Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

BASH: Governor, I want to bring it back home and to an issue that's really been percolating in the Republican race, the issue of abortion.

Now, you oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I want to ask about a story, because it's really getting a lot of attention from our readers on A 10-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather in Paraguay, and the government wouldn't allow her to have an abortion, because that's the policy there. The girl, who is now just 11, had the baby. If you're president, and you have your druthers, that would be the policy here. Some of your Republican opponents say it's too extreme. What do you say?

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs

Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It is exactly as I said earlier in the topic. Every single time a politician identifies themselves as pro-life, a reporter reflexively grabs a human shield and asks, "What about victims of rape and incest?"

Every. Single. Time.

It's a sickening tactic.

You just helped confirm CNN used that very tactic. It never fails. They do it every time. "BRING OUT THE RAPE KID!!!"

I didn't do any such thing. After 30 years, you would suspect people who argue these issues might have figured out that it is the reporter's job to ask tough questions. If you can't answer without wounding yourself too bad. Get someone in their that can carry your battle flag without falling over themselves.
It's not a tough question. It's an extremely old question. The reporter is brainless and brought nothing new to the conversation.


Then Huckabee should have been prepared for it. But then we all pretty much knew that he wasn't up to the big job anyway.
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.

What's worse... living with the fact that you killed your own child?
Or going through 9 months of pregnancy and putting him/her up for adoption?

That's a woman's choice depending on her individual circumstances. Right?

Nope, not in Paraguay and the law is the law, right?

Plus... The girl didn't die in child birth. Love these doom and gloom leftie straw men.
She didn't give birth, she had a premature infant, by C-section.
GFY you tired old fool.
I rest my case. I am tired, thanks for acknowledging that, tired of sick, delusional fucks who are perfectly ok with 10 year olds being forced to give birth to a child.

You never had a case, calling everyone a sick fuck isn't a case
Of course I had a case, I was referring to NY's post on having a law in the US that you continually dodged, all while saying paraguay needs to have abortion illegal. Anyone with half a brain can easily determine that you're another one of the "pro life" nutters.

So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off
Oh, I don't need a plan, people like yourself have lost, and will continue to lose, thanks to my evil liberal generation. Roe v. wade is done, the planned parenthood bullshit failed to stick anything, and women are getting abortions right now.

she gave birth by c-section at 37 weeks to a girl, now they worried about her nursing the infant. Step dad's in jail and mom was arrested, but allowed to visit her daughter while she was pregnant.

this is tragic on every level. The poor girl
I rest my case. I am tired, thanks for acknowledging that, tired of sick, delusional fucks who are perfectly ok with 10 year olds being forced to give birth to a child.

You never had a case, calling everyone a sick fuck isn't a case
Of course I had a case, I was referring to NY's post on having a law in the US that you continually dodged, all while saying paraguay needs to have abortion illegal. Anyone with half a brain can easily determine that you're another one of the "pro life" nutters.

So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off
Oh, I don't need a plan, people like yourself have lost, and will continue to lose, thanks to my evil liberal generation. Roe v. wade is done, the planned parenthood bullshit failed to stick anything, and women are getting abortions right now.

she gave birth by c-section at 37 weeks to a girl, now they worried about her nursing the infant. Step dad's in jail and mom was arrested, but allowed to visit her daughter while she was pregnant.

this is tragic on every level. The poor girl
Exactly why she should have had an abortion.
Just as I said. Huckabee didn't bring up the girl in Paraguay. The reporter grabbed a human shield, just as they always do with a pro-lifer:

Former Gov Huckabee defended his no-exceptions position on abortion today on CNN s State of the Union CNN Press Room - Blogs

Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It is exactly as I said earlier in the topic. Every single time a politician identifies themselves as pro-life, a reporter reflexively grabs a human shield and asks, "What about victims of rape and incest?"

Every. Single. Time.

It's a sickening tactic.

You just helped confirm CNN used that very tactic. It never fails. They do it every time. "BRING OUT THE RAPE KID!!!"

I didn't do any such thing. After 30 years, you would suspect people who argue these issues might have figured out that it is the reporter's job to ask tough questions. If you can't answer without wounding yourself too bad. Get someone in their that can carry your battle flag without falling over themselves.
It's not a tough question. It's an extremely old question. The reporter is brainless and brought nothing new to the conversation.


Then Huckabee should have been prepared for it. But then we all pretty much knew that he wasn't up to the big job anyway.
I never knew a 10 y/o could get preggers
Isn't that pretty rare?

Christ, you're as dumb as the other two. I heard the youngest reported pregnancy was around 4 years old.

Good Lord! That can not be true!!! WOW!!! need to start reading more! No way!

There was a five year old that gave birth, I didn't believe it either but evidently it happened
List of youngest birth mothers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It is exactly as I said earlier in the topic. Every single time a politician identifies themselves as pro-life, a reporter reflexively grabs a human shield and asks, "What about victims of rape and incest?"

Every. Single. Time.

It's a sickening tactic.

You just helped confirm CNN used that very tactic. It never fails. They do it every time. "BRING OUT THE RAPE KID!!!"

I didn't do any such thing. After 30 years, you would suspect people who argue these issues might have figured out that it is the reporter's job to ask tough questions. If you can't answer without wounding yourself too bad. Get someone in their that can carry your battle flag without falling over themselves.
It's not a tough question. It's an extremely old question. The reporter is brainless and brought nothing new to the conversation.


Then Huckabee should have been prepared for it. But then we all pretty much knew that he wasn't up to the big job anyway.
Now we know you're a moron who doesn't understand how the media works.
Huckabee is completely at fault for putting his size 14 in his own mouth, It is the job of the press to ask questions, he is solely responsible for how he answers.
It is exactly as I said earlier in the topic. Every single time a politician identifies themselves as pro-life, a reporter reflexively grabs a human shield and asks, "What about victims of rape and incest?"

Every. Single. Time.

It's a sickening tactic.

You just helped confirm CNN used that very tactic. It never fails. They do it every time. "BRING OUT THE RAPE KID!!!"

I didn't do any such thing. After 30 years, you would suspect people who argue these issues might have figured out that it is the reporter's job to ask tough questions. If you can't answer without wounding yourself too bad. Get someone in their that can carry your battle flag without falling over themselves.
It's not a tough question. It's an extremely old question. The reporter is brainless and brought nothing new to the conversation.


Then Huckabee should have been prepared for it. But then we all pretty much knew that he wasn't up to the big job anyway.
I guess you're not ready for prime time either.
You never had a case, calling everyone a sick fuck isn't a case
Of course I had a case, I was referring to NY's post on having a law in the US that you continually dodged, all while saying paraguay needs to have abortion illegal. Anyone with half a brain can easily determine that you're another one of the "pro life" nutters.

So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off
Oh, I don't need a plan, people like yourself have lost, and will continue to lose, thanks to my evil liberal generation. Roe v. wade is done, the planned parenthood bullshit failed to stick anything, and women are getting abortions right now.

she gave birth by c-section at 37 weeks to a girl, now they worried about her nursing the infant. Step dad's in jail and mom was arrested, but allowed to visit her daughter while she was pregnant.

this is tragic on every level. The poor girl
Exactly why she should have had an abortion.

she should be playing with dolls not changing diapers and nursing an infant.
Of course I had a case, I was referring to NY's post on having a law in the US that you continually dodged, all while saying paraguay needs to have abortion illegal. Anyone with half a brain can easily determine that you're another one of the "pro life" nutters.

So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off
Oh, I don't need a plan, people like yourself have lost, and will continue to lose, thanks to my evil liberal generation. Roe v. wade is done, the planned parenthood bullshit failed to stick anything, and women are getting abortions right now.

she gave birth by c-section at 37 weeks to a girl, now they worried about her nursing the infant. Step dad's in jail and mom was arrested, but allowed to visit her daughter while she was pregnant.

this is tragic on every level. The poor girl
Exactly why she should have had an abortion.

she should be playing with dolls not changing diapers and nursing an infant.

I agree! Huckabee's "Duggar" mentality is beyond belief. Huckabee exemplifies the American Taliban.
Of course I had a case, I was referring to NY's post on having a law in the US that you continually dodged, all while saying paraguay needs to have abortion illegal. Anyone with half a brain can easily determine that you're another one of the "pro life" nutters.

So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off
Oh, I don't need a plan, people like yourself have lost, and will continue to lose, thanks to my evil liberal generation. Roe v. wade is done, the planned parenthood bullshit failed to stick anything, and women are getting abortions right now.

she gave birth by c-section at 37 weeks to a girl, now they worried about her nursing the infant. Step dad's in jail and mom was arrested, but allowed to visit her daughter while she was pregnant.

this is tragic on every level. The poor girl
Exactly why she should have had an abortion.

she should be playing with dolls not changing diapers and nursing an infant.
Thanks to the moralists, she has a doll, a living one.
I defend religious freedom. You defend statists and totalitarians like Bernie Sanders. You support failed programs that have impoverished blacks for generations. You support programs that reduce black job opportunities. You support the murder of black infants. That is clear. What is also clear is that you are total imbecile.
"I defend religious freedom" Oh, I do as well, refusing to service homosexuals isn't "freedom" it's bigotry and stupidity, civil rights bitch. Bernie sanders is a totalitarian? Please, back that up, you delusional twit. Err, failed programs that have impoverished blacks? Welfare programs reduce poverty you fucking numbskull. Welfare programs shown to reduce poverty in America Money The Guardian
I support the murder of black infants? Oh please, I support a women's right to a safe and legal abortion, established with roe v. wade.

Roe vs Wade does not apply here, that has been established
He was referencing america, please read the thread, as you told me.

He was asked about a girl in Paraquay, the entire thing is stupid, abortion is illegal in Paraquay, as it should be

Wait a second. If Paraguay wasn't so backward and provided education, access to birth control, appropriate health care, this child might not have a problem at all. Who the hell is pro life in this argument anyway? the people who want to reduce the number of abortions or the backward illiterates who in the most draconian way want to restrict any access at all? Seems to me that ineffective anti-freedom policies are more damning than those that actually accomplish something.

She was a chid that had been raped. She was taken to the doctor for a stomach ache and told she was pregnant. She was not give the option of birth control. A child that young should not have to be concerned with birth control or expected to know how to use it.

Now an 11yr old trying to nurse a premature infant with no mother to teach or guide her or help her. A child caring for an infant after having a c-section?
According to right wingers' science...if she got pregnant it can't have been a legitimate rape anyway.
I think that means that she wasn't really raped.
So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off
Oh, I don't need a plan, people like yourself have lost, and will continue to lose, thanks to my evil liberal generation. Roe v. wade is done, the planned parenthood bullshit failed to stick anything, and women are getting abortions right now.

she gave birth by c-section at 37 weeks to a girl, now they worried about her nursing the infant. Step dad's in jail and mom was arrested, but allowed to visit her daughter while she was pregnant.

this is tragic on every level. The poor girl
Exactly why she should have had an abortion.

she should be playing with dolls not changing diapers and nursing an infant.
Thanks to the moralists, she has a doll, a living one.

But she can't just sit the 'doll' in a corner and go out and play with other children her age and forget to care for it. A child who had had her childhood stolen from her. She is not old enough to be responsible for an infant. Its not like letting a puppy make a mistake on the carpet because you forgot to walk it. It is a new born infant.

this whole thing is sad
No it's not. You can get birth control shots from your OBGYN paid in full by Medicaid.

Let men take the birth control, few side effect for them and more effective. A lot of women can't take birth control.

a rapist is not going to care about using a condom or getting a child birth control. A rapist does not care a bout the child at all.
I really don't think this is a birth control issue.

no it is rape issue, a rape of a child, not much more than a baby herself. No way mentally or physically she should be made to give birth, even by c-section.

Please tell me it's better for her to live with the murder of her child for life... seriously???
Get the fuck out of here, you're running with this idiotic assumption that this girl will view the abortion as the murder of a child.

if it had been done immediately, they could have told her it was a growth that had to be removed.

A child having a c-section and now responsible for an infant without a mother's guidance, granted her mother is not going to be winning an awards for mother of the year. Poor little girl. She will never get her childhood or innocence back.
GFY you tired old fool.
I rest my case. I am tired, thanks for acknowledging that, tired of sick, delusional fucks who are perfectly ok with 10 year olds being forced to give birth to a child.

You never had a case, calling everyone a sick fuck isn't a case
Of course I had a case, I was referring to NY's post on having a law in the US that you continually dodged, all while saying paraguay needs to have abortion illegal. Anyone with half a brain can easily determine that you're another one of the "pro life" nutters.

So sue me asshole. Now what's your plan? What exactly do you plan to about me being a "pro life" nutter? Want some help you tired old wheez? Not a damn thing, I don't give a damn about your wants, desires, whines or anything else in your miserable life. Learn that and you'll be much better off

Why don't you go blow up an abortion clinic or shoot an abortion doctor, if abortion is as evil as you pretend it is.

Not give her ideas. Doctors don't deserve the abuse or threats. There is so much more that PP does for women that just abortions.
According to right wingers' science...if she got pregnant it can't have been a legitimate rape anyway.
I think that means that she wasn't really raped.

I forgot about that nonsense. Who was that, todd akin, just a few years ago in congress?
Let men take the birth control, few side effect for them and more effective. A lot of women can't take birth control.

a rapist is not going to care about using a condom or getting a child birth control. A rapist does not care a bout the child at all.
I really don't think this is a birth control issue.

no it is rape issue, a rape of a child, not much more than a baby herself. No way mentally or physically she should be made to give birth, even by c-section.

Please tell me it's better for her to live with the murder of her child for life... seriously???
Get the fuck out of here, you're running with this idiotic assumption that this girl will view the abortion as the murder of a child.

if it had been done immediately, they could have told her it was a growth that had to be removed.

A child having a c-section and now responsible for an infant without a mother's guidance, granted her mother is not going to be winning an awards for mother of the year. Poor little girl. She will never get her childhood or innocence back.

That's an understatement. The poor are going to stigmatize her no matter whose fault, she will not be allowed in parochial schools. She will be pointed at until she is past adulthood, and not a single person advocating for her to be a mother and deal with this will lift a finger or give a penny. I know Sorry Ass Lassie and Kosher Girl have already created a donation page for her. Ha, they won't shed a tear or give a penny.

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