Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?

The point is that under the current law the girl couldn't get an abortion, so their arguments are moot
They're arguing that illegal abortion is less risky for a pregnant ten year old than ccare provided by real doctors. They argue for killing women and girls instead of providing them with care, support, and legal protection.

No one is arguing for an ILLEGAL abortion - what part of that do you fail to get through your head? The reason it went to court was to try to get a LEGAL abortion. Please, try to at least stick to rational claims in your rant.
You loons are arguing for an abortion for a little girl in a country where it's illegal.

You have to wonder about a group of men who want to see ten year olds illegally aborted and denied first rate medical care.

Who's denying a 10 yr old first rate medical care? Or are you making shit up again?
An abortion isn't "medical care". It's abortion, unless there's a medical reason for it to take place which ALMOST NEVER HAPPENS.

Do really believe that REPUBLICAN WOMEN in this country would let their 10 year old daughters give birth to a baby that could well kill her. Do you really BELIEVE that REPUBLICAN men in this country would support their10 year old daughters giving birth?


You pull out the stats of all the 10 year old girls that have been killed by childbirth. I'll wait.

Why? One is too many.
Coyote's preferred method:

"A former abortion clinic security guard testified before the Massachusetts legislature that women were routinely threatened and abused by the boyfriends or husbands who took them to the clinics to make sure they underwent their scheduled abortions.7 Many women are also pressured by clinic staff financially rewarded for selling abortions.8
Forced Choice ... Threats Can Escalate to Violence or Murder - the Leading Killer of Pregnant Women
The pressure can escalate. Many pregnant women have been killed by partners trying to prevent the birth, and being pregnant places women at higher risk of being attacked.9 Murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women.10 92% of women surveyed list domestic violence and assault as the women's issue that is of highest concern to them.11
Pro-Choice Advocates Are Rightfully Concerned About Coerced Abortions

While citing a different statistic, noted pro-choice ethicist Daniel Callahan, director of the Hastings Center, has acknowledged the same basic problem: That men have long coerced women into unwanted abortion when it suits their purposes is well-known but rarely mentioned. Data reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute indicate that some 30 percent of women have an abortion because someone else, not the woman, wants it."

Forced Abortions In America - Defending Reproductive Justice - Political Research Associates
" Women are suffering from avoidable physical and psychological complications that may have been prevented or minimized if the proper pre-abortion screening standards had been met.
¨ Without adequate screening for coercion and other risk factors it is impossible for abortion providers to give their patients an informed medical recommendation which will best address a patient's individual needs and risks."

About the Stop Forced Abortions Alliance
Women in the US are not being properly screened for risk factors (this is what happens when there is no oversight, and the butchers get a lot of money for harvest):

"....women seeking abortions are seldom being evaluated

for risk factors that reliably predict higher rates of negative physical and
psychological complications. Inadequate screening is a matter of negligence
in two regards. First, the failure to screen for known risk factors means that
the physician has neglected to develop an informed medical
recommendation based on the individual woman’s unique risk factors and
circumstances. Since the medical counsel the physician gives the woman
does not include information about known risk factors, it is not properly
grounded on medical evidence."

But the baby killers maintain that we should force abused children into abortion clinics anyway, in the event they get knocked up by the relatives who bring them in....
You loons are arguing for an abortion for a little girl in a country where it's illegal.

And loons like you are arguing to outlaw abortion in a country where it's legal.

An 11 year old child that was raped is forced to give birth and you're praising Huckabee for wanting to insitute the same practice in the US. You people are really sick.

In Paraguay, 23 out of 100 deaths of young women are the result of illegal abortions.

Is there a better argument for legalizing abortion?
And 30% of their total population have absolutely no access to healthcare at all public or private.

I'm sure they die of a lot of health issues in that country.

Anymore straw men you want to build?
In Paraguay, 23 out of 100 deaths of young women are the result of illegal abortions.

Is there a better argument for legalizing abortion?
And 30% of their total population have absolutely no access to healthcare at all public or private.

I'm sure they die of a lot of health issues in that country.

Anymore straw men you want to build?

A child mortality rate of 29.5 is a good reason to enable abortion law. Why save them from abortion to die from improper health care.
In Paraguay, 23 out of 100 deaths of young women are the result of illegal abortions.

Is there a better argument for legalizing abortion?
And 30% of their total population have absolutely no access to healthcare at all public or private.

I'm sure they die of a lot of health issues in that country.

Anymore straw men you want to build?

A child mortality rate of 29.5 is a good reason to enable abortion law. Why save them from abortion to die from improper health care.
To ensure their race doesn't die out? Ask their government.
You loons are arguing for an abortion for a little girl in a country where it's illegal.

And loons like you are arguing to outlaw abortion in a country where it's legal.

An 11 year old child that was raped is forced to give birth and you're praising Huckabee for wanting to insitute the same practice in the US. You people are really sick.


Amen! That is exactly the thrust of this thread.
Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?

The point is that under the current law the girl couldn't get an abortion, so their arguments are moot
They're arguing that illegal abortion is less risky for a pregnant ten year old than ccare provided by real doctors. They argue for killing women and girls instead of providing them with care, support, and legal protection.

No one is arguing for an ILLEGAL abortion - what part of that do you fail to get through your head? The reason it went to court was to try to get a LEGAL abortion. Please, try to at least stick to rational claims in your rant.
You loons are arguing for an abortion for a little girl in a country where it's illegal.
And using little blue eyed blond girls to illustrate the straw man. Apparently they are more sympathetic then impoverished brown children?

Is that what you think?
You have to wonder about a group of men who want to see ten year olds illegally aborted and denied first rate medical care.

Who's denying a 10 yr old first rate medical care? Or are you making shit up again?
An abortion isn't "medical care". It's abortion, unless there's a medical reason for it to take place which ALMOST NEVER HAPPENS.

Do really believe that REPUBLICAN WOMEN in this country would let their 10 year old daughters give birth to a baby that could well kill her. Do you really BELIEVE that REPUBLICAN men in this country would support their10 year old daughters giving birth?


You pull out the stats of all the 10 year old girls that have been killed by childbirth. I'll wait.

I want you and Mike Huckabee and all his followers to head to Paraguay. Who knows maybe you can find a 5 to 8 year old little girl that can give birth. This would really light up the candles on your NO exception stance.

Then you can throw her in a rape and incest factory, and she would be able to give you babies well into her 40's. Wouldn't that be great!

My daughter is a Nurse Practitioner, that works with pregnant women and in pediatrics--(you know where most 10 years old's still go.) 10 year old girls are at extreme high risk, even 12 years are.

But I imagine a 12 year old girl is too OLD for you.

Really to support this one--you would have to be a Pedifile or crazzier than shit.
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You have to wonder about a group of men who want to see ten year olds illegally aborted and denied first rate medical care.

Who's denying a 10 yr old first rate medical care? Or are you making shit up again?
An abortion isn't "medical care". It's abortion, unless there's a medical reason for it to take place which ALMOST NEVER HAPPENS.

So now you are going to start inventing your own definitions?

There is a damn good medical reason for having an abortion on a 10 yr old child.
Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?

The point is that under the current law the girl couldn't get an abortion, so their arguments are moot
They're arguing that illegal abortion is less risky for a pregnant ten year old than ccare provided by real doctors. They argue for killing women and girls instead of providing them with care, support, and legal protection.

No one is arguing for an ILLEGAL abortion - what part of that do you fail to get through your head? The reason it went to court was to try to get a LEGAL abortion. Please, try to at least stick to rational claims in your rant.
You loons are arguing for an abortion for a little girl in a country where it's illegal.

You don't read to well do you? If the court had allowed the abortion it would have been a LEGAL one.
Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?

The point is that under the current law the girl couldn't get an abortion, so their arguments are moot
They're arguing that illegal abortion is less risky for a pregnant ten year old than ccare provided by real doctors. They argue for killing women and girls instead of providing them with care, support, and legal protection.

No one is arguing for an ILLEGAL abortion - what part of that do you fail to get through your head? The reason it went to court was to try to get a LEGAL abortion. Please, try to at least stick to rational claims in your rant.

Is abortion legal in Paraguay?

Nope. So yes, you are arguing for illegal abortion.
You have to wonder about a group of men who want to see ten year olds illegally aborted and denied first rate medical care.

Who's denying a 10 yr old first rate medical care? Or are you making shit up again?
An abortion isn't "medical care". It's abortion, unless there's a medical reason for it to take place which ALMOST NEVER HAPPENS.

So now you are going to start inventing your own definitions?

There is a damn good medical reason for having an abortion on a 10 yr old child.
There's better medical reasons for not aborting a 10 year old child. She's more likely to die of an abortion than a supervised birth.
"Teenage abortion patients are up to twice as likely to experience cervical lacerations during abortion compared to older women.(24) This increased risk is thought to be due to the fact that teens have smaller cervixes which are more difficult to dilate or grasp with instruments.
"Teens are also at higher risk for post-abortion infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and endometritis (inflamation of the uterus), which may be caused either by the spread of an unrecognized sexually transmitted disease into the uterus during the abortion, or by micro-organisms on the surgical instruments which are inserted into the uterus.(25) Researchers believe that teens may be more susceptible to infections because their bodies are not yet fully developed and do not produce pathogens that are found in the cervical mucus of older women and which can protect them from infection.(26)"
The younger, the greater the risk. Go figure.

Detrimental Effects of Adolescent Abortion After Abortion

It's just as wrong for someone to force a woman to have an abortion against her will as it is to force a woman to carry a pregnancy against her will. What's your point? If forcing a child to have an abortion is abuse then so is forcing her to carry the pregnancy.

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