Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
fake news super duper... Pass the damn ID card.
Not when they are given amnesty...I think you're transferring the argument about voter ID over to this ID, anyway.
many people are against amnesty for people, many, who can give a fuck about the country.....and there are lots of them in California...
Too bad they lose. Pretty pathetic actually...
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
fake news super duper... Pass the damn ID card.
many people are against amnesty for people, many, who can give a fuck about the country.....and there are lots of them in California...
Too bad they lose. Pretty pathetic actually...
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
I understand you are in immigrant Central LOL Los Angeles and Las Vegas are centers andthey are just in the desert aren't they just like in Mexico.
and that makes a difference because?....
I'd like to have a similar Immigration policy to countries like Canada, the UK, and Australia where they have a list of needed occupations, and if you fit that list then you get a green card. It is MERIT BASED. They are looking out for their own country, and their own citizens. That is the JOB OF A COUNTRY. If not, why have a country in the first place? A borderless country or a country that gives ILLEGAL aliens AMNESTY is NOT A COUNTRY. It is a territory with other people's stuff in it.
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

That’s weird, I don’t see an image of ‘high taxes” or “property prices” in this prestigious you?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts thinks Mexifornians need to worry about “high taxes” and “property prices”?
You’re comparing apples to oranges. And then you throw the Mollie Tibbetts cheap shot in there?! Come on Loser, just try and have an honest conversation for once.
I view my private property different than my community and country. I believe people from anywhere in the world should have a shot of achieving the American dream through hard work just like our ancestors did. That’s what America represents IMO. Not a bunch of entitled pricks who want to close the doors and lift the middle finger to the rest of the world

Of course you view your personal property differently. You value that. Too bad you don't do the same for your country.

And who's closing the doors? Again: The United States of America allows a million people a year to become citizens of the greatest country on earth. The United States of America issues over 11,000 Visa's a year to foreigners that wish to share in our American dream. The United States of America has the most lenient penalties for violations our immigration laws, and cities and states which actually accommodates those law breakers. The United States is the most generous country with foreign aid.

So tell me how "us pricks' want to close the door simply because we believe those limits should not only remain, but because we want foreigners to respect those limits and not insist on changing them against our will.
Ray you want to close the doors, we are talking about ideas as I think we both agree the status quo ain’t working. And yes I value my private property and I also value my country. I just don’t view my country and my own private property.
I think most foreigners that come here respect and want to be a part of our great country. At least every one that I’ve met has had that attitude. You gotta get off of conservative radio and go out in the world and actually meet these people

I'm sure there are a lot of Americans that want to attend Harvard or Yale, but guess what? They can only accept so many people.

You obviously don't value your country if you support it's destruction by foreign invaders, and don't give me this nonsense you're not an open border person, because the only difference between you and an open borders person is you want them checked out first.

Yes, I want to close the doors just like you want to open them much wider. Who's idea is better for our country?
My idea is better... obviously

Obviously not pot head criminal..

I love how you justify illegal actions

Haha. Please do tell how I justified illegal actions. Quote me
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

That’s weird, I don’t see an image of ‘high taxes” or “property prices” in this prestigious you?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts thinks Mexifornians need to worry about “high taxes” and “property prices”?
You’re comparing apples to oranges. And then you throw the Mollie Tibbetts cheap shot in there?! Come on Loser, just try and have an honest conversation for once.

You’re’re too far gone bud.
There’s no reasoning with you, you simply lie, talk in circles and play word games. I’m thoroughly convinced you’re a illegal or the like yourself...It wouldn’t surprise me to find that you are posting from Tijuana right now. There’s just no way any legit, real American thinks like you...Sorry bud.
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

That’s weird, I don’t see an image of ‘high taxes” or “property prices” in this prestigious you?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts thinks Mexifornians need to worry about “high taxes” and “property prices”?
You’re comparing apples to oranges. And then you throw the Mollie Tibbetts cheap shot in there?! Come on Loser, just try and have an honest conversation for once.

You’re’re too far gone bud.
There’s no reasoning with you, you simply lie, talk in circles and play word games. I’m thoroughly convinced you’re a illegal or the like yourself...It wouldn’t surprise me to find that you are posting from Tijuana right now. There’s just no way any legit, real American thinks like you...Sorry bud.
I’ve got a certificate in my back room from when we did our family heritage research that links a direct ancestor on my fathers side to the original pilgrims that came over with Columbus. Besides being Native American I don’t think you can get any deeper than that. Also have three straight generations of military service including a WW1 Colonel. I’m only 4th generation on my mother’s side as that’s when my great grandfather came over from Sicily.

Again, your instincts and deductions are waaaay off. You got some work to do
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

That’s weird, I don’t see an image of ‘high taxes” or “property prices” in this prestigious you?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts thinks Mexifornians need to worry about “high taxes” and “property prices”?
You’re comparing apples to oranges. And then you throw the Mollie Tibbetts cheap shot in there?! Come on Loser, just try and have an honest conversation for once.

You’re’re too far gone bud.
There’s no reasoning with you, you simply lie, talk in circles and play word games. I’m thoroughly convinced you’re a illegal or the like yourself...It wouldn’t surprise me to find that you are posting from Tijuana right now. There’s just no way any legit, real American thinks like you...Sorry bud.
I’ve got a certificate in my back room from when we did our family heritage research that links a direct ancestor on my fathers side to the original pilgrims that came over with Columbus. Besides being Native American I don’t think you can get any deeper than that. Also have three straight generations of military service including a WW1 Colonel. I’m only 4th generation on my mother’s side as that’s when my great grandfather came over from Sicily.

Again, your instincts and deductions are waaaay off. You got some work to do

I call bullshit.
Why do the citizens (subjects) of California want to destroy their own state, and destroy their own Standard of Living, and Quality of Life? Can't they see the invasion of illegals is not helping their cause, and the Democrat leadership of their state is purposely changing it for the worse?

What motivates the Far Left coastal regions of California to want the self destruction of their own state?
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

That’s weird, I don’t see an image of ‘high taxes” or “property prices” in this prestigious you?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts thinks Mexifornians need to worry about “high taxes” and “property prices”?
You’re comparing apples to oranges. And then you throw the Mollie Tibbetts cheap shot in there?! Come on Loser, just try and have an honest conversation for once.

You’re’re too far gone bud.
There’s no reasoning with you, you simply lie, talk in circles and play word games. I’m thoroughly convinced you’re a illegal or the like yourself...It wouldn’t surprise me to find that you are posting from Tijuana right now. There’s just no way any legit, real American thinks like you...Sorry bud.
I’ve got a certificate in my back room from when we did our family heritage research that links a direct ancestor on my fathers side to the original pilgrims that came over with Columbus. Besides being Native American I don’t think you can get any deeper than that. Also have three straight generations of military service including a WW1 Colonel. I’m only 4th generation on my mother’s side as that’s when my great grandfather came over from Sicily.

Again, your instincts and deductions are waaaay off. You got some work to do

That or you’re way more fucked up in the head than I ever thought.
Easy answer... we don’t want to destroy our state and standard of living. We don’t see immigrants as invaders. High taxes and property prices are more of a threat to California’s standard of living than immigration.

That’s weird, I don’t see an image of ‘high taxes” or “property prices” in this prestigious you?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts thinks Mexifornians need to worry about “high taxes” and “property prices”?
You’re comparing apples to oranges. And then you throw the Mollie Tibbetts cheap shot in there?! Come on Loser, just try and have an honest conversation for once.

You’re’re too far gone bud.
There’s no reasoning with you, you simply lie, talk in circles and play word games. I’m thoroughly convinced you’re a illegal or the like yourself...It wouldn’t surprise me to find that you are posting from Tijuana right now. There’s just no way any legit, real American thinks like you...Sorry bud.
I’ve got a certificate in my back room from when we did our family heritage research that links a direct ancestor on my fathers side to the original pilgrims that came over with Columbus. Besides being Native American I don’t think you can get any deeper than that. Also have three straight generations of military service including a WW1 Colonel. I’m only 4th generation on my mother’s side as that’s when my great grandfather came over from Sicily.

Again, your instincts and deductions are waaaay off. You got some work to do

I call bullshit.
Of course you do. But I know it’s the truth and you just fall further down into the pit of fools.
You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
fake news super duper... Pass the damn ID card.
many people are against amnesty for people, many, who can give a fuck about the country.....and there are lots of them in California...
Too bad they lose. Pretty pathetic actually...
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
fake news super duper... Pass the damn ID card.
Too bad they lose. Pretty pathetic actually...
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
That is garbage GOP propaganda anyway, it's everywhere. The far left is Tiny. What the GOP calls the far left is actually centrist and pragmatic. What they call the center are right-wing brainwashed functional morons and absolute idiocy.
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.
screw California?....i was under the impression from many lefties here that they lead the way and start many why only 90%?....what about the other 10%?...whats wrong with them?....
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
That is garbage GOP propaganda anyway, it's everywhere. The far left is Tiny. What the GOP calls the far left is actually centrist and pragmatic. What they call the center are right-wing brainwashed functional morons and absolute idiocy.
franco you think the far left is tiny...i think they are 25-30% of your party....many are in Cal....there are a bunch here in this forum....
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.

So you won't give Trump 5 billion because you say it's a waste of money, but want to spend 2.5 billion on a redundant ID?

Once again from the ACLU website

National Identification Cards: Why Does the ACLU Oppose a National I.D. System?

The ACLU has vigorously opposed the creation of a national employee I.D. number and/or card. It is a misplaced, superficial "quick fix" that poses serious threats to our civil liberties and civil rights.

This is an impractical and ineffective proposal that would only threaten our right to privacy and foster new forms of discrimination. A national I.D. card would be no more reliable than the documents a person would show to obtain it and the cost to the American taxpayers just to issue the cards would be at least $2.5 billion, according to the Social Security Administration.

all foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. we should have no "illegal" problem.
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.
screw California?....i was under the impression from many lefties here that they lead the way and start many why only 90%?....what about the other 10%?...whats wrong with them?....
Yes, but the actual far left in California and the ACLU can go shove it's when they get in the way of national reform from the Democrats, not Republican garbage for the rich. 90% plus I said, because there are a small number of illegal criminals. Lefties my ass, super duper. LOL

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