Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

only in your mind. We’ve never invited immigrants here, don’t know where you got that silly idea. Perhaps some are invited but the majority are people that have applied or came here and registered. How did your family get here?

Slave ship
Definatley not an invite

Did they kidnap the Chinese to build the railroad out west or did they invite them?

You tell me

Well it's obvious you're a Iranian troll bot if you don't know American history.

I just don’t care to argue about the history of the Chinese and the railroad with you. Make your point as I’m sure it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand
You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

Why does it bother you that the “American Dream” is reserved for Americans and those we Americans INVITE?
only in your mind. We’ve never invited immigrants here, don’t know where you got that silly idea. Perhaps some are invited but the majority are people that have applied or came here and registered. How did your family get here?

Sure we do, you honestly didn’t know that we invite immigrants to become Americans? I suspect it won’t matter to you because you love and respect the lawbreaking type but here, let me teach you...

Naturalization Fact Sheet

The United States has a long history of welcoming immigrants from all parts of the world. During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 7.4 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation. In fiscal year 2016, 752,800 people were naturalized.

Deciding to become a U.S. citizen can be a very important milestone in an immigrant’s life. Individuals must demonstrate a commitment to the unifying principles that bind us as Americans and, in return, will enjoy many of the rights and privileges that are fundamental to U.S. citizenship.

About the Naturalization Process

In general, an individual age 18 or older seeking to become a citizen of the United States must apply for naturalization by filing an Application for Naturalization, Form N-400. To be eligible for naturalization, an applicant must fulfill certain eligibility requirements set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

These general eligibility requirements specify that the applicant must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age;
  • Be a lawful permanent resident (green card holder);
  • Have resided in the United States as a lawful permanent resident for at least five years;
  • Have been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months;
  • Be a person of good moral character;
  • Be able to speak, read, write and understand the English language;
  • Have knowledge of U.S. government and history; and
  • Be willing and able to take the Oath of Allegiance.
Special naturalization provisions exempt certain applicants from one or more of the general requirements for naturalization. Spouses of U.S. citizens and members of the military constitute the main categories of individuals who are exempt from some of the general requirements for naturalization.

  • The majority of individuals naturalizing as spouses of U.S. citizens may do so three years after being admitted as lawful permanent residents, rather than the five years prescribed under the general provisions.
  • Spouses of U.S. citizens stationed abroad may not be required to meet any particular residence or physical presence requirement.
  • Members of the military who served honorably during certain periods of conflict may be eligible for naturalization even though they have not been admitted as lawful permanent residents and even if they are under the age of 18.
  • Members of the military who served honorably for at least one year, at any time, and apply for naturalization within a certain time after their military service, are also exempt from the general residence and physical presence requirements.
In addition to these naturalization provisions, the INA also provides for the naturalization of children who are under the age of 18.

  • A child under the age of 18, who is a lawful permanent resident residing in the United States in the legal and physical custody of a U.S. citizen parent, may automatically acquire U.S. citizenship. To obtain evidence of U.S. citizenship, an Application for Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-600, must be filed on behalf of the child.
  • A child who is residing abroad, who is temporarily present in the U.S. based on any lawful admission, may be eligible to apply for naturalization while under the age of 18 if he or she has at least one parent who is a citizen of the United States, and the parent (or qualifying grandparent) meets certain physical presence requirements in the United States.
  • There are exemptions benefiting children of active-duty members of the military stationed abroad.
All persons filing an Application for Naturalization who have submitted a complete application along with all required documents will be scheduled for an interview with a USCIS officer. Those applicants found qualified are scheduled for an oath ceremony before a judge or an officer delegated the authority by the Director of USCIS to administer the Oath of Allegiance. Applicants do not become U.S. citizens until they have taken the Oath.

Naturalization Statistics

  • Each year, USCIS welcomes approximately 700,000 to 750,000 citizens during naturalization ceremonies across the United States and around the world.
  • In FY 2016, 73 percent of all persons naturalizing resided in 10 states (in descending order): California, New York, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Washington, Virginia, and Maryland.
  • In FY 2016, the leading metropolitan areas of residence were New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA (16.3 percent), Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA (8.2 percent)., Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL (7.9 percent)
  • In FY 2016, the top countries of origin for naturalization were in the following order: Mexico, India, Philippines, People’s Republic of China, and Cuba.
  • Since Oct. 1, 2001, USCIS has naturalized 106,850 members of the military, with 11,240 of those service members becoming citizens during USCIS naturalization ceremonies in 35 foreign countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Bahrain, China, Cuba, Djibouti, El Salvador, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, South Korea, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.
  • Since the beginning of fiscal year 2008, USCIS has naturalized 2,925 military spouses during ceremonies in the following 38 countries: Afghanistan, Australia, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Cuba, El Salvador, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, India, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Mexico, Moldova, Norway, Oman, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom.
Total Naturalized Citizens: Fiscal Years 2001-2016

































For additional information about USCIS and its programs, visit
Look up the definition of “invite” and then “welcome” you’ll see there is a difference

Word games and hair splitting now huh?
Let’s go with welcome and unwelcome...Can you make the distinction?
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

Why does it bother you that the “American Dream” is reserved for Americans and those we Americans INVITE?
only in your mind. We’ve never invited immigrants here, don’t know where you got that silly idea. Perhaps some are invited but the majority are people that have applied or came here and registered. How did your family get here?

Sure we do, you honestly didn’t know that we invite immigrants to become Americans? I suspect it won’t matter to you because you love and respect the lawbreaking type but here, let me teach you...

Naturalization Fact Sheet

The United States has a long history of welcoming immigrants from all parts of the world. During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 7.4 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation. In fiscal year 2016, 752,800 people were naturalized.

Deciding to become a U.S. citizen can be a very important milestone in an immigrant’s life. Individuals must demonstrate a commitment to the unifying principles that bind us as Americans and, in return, will enjoy many of the rights and privileges that are fundamental to U.S. citizenship.

About the Naturalization Process

In general, an individual age 18 or older seeking to become a citizen of the United States must apply for naturalization by filing an Application for Naturalization, Form N-400. To be eligible for naturalization, an applicant must fulfill certain eligibility requirements set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

These general eligibility requirements specify that the applicant must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age;
  • Be a lawful permanent resident (green card holder);
  • Have resided in the United States as a lawful permanent resident for at least five years;
  • Have been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months;
  • Be a person of good moral character;
  • Be able to speak, read, write and understand the English language;
  • Have knowledge of U.S. government and history; and
  • Be willing and able to take the Oath of Allegiance.
Special naturalization provisions exempt certain applicants from one or more of the general requirements for naturalization. Spouses of U.S. citizens and members of the military constitute the main categories of individuals who are exempt from some of the general requirements for naturalization.

  • The majority of individuals naturalizing as spouses of U.S. citizens may do so three years after being admitted as lawful permanent residents, rather than the five years prescribed under the general provisions.
  • Spouses of U.S. citizens stationed abroad may not be required to meet any particular residence or physical presence requirement.
  • Members of the military who served honorably during certain periods of conflict may be eligible for naturalization even though they have not been admitted as lawful permanent residents and even if they are under the age of 18.
  • Members of the military who served honorably for at least one year, at any time, and apply for naturalization within a certain time after their military service, are also exempt from the general residence and physical presence requirements.
In addition to these naturalization provisions, the INA also provides for the naturalization of children who are under the age of 18.

  • A child under the age of 18, who is a lawful permanent resident residing in the United States in the legal and physical custody of a U.S. citizen parent, may automatically acquire U.S. citizenship. To obtain evidence of U.S. citizenship, an Application for Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-600, must be filed on behalf of the child.
  • A child who is residing abroad, who is temporarily present in the U.S. based on any lawful admission, may be eligible to apply for naturalization while under the age of 18 if he or she has at least one parent who is a citizen of the United States, and the parent (or qualifying grandparent) meets certain physical presence requirements in the United States.
  • There are exemptions benefiting children of active-duty members of the military stationed abroad.
All persons filing an Application for Naturalization who have submitted a complete application along with all required documents will be scheduled for an interview with a USCIS officer. Those applicants found qualified are scheduled for an oath ceremony before a judge or an officer delegated the authority by the Director of USCIS to administer the Oath of Allegiance. Applicants do not become U.S. citizens until they have taken the Oath.

Naturalization Statistics

  • Each year, USCIS welcomes approximately 700,000 to 750,000 citizens during naturalization ceremonies across the United States and around the world.
  • In FY 2016, 73 percent of all persons naturalizing resided in 10 states (in descending order): California, New York, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Washington, Virginia, and Maryland.
  • In FY 2016, the leading metropolitan areas of residence were New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA (16.3 percent), Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA (8.2 percent)., Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL (7.9 percent)
  • In FY 2016, the top countries of origin for naturalization were in the following order: Mexico, India, Philippines, People’s Republic of China, and Cuba.
  • Since Oct. 1, 2001, USCIS has naturalized 106,850 members of the military, with 11,240 of those service members becoming citizens during USCIS naturalization ceremonies in 35 foreign countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Bahrain, China, Cuba, Djibouti, El Salvador, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, South Korea, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.
  • Since the beginning of fiscal year 2008, USCIS has naturalized 2,925 military spouses during ceremonies in the following 38 countries: Afghanistan, Australia, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Cuba, El Salvador, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, India, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Mexico, Moldova, Norway, Oman, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom.
Total Naturalized Citizens: Fiscal Years 2001-2016

































For additional information about USCIS and its programs, visit
Look up the definition of “invite” and then “welcome” you’ll see there is a difference

Word games and hair splitting now huh?
Let’s go with welcome and unwelcome...Can you make the distinction?
No games, just looking for straight forward communication. So exactly are you taking issue with?
Sounds great if you want to have 500 million people living here. Another flat tax to screw the non Rich...

Illegal immigrants are less criminal than citizens. Back to taxing the rich their fair share, back to JFK top tax rate. Reagan's tax rates are killing the country. Even worse with Trump's tax cuts.

Don't quit your day job ... Marxism will never get you a balanced budget just ask Joe Stalin.

Your total obsession with taxing the rich and making them pay their fair share is a complete and utter false Dream. It does tell me something about your income bracket though. Truth is under the current system there's no way to estimate just how much the rich do support the rest of the country. I can tell you this... You will never get them to pay any more than they are already paying. Do you think the former 90% taxation system went away all by itself? The people that put it to sleep are still here or at least their descendants are. You might be surprised that there's some of
your favorite Democratic heroes.

Consumption taxation is the only way under a system like that we could fit 700 million people the more the merrier.

there are too many damn people here already, so past the national ID card to end this mess, brought to us by the GOP, super duper.They loved the cheap easily bullied labor and dupe you chumps with stupid walls and unconstitutional harassment laws.

I told you a million times the ACLU oppose it
So what? Link? Maybe it could be tinkered with to get their approval. Or screw them LOL

They will sue your ass

National Identification Cards: Why Does the ACLU Oppose a National I.D. System?

The ACLU has vigorously opposed the creation of a national employee I.D. number and/or card. It is a misplaced, superficial "quick fix" that poses serious threats to our civil liberties and civil rights.

This is an impractical and ineffective proposal that would only threaten our right to privacy and foster new forms of discrimination. A national I.D. card would be no more reliable than the documents a person would show to obtain it and the cost to the American taxpayers just to issue the cards would be at least $2.5 billion, according to the Social Security Administration.

Very good points.

Here, again, is what you said. "I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow."

You said, "If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in". I assigned a number to your rant and now you realize how crazy is your bleating.

Progressives are like that, they spew fantasy, pie in the sky, free for everyone goals without one thought as to the cost or other ramifications.

Thank you!
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Encourage more to come and that is exactly what we are doing..............
That’s not exactly what it’s doing. That’s your ignorant spin but not reality. I’m not encouraging anybody to come by the way. If people want to come then great. If people want to go then great. It’s not complicated.

Do you have the same standards for your home? How about your property? How about your car?
I view my private property different than my community and country. I believe people from anywhere in the world should have a shot of achieving the American dream through hard work just like our ancestors did. That’s what America represents IMO. Not a bunch of entitled pricks who want to close the doors and lift the middle finger to the rest of the world

Of course you view your personal property differently. You value that. Too bad you don't do the same for your country.

And who's closing the doors? Again: The United States of America allows a million people a year to become citizens of the greatest country on earth. The United States of America issues over 11,000 Visa's a year to foreigners that wish to share in our American dream. The United States of America has the most lenient penalties for violations our immigration laws, and cities and states which actually accommodates those law breakers. The United States is the most generous country with foreign aid.

So tell me how "us pricks' want to close the door simply because we believe those limits should not only remain, but because we want foreigners to respect those limits and not insist on changing them against our will.
Ray you want to close the doors, we are talking about ideas as I think we both agree the status quo ain’t working. And yes I value my private property and I also value my country. I just don’t view my country and my own private property.
I think most foreigners that come here respect and want to be a part of our great country. At least every one that I’ve met has had that attitude. You gotta get off of conservative radio and go out in the world and actually meet these people

I'm sure there are a lot of Americans that want to attend Harvard or Yale, but guess what? They can only accept so many people.

You obviously don't value your country if you support it's destruction by foreign invaders, and don't give me this nonsense you're not an open border person, because the only difference between you and an open borders person is you want them checked out first.

Yes, I want to close the doors just like you want to open them much wider. Who's idea is better for our country?
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.
That’s not exactly what it’s doing. That’s your ignorant spin but not reality. I’m not encouraging anybody to come by the way. If people want to come then great. If people want to go then great. It’s not complicated.

Do you have the same standards for your home? How about your property? How about your car?
I view my private property different than my community and country. I believe people from anywhere in the world should have a shot of achieving the American dream through hard work just like our ancestors did. That’s what America represents IMO. Not a bunch of entitled pricks who want to close the doors and lift the middle finger to the rest of the world

Of course you view your personal property differently. You value that. Too bad you don't do the same for your country.

And who's closing the doors? Again: The United States of America allows a million people a year to become citizens of the greatest country on earth. The United States of America issues over 11,000 Visa's a year to foreigners that wish to share in our American dream. The United States of America has the most lenient penalties for violations our immigration laws, and cities and states which actually accommodates those law breakers. The United States is the most generous country with foreign aid.

So tell me how "us pricks' want to close the door simply because we believe those limits should not only remain, but because we want foreigners to respect those limits and not insist on changing them against our will.
Ray you want to close the doors, we are talking about ideas as I think we both agree the status quo ain’t working. And yes I value my private property and I also value my country. I just don’t view my country and my own private property.
I think most foreigners that come here respect and want to be a part of our great country. At least every one that I’ve met has had that attitude. You gotta get off of conservative radio and go out in the world and actually meet these people

I'm sure there are a lot of Americans that want to attend Harvard or Yale, but guess what? They can only accept so many people.

You obviously don't value your country if you support it's destruction by foreign invaders, and don't give me this nonsense you're not an open border person, because the only difference between you and an open borders person is you want them checked out first.

Yes, I want to close the doors just like you want to open them much wider. Who's idea is better for our country?
My idea is better... obviously
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

I'm not talking about LEGAL immigration. I am talking about people whom you have no idea who they are coming ILLEGALLY to use your resources, and potentially cause mayhem.

Immigration is a legal process, requiring documentation, and vetting of potential candidates. California has largely circumvented this process to allow, and promote people coming where you do NOT know their background at all.

I don't understand why some people confuse immigration with illegal entry.
I don’t know. Probably the sanctuary or maybe the one furthest away from where he lives or maybe the one closest to where he lives. Who the hell knows

We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
We all got to this country because our ancestors took a chance in search for a better life. You lost sight of that and now lay claim to a land that you should be more grateful to be a part of

I'm very grateful for this land, that's why I want to protect it. We used to own slaves at one time too, does that mean we should still have slavery today because we did years ago?

We don't need new immigrants any longer. Years ago they were a benefit to us and us a benefit to them. Now we are just a benefit to them.
The entire US population can fit into the State of Texas. We need new Cities in more optimal locations.
Ok buddy so when I have opposing views and want to modify our laws I’m unpatriotic and against law and our constitution but when you say you want to tweak the laws it’s all good. Have a little more awareness of your critiques and hypocrisy.

There really isn't anything wrong with our laws with the exceptions they are not stringent enough and not enforced very heavily.

We let in more people than anywhere on the earth to take advantage of what we offer our citizeThe ns.
We allow more foreigners to become citizens of this country than any other in the world.
We NEED to limit the amount of people so they don't ruin our economy, change our way of life, and time to assimilate if they are permanently residing here.

We don't need to be anymore gracious than we already are.
The Loop Holes are killing us on immigration..........and via court orders and the Flores Agreement on the family and holding a child 20 days...........ICE is now releasing families to avoid getting hit by the courts............

The loop holes have to be closed.............and the establishment will not allow it.............They refuse to change those laws because they want the flow to continue.

If the Republicans don't start showing their constituents results, another party just may be formed. If that's the case, the Democrats will have rule over the federal government forever.
They are changing the Demographics of the country for that already..........We don't fix this........they will import the voters to make sure they have power...........this is nothing new............

The establishment is both sides...........if a third party forms so be it.........people like me still wouldn't support the Dems.

I am Independent. I side with Repubs on national security and lowering taxes. Part of national security is a border that is actually a border. The Dems hate our constitution and want it shredded in favor of a socialist country, which they fully intend to rule. Not govern. Not serve. Not represent. Rule!! They need to get people here who don't give a rat's ass about this country and are willing to sell us out in favor of being taken care of. Of course, in the end, no one is taken care of and everyone suffers. Socialism does that every fucking time. No exceptions. Nothing new about it. They can call it what they want but it's all about total government control, no freedoms and no liberties.

They are indeed using the illegal immigrants and "refugees" to that end. Not enough citizens are willing to support their radical agenda but millions of ignorant people who are being promised the sun and moon are willing to support them. Once the leftists get full power, even illegally, we are done!

California is already becoming a wasteland. Just imagine the entire country following that lead, which is exactly what the left has in mind.

Natural rights; What is That, Sayeth the right wing problaiming they are for limited Government.
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Some on the left want to take this issue to Court to abolish sloth in our general government.

We should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and ensuring all foreign nationals in the US have a federal id. States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or out of state since 1808. We should have no illegal problem.
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

I'm not talking about LEGAL immigration. I am talking about people whom you have no idea who they are coming ILLEGALLY to use your resources, and potentially cause mayhem.

Immigration is a legal process, requiring documentation, and vetting of potential candidates. California has largely circumvented this process to allow, and promote people coming where you do NOT know their background at all.

I don't understand why some people confuse immigration with illegal entry.
Apologies you did say Illegal, I didn’t mean to conflate it with legal immigration. I don’t support people crossing the border illegally nor do most Californians that I know. That said I’d very much like to see reforms to our system to help secure the border, process immigrants in a more efficient way and create pathways for those who are already here without documentation, esp the dreamers. I’m sympathetic to those who came here out of desperation in search for a better life. Like a guy caught stealing bread to feed his family, I’m going to want to give him a job vs sending him to jail.
We all know because it's pretty much common sense.
One thing I do know is that you think you know a lot about things you have little to no experience with. A little humility and open mindedness would do you some good Ray

My open mindedness is for our people first, and everybody else second. When you support people coming here and taking our jobs, changing our language, killing our citizens, and burdening the taxpayers, that's looking out for them first.
We all got to this country because our ancestors took a chance in search for a better life. You lost sight of that and now lay claim to a land that you should be more grateful to be a part of

I'm very grateful for this land, that's why I want to protect it. We used to own slaves at one time too, does that mean we should still have slavery today because we did years ago?

We don't need new immigrants any longer. Years ago they were a benefit to us and us a benefit to them. Now we are just a benefit to them.
The entire US population can fit into the State of Texas. We need new Cities in more optimal locations.
Agreed, there is nothing but open land out there in this country
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

That’s weird, I don’t see an image of ‘high taxes” or “property prices” in this prestigious you?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts thinks Mexifornians need to worry about “high taxes” and “property prices”?
Do you have the same standards for your home? How about your property? How about your car?
I view my private property different than my community and country. I believe people from anywhere in the world should have a shot of achieving the American dream through hard work just like our ancestors did. That’s what America represents IMO. Not a bunch of entitled pricks who want to close the doors and lift the middle finger to the rest of the world

Of course you view your personal property differently. You value that. Too bad you don't do the same for your country.

And who's closing the doors? Again: The United States of America allows a million people a year to become citizens of the greatest country on earth. The United States of America issues over 11,000 Visa's a year to foreigners that wish to share in our American dream. The United States of America has the most lenient penalties for violations our immigration laws, and cities and states which actually accommodates those law breakers. The United States is the most generous country with foreign aid.

So tell me how "us pricks' want to close the door simply because we believe those limits should not only remain, but because we want foreigners to respect those limits and not insist on changing them against our will.
Ray you want to close the doors, we are talking about ideas as I think we both agree the status quo ain’t working. And yes I value my private property and I also value my country. I just don’t view my country and my own private property.
I think most foreigners that come here respect and want to be a part of our great country. At least every one that I’ve met has had that attitude. You gotta get off of conservative radio and go out in the world and actually meet these people

I'm sure there are a lot of Americans that want to attend Harvard or Yale, but guess what? They can only accept so many people.

You obviously don't value your country if you support it's destruction by foreign invaders, and don't give me this nonsense you're not an open border person, because the only difference between you and an open borders person is you want them checked out first.

Yes, I want to close the doors just like you want to open them much wider. Who's idea is better for our country?
My idea is better... obviously

Obviously not pot head criminal..

I love how you justify illegal actions

I view my private property different than my community and country. I believe people from anywhere in the world should have a shot of achieving the American dream through hard work just like our ancestors did. That’s what America represents IMO. Not a bunch of entitled pricks who want to close the doors and lift the middle finger to the rest of the world

Of course you view your personal property differently. You value that. Too bad you don't do the same for your country.

And who's closing the doors? Again: The United States of America allows a million people a year to become citizens of the greatest country on earth. The United States of America issues over 11,000 Visa's a year to foreigners that wish to share in our American dream. The United States of America has the most lenient penalties for violations our immigration laws, and cities and states which actually accommodates those law breakers. The United States is the most generous country with foreign aid.

So tell me how "us pricks' want to close the door simply because we believe those limits should not only remain, but because we want foreigners to respect those limits and not insist on changing them against our will.
Ray you want to close the doors, we are talking about ideas as I think we both agree the status quo ain’t working. And yes I value my private property and I also value my country. I just don’t view my country and my own private property.
I think most foreigners that come here respect and want to be a part of our great country. At least every one that I’ve met has had that attitude. You gotta get off of conservative radio and go out in the world and actually meet these people

I'm sure there are a lot of Americans that want to attend Harvard or Yale, but guess what? They can only accept so many people.

You obviously don't value your country if you support it's destruction by foreign invaders, and don't give me this nonsense you're not an open border person, because the only difference between you and an open borders person is you want them checked out first.

Yes, I want to close the doors just like you want to open them much wider. Who's idea is better for our country?
My idea is better... obviously

Obviously not pot head criminal..

I love how you justify illegal actions

There is no immigration clause it is a naturalization clause. It can't be about the law.

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