Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

Really? Did I say that? Please paste the quote where I said that.... liar

Are these not your words?

I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow.
Yes those were my words... what you claimed were certainly not my words. You just proved you lied.
Are you telling us that we should absorb 138 MILLION PEOPLE? That's what you said!

Here, again, is what you said. "I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow."

You said, "If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in". I assigned a number to your rant and now you realize how crazy is your bleating.

Progressives are like that, they spew fantasy, pie in the sky, free for everyone goals without one thought as to the cost or other ramifications.

Thank you!
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

It seems to me in this topic many people "misinterpret" you. Maybe the problem is not us?
Y’all play the same dishonest games where I say something and then you regurgitate it back with all kinds is distortion and spin. You should trying having an honest debate
I’ve never brought anybody here. What are you talking about?

You support people and policies that do. Same, same.......
fake news super duper... Pass the damn ID card.
Not when they are given amnesty...I think you're transferring the argument about voter ID over to this ID, anyway.
many people are against amnesty for people, many, who can give a fuck about the country.....and there are lots of them in California...
Too bad they lose. Pretty pathetic actually...
Tell them 94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes, 35% own homes, none are on welfare or vote, and their brainwashed brains explode...
you would think somewhat different if you lived in the midst of them....i am talking about their attitude....many of them still live like they are in Mexico or whatever country they came from....and could care less about raising their living standards...Disneyland found out this with the area on one of their borders...
every generation they do much better and they would do a hell of a lot better if we would get this thing organized instead of continuing this GOP scam forever. In other words pass the goddamn ID card.
I understand you are in immigrant Central LOL Los Angeles and Las Vegas are centers andthey are just in the desert aren't they just like in Mexico.
but according to conservatives the only thing that matters is the economy!

isn't that what you say about trump?

and caliifornia has the 5th or 7th best economy in the world!


You mean 5th or 7th LARGEST economy, not the best. Best is NOT a synonym for largest.

California is deeply in debt. They boast of their budget having a surplus and ignore their massive unfunded liability. California and their local municipalities made huge, promises to their employees, promises which they knew at the time they had no way of fulfilling.

California is like a Las Vegas magician. The magician draws your attention away from what he is doing with a shiny bauble, such as the boondoggle High-Speed Rail, drawing your attention away from the elephant in the room, their long-term massive debt.

What you know about California is all garbage propaganda, super duper. California is doing great and it's because they tax the rich more than the rest under Jerry Brown and invest in California.

Here’s the latest annual U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report to Congress on TANF and SSP [welfare] recipients, using the latest figures from 2015:

U.S.******4,170,107 recipients

CA*******1,803,873 recipients

TANF 12th Report to Congress page 20

In other words, CA — with 12% of the nation’s population — has an appalling 43.3% of our nation’s needy that require taxpayer assistance. Last time I checked a few years ago, CA had not quite 1/3 of these welfare recipients. As far as I know, no CA press has reported this increase to 43+%.

THE STUNNING BOTTOM LINE: California has 5.6 TIMES the average percentage of welfare recipients found in the other 49 states.

All bullshit “propaganda” isn’t that right Franco?
Are these not your words?

I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow.
Yes those were my words... what you claimed were certainly not my words. You just proved you lied.
Are you telling us that we should absorb 138 MILLION PEOPLE? That's what you said!

Here, again, is what you said. "I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow."

You said, "If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in". I assigned a number to your rant and now you realize how crazy is your bleating.

Progressives are like that, they spew fantasy, pie in the sky, free for everyone goals without one thought as to the cost or other ramifications.

Thank you!
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

It seems to me in this topic many people "misinterpret" you. Maybe the problem is not us?
Y’all play the same dishonest games where I say something and then you regurgitate it back with all kinds is distortion and spin. You should trying having an honest debate
He can't help it he's brainwashed totally.. he's got the spin. LOL
Yes those were my words... what you claimed were certainly not my words. You just proved you lied.
Are you telling us that we should absorb 138 MILLION PEOPLE? That's what you said!

Here, again, is what you said. "I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow."

You said, "If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in". I assigned a number to your rant and now you realize how crazy is your bleating.

Progressives are like that, they spew fantasy, pie in the sky, free for everyone goals without one thought as to the cost or other ramifications.

Thank you!
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on
Here, again, is what you said. "I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow."

You said, "If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in". I assigned a number to your rant and now you realize how crazy is your bleating.

Progressives are like that, they spew fantasy, pie in the sky, free for everyone goals without one thought as to the cost or other ramifications.

Thank you!
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

You realize that every single one who has entered illegally has in fact told you that right?
Importanting a whole bunch of people who are having a good day if they are not murdered or do not starve to death will not raise the caliber of overall American life.
They are just as smart has anyone and work like crazy. Fantastic just like immigrants always are, and none of your racist garbage.

You never post anything which is true. I guess that's part of what makes you a Troll.

If what you say is true (HA!) then why there these differences between the races regarding their intelligence?

All White scores were adjusted to 100 in order to simplify comparisons.

IQ tests don't prove anything when the blacks are all in ghettos and s*** schools LOL. That is stupid stuff, racist.
Here, again, is what you said. "I said that I don’t care if people come or go. If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in, registered and let our economy grow."

You said, "If people want to come here and can work, contribute and pursue the American dream then more power to them. Get them in". I assigned a number to your rant and now you realize how crazy is your bleating.

Progressives are like that, they spew fantasy, pie in the sky, free for everyone goals without one thought as to the cost or other ramifications.

Thank you!
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

Why does it bother you that the “American Dream” is reserved for Americans and those we Americans INVITE?
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
You are a brainwashed functional moron, of course. They don't get welfare, they work,94% of adult male illegals work, 65% pay taxes and 35% own homes you figure itiout they aren't costing our country anything. They don't vote either. You believe a gigantic pile of crap, super duper. So give those people amnesty and pass a goddamn national ID card so no more come.

Yeah they work for $5 bucks an hour or a penny a tomato.
And the Republicans who hire them just love it. They're all over the place.
Importanting a whole bunch of people who are having a good day if they are not murdered or do not starve to death will not raise the caliber of overall American life.
They are just as smart has anyone and work like crazy. Fantastic just like immigrants always are, and none of your racist garbage.

You never post anything which is true. I guess that's part of what makes you a Troll.

If what you say is true (HA!) then why there these differences between the races regarding their intelligence?

All White scores were adjusted to 100 in order to simplify comparisons.

IQ tests don't prove anything when the blacks are all in ghettos and s*** schools LOL. That is stupid stuff, racist.

How do Asians thrive and excel here?
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

Why does it bother you that the “American Dream” is reserved for Americans and those we Americans INVITE?
Racist Americans like you are a disgrace, even over and above your hate for 93% of the people who live here, fake Patriot.
Importanting a whole bunch of people who are having a good day if they are not murdered or do not starve to death will not raise the caliber of overall American life.
They are just as smart has anyone and work like crazy. Fantastic just like immigrants always are, and none of your racist garbage.

You never post anything which is true. I guess that's part of what makes you a Troll.

If what you say is true (HA!) then why there these differences between the races regarding their intelligence?

All White scores were adjusted to 100 in order to simplify comparisons.

IQ tests don't prove anything when the blacks are all in ghettos and s*** schools LOL. That is stupid stuff, racist.

How do Asians thrive and excel here?
Well for one thing, they are not discriminated against, mainly by Republicans like you.
Why are you thanking me? You are fighting a fictitious battle. If you think I’m supporting bringing a billion people over here then you aren’t really listening to what I’m saying. Of course there needs to be limitations. We need to improve our system to screen people better, provide asylum better, to provide work status quicker and better and to track people with visas better. I’m not saying open borders no system. I’m saying better system, less people sneaking over here and hiding in the shadows. If you would listen and ask questions instead of knee jerk reactions you might understand that.

So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

You realize that every single one who has entered illegally has in fact told you that right?
You wouldn't be brainwashed by hate, now would you, super hater dupe?
Importanting a whole bunch of people who are having a good day if they are not murdered or do not starve to death will not raise the caliber of overall American life.
They are just as smart has anyone and work like crazy. Fantastic just like immigrants always are, and none of your racist garbage.

You never post anything which is true. I guess that's part of what makes you a Troll.

If what you say is true (HA!) then why there these differences between the races regarding their intelligence?

All White scores were adjusted to 100 in order to simplify comparisons.

IQ tests don't prove anything when the blacks are all in ghettos and s*** schools LOL. That is stupid stuff, racist.

How do Asians thrive and excel here?
Well for one thing, they are not discriminated against, mainly by Republicans like you.’s always someone else’s ignorant fools are so predictable.
LefTard Logic:
“You hate ni@@ers and therefore they can’t cap their achievement at President Of The United States Of America.”
So then you're for a wall?
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

You realize that every single one who has entered illegally has in fact told you that right?
You wouldn't be brainwashed by hate, now would you, super hater dupe?

I’m actually enlightened by facts. They don’t scare me, facts are not an inconvenience for me at about you?
They are just as smart has anyone and work like crazy. Fantastic just like immigrants always are, and none of your racist garbage.

You never post anything which is true. I guess that's part of what makes you a Troll.

If what you say is true (HA!) then why there these differences between the races regarding their intelligence?

All White scores were adjusted to 100 in order to simplify comparisons.

IQ tests don't prove anything when the blacks are all in ghettos and s*** schools LOL. That is stupid stuff, racist.

How do Asians thrive and excel here?
Well for one thing, they are not discriminated against, mainly by Republicans like you.’s always someone else’s ignorant fools are so predictable.
LefTard Logic:
“You hate ni@@ers and therefore they can’t cap their achievement at President Of The United States Of America.”
There are plenty of blacks who do extremely well. So there is no such limit. But discrimination and environment make it damn hard for them. If you don't know that you are just being an a******.
I’m for funding walls, fencing and whatever else homeland security needs to keep our border secure. I’m not supportive of the marketing campaign and divisive rhetoric Trump has created around the Wall. It flies in the face of what I believe are American values so I understand why the Dems are blocking him from getting that talking point.

You don’t find it odd that you harbor no resentment toward people telling you “fuck you and your laws, I have mouths to feed...I’m breaking into your country and I’m going to force your taxpayers to pay my way.”
Just think about that bud...forget that fantasy you have about how awesome they all are...that’s what’s really happening in the real world.
Why would you resent your President for taking extreme action to protect you and your countrymen from such people? You gotta admit...that’s kinda fucking weird.
I don’t hear anybody saying that bud. And if somebody did say that then I’d tell them to fuck off. If somebody says they want the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream then I’d say bring it on

You realize that every single one who has entered illegally has in fact told you that right?
You wouldn't be brainwashed by hate, now would you, super hater dupe?

I’m actually enlightened by facts. They don’t scare me, facts are not an inconvenience for me at about you?
tell me a fact you're right on and I'm wrong on and I'll show you you are a brainwashed functional moron.
They are just as smart has anyone and work like crazy. Fantastic just like immigrants always are, and none of your racist garbage.

You never post anything which is true. I guess that's part of what makes you a Troll.

If what you say is true (HA!) then why there these differences between the races regarding their intelligence?

All White scores were adjusted to 100 in order to simplify comparisons.

IQ tests don't prove anything when the blacks are all in ghettos and s*** schools LOL. That is stupid stuff, racist.

How do Asians thrive and excel here?
Well for one thing, they are not discriminated against, mainly by Republicans like you.’s always someone else’s ignorant fools are so predictable.
LefTard Logic:
“You hate ni@@ers and therefore they can’t cap their achievement at President Of The United States Of America.”
Actually you cap it at president of the United States with nothing but pure GOP obstruction against him. With plenty of bigotry on display.

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