HS student wears confederate flag - Obama administration calls it race discrimination


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Only racial discrimination at american schools is the affirmative action grading all schools employ to avoid flunking 90% of the blacks.

Feds investigate Redneck Day at Arizona high school

July 26th 2013

The U.S. Department of Education has officially opened an investigation into allegations that an Arizona high school’s campus-wide “Redneck Day” amounted to a federal civil rights violation.

The kerfuffle giving rise to the investigation arose back in May at Queen Creek High School on the outskirts of Phoenix. The student council hatched a plan to energize students for prom week that included a faculty adviser-approved “Redneck Day.” The point was to dress like – and spoof – “Duck Dynasty,” an A&E reality TV show which follows a wealthy, eccentric Louisiana family.

It’s not exactly clear how dressing like a hillbilly was going to motivate anyone for prom. What did happen, though, is that one kid bedecked himself in Confederate flag regalia, which offended some students. (RELATED: ‘Redneck Day,’ ‘White Trash Wednesday’ don’t go over so well at public schools)

In a July 18 missive to Reverend Jarrett Maupin II, the complainant, the Department’s Office for Civil Rights branch office in Denver details the status of the investigation.

“On May 23, 2013, we received your complaint alleging the Queen Creek Unified School District (District) discriminated on the basis of race,” the letter reads. “Specifically, you allege that the District discriminated by creating a racially hostile environment at the ‘redneck day’ event on May 1, 2013, at Queen Creek High School and by failing to take action to correct the racially hostile environment.”

The racial hostility apparently occurred because of one student who was wearing the Confederate flag—apparently like a cape. An assistant principal asked the student to remove the flag cape, which he did.
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Wasn't the civil war over more than just slavery that the Confederate flag has more than just a racial meaning?
This is so idiotic. The civil war was not about freeing the slaves. It was about money and states rights and the right to secede.

Exactly. and if I hang white sheets on my clothes line or hang a dummy from the tree in my yard at Halloween is that going to be racist too?
it is his parties historic flag. it is apart of american history. but as we all know he hates america.
lincoln was a fuckin tyrant. so is obama and they are/were racist. just against different colors
I am sure if 4 white guys started a clothing line called "FWBW" (For Whites by Whites) they would say the same.
OR WET (white entertainment television)
Could you imagine, yurt? talk about a civil war!
OR WET (white entertainment television)
Could you imagine, yurt? talk about a civil war!

that would be awesome, lol

but it would be called racist


white people are not allowed to have pride
how about JET

jewish entertainment?

that would cause an uproar....
I think a school having a 'Redneck Day' is equivalent to having a '****** Day' and I find it offensive. As to the flag, the Confederate flag is legal in this country. To date, no symbol has ever been banned, not the Confederate flag, not the Nazi flag, not even cross burning. Cross burnings just have to take place in a place so remote that a person who might feel threatened by it cannot see it.

The symbolism of the Confederate flag HAS changed over the years. Now, it is a symbol of southern pride. Shit like this makes me want to go out and buy one. I think I just may. And hang it on my deck just to piss off the yankee carpet baggers on here.
I think a school having a 'Redneck Day' is equivalent to having a '****** Day' and I find it offensive. As to the flag, the Confederate flag is legal in this country. To date, no symbol has ever been banned, not the Confederate flag, not the Nazi flag, not even cross burning. Cross burnings just have to take place in a place so remote that a person who might feel threatened by it cannot see it.

The symbolism of the Confederate flag HAS changed over the years. Now, it is a symbol of southern pride. Shit like this makes me want to go out and buy one. I think I just may. And hang it on my deck just to piss off the yankee carpet baggers on here.
The KKK ruined the image of the Confederate battle flag. This tainted the flag and those that display it, regardless of their racism or lack thereof.


I salute the flag of Mississippi and the sovereign state for which it stands with pride in her history and achievements and with confidence in her future under the guidance of Almighty God.
This is so idiotic. The civil war was not about freeing the slaves. It was about money and states rights and the right to secede.

Nope, it was pretty much about slavery.

You are impossibly ignorant. Hell - there were 4 NORTHERN STATES that allowed slavery during the entire CW. So how could the war have been about slavery. ?? US Grant owned slaves during the war as did lincoln's' VP andrew johnson.!! THINK
Obama administration calls it race discrimination

Is a lie. Not even the daily caller could find a way to sneak that lie in so it must have originated with the op. The real "kerfuffle" is that the lying op and the Daily Caller are what trying to turn this into.

AZ is as backward and stupid as Texass. Believe me. I know because I lived there for more than 25 years.

Remember, along with reptilian Guv Brewer and KKK favorite, Russell Pearce, the shame of the state is Joe Arpaio, who really doesn't do much but grandstand. Racist? His personal attorney is Kris Kobach of Kansas, aka KKK Kris. He makes no secret of being high up in the KKK.

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