Hoyer: Republicans Will Sink America To Drown Obama

you fuking war mongering rethugs can kiss my ass.

Now it doens't matter what the POTUS said. If the UN (when did you rethugs start putting your faith in the UN) says they (Iraq) have a missle that goes all of 150km, you think that is reason to invade a country that didn't attack us. That somehow that is the weapons of mass destruction that we were sold by Bush and Cheney as the reason to attack Iraq.

You all are full of shit. Stupid and gullible to.
all I can say is
Libya, and obama pred drones.
By Brian Beutler

Add House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) to the list of high profile Democrats who are publicly accusing Republicans of intentionally undermining the economy in order to defeat President Obama.

“There’s no intention on behalf of the Republicans in the House of Representatives to try to help the president move this country forward,” Hoyer told a small group of reporters in his Capitol office on Thursday morning. “I quote Jesse Jackson, who I thought said it best, there are a lot people in Washington who want to drown the captain and are prepared to sink the ship in order to do so.”

Hoyer: It’s The Economic Sabotage, Stupid! | TPMDC

Perhaps Congressman Hoyer and all of the Lefties can provide specifics or instances in HOW Republicans are undermining the Economy. Or, maybe Hoyer and the rest of the whining Left can show how Democrats refrained from undermining Bush, not only with the economy but in his efforts to defend the US from another 9-11 through initiatives such as The Patriot Act.
The GOP didn't wreck the economy all by themselves.

They had plenty of help from the DNC.
Hoyer: Republicans Will Sink America To Drown Obama


This irrational hatred of Obama is pathological.

Republicans want Americans to suffer – to be unemployed, to have no education, no health insurance, no hope for the future. The more miserable Americans are, the right ‘reasons,’ the greater the likelihood they’ll take it out on Obama come November.
At this point our personal wishes have to come second to the facts.

This is by far the most corrupt administration in US history. The Dems and the old time GOP boys have to go.

I'd like to see Nancy Pelosi left in a rubber room for the rest of her lying life. She is the planets biggest skank, an absolute a piece of shit.
The GOP didn't wreck the economy all by themselves.

They had plenty of help from the DNC.

You bet your ass. The country is in the shape its is through the efforts of the Clowns in Congress. Both parties.

I, for one, am glad the reps are blocking some of the bs that Obama is trying to do. Can you imagine if Cap and Trade had passed?? Jesus H. Christ on a crutch we would all be broke just trying to buy the necessities.

I'm also wondering why Barry isn't on Harry Reids ass for holding things up in the Senate. He's got loads of bills sent over by the house that are just gathering dust on his desk. He's made the statment that anything coming from the house is DOA at his desk. So just who is holding up the works??

This Prez is a lefty with a social justice and equality agenda. He doesn't give a rats ass for anything but his agenda.
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Hoyer: Republicans Will Sink America To Drown Obama


This irrational hatred of Obama is pathological.

Republicans want Americans to suffer – to be unemployed, to have no education, no health insurance, no hope for the future. The more miserable Americans are, the right ‘reasons,’ the greater the likelihood they’ll take it out on Obama come November.

speaking of irrational and BS dramatics
Hoyer: Republicans Will Sink America To Drown Obama


This irrational hatred of Obama is pathological.

Republicans want Americans to suffer – to be unemployed, to have no education, no health insurance, no hope for the future. The more miserable Americans are, the right ‘reasons,’ the greater the likelihood they’ll take it out on Obama come November.

What a bunch of hooey. No one hates Barry. We all just hate his bs policies that have done nothing for the country.

There are many unemployed in the country. Hell. Barry was more interested in saddling the taxpayers with that HC clusterfuck. Hopefully that peice of shit will get kicked to the curb by the SC. Instead of addressing the economy he was to busy with that HC BS. He wasted 2yrs on that bullshit while the country was going down the tubes.

His lefty agenda was more important than UE or the economy. The polices he enacted, ala FDR, didn't work. Big surprise there. Hell they didn't work for FDR but I guess Barry figured, because he's the one, that they would work for him.

This guy came in with a wave of popular support, Hope and Change, the most transparent administration in history, no lobbyist in his WH and a slew of other bs. None of which is true in any sense of the word.

This guy needs to go back to being a law professor/community organizer or some other such bs. Oh wait. I forgot. He's now a 1%er. He won't have to work anymore. Never mind.
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Hoyer and his fellow Dumocrats spent eight years trying to Impeach their BOOOOOSH Boogeyman. He's all about 'Party before Country.' I don't know who he thinks he's fooling.
What is so freaking funny about the "Bush lied" farce. Is that A whole list of world leaders, that Senate Democrats that were allowed documents, that the Clinton's were of the same mind, because of information before Bill left office and Hillary was getting in the Senate committee and STILL the attacks come. How stupid are you people. Lahkota provides a silly link that claims the weapons had been gone since 94, and Bush knew it, that means that the bombings carried out by Clinton in the late 90's were with knowledge of no weapons. How stupid do you idiots have to be? Partisanship BS and you fold on principles like a cheap suit.

You believe what you want regardless of the facts. Bush stole two elections, Bush masterminded 9/11, Bush lied about WMDs, the video in the school, the dozens of books, the movies that all came out in 2004 had one purpose, to make Bush a one termer.

People need to think for themselves and quit letting nuts sway them.
The GOP thugs have been out to destroy the country for years, and now has become their top objective under Obama. McConnel himself stated making Obama a one term president is the "#1 objective"
The GOP trash have been abusing the filibuster live never before, blocking everything that would better the nation, and otherwise acting like the 3 year olds they are throwing a pissy fit when they don't get their way.

So much shit being thrown it is getting tough to walk through, the number one objective for 2000 for Democrats? Bush being a one term President. Shocking isn't it!

What democratic leader vowed to obstruct all they could, and stated the party's #1 objective is "to make Bush a one term president"? :eusa_think:

So because it is not stated, it isn't so? Did Kerry run against Bush? How many Democrats ran in the primaries? Were their intentions to lose to Bush in 2004?
Hoyer: Republicans Will Sink America To Drown Obama


This irrational hatred of Obama is pathological.

Republicans want Americans to suffer – to be unemployed, to have no education, no health insurance, no hope for the future. The more miserable Americans are, the right ‘reasons,’ the greater the likelihood they’ll take it out on Obama come November.

In my book, hate has to be earned. Obama isn't enough of a man for me to hate him.
America: Under Mitt Romney!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grbSQ6O6kbs]Monty Python-Bring out your dead! - YouTube[/ame]
America: Under Ron Paul!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLCmcV4gC_0]Mad Max 2 Opening Chase - YouTube[/ame]
Hoyer: Republicans Will Sink America To Drown Obama


This irrational hatred of Obama is pathological.

Republicans want Americans to suffer – to be unemployed, to have no education, no health insurance, no hope for the future. The more miserable Americans are, the right ‘reasons,’ the greater the likelihood they’ll take it out on Obama come November.

so what was going on during the 8 years of libtaral pathological hatred of President Bush? Can't take it? don't dish it?
Republican health care plan, explained!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-usmvYOPfco]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"'- YouTube[/ame]

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