Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

I'd like to have a similar Immigration policy to countries like Canada, the UK, and Australia where they have a list of needed occupations, and if you fit that list then you get a green card. It is MERIT BASED. They are looking out for their own country, and their own citizens. That is the JOB OF A COUNTRY. If not, why have a country in the first place? A borderless country or a country that gives ILLEGAL aliens AMNESTY is NOT A COUNTRY. It is a territory with other people's stuff in it.

Unfortunately everything in the US is about politics thanks to the Democrats. It's not about concern of the citizens with them, it's concern of the party.
Do you have the same standards for your home? How about your property? How about your car?
I view my private property different than my community and country. I believe people from anywhere in the world should have a shot of achieving the American dream through hard work just like our ancestors did. That’s what America represents IMO. Not a bunch of entitled pricks who want to close the doors and lift the middle finger to the rest of the world

Of course you view your personal property differently. You value that. Too bad you don't do the same for your country.

And who's closing the doors? Again: The United States of America allows a million people a year to become citizens of the greatest country on earth. The United States of America issues over 11,000 Visa's a year to foreigners that wish to share in our American dream. The United States of America has the most lenient penalties for violations our immigration laws, and cities and states which actually accommodates those law breakers. The United States is the most generous country with foreign aid.

So tell me how "us pricks' want to close the door simply because we believe those limits should not only remain, but because we want foreigners to respect those limits and not insist on changing them against our will.
Ray you want to close the doors, we are talking about ideas as I think we both agree the status quo ain’t working. And yes I value my private property and I also value my country. I just don’t view my country and my own private property.
I think most foreigners that come here respect and want to be a part of our great country. At least every one that I’ve met has had that attitude. You gotta get off of conservative radio and go out in the world and actually meet these people

I'm sure there are a lot of Americans that want to attend Harvard or Yale, but guess what? They can only accept so many people.

You obviously don't value your country if you support it's destruction by foreign invaders, and don't give me this nonsense you're not an open border person, because the only difference between you and an open borders person is you want them checked out first.

Yes, I want to close the doors just like you want to open them much wider. Who's idea is better for our country?
My idea is better... obviously

Let's see, keeping pay lower, costing taxpayers billions, American dollars being shipped over our border, turning our country bilingual against our will, virtually handing Democrats the ability to turn out country into a single-party government is a better idea? Better idea than what?
wont change some of their attitudes franco....they are not all nice cuddly people.....
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.
screw California?....i was under the impression from many lefties here that they lead the way and start many why only 90%?....what about the other 10%?...whats wrong with them?....
Yes, but the actual far left in California and the ACLU can go shove it's when they get in the way of national reform from the Democrats, not Republican garbage for the rich. 90% plus I said, because there are a small number of illegal criminals. Lefties my ass, super duper. LOL
lefties your ass? will have to explain that one.....
So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
The ACLU and people who don't like racists are not the problem.
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.
screw California?....i was under the impression from many lefties here that they lead the way and start many why only 90%?....what about the other 10%?...whats wrong with them?....
Yes, but the actual far left in California and the ACLU can go shove it's when they get in the way of national reform from the Democrats, not Republican garbage for the rich. 90% plus I said, because there are a small number of illegal criminals. Lefties my ass, super duper. LOL
lefties your ass? will have to explain that one.....
In the real world, Democrats are hardly lefties, they are pragmatic centrists. And half the GOP has fallen off their flat Earth and live on an imaginary planet of hate and character assassination, a disgrace...
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
I don't know where he is coming on that one we have to get our immigration organized for a change.every other modern country with this problem has a national ID card and enforcement. The GOP has blocked that forever, they lie and distract you dupes with stupid walls and unconstitutional laws against minorities and illegals. The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% overstay their visas, hey they are now necessary to keep our economy going. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
i agree,its those far lefties in S.Cal....and no doubt everyplace else....
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.
screw California?....i was under the impression from many lefties here that they lead the way and start many why only 90%?....what about the other 10%?...whats wrong with them?....
Yes, but the actual far left in California and the ACLU can go shove it's when they get in the way of national reform from the Democrats, not Republican garbage for the rich. 90% plus I said, because there are a small number of illegal criminals. Lefties my ass, super duper. LOL
lefties your ass? will have to explain that one.....
In the real world, Democrats are hardly lefties, they are pragmatic centrists. And half the GOP has fallen off their flat Earth and live on an imaginary planet of hate and character assassination, a disgrace...
if you say so franco....pass me the pipe after you hit it....
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
Illegals don't get welfare or vote. Fear monger brainwashed functional moron.and no we are not going to deport 12 million people who work hard and were basically invited here by the GOP.
You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
I don't know where he is coming on that one we have to get our immigration organized for a change.every other modern country with this problem has a national ID card and enforcement. The GOP has blocked that forever, they lie and distract you dupes with stupid walls and unconstitutional laws against minorities and illegals. The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% overstay their visas, hey they are now necessary to keep our economy going. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
dam franco....pass me that pipe.....
You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
Illegals don't get welfare or vote. Fear monger brainwashed functional moron.and no we are not going to deport 12 million people who work hard and were basically invited here by the GOP.
franco are you guys that out of touch on the east coast?...invited by the republicans?....i have lived out here for 50+ years and way back when, there sure were a lot of democrats with open arms welcoming these folks....that must be a good blend of pot you are smoking....
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.
screw California?....i was under the impression from many lefties here that they lead the way and start many why only 90%?....what about the other 10%?...whats wrong with them?....
Yes, but the actual far left in California and the ACLU can go shove it's when they get in the way of national reform from the Democrats, not Republican garbage for the rich. 90% plus I said, because there are a small number of illegal criminals. Lefties my ass, super duper. LOL
lefties your ass? will have to explain that one.....
In the real world, Democrats are hardly lefties, they are pragmatic centrists. And half the GOP has fallen off their flat Earth and live on an imaginary planet of hate and character assassination, a disgrace...
if you say so franco....pass me the pipe after you hit it....
That is what has happened to the GOP. That's what happens when everything you know is wrong and hate is everywhere.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
Illegals don't get welfare or vote. Fear monger brainwashed functional moron.and no we are not going to deport 12 million people who work hard and were basically invited here by the GOP.
franco are you guys that out of touch on the east coast?...invited by the republicans?....i have lived out here for 50+ years and way back when, there sure were a lot of democrats with open arms welcoming these folks....that must be a good blend of pot you are smoking....
The GOP has fear mongered and blocked a national ID card forever.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
Illegals don't get welfare or vote. Fear monger brainwashed functional moron.and no we are not going to deport 12 million people who work hard and were basically invited here by the GOP.
franco are you guys that out of touch on the east coast?...invited by the republicans?....i have lived out here for 50+ years and way back when, there sure were a lot of democrats with open arms welcoming these folks....that must be a good blend of pot you are smoking....
We are not out of touch at all, Californians are. You seem to believe that there must be something to all the GOP lies. There isn't.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
I don't know where he is coming on that one we have to get our immigration organized for a change.every other modern country with this problem has a national ID card and enforcement. The GOP has blocked that forever, they lie and distract you dupes with stupid walls and unconstitutional laws against minorities and illegals. The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% overstay their visas, hey they are now necessary to keep our economy going. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
dam franco....pass me that pipe.....
Any actual argument at all or just the usual GOP crap? Stupid talking points and ridiculous insults....
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
I don't know where he is coming on that one we have to get our immigration organized for a change.every other modern country with this problem has a national ID card and enforcement. The GOP has blocked that forever, they lie and distract you dupes with stupid walls and unconstitutional laws against minorities and illegals. The wall is stupid and won't work. 58% overstay their visas, hey they are now necessary to keep our economy going. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
dam franco....pass me that pipe.....
You're the person who lives in California and Nevada where pot is legal. Must be why you believe all this crap from the GOP. Amnesty and a national ID card are what is going to end this GOP scam. When is the GOP going to be honest?
Screw California, we're talking about changing National laws. A national ID card and amnesty 4 90 + percent of illegals is the only solution. The wall is a joke, 58% just overstay their visas. Every other modern country with this problem has an ID card and has ended the problem.
screw California?....i was under the impression from many lefties here that they lead the way and start many why only 90%?....what about the other 10%?...whats wrong with them?....
Yes, but the actual far left in California and the ACLU can go shove it's when they get in the way of national reform from the Democrats, not Republican garbage for the rich. 90% plus I said, because there are a small number of illegal criminals. Lefties my ass, super duper. LOL
lefties your ass? will have to explain that one.....
In the real world, Democrats are hardly lefties, they are pragmatic centrists. And half the GOP has fallen off their flat Earth and live on an imaginary planet of hate and character assassination, a disgrace...
if you say so franco....pass me the pipe after you hit it....
90% of the world agrees with me, 10% are conspiracy nut jobs and brainwashed Republicans. Any actual argument at all?
You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
Illegals don't get welfare or vote. Fear monger brainwashed functional moron.and no we are not going to deport 12 million people who work hard and were basically invited here by the GOP.

Over half of the immigrants (legal and illegal) are on welfare. It's reason enough to close down the border totally.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
Illegals don't get welfare or vote. Fear monger brainwashed functional moron.and no we are not going to deport 12 million people who work hard and were basically invited here by the GOP.

Over half of the immigrants (legal and illegal) are on welfare. It's reason enough to close down the border totally.
Bologna, not unless you call going to school welfare,which is what you're lying a****** Heroes do...Check your lying a******* sources, super duper. 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Don't you ever get bothered by the fact that you are totally fos?
So what if a billion people say they want to work hard and achieve the American dream? How about 2 billion people?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?! We accommodate those who we can within a newly reformed system that works much better than our current system.

And then there would be no place to move. Our open lands and farms would be destroyed, the beauty of our country gone forever. We would be like China where people are shoulder to shoulder with face masks on in order not to catch something that would cause us great illness.

And then what happens when the economy goes down again? Are you willing to have half your pay confiscated to support all the additional welfare our government would need to payout?

You and anybody who thinks like you would destroy this country in less than 20 years if you had your way.
Illegals don't get welfare or vote. Fear monger brainwashed functional moron.and no we are not going to deport 12 million people who work hard and were basically invited here by the GOP.

Over half of the immigrants (legal and illegal) are on welfare. It's reason enough to close down the border totally.
Bologna, not unless you call going to school welfare. Check your lying a******* sources, super duper. 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Don't you ever get bothered by the fact that you are totally fos?
We're talking about illegals here not immigrants Jesus Christ and that is where your propaganda starts lying and spinning super duper.
Just think - you libstained leftists want to make this entire country a sanctuary country. No borders. No vetting. No laws.
Sick fucks.

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