Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Sassy keeps dodging the question, now we know the answer. Sick fuck.

GFY you tired old fool.
I rest my case. I am tired, thanks for acknowledging that, tired of sick, delusional fucks who are perfectly ok with 10 year olds being forced to give birth to a child.

You never had a case, calling everyone a sick fuck isn't a case
Of course I had a case, I was referring to NY's post on having a law in the US that you continually dodged, all while saying paraguay needs to have abortion illegal. Anyone with half a brain can easily determine that you're another one of the "pro life" nutters.

So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off

Why don't you go blow up an abortion clinic or shoot an abortion doctor, if abortion is as evil as you pretend it is.
GFY you tired old fool.
I rest my case. I am tired, thanks for acknowledging that, tired of sick, delusional fucks who are perfectly ok with 10 year olds being forced to give birth to a child.

You never had a case, calling everyone a sick fuck isn't a case
Of course I had a case, I was referring to NY's post on having a law in the US that you continually dodged, all while saying paraguay needs to have abortion illegal. Anyone with half a brain can easily determine that you're another one of the "pro life" nutters.

So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off

Why don't you go blow up an abortion clinic or shoot an abortion doctor, is abortion is as evil as you pretend it is.
Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I have frequently pointed out that half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used, and another 19 percent are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control. So nice straw man, try again.

In the meantime, stop using rape and incest victims as human shields. Pass it on.

That's perhaps the best argument today for fully funding Planned Parenthood.

Nope. It is actually the best argument for fully defunding PP and funding a women's health organization that does not perform abortions.

In the meantime, no one would be discussing rape and incest if Mike Huckabee hadn't brought it front and center in a national interview.

This is exactly what the takers of human shields want you to think. But there's one problem.

Huckabee didn't bring it up. CNN did!
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Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

BASH: Governor, I want to bring it back home and to an issue that's really been percolating in the Republican race, the issue of abortion.

Now, you oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I want to ask about a story, because it's really getting a lot of attention from our readers on A 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in Paraguay, and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion, because that's the policy there. The girl, who is now just 11, had the baby. If you're president, and you have your druthers, that would be the policy here. Some of your Republican opponents say it's too extreme. What do you say?

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs
It's a sickening tactic to use rape and incest victims as human shields to protect the million convenience abortions a year.
Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

BASH: Governor, I want to bring it back home and to an issue that's really been percolating in the Republican race, the issue of abortion.

Now, you oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I want to ask about a story, because it's really getting a lot of attention from our readers on A 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in Paraguay, and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion, because that's the policy there. The girl, who is now just 11, had the baby. If you're president, and you have your druthers, that would be the policy here. Some of your Republican opponents say it's too extreme. What do you say?

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs
The reporter grabbed a human shield? Are you kidding me? What a sad, sad excuse/defense. This story was getting attention, and it's very relevant for a outspoken pro life person to speak about it. Regardless, we now know huckabee is fucking insane.
Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

BASH: Governor, I want to bring it back home and to an issue that's really been percolating in the Republican race, the issue of abortion.

Now, you oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I want to ask about a story, because it's really getting a lot of attention from our readers on A 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in Paraguay, and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion, because that's the policy there. The girl, who is now just 11, had the baby. If you're president, and you have your druthers, that would be the policy here. Some of your Republican opponents say it's too extreme. What do you say?

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs

Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It's a sickening tactic to use rape and incest victims as human shields to protect the million convenience abortions a year.
Sucks to be you. Roe V. wade is legal, my generation is full of "evil liberal socialist communists" and abortion isn't going away any time soon, in fact, it never will better grab your assault rifle and go protect the fetuses.
Let men take the birth control, few side effect for them and more effective. A lot of women can't take birth control.

a rapist is not going to care about using a condom or getting a child birth control. A rapist does not care a bout the child at all.
I really don't think this is a birth control issue.

no it is rape issue, a rape of a child, not much more than a baby herself. No way mentally or physically she should be made to give birth, even by c-section.

Please tell me it's better for her to live with the murder of her child for life... seriously???

How do you know a ten year old considers abortion murder?

Very few Americans consider abortion murder. It's an extremely small minority of extremists that believe that.

At what point do you think you were human?
Human, person, body. Don't mix things up.
Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

BASH: Governor, I want to bring it back home and to an issue that's really been percolating in the Republican race, the issue of abortion.

Now, you oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I want to ask about a story, because it's really getting a lot of attention from our readers on A 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in Paraguay, and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion, because that's the policy there. The girl, who is now just 11, had the baby. If you're president, and you have your druthers, that would be the policy here. Some of your Republican opponents say it's too extreme. What do you say?

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs

Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It is exactly as I said earlier in the topic. Every single time a politician identifies themselves as pro-life, a reporter reflexively grabs a human shield and asks, "What about victims of rape and incest?"

Every. Single. Time.

It's a sickening tactic.

You just helped confirm CNN used that very tactic. It never fails. They do it every time. "BRING OUT THE RAPE KID!!!"
I really don't think this is a birth control issue.

no it is rape issue, a rape of a child, not much more than a baby herself. No way mentally or physically she should be made to give birth, even by c-section.

Please tell me it's better for her to live with the murder of her child for life... seriously???

How do you know a ten year old considers abortion murder?

Very few Americans consider abortion murder. It's an extremely small minority of extremists that believe that.

At what point do you think you were human?
Human, person, body. Don't mix things up.

You were you... even when sperm met egg....
That's perhaps the best argument today for fully funding Planned Parenthood. In the meantime, no one would be discussing rape and incest if Mike Huckabee hadn't brought it front and center in a national interview.

No it's not. You can get birth control shots from your OBGYN paid in full by Medicaid.

Let men take the birth control, few side effect for them and more effective. A lot of women can't take birth control.

a rapist is not going to care about using a condom or getting a child birth control. A rapist does not care a bout the child at all.
I really don't think this is a birth control issue.

no it is rape issue, a rape of a child, not much more than a baby herself. No way mentally or physically she should be made to give birth, even by c-section.

Please tell me it's better for her to live with the murder of her child for life... seriously???

the loss of her rapists seed? Much better. I'd cut he balls off if it were my child that was raped.

For a 10 yr old, she needs surgery to remove a tumor or some such excuse. She is too young to understand the fetus as a life. It does not need to be termed a killing, just that it died and had to be removed. It should have been done as soon as it was found out she was pregnant.

The child deserves a life, not a life as a mother to a child ten years younger than herself. Not a life knowing the child of her rapist even exist somewhere if the child's mother or guardian were to put it for adoption. She should not have to think about such things at her age. She is a child and should be thinking of childish things. She deserves her childhood, especially now after being raped.
It's a sickening tactic to use rape and incest victims as human shields to protect the million convenience abortions a year.
Sucks to be you. Roe V. wade is legal, my generation is full of "evil liberal socialist communists" and abortion isn't going away any time soon, in fact, it never will better grab your assault rifle and go protect the fetuses.
Nice straw man you got there.
no it is rape issue, a rape of a child, not much more than a baby herself. No way mentally or physically she should be made to give birth, even by c-section.

Please tell me it's better for her to live with the murder of her child for life... seriously???

How do you know a ten year old considers abortion murder?

Very few Americans consider abortion murder. It's an extremely small minority of extremists that believe that.

At what point do you think you were human?
Human, person, body. Don't mix things up.

You were you... even when sperm met egg....
It's a sickening tactic to use rape and incest victims as human shields to protect the million convenience abortions a year.
Sucks to be you. Roe V. wade is legal, my generation is full of "evil liberal socialist communists" and abortion isn't going away any time soon, in fact, it never will better grab your assault rifle and go protect the fetuses.
Nice straw man you got there.
Tired of reasoning with people who attempt to justify huckabee's stance. I've realized that pro lifers have lost, and will continue to lose, best to make fun of them.
It's a sickening tactic to use rape and incest victims as human shields to protect the million convenience abortions a year.
Sucks to be you. Roe V. wade is legal, my generation is full of "evil liberal socialist communists" and abortion isn't going away any time soon, in fact, it never will better grab your assault rifle and go protect the fetuses.
Nice straw man you got there.
Tired of reasoning with people who attempt to justify huckabee's stance. I've realized that pro lifers have lost, and will continue to lose, best to make fun of them.
It seems we have touched a nerve. You are spouting logical fallacies.
It's a sickening tactic to use rape and incest victims as human shields to protect the million convenience abortions a year.
Sucks to be you. Roe V. wade is legal, my generation is full of "evil liberal socialist communists" and abortion isn't going away any time soon, in fact, it never will better grab your assault rifle and go protect the fetuses.
Nice straw man you got there.
Tired of reasoning with people who attempt to justify huckabee's stance. I've realized that pro lifers have lost, and will continue to lose, best to make fun of them.
It seems we have touched a nerve. You are spouting logical fallacies.
If you think I'm the one who has had a nerve touched, yes, I have, given that people are attempting to justify forcing a 10 year old to have birth.
Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

BASH: Governor, I want to bring it back home and to an issue that's really been percolating in the Republican race, the issue of abortion.

Now, you oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I want to ask about a story, because it's really getting a lot of attention from our readers on A 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in Paraguay, and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion, because that's the policy there. The girl, who is now just 11, had the baby. If you're president, and you have your druthers, that would be the policy here. Some of your Republican opponents say it's too extreme. What do you say?

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs

Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It is exactly as I said earlier in the topic. Every single time a politician identifies themselves as pro-life, a reporter reflexively grabs a human shield and asks, "What about victims of rape and incest?"

Every. Single. Time.

It's a sickening tactic.

You just helped confirm CNN used that very tactic. It never fails. They do it every time. "BRING OUT THE RAPE KID!!!"

I didn't do any such thing. After 30 years, you would suspect people who argue these issues might have figured out that it is the reporter's job to ask tough questions. If you can't answer without wounding yourself too bad. Get someone in their that can carry your battle flag without falling over themselves.
Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

BASH: Governor, I want to bring it back home and to an issue that's really been percolating in the Republican race, the issue of abortion.

Now, you oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I want to ask about a story, because it's really getting a lot of attention from our readers on A 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in Paraguay, and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion, because that's the policy there. The girl, who is now just 11, had the baby. If you're president, and you have your druthers, that would be the policy here. Some of your Republican opponents say it's too extreme. What do you say?

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs

Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It is exactly as I said earlier in the topic. Every single time a politician identifies themselves as pro-life, a reporter reflexively grabs a human shield and asks, "What about victims of rape and incest?"

Every. Single. Time.

It's a sickening tactic.

You just helped confirm CNN used that very tactic. It never fails. They do it every time. "BRING OUT THE RAPE KID!!!"

I didn't do any such thing. After 30 years, you would suspect people who argue these issues might have figured out that it is the reporter's job to ask tough questions. If you can't answer without wounding yourself too bad. Get someone in their that can carry your battle flag without falling over themselves.
It's not a tough question. It's an extremely old question. The reporter is brainless and brought nothing new to the conversation.

Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

BASH: Governor, I want to bring it back home and to an issue that's really been percolating in the Republican race, the issue of abortion.

Now, you oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I want to ask about a story, because it's really getting a lot of attention from our readers on A 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in Paraguay, and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion, because that's the policy there. The girl, who is now just 11, had the baby. If you're president, and you have your druthers, that would be the policy here. Some of your Republican opponents say it's too extreme. What do you say?

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs

Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It is exactly as I said earlier in the topic. Every single time a politician identifies themselves as pro-life, a reporter reflexively grabs a human shield and asks, "What about victims of rape and incest?"

Every. Single. Time.

It's a sickening tactic.

You just helped confirm CNN used that very tactic. It never fails. They do it every time. "BRING OUT THE RAPE KID!!!"

I didn't do any such thing. After 30 years, you would suspect people who argue these issues might have figured out that it is the reporter's job to ask tough questions. If you can't answer without wounding yourself too bad. Get someone in their that can carry your battle flag without falling over themselves.
It's not a tough question. It's an extremely old question. The reporter is brainless and brought nothing new to the conversation.

Dude, what is your problem? The story was entirely relevant and huckabee has a history of being a bat shit lunatic.

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