we have limits on how many can come here. What other industrialized country do you know of that allows as many people to move or work in their country that wants to?

What would we do when all the people from El Salvador, Guatemala Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and others come here for work, just let them in? And if so, where are Americans going to work and for what kind of money?

You can't invite chaos into your country. The way it's setup now is we are doing well more than our part; more than any other country in the world. I think that's quite enough.
Seems like I'm wasting my time talking to you. I told you repeatedly that the United States is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration, and according to the left, that's still not good enough. We have the most lenient laws for people that come here anyway, and that's still not good enough.
I listen to what you say and make counter arguments because I have a different view. I don’t play the games that you and others do when you regurgitate inaccurate descriptions of the points I make. It’s a low IQ move. Grow up and reflect understanding of your opponents argument and debate it based on merit not lies.

What lies? Did you not say we need more people here to work? Did you not say "as many as possible?"

So funny how when you leftists are backed into a corner, you have nothing left but insults.
There’s no corner when you put words in my mouth and argue against that instead of the things I actually say. If that’s what you need to do to feel like you won an argument then fine but that’s pretty pathetic.

I never said we need more people here. I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself. Please read slower and stop misrepresenting my arguments

So allow anybody that wants to come here to do so and work as long as they are in the system? There's hardly a difference between that and open borders.

For your information we already do that, except we have limits on how many can come here. What other industrialized country do you know of that allows as many people to move or work in their country that wants to?

What would we do when all the people from El Salvador, Guatemala Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and others come here for work, just let them in? And if so, where are Americans going to work and for what kind of money?

You can't invite chaos into your country. The way it's setup now is we are doing well more than our part; more than any other country in the world. I think that's quite enough.
It’s not the same as open borders at all. That’s where you distort my position. One is a free for all the other is a system where people can be screened for security purposes, registered and held accountable. They can enter and try to make it through hard work or they won’t be able to cut it and will have to try somewhere else.

But you can't let anybody in that wants to be here. That's the point. It's bad enough these people are lowering our wages as it is. We don't need them any lower.

Only a little over half of the illegals are in agriculture. The rest are in various other fields of work that Americans do. So flood the country with more foreign workers, and they will be in nearly every sector of employment in the US. You can't do that.

What we have is not working, but I see no reason to make it worse. If we want to make it better, close down the border and start getting rid of the illegals already here. Because the only difference between what you suggest and open borders is that you know their names and they are checked out.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No, you specifically said income tax. Scroll up. You have to make a pretty good living to be paying income tax, that's why half of our country doesn't pay them.
If they are in the system they pay a number of taxes including social security and Medicare. I listed many more than just income tax.

That's fine but it's not income tax. By "moving them into the system" you mean reward them for coming here and breaking our laws. I'm not behind that. If anything, they should be punished for breaking our laws like any American. Imagine what our highways would be like to travel if when people got speeding tickets and went to court, the city gave them $200.00 for showing up.
That’s a bullshit statement that entirely depends on perspective. Is a jaywalker who gets a ticket being rewarded because they weren’t taken to jail? Is a kid who cuts in line at an amusement park rewarded for being sent to the back of the line instead of being kicked out of the park? No, they are both received fair punishments for breaking the rules

You might think that it is a reward if they aren’t deported but there are other ways to hold them accountable for trying to skip the system

What you said is take all these law breakers and get them into the system and continue to let them live here. Yes, I call that a reward.
Give them community service or take away their opportunity to become citizens... apply a penalty but do something because bitching and pushing for mass deportation is not going to ever happen. Time for solutions
I listen to what you say and make counter arguments because I have a different view. I don’t play the games that you and others do when you regurgitate inaccurate descriptions of the points I make. It’s a low IQ move. Grow up and reflect understanding of your opponents argument and debate it based on merit not lies.

What lies? Did you not say we need more people here to work? Did you not say "as many as possible?"

So funny how when you leftists are backed into a corner, you have nothing left but insults.
There’s no corner when you put words in my mouth and argue against that instead of the things I actually say. If that’s what you need to do to feel like you won an argument then fine but that’s pretty pathetic.

I never said we need more people here. I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself. Please read slower and stop misrepresenting my arguments

So allow anybody that wants to come here to do so and work as long as they are in the system? There's hardly a difference between that and open borders.

For your information we already do that, except we have limits on how many can come here. What other industrialized country do you know of that allows as many people to move or work in their country that wants to?

What would we do when all the people from El Salvador, Guatemala Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and others come here for work, just let them in? And if so, where are Americans going to work and for what kind of money?

You can't invite chaos into your country. The way it's setup now is we are doing well more than our part; more than any other country in the world. I think that's quite enough.
I listen to what you say and make counter arguments because I have a different view. I don’t play the games that you and others do when you regurgitate inaccurate descriptions of the points I make. It’s a low IQ move. Grow up and reflect understanding of your opponents argument and debate it based on merit not lies.

What lies? Did you not say we need more people here to work? Did you not say "as many as possible?"

So funny how when you leftists are backed into a corner, you have nothing left but insults.
There’s no corner when you put words in my mouth and argue against that instead of the things I actually say. If that’s what you need to do to feel like you won an argument then fine but that’s pretty pathetic.

I never said we need more people here. I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat myself. Please read slower and stop misrepresenting my arguments

So allow anybody that wants to come here to do so and work as long as they are in the system? There's hardly a difference between that and open borders.

For your information we already do that, except we have limits on how many can come here. What other industrialized country do you know of that allows as many people to move or work in their country that wants to?

What would we do when all the people from El Salvador, Guatemala Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and others come here for work, just let them in? And if so, where are Americans going to work and for what kind of money?

You can't invite chaos into your country. The way it's setup now is we are doing well more than our part; more than any other country in the world. I think that's quite enough.
It’s not the same as open borders at all. That’s where you distort my position. One is a free for all the other is a system where people can be screened for security purposes, registered and held accountable. They can enter and try to make it through hard work or they won’t be able to cut it and will have to try somewhere else.

But you can't let anybody in that wants to be here. That's the point. It's bad enough these people are lowering our wages as it is. We don't need them any lower.

Only a little over half of the illegals are in agriculture. The rest are in various other fields of work that Americans do. So flood the country with more foreign workers, and they will be in nearly every sector of employment in the US. You can't do that.

What we have is not working, but I see no reason to make it worse. If we want to make it better, close down the border and start getting rid of the illegals already here. Because the only difference between what you suggest and open borders is that you know their names and they are checked out.
We have over a million available jobs in the country and opportunity up the wazzu to start businesses and utilize a growing workforce. We should want to attract hard workers at all levels to continue to progress our country as immigrants have done throughout our nations history.

Soon enough we will be faced with hard questions on how to handle automation. That issue should be discussed now and you might have some fair points to limit immigration when considering how we will handle that integration.

But for now we need to have solutions for our current problems and the ability to have productive and honest dialogue.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

There you go, only a liberal, no body is saying all illegals are demons, now did they. Can you at least say this illegal was a demon and the cops family is without a father because of you folks protecting illegal criminals

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's the richest state in the country. Double Texas, the closest in wealth.

I would say they are doing pretty good.

in spite of the recent problems.

This makes the cops family feel better

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sales tax is part of it but if they are in the system then they pay income tax and their employers pay employment tax. If they own a house they pay property tax. If they own a business then they pay business tax. See what happens when people are part of the system?

I seriously doubt they pay income tax. Nearly half of the people in our country don't.
IF THEY ARE IN THE SYSTEM THEY PAY TAXES... IT BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. Let that soak in. I’m saying fix the system and get people in it, not hiding in the shadows while you pursue the impossible agenda of mass deportation.

No it doesn't, they take more then they pay,.
How exactly does that work?
Sorry, But Illegal Aliens Cost The U.S. Plenty | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
A right wing management problem. Cheap labor is a right wing platform. The left wants to raise the minimum wage to solve for this problem.
No it doesn't, they take more then they pay,.
Increase the minimum wage until they don't, right wingers.

Great, you must be one of them intelligent liberals.
the left wing is for merely learning how to Use capitalism for all of its capital worth in modern times.

Sure, get back to us when you've learned something.
danny thinks ellis island is somewhere in Arizona....

It is, we're preserving it so it doesn't tip over.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

There you go, only a liberal, no body is saying all illegals are demons, now did they. Can you at least say this illegal was a demon and the cops family is without a father because of you folks protecting illegal criminals

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can absolutely say that this guy is a demon piece of shit killer who should rot in jail. But to draw the line to say that people like me protect people like him is going to far. That’s like me saying people who support the 2nd amendment are supporting mass shooters. It’s a foolish relation

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