Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

It's sick to subject her to the added risk of abortion to protect and enrich her abusers.
Carrying the fetus to term was the risk, and it wasn't full-term because of the risk, just as she was too little to give birth without a C-section. That alone could have killed her but you don't seem to care about that or her health, just abortion.

And come on there Kosher, is there any abortion that you approve of?

the wackos aren't pro life... they're pro birth.

and then they think the moms should be screwed and starved and their kids live in poverty. that way the harlots are punished.

cause that's how they roll.

Lying troll.

You would vote to cut that baby's SNAP benefits in a heartbeat.

And you know this how? What a f..king disingenuous argument. And look how many agreed or liked your lying piece of tripe. Points towards the degeneration we are seeing in the country. Points towards the degeneration of honest civil debate.

What we know for a fact is you hate unborn babies.

On second thought I know why you said such a BS thing, it is because that is what YOU are doing. YOU are more then happy to thin the weeds to reduce those children that are dependent on YOU the tax payer. Mass killing to stop SNAP payments. No wonder you sounded so degenerate. Damn you be projecting big time.

Because you bitch about food stamps all the time. You also bitch about imaginary SNAP fraud.

What are you talking about? How many programs do we need to feed the poor and to help the poor do you think we need?

I guess the truth rubbed you the wrong way tonight.
Prog logic....force girls who have been raped to submit to dangerous abortion at the hands of depraved, unlicensed ghouls in hell houses that have zero oversight. Instead of calling the police to report the abuse, removing the child and placing her under a real doctor's care.

No you let them be seen by qualified GYNs in a clinic or hospital and remove the fetus rather than have her live with the reminder of her rapist.
A child's body is too small for pregnancy. A child's body is too small for sex.

Any man I see come after a small child, I'd pull out the crimping pliers and put an end to his 'desire' permanently.
Crunch, that sound is when you know it's done right
No Novocain
That's like the sound of an abortion. When did dr. Lamborghini put it....get the crunchy bits
Only of course the baby has done nothing.

You know, I have never heard a woman say she wishes she'd gotten an abortion.

I've heard many say they wished they hadn't.

cruchy bits? the fetus is mush, like balloon filled with jello. even in a late term, the scull is already in pieces and bones are still small enough to pass through the canal.

Nucatola is a director, not an abortionist with PP. She doesn't know from 'crunchy bits' and her video is just so much bluster.
She does not see patients at PP.I don't know if she was trying to impress the one making the video or if it was part of a bad joke, but she is just a director of the LA area.
She could have been eating lobster or crab and the video was well spliced and edited. I don't have the original to compare. I wouldn't bet the house on the reliability of those videos. I certainly don't trust those involved in making them. Courts obviously don't trust them either. The video was not intended to be an honest report but a propaganda expose intended to smear PP, even if they had to make it up or get creative with the editing of the interviews aimed to draw certain statements.
Even, even if there are a couple of bad apples, it does not mean there is justification t shut down some 7000 PP clinics that serve the well being of the women in those area with far more than abortions. PP does prenatal exams and classes for women that want healthy babies.

The planned parenthood is to help parents, not just the 5% that don't want to be parents or that can't safely be a parent at that time.
Women need to respect themselves and thier bodies and wait to have sex until they are ready to deal with the consequences that may arise. Killing a innocent isn't a proper response. As for this little girl in a different country. I don't see punishing the unborn baby because of the crime committed to the mother....why must you liberals hate babies of color so much?

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and showing them respect by having men control their bodies is ok, right? :cuckoo:
You mean when they rape them, then force them to get an abortion? Oh wait, that's what you advocate.
So, now you're suggesting that 10 year old little girls that have been raped should bring the fetus to term just to prove to the rapist that he doesn't have control over her body?

As I said before...your logic is difficult to argue against...without doubt.

Oh this is where you loons start assigning a fake stance to me, and pretend I actually said it. You're not even original.
Prog logic....force girls who have been raped to submit to dangerous abortion at the hands of depraved, unlicensed ghouls in hell houses that have zero oversight. Instead of calling the police to report the abuse, removing the child and placing her under a real doctor's care.

No you let them be seen by qualified GYNs in a clinic or hospital and remove the fetus rather than have her live with the reminder of her rapist.
A child's body is too small for pregnancy. A child's body is too small for sex.

Any man I see come after a small child, I'd pull out the crimping pliers and put an end to his 'desire' permanently.
Crunch, that sound is when you know it's done right
No Novocain
That's like the sound of an abortion. When did dr. Lamborghini put it....get the crunchy bits
Only of course the baby has done nothing.

You know, I have never heard a woman say she wishes she'd gotten an abortion.

I've heard many say they wished they hadn't.

cruchy bits? the fetus is mush, like balloon filled with jello. even in a late term, the scull is already in pieces and bones are still small enough to pass through the canal.

Nucatola is a director, not an abortionist with PP. She doesn't know from 'crunchy bits' and her video is just so much bluster.
She does not see patients at PP.I don't know if she was trying to impress the one making the video or if it was part of a bad joke, but she is just a director of the LA area.
She could have been eating lobster or crab and the video was well spliced and edited. I don't have the original to compare. I wouldn't bet the house on the reliability of those videos. I certainly don't trust those involved in making them. Courts obviously don't trust them either. The video was not intended to be an honest report but a propaganda expose intended to smear PP, even if they had to make it up or get creative with the editing of the interviews aimed to draw certain statements.
Even, even if there are a couple of bad apples, it does not mean there is justification t shut down some 7000 PP clinics that serve the well being of the women in those area with far more than abortions. PP does prenatal exams and classes for women that want healthy babies.

The planned parenthood is to help parents, not just the 5% that don't want to be parents or that can't safely be a parent at that time.
It was the other butcher. They both were describing how they, personally, train their clinicians to harvest.
Women need to respect themselves and thier bodies and wait to have sex until they are ready to deal with the consequences that may arise. Killing a innocent isn't a proper response. As for this little girl in a different country. I don't see punishing the unborn baby because of the crime committed to the mother....why must you liberals hate babies of color so much?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

and showing them respect by having men control their bodies is ok, right? :cuckoo:
You mean when they rape them, then force them to get an abortion? Oh wait, that's what you advocate.
So, now you're suggesting that 10 year old little girls that have been raped should bring the fetus to term just to prove to the rapist that he doesn't have control over her body?

As I said before...your logic is difficult to argue against...without doubt.

Oh this is where you loons start assigning a fake stance to me, and pretend I actually said it. You're not even original.
Oh this is where you loons start assigning a fake stance to me, and pretend I actually said it.
Oh...that is priceless!!!
Yawn. So you've shot your wad..onto ignore you go. I don't waste time on loons who pretend I argued points I never made. Adios.
Yawn. So you've shot your wad..onto ignore you go. I don't waste time on loons who pretend I argued points I never made. Adios.
Absolutely hilarious.
Somehow, you've managed to disappear up your own argument.
An astonishing feat of flexibility.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you.
An unborn baby has a heart beat just like the rest of us so why should it suffer because of how it was created. Any person who wants kids but can't have any of their own I am sure would appreciate it if the baby was given to them.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if the person who is pregnant with the child is not willing to carry the child during the nine month pregnancy period, find someone who is.
1. You cannot put the fetus in another woman's body to carry it to term. And this child of 10 isn't a woman anyway.
2. You are so concerned about the fetus: why no concern as to what having to carry this fetus to term will do the the poor, raped 10 year old child? Physically and emotionally it will damage her beyond measure.
3. I know what giving up a child for adoption does to women, and it is not an easy thing: it is something she has to live with her entire life. It can be extraordinarily painful.
4. Why do you all want to punish this poor 10 year old for being raped? That's the real question: why are you all so eager to so profoundly punish this 10 year old child who was raped by a relative? It's just sick.
5. How quientessentiallly hypocritical to say 'God bless you always,' in the same breath as proposing that a 10 year old rape victim should be forced to live the hell of having the baby of the rapist. Unbelievable.

If the baby can be carried by another person, it should be and then it can be given to a person who wants kids but can not have any of their own.

God bless you and the ten year old girl always!!!

A 10 year old should not be forced to carry a baby, you moron.
Obviously, you didn't see everything that I said in my previous in this chat, sunshine. I said. "If the baby can be carried by another person, it should be." :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. A baby shouldn't be killed because of the way that it came to be either. To me, it is just as much a victim as the person getting raped if not more.
Holy shit, you really are an idiot. You think you can remove a fetus and let some other woman carry it? I'm at a loss for words. lol

It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you.
An unborn baby has a heart beat just like the rest of us so why should it suffer because of how it was created. Any person who wants kids but can't have any of their own I am sure would appreciate it if the baby was given to them.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if the person who is pregnant with the child is not willing to carry the child during the nine month pregnancy period, find someone who is.
That's disturbingly ghoulish.
Wow. You people make it sound someone who is pregnant is going to be stuck with the child forever when you know that isn't true. Where is it written that a person has to keep their child once it has been born? Oh yeah. Yee haw! That's right! No where! Also, why should a perfectly healthy child be done away with because of the way that it was created? To me, every child that can be saved should be saved. If you do not want the baby, give it up so that those who want kids of their own but can not produce any can have a shot at getting the child for themselves. How would you like it if you were killed because of the way that you were conceived? To me, abortion is and will always be a sheer and severe act of selfishness not to mention murder and if you people can not see that, then obviously I am not the one who has issues. Yes what happened to the girl was awful, but aborting the child that she got pregnant with would only be adding the baby to the list of victims and it would be the girl who make such a thing happen by getting rid of the baby which in my opinion would only make her a follower. Just because she was raped doesn't mean that she has to continue the negative domino affect by killing the child that she got pregnant with. The man who raped her is selfish for doing such a thing to anyone, but doing away with the child by killing it would only make her just as selfish as her rapist if not more. To me, she should take control of the situation that she is in by making sure that another person does not pay for what happened to her like the baby that she is pregnant with for example.

God bless you and her and her baby always!!!


P.S. Another thing that she could do is her best to make sure that her rapist doesn't feast on anyone else by doing all that she can to get him put away for good.
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Carrying the fetus to term was the risk, and it wasn't full-term because of the risk, just as she was too little to give birth without a C-section. That alone could have killed her but you don't seem to care about that or her health, just abortion.

And come on there Kosher, is there any abortion that you approve of?

the wackos aren't pro life... they're pro birth.

and then they think the moms should be screwed and starved and their kids live in poverty. that way the harlots are punished.

cause that's how they roll.

Lying troll.

You would vote to cut that baby's SNAP benefits in a heartbeat.

And you know this how? What a f..king disingenuous argument. And look how many agreed or liked your lying piece of tripe. Points towards the degeneration we are seeing in the country. Points towards the degeneration of honest civil debate.

What we know for a fact is you hate unborn babies.

On second thought I know why you said such a BS thing, it is because that is what YOU are doing. YOU are more then happy to thin the weeds to reduce those children that are dependent on YOU the tax payer. Mass killing to stop SNAP payments. No wonder you sounded so degenerate. Damn you be projecting big time.

Because you bitch about food stamps all the time. You also bitch about imaginary SNAP fraud.

What are you talking about? How many programs do we need to feed the poor and to help the poor do you think we need?

I guess the truth rubbed you the wrong way tonight.

The is just pure BS. I have never ever once complained about welfare or food stamps. You are completely on your ass as are most liberals who know so much that isn't so.

But I will once again dare you to show me one post where I mentioned SNAP or welfare. Should be easy if what you are bleating is true. It won't be easy unless you somehow makes something up.

What I might have said something about is the effects of welfare.
It's to bad hucklebee wasn't Islam then the left wouldnt care what he said.

If Huckabee was a muslim he would be in liberated Afghanistan campaigning to be the new leader of the Taliban.

Only in the head of those who support baby killing like you make the comparison of Huckabee as a terrorist who raped little girls and decapitates innocent people.

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GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.

What's worse... living with the fact that you killed your own child?
Or going through 9 months of pregnancy and putting him/her up for adoption?

This is a 10 year old child who was raped.
I can not understand forcing a 10 year old to have a child.
How in your foggy head is it anybody's fault but the ABUSERS' that she is pregnant? You want to heap more injury, pain and death upon a traumatized girl to spare you the discomfort of facing the reality of the situation....and to protect the abuser. Yet you think more abuse and degradation is preferable to just waiting the pregnancy out. You are a rare twisted soul. Thank god you baby killing zealots are a tiny, extremist minority.

You are the one wanting to add pain, fear, possible death and a possible loss of her ability to ever be a mother when she is ready - she did not CHOOSE to become pregnant - God you are a child hating idiot.
Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?

The point is that under the current law the girl couldn't get an abortion, so their arguments are moot
They're arguing that illegal abortion is less risky for a pregnant ten year old than ccare provided by real doctors. They argue for killing women and girls instead of providing them with care, support, and legal protection.

No one is arguing for an ILLEGAL abortion - what part of that do you fail to get through your head? The reason it went to court was to try to get a LEGAL abortion. Please, try to at least stick to rational claims in your rant.
the wackos aren't pro life... they're pro birth.

and then they think the moms should be screwed and starved and their kids live in poverty. that way the harlots are punished.

cause that's how they roll.

Lying troll.

You would vote to cut that baby's SNAP benefits in a heartbeat.

And you know this how? What a f..king disingenuous argument. And look how many agreed or liked your lying piece of tripe. Points towards the degeneration we are seeing in the country. Points towards the degeneration of honest civil debate.

What we know for a fact is you hate unborn babies.

On second thought I know why you said such a BS thing, it is because that is what YOU are doing. YOU are more then happy to thin the weeds to reduce those children that are dependent on YOU the tax payer. Mass killing to stop SNAP payments. No wonder you sounded so degenerate. Damn you be projecting big time.

Because you bitch about food stamps all the time. You also bitch about imaginary SNAP fraud.

What are you talking about? How many programs do we need to feed the poor and to help the poor do you think we need?

I guess the truth rubbed you the wrong way tonight.

The is just pure BS. I have never ever once complained about welfare or food stamps. You are completely on your ass as are most liberals who know so much that isn't so.

But I will once again dare you to show me one post where I mentioned SNAP or welfare. Should be easy if what you are bleating is true. It won't be easy unless you somehow makes something up.

What I might have said something about is the effects of welfare.

I already provided a quote of you bitching about feeding the poor, Doofus. If you could vote away SNAP, taking food out of hungry mouths of children/babies, I have no doubt you would.
You have to wonder about a group of men who want to see ten year olds illegally aborted and denied first rate medical care.

Who's denying a 10 yr old first rate medical care? Or are you making shit up again?

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