Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

Oh yes, it is an invitation. Come to our state and commit crimes, and you won’t be deported like in other states. You don’t think that’s an invitation?

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No I don’t. Crimes are still punished are they not? Just because deportation isn’t the punishment that doesn’t mean there are no consequences

So if an illegal is going to commit a crime, and he has two cities next to each other to choose from, one is sanctuary and one is not, which one do you suppose he'd choose if he's going to steal a woman's purse?
I don’t know. Probably the sanctuary or maybe the one furthest away from where he lives or maybe the one closest to where he lives. Who the hell knows

We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
Of course you don’t. You like to think since we have it so good, we are obligated to share our country with the rest of the world.

Sent from my iPad using
I was raised with values to give back to society and especially the less fortunate. I don’t categorize that based on nationality or anything else. Our nation has also reflected those values for generations and we have become world leaders. I advocate keeping and growing those values not retreating into the selfish nationalist blackhole that you advocate for.

Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
Of course you don’t. You like to think since we have it so good, we are obligated to share our country with the rest of the world.

Sent from my iPad using
I was raised with values to give back to society and especially the less fortunate. I don’t categorize that based on nationality or anything else. Our nation has also reflected those values for generations and we have become world leaders. I advocate keeping and growing those values not retreating into the selfish nationalist blackhole that you advocate for.

Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
What an idiotic argument. Here I’ll use your same logic against you and let’s see how it sits.

So since you support Trump and Trump likes to bang porn stars while his wife is home with their new baby then is it fair to say that you support new fathers going out banging porn stars while their wives stay home with the kids?

No, because first off, it's an unproven accusation. Secondly, having sex with "whoever" is not policy and has no effect on taxpayers.
Don't quit your day job ... Marxism will never get you a balanced budget just ask Joe Stalin.

Your total obsession with taxing the rich and making them pay their fair share is a complete and utter false Dream. It does tell me something about your income bracket though. Truth is under the current system there's no way to estimate just how much the rich do support the rest of the country. I can tell you this... You will never get them to pay any more than they are already paying. Do you think the former 90% taxation system went away all by itself? The people that put it to sleep are still here or at least their descendants are. You might be surprised that there's some of your favorite Democratic heroes.

Consumption taxation is the only way under a system like that we could fit 700 million people the more the merrier.

there are too many damn people here already, so past the national ID card to end this mess, brought to us by the GOP, super duper.They loved the cheap easily bullied labor and dupe you chumps with stupid walls and unconstitutional harassment laws.

I told you a million times the ACLU oppose it
So what? Link? Maybe it could be tinkered with to get their approval. Or screw them LOL
sorry may work in Vermont with 20,000 illegals but it wont work in areas with millions of will be called racist.......
Not when they are given amnesty...I think you're transferring the argument about voter ID over to this ID, anyway.
many people are against amnesty for people, many, who can give a fuck about the country.....and there are lots of them in California...
According to Fox News and Rush etc and no one else, super duper. All they want to do is work and raise families...the ones who are here and keep their noses clean are not going to be thrown out no matter what racist brainwashed GOP voters and base thank. Pass a national ID card and strict enforcement and end this stupid BS once and for all.

I'm fine with national ID.... Fine with clean noses too. Not fine with cop killers, pedophiles or murderers enough of those already. I have said on many occaisions ... Get rid of payroll tax and go over to consumption based tax collected at the cash register and you will eliminate the whole idea of illegal immigration....suddenly everyone will be legal.

Sounds great if you want to have 500 million people living here. Another flat tax to screw the non Rich...

Illegal immigrants are less criminal than citizens. Back to taxing the rich their fair share, back to JFK top tax rate. Reagan's tax rates are killing the country. Even worse with Trump's tax cuts.

All illegal immigrants are criminals, numbnuts.

Until the debt is gone we should not cut or lower taxes, we need to raise taxes and cut sending until the debt is paid. Can't get either party to be responsible when it comes to the debt.
we don't have an immigration clause it is a naturalization clause.

You are a moron, no clause needed.
nothing but ad hominems?
No I don’t. Crimes are still punished are they not? Just because deportation isn’t the punishment that doesn’t mean there are no consequences

So if an illegal is going to commit a crime, and he has two cities next to each other to choose from, one is sanctuary and one is not, which one do you suppose he'd choose if he's going to steal a woman's purse?
I don’t know. Probably the sanctuary or maybe the one furthest away from where he lives or maybe the one closest to where he lives. Who the hell knows

We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
We all got to this country because our ancestors took a chance in search for a better life. You lost sight of that and now lay claim to a land that you should be more grateful to be a part of
I was raised with values to give back to society and especially the less fortunate. I don’t categorize that based on nationality or anything else. Our nation has also reflected those values for generations and we have become world leaders. I advocate keeping and growing those values not retreating into the selfish nationalist blackhole that you advocate for.

Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
I was raised with values to give back to society and especially the less fortunate. I don’t categorize that based on nationality or anything else. Our nation has also reflected those values for generations and we have become world leaders. I advocate keeping and growing those values not retreating into the selfish nationalist blackhole that you advocate for.

Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
What an idiotic argument. Here I’ll use your same logic against you and let’s see how it sits.

So since you support Trump and Trump likes to bang porn stars while his wife is home with their new baby then is it fair to say that you support new fathers going out banging porn stars while their wives stay home with the kids?

No, because first off, it's an unproven accusation. Secondly, having sex with "whoever" is not policy and has no effect on taxpayers.
Policy and taxerpayers make zero difference to the idiot logic you are using. You are saying that if I support somebody then I own and support everything that they do and have done. That’s just stupidity in a system where we often only have two people to choose from.
So if an illegal is going to commit a crime, and he has two cities next to each other to choose from, one is sanctuary and one is not, which one do you suppose he'd choose if he's going to steal a woman's purse?
I don’t know. Probably the sanctuary or maybe the one furthest away from where he lives or maybe the one closest to where he lives. Who the hell knows

We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
We all got to this country because our ancestors took a chance in search for a better life. You lost sight of that and now lay claim to a land that you should be more grateful to be a part of
Over 200 million live in poverty to the South...............too many for this country to absorb........especially with all the safety nets that are costing us more money now ...........when we are already very deep in red with no end in sight..............Why should we hit the gas pedal on destroying ourselves............That is just simply stupid.
Spoken like a true entitled spoiled brat. Have you spent any time traveling the world? Done any charity work? Seen how people live in third world countries first hand? Your comments sound like they are coming from a place of ignorance and selfishness. That’s not how I like to think.

Of course you don’t. You like to think since we have it so good, we are obligated to share our country with the rest of the world.

Sent from my iPad using
I was raised with values to give back to society and especially the less fortunate. I don’t categorize that based on nationality or anything else. Our nation has also reflected those values for generations and we have become world leaders. I advocate keeping and growing those values not retreating into the selfish nationalist blackhole that you advocate for.

Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
fake news super duper... Pass the damn ID card.
there are too many damn people here already, so past the national ID card to end this mess, brought to us by the GOP, super duper.They loved the cheap easily bullied labor and dupe you chumps with stupid walls and unconstitutional harassment laws.

I told you a million times the ACLU oppose it
So what? Link? Maybe it could be tinkered with to get their approval. Or screw them LOL
sorry may work in Vermont with 20,000 illegals but it wont work in areas with millions of will be called racist.......
Not when they are given amnesty...I think you're transferring the argument about voter ID over to this ID, anyway.
many people are against amnesty for people, many, who can give a fuck about the country.....and there are lots of them in California...
Too bad they lose. Pretty pathetic actually...
I don’t know. Probably the sanctuary or maybe the one furthest away from where he lives or maybe the one closest to where he lives. Who the hell knows

We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
We all got to this country because our ancestors took a chance in search for a better life. You lost sight of that and now lay claim to a land that you should be more grateful to be a part of
Over 200 million live in poverty to the South...............too many for this country to absorb........especially with all the safety nets that are costing us more money now ...........when we are already very deep in red with no end in sight..............Why should we hit the gas pedal on destroying ourselves............That is just simply stupid.
I would never want to see us hit the gas pedal on destroying ourselves. You’re silly to suggest any sane minded person would
We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
We all got to this country because our ancestors took a chance in search for a better life. You lost sight of that and now lay claim to a land that you should be more grateful to be a part of
Over 200 million live in poverty to the South...............too many for this country to absorb........especially with all the safety nets that are costing us more money now ...........when we are already very deep in red with no end in sight..............Why should we hit the gas pedal on destroying ourselves............That is just simply stupid.
I would never want to see us hit the gas pedal on destroying ourselves. You’re silly to suggest any sane minded person would
Encourage more to come and that is exactly what we are doing..............
Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
What an idiotic argument. Here I’ll use your same logic against you and let’s see how it sits.

So since you support Trump and Trump likes to bang porn stars while his wife is home with their new baby then is it fair to say that you support new fathers going out banging porn stars while their wives stay home with the kids?

No, because first off, it's an unproven accusation. Secondly, having sex with "whoever" is not policy and has no effect on taxpayers.
Policy and taxerpayers make zero difference to the idiot logic you are using. You are saying that if I support somebody then I own and support everything that they do and have done. That’s just stupidity in a system where we often only have two people to choose from.

If you vote Democrat, you do support their policies; either that or other policies are more important to you than their immigration policies.

I'm also judging your support based on what you post here on the subject.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video

but according to conservatives the only thing that matters is the economy!

isn't that what you say about trump?

and caliifornia has the 5th or 7th best economy in the world!


And California has the highest number of homeless.
And California has the highest number of welfare recipients.
And California has the highest number of illegal aliens.

My guess is you don't live in California. You may want to sit down for this one, unfortunately the streets are not paved in gold.
Of course you don’t. You like to think since we have it so good, we are obligated to share our country with the rest of the world.

Sent from my iPad using
I was raised with values to give back to society and especially the less fortunate. I don’t categorize that based on nationality or anything else. Our nation has also reflected those values for generations and we have become world leaders. I advocate keeping and growing those values not retreating into the selfish nationalist blackhole that you advocate for.

Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
fake news super duper... Pass the damn ID card.
I told you a million times the ACLU oppose it
So what? Link? Maybe it could be tinkered with to get their approval. Or screw them LOL
sorry may work in Vermont with 20,000 illegals but it wont work in areas with millions of will be called racist.......
Not when they are given amnesty...I think you're transferring the argument about voter ID over to this ID, anyway.
many people are against amnesty for people, many, who can give a fuck about the country.....and there are lots of them in California...
Too bad they lose. Pretty pathetic actually...
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
So if an illegal is going to commit a crime, and he has two cities next to each other to choose from, one is sanctuary and one is not, which one do you suppose he'd choose if he's going to steal a woman's purse?
I don’t know. Probably the sanctuary or maybe the one furthest away from where he lives or maybe the one closest to where he lives. Who the hell knows

We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
We all got to this country because our ancestors took a chance in search for a better life. You lost sight of that and now lay claim to a land that you should be more grateful to be a part of

I'm very grateful for this land, that's why I want to protect it. We used to own slaves at one time too, does that mean we should still have slavery today because we did years ago?

We don't need new immigrants any longer. Years ago they were a benefit to us and us a benefit to them. Now we are just a benefit to them.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
We all got to this country because our ancestors took a chance in search for a better life. You lost sight of that and now lay claim to a land that you should be more grateful to be a part of
Over 200 million live in poverty to the South...............too many for this country to absorb........especially with all the safety nets that are costing us more money now ...........when we are already very deep in red with no end in sight..............Why should we hit the gas pedal on destroying ourselves............That is just simply stupid.
I would never want to see us hit the gas pedal on destroying ourselves. You’re silly to suggest any sane minded person would
Encourage more to come and that is exactly what we are doing..............
That’s not exactly what it’s doing. That’s your ignorant spin but not reality. I’m not encouraging anybody to come by the way. If people want to come then great. If people want to go then great. It’s not complicated.
I was raised with values to give back to society and especially the less fortunate. I don’t categorize that based on nationality or anything else. Our nation has also reflected those values for generations and we have become world leaders. I advocate keeping and growing those values not retreating into the selfish nationalist blackhole that you advocate for.

Giving away what others have worked for or forcing them to sacrifice is not charity, it's theft.

You want to help these people? Fly to Guatemala and help them. Don't bring them here.
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
fake news super duper... Pass the damn ID card.
So what? Link? Maybe it could be tinkered with to get their approval. Or screw them LOL
sorry may work in Vermont with 20,000 illegals but it wont work in areas with millions of will be called racist.......
Not when they are given amnesty...I think you're transferring the argument about voter ID over to this ID, anyway.
many people are against amnesty for people, many, who can give a fuck about the country.....and there are lots of them in California...
Too bad they lose. Pretty pathetic actually...
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
Did you see the Bills rookie quarterback Josh Allen was named offense of player of the week, and Boomer esiason kept saying he is must watch TV! Many happy years of watching that guy to come... He passed for three touchdowns and ran for two, last guy to do that was Jim Kelly.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video

but according to conservatives the only thing that matters is the economy!

isn't that what you say about trump?

and caliifornia has the 5th or 7th best economy in the world!


Not with like a 5 billion huge unfunded union pension bubble ready to burst..

They can't print money like the US government.

So what? The GOP are always blowing up pension funds, they love doing it...

So what? Quite the come back. Who the hell do you feel will be paying that bill? Which, by the way, was approved by good ole Jerry Brown in his first term many years ago. Fricken and Jerry Brown.
No I don’t. Crimes are still punished are they not? Just because deportation isn’t the punishment that doesn’t mean there are no consequences

So if an illegal is going to commit a crime, and he has two cities next to each other to choose from, one is sanctuary and one is not, which one do you suppose he'd choose if he's going to steal a woman's purse?
I don’t know. Probably the sanctuary or maybe the one furthest away from where he lives or maybe the one closest to where he lives. Who the hell knows

We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
Of course your information is wrong as always. illegals cause less crime than citizens, at the moment we are at a long time low for people coming in, and illegals do not get welfare or vote. Brainwashed functional morons...
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
What an idiotic argument. Here I’ll use your same logic against you and let’s see how it sits.

So since you support Trump and Trump likes to bang porn stars while his wife is home with their new baby then is it fair to say that you support new fathers going out banging porn stars while their wives stay home with the kids?

No, because first off, it's an unproven accusation. Secondly, having sex with "whoever" is not policy and has no effect on taxpayers.
Policy and taxerpayers make zero difference to the idiot logic you are using. You are saying that if I support somebody then I own and support everything that they do and have done. That’s just stupidity in a system where we often only have two people to choose from.

If you vote Democrat, you do support their policies; either that or other policies are more important to you than their immigration policies.

I'm also judging your support based on what you post here on the subject.
Well I don’t vote for one party I vote for members of both parties depending on what I think of them. Wishing more I’s would run.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video

but according to conservatives the only thing that matters is the economy!

isn't that what you say about trump?

and caliifornia has the 5th or 7th best economy in the world!


Not with like a 5 billion huge unfunded union pension bubble ready to burst..

They can't print money like the US government.

So what? The GOP are always blowing up pension funds, they love doing it...

So what? Quite the come back. Who the hell do you feel will be paying that bill? Which, by the way, was approved by good ole Jerry Brown in his first term many years ago. Fricken and Jerry Brown.
Of course it is important to remember that everything you know is garbage propaganda, super duper.

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