Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

So if right wingers live by the Bible, they can marry children?
At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
A 10 year old getting pregnant? Sounds like a made up story to me.

It's possible. As soon as a girl starts her menstrual cycle she is able to get pregnant. Some girls do start that early. They teach this in junior must have been sleeping during that lesson.

A 10 year old can get pregnant, but that doesn't mean they are also capable of carrying the embryo for 9 months, and delivery can be fatal. It would be in the best interest of the girl and the fetus to have an abortion as inbreeding doesn't always produce a healthy baby. Of course, conservative Huckabee would want to keep it alive but doesn't offer any plans to help the girl provide for the upkeep of such a child.

10-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth to Daughter - ABC News

Offspring of biologically related persons are subject to the possible impact of inbreeding, such as congenital birth defects. The chances of such disorders is increased the closer the relationship of the biological parents. (See coefficient of inbreeding.) This is because such pairings increase the proportion of homozygous zygotes in the offspring, in particular deleterious recessive alleles, which produce such disorders.

I guess Huckabee doesn't care if the poor 10 year old, who has already is a victim, becomes a dead one.
Why 10-Year-Olds Shouldn t Give Birth Pregnancy Health
At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
A 10 year old getting pregnant? Sounds like a made up story to me.

It's possible. As soon as a girl starts her menstrual cycle she is able to get pregnant. Some girls do start that early. They teach this in junior must have been sleeping during that lesson.

A 10 year old can get pregnant, but that doesn't mean they are also capable of carrying the embryo for 9 months, and delivery can be fatal. It would be in the best interest of the girl and the fetus to have an abortion as inbreeding doesn't always produce a healthy baby. Of course, conservative Huckabee would want to keep it alive but doesn't offer any plans to help the girl provide for the upkeep of such a child.

10-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth to Daughter - ABC News

Offspring of biologically related persons are subject to the possible impact of inbreeding, such as congenital birth defects. The chances of such disorders is increased the closer the relationship of the biological parents. (See coefficient of inbreeding.) This is because such pairings increase the proportion of homozygous zygotes in the offspring, in particular deleterious recessive alleles, which produce such disorders.

I guess Huckabee doesn't care if the poor 10 year old, who has already is a victim, becomes a dead one.
Why 10-Year-Olds Shouldn t Give Birth Pregnancy Health
Try five years old

List of youngest birth mothers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
A 10 year old getting pregnant? Sounds like a made up story to me.

It's possible. As soon as a girl starts her menstrual cycle she is able to get pregnant. Some girls do start that early. They teach this in junior must have been sleeping during that lesson.

A 10 year old can get pregnant, but that doesn't mean they are also capable of carrying the embryo for 9 months, and delivery can be fatal. It would be in the best interest of the girl and the fetus to have an abortion as inbreeding doesn't always produce a healthy baby. Of course, conservative Huckabee would want to keep it alive but doesn't offer any plans to help the girl provide for the upkeep of such a child.

10-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth to Daughter - ABC News

Offspring of biologically related persons are subject to the possible impact of inbreeding, such as congenital birth defects. The chances of such disorders is increased the closer the relationship of the biological parents. (See coefficient of inbreeding.) This is because such pairings increase the proportion of homozygous zygotes in the offspring, in particular deleterious recessive alleles, which produce such disorders.

I guess Huckabee doesn't care if the poor 10 year old, who has already is a victim, becomes a dead one.
Why 10-Year-Olds Shouldn t Give Birth Pregnancy Health
Try five years old

List of youngest birth mothers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Wow.....I guess Misty is getting that lesson she missed!

Holy shit...

Wait, that is what Duggar said? Holy shit is right. This is like the underground of how the evangelicals live! WTF is wrong with these people.
Evangelicals have a really f$%cked up view of sexuality.

Holy shit...

Wait, that is what Duggar said? Holy shit is right. This is like the underground of the evangelicals live! WTF is wrong with these people.
Evangelicals have a really f$%cked up view of sexuality.

Well, not all evangelicals.........just those who have made the Republican party their #1 idol.......they'll do and say anything to protect those that vote with them.
At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
A 10 year old getting pregnant? Sounds like a made up story to me.

It's possible. As soon as a girl starts her menstrual cycle she is able to get pregnant. Some girls do start that early. They teach this in junior must have been sleeping during that lesson.

A 10 year old can get pregnant, but that doesn't mean they are also capable of carrying the embryo for 9 months, and delivery can be fatal. It would be in the best interest of the girl and the fetus to have an abortion as inbreeding doesn't always produce a healthy baby. Of course, conservative Huckabee would want to keep it alive but doesn't offer any plans to help the girl provide for the upkeep of such a child.

10-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth to Daughter - ABC News

Offspring of biologically related persons are subject to the possible impact of inbreeding, such as congenital birth defects. The chances of such disorders is increased the closer the relationship of the biological parents. (See coefficient of inbreeding.) This is because such pairings increase the proportion of homozygous zygotes in the offspring, in particular deleterious recessive alleles, which produce such disorders.

I guess Huckabee doesn't care if the poor 10 year old, who has already is a victim, becomes a dead one.
Why 10-Year-Olds Shouldn t Give Birth Pregnancy Health
Try five years old

List of youngest birth mothers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Wow.....I guess Misty is getting that lesson she missed!
It's good to know that her day hasn't been completely wasted.
It's sick to subject her to the added risk of abortion to protect and enrich her abusers.
Carrying the fetus to term was the risk, and it wasn't full-term because of the risk, just as she was too little to give birth without a C-section. That alone could have killed her but you don't seem to care about that or her health, just abortion.

And come on there Kosher, is there any abortion that you approve of?

the wackos aren't pro life... they're pro birth.

and then they think the moms should be screwed and starved and their kids live in poverty. that way the harlots are punished.

cause that's how they roll.

Lying troll.
Jillian proposes those who abuse the HARLOTS...her word for kids who are impregnated by dad, protected and shielded.

She never said any such thing, liar.

she's a compulsive liar. she can't help it.
The stepfather should be killed, not the baby.
I agree
He's in prison, which is a appropriate. Even child rape is not a capital crime. Life goes on, obviously.
so the rapist should live but the baby must die? That's fucked up

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five cells isn't a baby.

you're entitled to your opinion.

you aren't entitled to impose your insanity on others.
I'm no fan of Huckabee, but the rape-and-incest gambit is a giant red herring. Less than one percent of abortions is for rape. The abortionists want us all to focus on the extreme exception to avoid talking about the nearly million abortions a year that are done because a child is inconvenient.

The abortionists are using rape and incest victims as human shields. It's a disgusting tactic.
If you are truly Pro-Life, there are no exceptions. Stop worrying about people having sex and start worrying about making sure it doesn't make unwanted babies, and most of these elective abortions will go away.
I have frequently pointed out that half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used, and another 19 percent are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control. So nice straw man, try again.

In the meantime, stop using rape and incest victims as human shields. Pass it on.

i have a better idea. mind your own business and make your own decisions.

it's hysterical watching people who whine if they can't buy 30 ounces of sugar water advocate for government being their religious police. (you do understand that not everyone believes what you do, right?... oh wait... of course you don't.).
Women need to respect themselves and thier bodies and wait to have sex until they are ready to deal with the consequences that may arise. Killing a innocent isn't a proper response. As for this little girl in a different country. I don't see punishing the unborn baby because of the crime committed to the mother....why must you liberals hate babies of color so much?

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and showing them respect by having men control their bodies is ok, right? :cuckoo:
And 10 times more likely to die screaming from the abortion as to die from birth.

beside being irrational, you're making up facts, but in the process, you undercut your own argument.

Actually, I perfectly addressed and squashed Coyote's nonsense. You should pay better attention.

Only in your dimension - not in ours.
You're perverted, criminal scum. I care nothing for your narrow, dark dimension.

Okay, I'll bite. Please tell us why I'm "perverted, criminal scum" - and cite the law(s) I have violated.

she's a wacko....
Women need to respect themselves and thier bodies and wait to have sex until they are ready to deal with the consequences that may arise. Killing a innocent isn't a proper response. As for this little girl in a different country. I don't see punishing the unborn baby because of the crime committed to the mother....why must you liberals hate babies of color so much?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

and showing them respect by having men control their bodies is ok, right? :cuckoo:
You mean when they rape them, then force them to get an abortion? Oh wait, that's what you advocate.
I'm no fan of Huckabee, but the rape-and-incest gambit is a giant red herring. Less than one percent of abortions is for rape. The abortionists want us all to focus on the extreme exception to avoid talking about the nearly million abortions a year that are done because a child is inconvenient.

The abortionists are using rape and incest victims as human shields. It's a disgusting tactic.
If you are truly Pro-Life, there are no exceptions. Stop worrying about people having sex and start worrying about making sure it doesn't make unwanted babies, and most of these elective abortions will go away.
I have frequently pointed out that half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used, and another 19 percent are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control. So nice straw man, try again.

In the meantime, stop using rape and incest victims as human shields. Pass it on.

i have a better idea. mind your own business and make your own decisions.

it's hysterical watching people who whine if they can't buy 30 ounces of sugar water advocate for government being their religious police. (you do understand that not everyone believes what you do, right?... oh wait... of course you don't.).
So you'd turn the other way if you saw a girl being dragged into an abortion clinic? You're okay with physical and chemical restraints being used on women who want to leave? None of your business, right? That's how you're ppl got into such a fix during WWII. It was nobody's business.
Women need to respect themselves and thier bodies and wait to have sex until they are ready to deal with the consequences that may arise. Killing a innocent isn't a proper response. As for this little girl in a different country. I don't see punishing the unborn baby because of the crime committed to the mother....why must you liberals hate babies of color so much?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

and showing them respect by having men control their bodies is ok, right? :cuckoo:
You mean when they rape them, then force them to get an abortion? Oh wait, that's what you advocate.
Technically, the stepfather raped the child. It was the mother who wanted the girl to have an abortion and return home , to the rapist.

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